Get A Free Website Audit and Analysis Report In Seconds

Struggling to get more visitors to your site than your competition? Find out why in this FREE report (and compare with competitor website)! Enter the URL of any landing page or blog article and see how optimized it is for one keyword or phrase..

Discover why your competitors rank so high and how you can outrank them. Type in your website and add your competitor’s domain below and we’ll show you how to beat them using our SEO Analyzer.

SEO Analysis and Score

Wondering what you need to do to increase your search traffic, then you want to use our Free Website SEO audit tool to generate an SEO analysis report. The report will point out all of the errors on your website and what needs to be fixed in order to increase your ranking and website traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and so on.

Competition SEO Report

Imagine being able to reverse engineer your competitors’ SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing strategy.

This FREE SEO Audit and Reporting Tool allows you to get insight into the strategies that are working for others in your market so you can adopt them, what they are doing wrong so you can fix or improve them, and gain an edge.

Tired of seeing your competitor rank on top of you? then all you have to do is follow the website analysis report.

Website Speed Report

You waste money when your website speed is slow because a lot of people will bounce away from your website even before the website loads fully which affects your leads or sales conversions, results to poor site visitor experience and how high your site can rank in search engines.. If you want to rank well you have to perform a thorough website analysis and not just look at common SEO factors.

Backlink and Page Links Analysis

You can not perform a website analysis without analyzing the backlinks, outbound links and inbound links.

This way you’ll see the number of backlinks, inbounds, and outbound links you have compared to your competitor, so you know what to improve and work on.

SEO Audit Report and Recommended Task

Using our FREE SEO website audit tool, we doesn’t just point out errors, but we give you a comprehensive list of step by step instructions on how you can fix each of them.

Get a complete list of errors that are hindering your site from achieving the top spot on Google and other search engines. This SEO audit prioritizes each fix based on potential traffic impact and ease of implementation.

This way you’ll see what’s working and what needs to be improved upon.Once you make changes, you can re-run the report and check to see if you did it correctly.

Mobile Analysis Report

Test how easily a visitor can use your page on a mobile device.

Most people use the internet through their mobile devices and the number is increasing everyday. Designing your websites to be mobile friendly ensures that your pages perform well on all devices and ultimate ranks on Google and other search engine.

Discover what you need to fix on your website to make it more mobile friendly and improve your ranking drastically.

Code Analysis Report

Your website code can harm your website ranking. A poorly coded website that result to being blacklisted by Google and this means your website will not show up on Google when people make a search.

Understanding the code errors on your website and fixing them will improve your ranking and website speed tremendously. This FREE Website SEO audit and report tool will give you a list of code errors and what to do to fix it.

How we are saving over $4,000 monthly by ranking high on Google while skyrocketing our sales without spending money on ads.

As you can see from the screenshots below, we know our stuff. This is what we do better than anybody else in the digital marketing industry — rapidly boost traffic, convert traffic to sales and grow businesses using digital marketing tactics.

The good thing about you being on this page now is that we have done the hard work and made all the mistakes (wasted a lot money and time) and you will get the best strategies to drive real results.

Website SEO Audit

Who wouldn’t want more traffic that converts? And if you think that’s amazing, check out how much money we are saving (we are saving over $4,000 that we would have paid to rank on Google).

Our customers find us when they are looking for us and we do not have to spend a dime on advertising. According to SEMRUSH the traffic would have cost us $4,100 (see screenshot below).

Website SEO Audit

Here’s the brutal truth about SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

There are WAY too many people in digital marketing today that think “great content” is enough.

They say, “if I publish great content, Google will rank me”.

If only it were that easy…

If you’re serious about ranking high on Google and generating targeted traffic of people looking for your products and services to your website without spending money on ads.

Then it is very important that you run your website audit and follow the instruction and checklist in the report, so you can rank on page #1 for your target keywords. However, it is not profitable to just rank and not have a well structured digital marketing strategy and execution.

You can rank on search engines like Google, Bing and so on but still not make sales or money because search engine ranking is just one part of the puzzle of skyrocketing your sales and making money online.

