Online Video Marketing in Nigeria: Online video can improve your digital marketing strategy

Online video marketing in Nigeria-vibewebsolutions

I have always buttressed how viral digital marketing has gone in Nigeria, and the online video concept is one of the confirmations to that. That area is even fast growing exponentially, and to keep with its growth. You just have to adopt the online video as a promotional tool for your business.

Online video marketing in Nigeria

It is no longer a case of questioning the importance and efficacy of adopting the online video in your digital marketing strategy.

Online video is strategy that is capable of achieving digital marketing objectives, if done in the right way. It could be used to achieve the desired result. Virtually all the aspects of the digital marketing such as the social media, content, and mobile marketing have found online video wanting.

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This is because, when you develop your content, you will have to consider the target audience. For instance, some customers or prospective customers might prefer online video as content while some might prefer the opposite.

[bctt tweet=”When it comes to online video viewership, the smartphone has been of profound impact.For instance, the YouTube, A huge percentage of global viewership on YouTube comes from the smartphone” username=”vibewebsolution”].

However, online video as digital marketing strategy has gone viral and fast becoming common place in any news article, webpage or forum.

I said online video as a digital marketing because, it can be used in content marketing, social media marketing and mobile marketing and these are all aspects of digital marketing.

It is good to know that the public have embraced the consumption of video through their smartphones, computers and laptops.

I have discovered overtime that smartphone video viewers are significantly more likely to watch, share, and feel personally connected to ads and branded video content than their counterparts watching on desktop or television

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There have been several reports that justify that a lot of people prefer to watch online video through their smartphones than to watch offline video on their TV set.

This is just to hint you that online video have come to stay for real, and it’s left in the hands of every digital marketer to take the advantage. Findings show that 77% of online users have watched a video with 24% watching at least once a week.

Online video marketing in Nigeria

All video plays happen on mobiles and tablets, and it’s an increasingly important segment, with mobile phones holding a lot share of video consumption.

How to incorporate online video as your digital marketing strategy

Online video is very powerful when it comes to achieving digital marketing results as well as getting results in of getting identified by search engines.

Video gives visitors to your site a new way to experience information. The truth is that any businesses that include video in their websites, blogs and product pages have several advantages over their competitors.

The reason is that the internet age has the gathering of information very flexible. For instance, a 5 minutes video could be equivalent to reading over a 1000 words.

To simply put, it is very more efficient for users to absorb information by watching a brief video than to read a block of text.

Virtually all search engines rank video content very high compared to an ordinary image or photo in your content. Search engine gives recognition and credence to online video than text or image.

Therefore, this requires you carefully titled and meta-tagged your video. It will help rank very high the search engine rankings more than any block of keyword filled text.

Online video marketing in Nigeria
Advisably, there are no two ways about this; all effort is geared towards achieving digital aims and objectives such as to engage customers and increase revenue, as well as sales.

Do not neglect social media and be sure to promote across multiple channels. If you want to fully realise video’s potential, you must make it easy for users to find and share it, including mobile.

Finally, be creative, and be careful the kind of video you use in developing your content. For instance video like conversation between you and your customers creates a more personal interaction between your business and your clients.

Always consider your content and the targeted customer to ensure that the video is relevant to them. If it’s not the most appropriate means of getting your message across, you are probably wasting your time.

Get that bit right and video won’t just be the future of content marketing; it’ll be the future of content marketing for you.

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Video option you can adopt for your digital marketing strategy

Instead of wasting time, you can start now to implement some of the video options which am about to tell you. Interestingly, the web has made provisions several innovative options that you can adopt to make your own video make. The whole idea is to get your digital marketing efforts fruitful.


Online video marketing in Nigeria

A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration. This format allows you to create videos by taking screen shots and adding your voice-overs. Many are using Screencast for tutorials and software demos.


Online video marketing in Nigeria

When you talk about Animoto, it through the aid artificial Intelligence technology is what allows users to turn photos, video clips and music into video slideshows.

This innovative format has brought online video to a new level of simplicity. For instance, you can, edits and motion formats; you just drop in video or still images, select music from your own library.

Bravo Video

Online video marketing in Nigeria

This is s video for testimonial or a testimonial video. Bravo video allows a customer to record, review and send their videos. Then, you can approve and place these user-generated videos on your website, blog or wherever you’d like. The real beauty of Bravo is how convenient it is to capture and optimize testimonial.

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An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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