Content marketing in Nigeria: Embrace the key trends that will make your content thrilling on Nigeria blog

content marketing in Nigeria

Content marketing in Nigeria  is holistic concept that involves the sharing of creation and the sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospective customers into customers, as well as existing customers into repeat buyers.

The type of content you create and share should be interesting and relevant in such a way that is captures the overview of your business. In other words your content is closely related to what you sell, or what you are educating people about.

[bctt tweet=”The type of content you create and share should be interesting and relevant in such a way that is captures the overview of your business. In other words your content is closely related to what you sell, or what you are educating people about.” username=”vibewebsolution”]

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The essence is let your readers or customer know that you are good in that particular field. By implication, they will begin to know you know, and trust you enough to do business with you.

content marketing in Nigeria

As the whole is gradually turning to a digital village your business cannot escape the emerging trends in content marketing, as far as you want your business to make good and better online presence.

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Even if you are practicing an offline business and suddenly gets interested in marketing your business online, you can’t escape hearing about content marketing. It is just everywhere. Content marketing is everywhere you look, or listen.

In most cases than not, I have always advocated content as the best way to achieve what advertising is supposed to achieve. But there is always this slight challenge of skepticism amongst readers or potential customers.

content marketing in Nigeria

What I am saying us that content marketing doesn’t do so well online to get people to know, like, or even trust your brand. You hear that it’s content that people desire and seek out, and it’s great content that Google wants to rank well in the search results so those people can find your business.

The truth remains that, you can overcome that skepticism if you really follow the content marketing trends that I will discuss in this write up. Just read through.

However, it might interest you to know that content marketing is getting, bigger, as it goes bigger, it becomes more complex and sophisticated. Content creation and publication is at an all-time high, and the usual traditional marketing budgets are being reallocated to content marketing efforts.

But content marketing is seriously making headways. According to research conducted by Altimeter, a technological company, it says only 26% of marketers are investing in content distribution, and even though more than half believe they need to. Be it as it may, content marketing has its huddles too.

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Sometime ago, I stressed that some business have been briefed that the creation of content creation and publication were two of the very many brains behind the success of content marketing strategy.

But today that is not the issue; content marketing still significantly lags behind in terms of distribution of that content. But do not be worried about that, all you need to do is to take the correction. In line with that, the strategic distribution of your content is what would really give you an edge over your competitors; just know the key persons you share your content with.

Optimizing for search and mobile, building relationships with branded publications, and reaching out to influencers in your field are just a few ways to make sure your content reaches your target market.

This is what content marketing should look like

content marketing in Nigeria

The second quarter of the year has begun and content marketing is not expected to be a catch-all phrase used interchangeably with marketing collateral rather should be of invaluable to any organisation. Virtually 60 percent of businesses are already using some form of content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy.

Like I said, content marketing is no longer use to be what it was known for, there is a change and you are suppose to adapt to that change. If you continue to haphazardly treat content marketing as less important then, you are definitely losing out.

Your content marketing strategy becomes less effective if there are no solid plans on ground to be able to do that. You should be able to recruit or higher content developers that will be able to carry out content marketing assignments instead of being left in the hands of inexperienced persons in your organisation.

Also, I do not need to over emphasise the enormous transformation we have seen in the smartphone industry, virtually everybody owns a smartphone. Its sales and demands are already surpassing PCs and desktop. However, creating content that is mobile friendly formatted will really go a very long way.

It will speed up more actionable to blog posts, and considering which devices your audience will be using to access your content. We have already started seeing the manifestation of the prediction that mobile will overtake desktop usage within the next 2 years. To put simply, incorporating mobile into a solid content marketing strategy is no longer an option, it is now a need.

Conclusively, the content marketing space is competitive and has recorded exponential increase over time. But the future will be about piecing together solutions for time-starved individuals and helping them consume and apply the insights. What am I saying? The creation of content will need to be very interesting so as to engage the readers.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

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