You need website conversion optimisation, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing and many more to effectively get amazing results that makes you a lot of sales and money online profitably.

Luckily, we have the most comprehensive and practical Digital Marketing Course out there. World-class digital marketing training, designed to teach you exactly what you need to know to boost your sales and make money online as quickly as possible.

Click here to learn more about our Digital Marketing Course here

This audit is a small sample of the improvements you can make on your site however, when you attend our course, you will learn all that you need to get effective results. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us using the contact information below.

You may be wondering why it is so important for you to perform your Website SEO Audit and join our Digital Marketing Course.

It all has to do with the way consumers make buying decisions.

They have to go through this stages:

  1. Aware: Customer becomes aware of their needs or problems.
  2. Search: Customer searches for potential solutions to fulfill their needs.
  3. Evaluate: Customer evaluates the different options to fulfill their needs.
  4. Decide: Customer decides on a solution.
  5. Evangelize: Customer becomes an active user of the product or service

Unfortunately, when you spend money advertising you are letting the potential customer become aware (stage 1).

You probably don't want to hear this but you need to.

Here's the hard truth: after you make them aware of your business and it solutions, they go and search on Google and other search engine (stage 2) however,  they do not search for your business name on Google.

For example: we have a lot of competition advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Google but then they make people aware of Digital Marketing Training and it benefits. This people then go to Google to search for words like "Digital Marketing Course" or "Digital Marketing Training" or "Digital Marketing Course in Lagos" or "Digital Marketing Training in Lagos" or "Digital Marketing Lagos"

Guess what! We are right on top on Google.

Website SEO Audit


Here's very important fact #1: the first position on Google gets on average 33% of the clicks. #2 position? 17%.

And it's just keeps dropping from there.

In fact, the entire first page of Google gets 92% of all the clicks.

Here's very important fact #2: 85% of Google users never go beyond the first page.

So, if your website is not on the first page, you might as well not even exist to new customers searching for you on Google.

OK, here is why just ranking on Google is not profitable but you need to take the first step of ranking. 

Once the potential customer become aware and he goes to search then he/she starts to evaluate all the companies on the search results (stage 3).

Here is another unfortunate situation, the potential customer is mostly getting to know your business for the first time and so he needs to trust you before he can do business with you.

We are sure you would not do business with anyone you do not trust.

But the Good News, is that if he finds all the answers he needs to trust you then he will buy from you.

This is why SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is just one piece in the puzzle, for you to move pass stage one you need content marketing, lead generation, email marketing and so on. Our digital marketing course covers everything you need - click here to check it out. 

If you successful, give the potential customers what he is look for to evaluate you then he/she will decide to buy from you (stage 4).

You need to know this, just because someone had a good experience with your product or service does not mean they will evangelize your business (stage 5). You need to engage them with viral marketing and retention techniques.

So the good thing is that if you get this right then you will achieve profitable, predictable and consistent customer and profit growth.

You will actually make a profit because you won't be spending your money to advertise, this is actually the best thing that can happen to any business.

There is a Repeatable and Scalable Formula

And you will learn exactly how to implement this repeatable and scalable formula in our digital marketing course (click here to check it out).

But really the formula is no secret but implementing it is the hard part and that is why we will teach practically in our physical classroom and give you 1 year support to ensure you succeed.

OK, here is the formula.

Highly intent-based search keywords + #1 ranking on the first page on Google with high CTR + High Converting Website + Viral Marketing and Retention Strategy = Lot of Sales & Money.

[bctt tweet="Scalable and Repeatable SEO Ranking Formula - Highly intent-based search keywords + #1 ranking on the first page on Google with high CTR + High Converting Website + Viral Marketing and Retention Strategy = Lot of Sales & Money." username="dmsinstitute"]

What we love about SEO is that it's measurable.

We can tell you quite reliably how much more money you'll make each month.

