Website Ranking Ultimate Guide: How to Rank a Website Quickly

Website Ranking - How to Rank a Website Quickly

We live in the online era and website ranking is very essential especially because there are over 3 billion searches daily.

You’ve probably heard the expression “if you’re not online, you don’t exist”. This applies not only to people who suffer from FOMO, but it’s very true for companies as well.

If you have a website, you most probably want potential customers to find you easily and with a minimal financial boost from your side. The good news is that it is possible and it’s called organic search. The not so good news is that, although it’s free, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) takes time and effort.

To make your website rank high in organic search results, you have to play by Google’s rules and offer the best experience for your possible customers or users.

We will give you today a quick checklist that will help rank your website quickly.

But first thing first, if you want to learn practically how to rank on Google and other search engine like we do then you want to click here to learn more about our course.

1. Choose the niche of your dreams

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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You’ve probably heard already of this piece of advice: choose a niche.

The reason why lots of experts recommend this is because it’s easier to grow a website and people’s interest when you focus on a specific topic.

Let’s say you are passionate about baking. A very good idea is to start a blog where you share your recipes, tips, and tricks about baking and maybe review some products. In this way, your visitors will know that when they will come to your website, they will find a new baking-related content which will increase the chances to convert them into loyal readers.

Choose a niche that you love so that you can work with passion day and night. It’s much easier to work on something you love or are interested in.

One of the things we do in our digital marketing course is teach you tools you need to pick a profitable niche.

Picking a niche actually helps your website ranking because it tells Google you are an authority in that niche and that helps your ranking.

[bctt tweet=”Picking a niche actually helps your website ranking because it tells Google you are an authority in that niche and that helps your ranking.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

2. Master keywords for Website Ranking

SEO gravitates around keywords.

You can look at keywords as the search terms people are typing in the Google search bar.

When you create content, you have to decide on the main focus keyword. Related keywords will be naturally introduced in the content.

When choosing keywords pay attention to the following:

  • Search volume
  • Number of articles returned by a basic search

You can get the search volume for keywords using one of Google’s free tools called Keyword Planner. This tool is mostly used to paid advertising through AdWords, but it gives you good insights regarding search volumes.

The number of articles returned when you used your main keyword, will help you have a better idea of the competition. If there are just a few articles on the topic, chances are you content will rank higher and faster.

Last but not least, keep in mind that long tail keywords are starting to rule the search terms. That’s mainly because of the voice search offered by virtual assistants such as Siri or Google Assistant.

A long tail keyword is basically 3-4 works put together in a search term. They are more specific, so users can get better search results. Some examples of long tail keywords could be “easy to use vacuum cleaner”, “best sushi in New York”, “what to visit in London” or “how to bake chocolate muffins easy”.

The actual secret is not just about keywords but how to pick a profitable keyword but lucky enough we will teach you have to pick a profitable niche in our digital marketing course.

A profitable keyword is basically a keyword that has buyer intention which means people searching for that keywords want to spend their money.

[bctt tweet=”A profitable keyword is basically a keyword that has buyer intention which means people searching for that keywords want to spend their money. ” username=”dmsinstitute”]

3. Quality content

This is another topic that can get blurry since everyone tells you to produce “quality content”.

But what is quality content?

This can be debatable since every user can label if a content is qualitative or not for them. Luckily, there is a little science behind it and Google and SEO experts are on the same lengthwise when it comes to the main quality metrics for content.

The main question your piece of content must answer is “It this article solving a problem or useful in any way?

Without any further ado, here are some things you should pay attention to bring that extra quality to your content:

  • A catchy headline that tells the user how it will help him or what it will show him. Here are some examples:
    • How to Bake Perfect Muffins
    • 5 Mistakes You’re Probably Making While Driving
    • Top 10 Trends in Personal Development in 2018
  • Good length. Most experts have linked that articles a little over 1000 words tend to rank better. The explanation for this is that you can give more information in a 1000 words article, rather than in 500 words.
  • Good structure. It’s tiring to read a “naked” article that has no images or formatting. Add catchy, good quality images and structure your content using H2 and H3 headings and lists. In this way, your content won’t just look better, but it will look more appealing and it will be easier to read.
  • Add links. This can go wrong if you add one link every two rows of text. Add internal links (to other pages of your website) and external links (to other trusted websites). This is called link building in the SEO world.

All the points mentioned above can fit in the on-page optimization. This is completely under your control since you are the owner of the page. You decide what links to add, what structure to follow and on which keywords to focus.

You can find out more about this topic in this insightful on-page SEO guide.

The funny part is that you can rank your website on Google but then if your website content is not persuasive enough then you will make no sales or acquire no customers.

