How to turn website traffic into sales lead

How to turn traffic into sales lead

Now that you have a website for your business, a lot of business owners don’t know how do you turn traffic into sales lead. Perhaps you’ve developed a landing page and you’ve started running an advert campaign for the business.

In this blog post I would be discussing how to turn your website visitors into sales lead.

How your website looks and feel is going to determine how people make decisions on your website. The goal of your landing page or website might be one of the following:

  1. To give you a call
  2. To sign up
  3. To fill a form
  4. To buy

Whatever you are trying to achieve, If you do not cover some basics, you might be losing a lot of potential customers. Some of the basics include:

  • Make sure your website is loading faster.
  • Your landing page or website is well optimized.
  • You have tested your website search engine ranking and performance with some great tools (like Pingdom, Woorank).

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How to turn traffic into sales lead

The advantage of doing business online is that you can easily measure and quantify what is going on with your adverts, actions taken on your landing page or website and even people’s buying behavior.

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Ignoring these little but important aspects, many of the business owners fail to get the traffic on their website. The problem with most businesses is that they put all their efforts in making a good website, try every possible aspect for marketing strategies but they failed completely at the end and get nothing.

That being said, there are millions of actions you can take to optimize your website for more quality and better leads and sales

Here are 5 important ways you can turn your traffic into sales lead:

Add your contact details to your home position

Having your contact number on your home page makes it easy for people to directly talk to you. It gives your website a human element. It makes customers trust you and get impressed with your services. That’s a good and positive sign.

How to turn traffic into sales lead

For example, if you visit our home page or any page on our website, you’ll see phone numbers you can call. We get a lot of calls every day. People prefer to call after reading our amazing contents and offers.

They want to know if it’s really true or scam. We have even sealed a lot of profitable business deals that way. Some of them didn’t even opt in into our email sales.

Use SumoMe to get email details

When the visitors visit your website, like your services, immediately they are more willing to submit their details.

Try including an Opt-in form on every page of your website. This would make it easier for you to nurture your website visitors after they leave your website to actual sales.

Most times website visitors always forget about your business the moment they leave your website. They also do not intend to buy from you on the first time of their visit to your website because they are just doing research.

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So the best way is to get your site visitors to opt-in and for you to keep in constant communication with them.

Make your form frequent with less number of fields so that users can easily submit their details within no time. If you are advertising some offers, make sure you have used powerful headlines for describing the offer.

How to turn traffic into sales lead

Your About Us Page

Including an about us page on your website encourages user to trust your services. Add some great stories about yourself. Discuss how and why you started your business. You should also include your great mission statement. This would bring great interest to your visitors and also inspire them.

If and when people are really engaged with your about us page, you will have the chance to turn traffic into leads. You might also offer your product and services from your about us page.

You’ll be surprised that people get a lot of comments on their about us page than even the blog section. This shows that people want to really know the person behind your website or business.

If you have a look to Neil Patel’s About Page you will see the page has got 1700+ comments that clearly shows that your story inspires others and how easily you can build the trust in the audience.

Quality content matters

Panda (Google’s latest changes to its search algorithm), loves “High quality Pages” and sweeps off “Low Quality” content.

How to turn traffic into sales lead

Your quality content is what would make people stay on your website and also please google at the same time.

By producing quality content, you’re expected to come up with something absolutely unique, valuable and interesting.

Post quality content that show that you are an authority in your field or industry. Get fresh content that would spark interest in your potential customers.

One of the major reason a lot of people decide to do business with us or apply for our training is because of the content. We make sure that we post consistently relevant content that would help businesses in Nigeria.

[bctt tweet=”One of the major reason a lot of people decide to do business with us or apply for our training is because of the content. We make sure that we post consistently relevant content that would help businesses in Nigeria.” username=”vibewebsolution”]

Optimize your content for search engines

Can I give you a big secret? Okay. Here it comes.

It is very important to ensure that the content you’re going to publish is search engine optimized before going live. To please search engines, you should not stuff too many keywords in your content. Also, present your content in a manner that it is readable by crawlers and bots.

Our SEO optimized article has helped us a great deal. We got over 80 percent of customers from google search. Someone searching for something online is different from someone you merely advertise to online. You would convert those people better.

I hope this helps.

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