Let's do the maths:

  • #1 ranking for keyword: Online Business in Nigeria
  • Average Monthly search: 20,000 people search for that keyword in a month
  • Estimated Mothly Click Through Rate (CTR): 33%
  • Search Traffic:  20,000 x 33% = 6,600 website visitors from search.
  • Sales Conversion: 1% of the website visitor converted.
  • Number of Sales: 6,600 x 1% = 66 paying customers.
  • Product or Service Cost: ₦180,000 ($500)
  • Total Revenue:  ₦180,000 ($500) x 66 = ₦11,880,000 ($33,000)

Making ₦11,880,000 ($33,000) just for ranking on Google for the right keyword and implement our repeatable and scalable formula. It is even easy to scale, if you want to make more money then all you need to do is rank for more highly searched keyword and increase your sales conversion.

That's a lot of extra money per month without spending money advertising.

The unfortunate thing about spending money to advertise is that you might not even make any sales or money after spending so much money and time on advertising. The people you are showing your advert, go on Google to search after they see your advert.

Just imagine how much money and time you are losing every month because you are not ranking on Google and how much money you should be making for your business.

Click here to learn more and apply for our digital marketing course today

The Way We See It, You Have 3 Options:

Option #1: You Can Figure It All Out on Your Own

This is the “strategy” that most people take… and it hurts them.

Sure, you can try to put the pieces together from blog posts, forums and YouTube videos. But that would take YEARS. (If you’re lucky enough to turn the information out there into a step-by-step system at all).

After all, it took us over four years of tireless experimentation before we had a step-by-step plan in place.

As I’m sure you’ve seen firsthand, the SEO and Digital Marketing information you come across online is often conflicting, confusing (and more often than not), flat out wrong.

All this conflicting information makes it almost impossible to turn the content you read into a step-by-step blueprint.

But here’s the thing: we have already done all the hard work for you. We have done countless experiments over the last four years. Lost a lot of money in the process.

We have gone through the struggle of “putting the pieces together”.

As you can see from the screenshots, we know our stuff. This is what we do better than anybody else in the digital marketing industry — rapidly boost traffic, convert traffic to sales and grow businesses using digital marketing tactics.

Even in the most competitive industries we are still able to crush it and find a unique advantage, and we’ve done the same for tons of companies.

Sure, we are competing with global brands and we do compete in the most competitive niche there is… marketing.

Just think about it…we are competing with companies like us and with bigger budgets than us. Yet still, we are winning and outperforming them all.

We have packaged our predictable, repeatable and scalable formula and system into a proven, step by step digital marketing that anyone can follow.

Option #2: Hire an Agency

This option is like walking through a minefield.

Sure, you may end up without a scratch…

…but more often than not, you’re going to get blown up.

We can’t tell you how many people we know that got burned by shady Digital Marketing agencies.

And even if you find a reputable one, you’re looking at spending a lot of money monthly on retainer.

For example to hire us would cost you over ₦2,520,000 ($7000) per month with a minimum engagement of 6 months.

Plus, we have consulted for a lot of companies in at least 5 countries, And I can tell you firsthand that there’s nothing special going on in those offices.

Now it’s time for option #3…

Option #3: Follow a Proven, Step-By-Step Blueprint.

You came to this page because you’re serious about your business growth…

…and you know that to grow your online business, you need more targeted traffic and high conversion.

That’s why we developed our digital marketing course to cuts out the noise, fluff and conflicting advice…

…and shows you EXACTLY how to implement our predictable, repeatable and scalable formula to get more traffic, leads and customers.

"But Will This Work for You?"

With over 115,384 people trained and coached to succeed in the last 5 years, we are confident that you will succeed in any of the following:

✔️ Grow your business sales and revenue faster.

✔️ Get a well-paid job in the digital marketing field.

✔️ Start and grow your digital marketing agency or a freelance business.

✔️ Make more money in dollars as an affiliate marketer.

✔️ Start a profitable online or eCommerce business.

We guarantee that if you implement what we teach you and use the resources and support we provide you consistently for 3 months immediately after the course, you will get results or we will give you a full refund with an additional $100 from our own money, just to say "sorry for wasting your time").

The best part is that you will learn Digital Marketing hands-on by implementing practical real-world live digital marketing campaigns yourself and start seeing real results even before you finish the course.

Click here to learn more and apply for our digital marketing course today