Email marketing in Nigeria: Start getting email marketing strategy right

email marketing in Nigeria

Apparently, there are different types of email marketing strategies any business can adopt to reach out to many subscribers in Nigeria.

If you don’t know how to use these different email marketing strategies, you can’t expect good results. And if you only know how to use one out of the very many strategies your end results would not be as good as they could.

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email marketing in Nigeria

You may emphasize some more email marketing strategies than others, but you shouldn’t just get stocked with one strategy, that is not good enough for your business.

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As the business terrain gets sophisticated and complex, not all email is created equal. The email you send to prospective customers or existing customers has the momentum of bringing positive or negative returns.

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So you should be very careful. In other words, some customers and prospects are very cautious; they have learned to filter out noise from the series of emails you send to them. In order to get your email marketing strategy right, your email needs to be more trusted, more relevant, and more conversational.

[bctt tweet=”In order to get your email marketing strategy right, your email needs to be more trusted, more relevant, and more conversational.” username=”vibewebsolution”]

Ironically, a lot of people don’t seem to get the promised results. Instead, their subscribers continue to constantly demand for more free content. Sometimes, they even bully you with unsavory utterances or reply you with critical comments when they do not get what they expect.

They will even go to the extent of unsubscribing in hoards the moment they see a link to a sales page. This is really funny. They are always indifferent when it comes to subscribing to sales and other services.

email marketing in Nigeria

Interestingly, one of the good testimonies about the email marketing is that it works for every business. It doesn’t matter if your business is big or small, industrialized or unindustrialized.

The email marketing virtually works for every business; it therefore behooves you to start yours today. There is no time to waste.Once you get the strategy right, it will work perfectly well for you and you start seeing results.

Why email marketing strategy?

email marketing in Nigeria


The truth of the matter if you are getting your email marketing strategy very well, projects you in a good marketing limelight which will definitely lead you to actionable insight. Hence, the benefit of good email marketing strategy is detailed statistics about your campaign.

With the email marketing strategy you are able to get exponentially more facts and figures regarding the failure and success of your email marketing campaign.

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Advantageously, you cannot compare the email marketing strategy of today than the older day traditional marketing strategy. With the current email marketing strategy today, conversions from emails are clearly defined and very much easier to repeat.

You can easily find out and see how long recipients spend their time reading your emails, as well as the devices they use to access them.

email marketing in Nigeria

In email marketing defining and segmenting business contacts and deciding which emails to send takes a more focused and scientific look at the targeted demographics. This type of detailed analysis benefits the rest of a small business’s marketing mix.

I have always advocated for email marketing strategy for every business, this is because you very much sure of monitoring analytics that will definitely provide incredibly valuable for your business, hence an actionable insight into what’s working and what isn’t with your campaign.

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Some tips on email marketing strategy

email marketing in Nigeria


The fact that email marketing continues to play a prominent role in small business marketing is not something that is unprecedented, it has always worked for most organisations that consulted me. Email marketing has always continued to provide the prompt returns and insights that even small businesses need to thrive.

Click here to learn how to implement our ultimate Step-By-Step Plan For Growing an Email List of Ready to Buy Customers and Converting them to Paying Customers.

However, aside from the fact that email marketing is cost effective, email marketing doesn’t take such a steep learning curve as many other tactics. You will definitely get great results if you effectively apply the strategy right, it doesn’t matter if you are an expert or not.

What matters here is the implementation of the strategy that am about to take you through. The execution of email marketing strategy will improve your end results. Even if you make some mistakes, it doesn’t mean you are a failure.

email marketing in Nigeria

-Consider smartphone users: Today, most of the emails that are being accessed are done via the smartphone. Using a mobile-responsive email template could very advantageous. It should always be channeled towards optimal viewing experience. If they can’t quickly and easily read your email, chances are they won’t read it at all.

-Fragment your database: The creation of separate lists and campaigns for groups of contacts based on their interests, lead/customer status and history will definitely give room for hyper-relevant information which recipients are more likely to engage with.

email marketing in Nigeria

-Slit test and Personalize: Try as much as possible to personalize and split test elements like the subject line, email design. Adopt a very unique personalization in your emails to make them feel more personal to your subscribers. Usually, personalized emails have had higher open rates and click-through rates

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– Add value to your content: Informational and helpful contents will always add value for your readers. Just note that there is more to email marketing than sending discounts and promotions. Too many customers or prospective could easily opt out if you always emphasise on promotions and other self-service. There should be a balance.

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