Social media posts in Nigeria: Who should handle their social media posts in an organisation?

Social media posts in Nigeria: Who should handle their social media posts in an organisation?

Basically, social media marketing in Nigeria is constantly going viral and has become so sophisticated over time, hence the reason handling social media posts in any Nigerian organisation becomes very critical.

In the first place, it is very key to understand that handling the social media aspect of your business requires special skill and high level of professionalism.

It requires being analytical, understanding the brand of the organisation, the customers and prospects.

Therefore, it becomes pertinent for every organisation do a reality check to actually know the one that will best befit the organisation.

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But the question is, who should handle social media posts in your organisation? That’s a very crucial question to answer. The answer is definitely dependent on the size of your organisation.

 Social media posts in Nigeria: Who should handle their social media posts in an organisation?

For smaller organisations, it is advisable to handle social media posts within the organisation.

This is simply because the cost of hiring a third party, a professional writer or a consultant could actually weigh down your business finances. The cost of hiring external body to handle your social media posts is very exorbitant that is why it not advisable at all.

As a small business company, what you can do is to  invest in training your social media marketing team even if they cant handle it at the moment.

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Another reason for not hiring a professional writer or a consultant is that, there are critical and confidential information relating to the company or business that need not to be divulged to a third party.

That is the implication. An insider will be able to understand the brand better than an external body. For a consultant to handle your social media posts, you need explain in detail about your brand and other information.

Another point is that you appoint internally, in doing that ensure that you are realistic in both expectations and in how long it will take. Monitoring social daily takes time and even more time to do it effectively.

For bigger organisations, it is advisable to hire a consultant or a professional writer to handle social media posts.

 This is simply because, social media marketing is very broad and sophisticated. A lot of results could be achieved through social media marketing if proper handled.

There are a few specialized social media marketing agencies that could help you manage and handle your social media platforms.

Some good social media agencies have extensive experience of working with clients across different industries and will be able to use tried and tested techniques that will work for you.

Give them adequate information regarding  your brand, as well as additional insight into who your target audience is and your expectations.

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What a social media consultant can do for you?

 Social media posts in Nigeria: Who should handle their social media posts in an organisation?

 Create social media policy in line with your brand

Promoting your brand on various social media platforms often yields positive results depending on how it is been handles.

Depending on what brand you are promoting or selling, a specialist should be able to let you know which platforms would be or wouldn’t be effective for your business.

[bctt tweet=”Depending on what brand you are promoting or selling, a specialist should be able to let you know which platforms would be or wouldn’t be effective for your business.” username=”vibewebsolution”]

Always updated on latest trends and predicts future trends

A social media consultant knows changing internet trends, and other information within the social media marketing circle.

A consultant is able to predict how to best plan your future marketing strategy, ensuring that your business will always stay caught up with the most recent online platforms.

Helps to integrate content

Integrating your content with your social media strategy is very. This means that any accounts, blog posts, tweets or pictures should be structured in such a way that the user eventually ends up on your website.

All the content on the web that relates to your business should intertwine and lead to your website.

 Social media posts in Nigeria: Who should handle their social media posts in an organisation?Analyse data

In every business using business data for analyses is very important, with available data, a proper analyses is been done. So what the social media consultant does is to use show engaged your audience is.

They would then be in a position to tell you what you’re doing right or wrong and provide the solutions that are necessary for you to grow your presence.

Draft out strategy

A helps you to analyse your business models in such away that result is achieved. After developing strategy plan, as well as give you advice on how to sustain the growth that they will help you achieve.

A social media consultant provides a clear and authentic defined strategic plan on how to build your social media presence.

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