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It is a natural phenomenon for man to ‘want to be heard’, ‘make my opinion count” or pass the message across just as it is in his heart and give obvious reasons why one should buy his idea.

At some point, it was a do or die affair i.e. using the dictatorial approach but in recent times words have come to be the way forward not just mere words but the ability to induce, entice, or cajole in a democratic setting.

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And till date this way forward is PERSUASION. But interestingly, not all is gifted or skilled with this persuasive ability. In this article, the easiest ways to have a good persuasive write-up after some research and experience is what I’ll share.

PERSUASION Digital Marketing Skill Institute

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

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What We Were Taught

“Discuss the themes in the Native Son by Richard Wright” was a question posed to us by one of my lecturers back in the university and in attempting to answer his question, you must start by listing the themes in the novel, but then for another lecturer; “Frailty thy Name is Woman, discuss”, you dare not beat around the bush.

He expects you to go straight to the nitty-gritty of the ‘gist’ but that is not to be the case in Persuasive Email Marketing Content. Who knows, that could have been the reason for little or no feedback at all. But for persuasion, you require a different structure.

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The 4 Ps of Persuasion

In my years of experience, I discovered Persuasive writing is structured more like a joke in the sense that it builds to a climax and then evokes a response. This doesn’t give greater importance to either the beginning or the end of a write-up as capturing the reader’s attention is of utmost importance to get a response.

  1. Promise

As writers, we are often saddled with the responsibility of getting our readers into the ‘right mood’. For example; excitement, curiosity, motivation, happy, angry, sad, fearful, and the list is endless. That being good for poetry, for persuasive writing, it’s usually a waste of time.

To get the attention of the reader, you need to know what the reader wants and promise it to them. But then, how do you know what readers want?

[bctt tweet=”To get the attention of the reader, you need to know what the reader wants and promise it to them. But then, how do you know what readers want?” username=”vibewebsolution”]

This comes down to knowing your target audience. With this, you have to be very clear about the kind of reader you’re trying to reach and research your market to find out what interests them.

Then make your promise. A particular write-up cannot suit everybody. Aesop, in Aesop Fables said “in trying to please all, he had pleased none”. This goes to show that men have varying needs at different times. But then, when you make these promises endeavour they are promises you can fulfil.


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  1. Picture

The idea behind the picture is simply the ability to choose your words carefully to be able to create a mental image in the minds of the reader. Your choice of words should be ‘pictureable’.

You should try to cut down on concept words and by concept words I mean words like: “outstanding”, as in outstanding performance.

Really what mental image can you create with the word outstanding? Do not forget that the word outstanding is relative to every reader. It would be best to describe specific details or give examples of your outstanding services our performances.

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Click here to learn how to implement our ultimate Step-By-Step Plan For Growing an Email List of Ready to Buy Customers and Converting them to Paying Customers.

The more specific your description, the easier it is for the reader to picture it.

  1. Proof

In this 3rd ‘p’ you should present your statements as facts and then it is expected that you backup these facts or claims with proofs.

This is so because you have different types of people as your reader audience. You have those who will take everything hook, line and sinker while you have those who would just want to verify to make sure what they are reading is right and then those who’d just argue against whatever they here.

Proof here simply says…” suspend whatever judgment you might have and let me prove the truth in my claims.”

In proving your claim, your audience is a determinant factor. Science based fact may demand independent studies and hard data from “experts.”

Proof vibewebsolution

For many others, testimonies are a better form of persuasion. Description or explanation as the case may be of how a thing works may help in proving that it, in fact, does work.

Examples in the form of videos, photos, testimonies from ‘people’ or ‘clients’ would be effective. Like it’s often said, decisions most times are emotion based but then you still have to give proofs.

  1. Push

Predetermine the next step your reader should take, and be specific about it. Never give room for him to have a second thought. Emotions are simply feelings and they are always on motion. A little hesitation takes the enthusiasm away and thus could lead to confusion and this alone is negativity in motion.

In other to completely win your reader over and convert from just a reader to a client you need to provide a platform for conversation. You can’t effectively communicate without a second party.

Whilst asking for sale, you should have a “purchase now” button for those that are ready to buy and then a text for those that are not ready or not sure.


You could make the text a link to the company’s fact sheet, an invitation to call for more information, etc. This gives you one more chance to be able to persuade your reader in totality

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Persuasive copywriting is simply the use of words, sentences and paragraphs. When you are able to figure out the reader’s interest then you’d know what tracks to build and follow and at this point it becomes almost effortless. Not forgetting that one sure way of persuasion is result. Solve a problem and you won’t need to talk too much.


There is always something more when it comes to persuasive content because it is an art and science of its own. Also, don’t forget that one sure way of persuasion is result. Solve a problem, and you won’t have need for too many proofs. And lastly, but also importantly, get a great list of your selling points and a great offer and you’d be able to close the deal.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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