[bctt tweet=”The funny part is that you can rank your website on Google but then if your website content is not persuasive enough then you will make no sales or acquire no customers. ” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Many people waste money investing in search engine optimisation but lack quality and persuasive content.

This is essentially why persuasive content marketing is a key aspect we cover in our digital marketing course (Click here to learn more). 

4. Good speed, security, and design

This might fall more on the technical side, but you need to make sure your site is loading fast. People won’t wait 5 seconds for your page to load, so most probably they will leave.

[bctt tweet=”This might fall more on the technical side, but you need to make sure your site is loading fast. People won’t wait 5 seconds for your page to load, so most probably they will leave.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

While the page speed might need a developer’s touch, there are some things you can do too.

Usually, pages load slowly because there are huge images on them. Try to keep your images size quite small (around 200 kB). There are lots of tools that can compress an image’s size, without altering its quality.

Another rather new trend is SSL certificates. Google announced a while ago that websites that don’t present extra security elements will not rank too high. SSL certifications are quite cheap and easy to install, so you should definitely think about this.

An SSL certificate offers extra protection of the data exchanged between your website and the browser and Google likes that extra “s” in “https”.

Last but not least, make sure your website has an appealing, responsive design. The online world is moving from desktop to mobile and your website should look impeccable on each available device: desktop, tablet, and mobile.

A clean and professional design can make users trust your website too.

This aspect can kill your website ranking effort and that is why we give you tools to power your website speed, security and design in our digital marketing course. You should click here to learn more about our course now.

5. Use Google’s tools

Since Google is the largest and most popular search engine, that’s probably where you want to rank high too.

[bctt tweet=”The great thing about this is that Google has lots of free tools that can help you understand your audience.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

The great thing about this is that Google has lots of free tools that can help you understand your audience. The two major ones that will prove extremely useful are Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

As its name suggests, Google Analytics gives you valuable information about the traffic you’re getting. These are only a few insights Analytics can give you:

  • Traffic source (organic, social, referral, paid)
  • Time spent on page, on average
  • Demographics: age, sex, location
  • Device type (desktop, mobile, tablet) and many more

Google Search Console tells you how you’re doing on the organic side. It tells you the number of clicks, impressions and the average position your pages rank. You can also see which keywords users find your website. This tool is super useful since you can see if your SEO efforts are paying off.

Want to practicalise using these Google tools then you should click here to learn more about digital marketing course.

6. Avoid big mistakes

The easiest way to keep this in mind is to avoid SPAM in any way possible.

[bctt tweet=”Trying to rank high and fast might push you to the edge of trying everything, including not so SEO friendly techniques. ” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Trying to rank high and fast might push you to the edge of trying everything, including not so SEO friendly techniques. When it comes to avoiding SPAM, keep this in mind:

  • Don’t stuff your content with too many keywords – it will affect the overall quality of the content as well
  • Don’t add too many internal or external links
  • Add only high-quality external links. Check if the websites you’re linking to have high domain authority and if they are truly insightful.
  • Technical mistakes like blocking Google’ crawlers to crawl your website. If you’re not savvy in this area, ask a professional to help you.

These ways of spamming are commonly known as stuffing. So, avoid keyword and link stuffing.

You can find more mistakes to avoid while trying to rank quickly here.

You can avoid a lot of mistakes by learning search engine optimisations from experts that actually rank on Google. If you want to save time and money from this mistakes then click here to apply and secure your space in our digital marketing.

7. Stay up to date

It’s a known fact that Google’s algorithm gets constant improvements and updates.

While Google almost never discloses what the latest updates really are about, there are a lot of passionate people that spot these changes and let the world know about them.

Usually when Google announces that a new algorithm update will roll out, the SEO specialists and passionate will start investigating what it is about and what you have to do to not get affected.

Google updates can also bring new ranking criteria in the game, but also can lower the importance of some previous factors due to people abusing the specific factor.

SEOlium put together a beautiful 2018 SEO trends article that you can enjoy here.

However, to really stay in tune with the latest trends then join our digital marketing authority membership (Click here to learn more).


While all these tips will help you rank quicker, they might get overwhelming remembering everything. To avoid this, you should keep in mind two things:

  • Have your audience needs in mind always when creating content
  • Don’t make Google see you as a spammer

Last, but not least, you have to remember that it’s impossible to rank high from day one prior to publishing. Your pages must be first crawled by Google. While you can manually submit a page to be crawled, it will still take a few days. Competition might create better content than you, so it will outrank you. There are a lot of factors to take into consideration so having an SEO audit every once in a while, is highly recommended.


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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.