5 effective principles in achieving social media marketing results in Nigeria

social media marketing

The adoption of social media marketing in Nigeria is one of the most powerful tools in your digital marketing channels. Apparently, its usage and application in achieving digital marketing goals have skyrocketed, such that every business organisation leverage on it.

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Most of the statistics that have been released regarding the social media marketing Return on Investment (ROI) are quite thrilling and encouraging.

social media marketing in Nigeria

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But the truth is that social media marketing is not a new thing, it has been there, yet some of you have not really had good returns in terms of investing in it. One thing is to have the social media platforms, while another thing is to know how to effectively use them.

For instance, if you use it correctly, you can create a strong personal connection with your prospective customers, even with existing customers.

[bctt tweet=”But the truth is that social media marketing is not a new thing, it has been there, yet some of you have not really had good returns in terms of investing in it. One thing is to have the social media platforms, while another thing is to know how to effectively use them. ” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

Its significances in businesses are quite enormous. But mind you, most marketers often make the mistake of diving into social media marketing without having clear cut plans and strategies that would drive result. This is just a waste of time and waste of resources.

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There is a way, you even manage your social media platforms and it would tantamount to public relationship rancor. This is what some organisations have tried to dodge and you need to avert it.

To benefit from social media marketing, you need to define and build a clear cut strategy that takes into cognisance your aims and objectives.

However, in doing that the first step you need to answer the following questions. What do I intend to achieve? What is the thrust behind my social media marketing strategy?

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Is it brand awareness that I want to create or drive traffic to my website? Are you looking to increase sales or to build customer loyalty? Note those questions and give an authentic answer, then I will give you the principles that you need to blossom in your social media marketing strategy.

The principle of value

social media marketing in Nigeria

The principle of value here implies what your content development is anchored on. Developing a strong content that will engage your readers on various social media platforms cannot be overemphasized. You have to deliver an engaging content that will add value to your readers or customers.

[bctt tweet=”Developing a strong content that will engage your readers on various social media platforms cannot be overemphasized. You have to deliver an engaging content that will add value to your readers or customers.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

You should avoid boring the readers with the act of self centeredness of just discussing about your brand, without developing content that would actually add value to them. However, your content is suppose to be align with your overall messaging and be appropriate for the channels you’re using.

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Principle of strong online presence

social media marketing in Nigeria

Your presence on various social media platforms is very pertinent. You need to have steady presence on the social media, as well as deliver fresh content on a regular basis and posting them on various social media platforms.

[bctt tweet=”Your presence on various social media platforms is very pertinent. You need to have steady presence on the social media, as well as deliver fresh content on a regular basis and posting them on various social media platforms.” username=”vibewebsolution”]

Avoid publishing your content and keep them without posting or sharing on the social media. Just have a strong online presence always be available to your audience.

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That means you should be consistent in terms of publishing content, as well as having conversations with your readers online. You cannot achieve that if your presence is not strong online.
For instance, if you have strong online presence, some of your readers might not find it hard share some of your posts with their own friends on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or even their personal blogs.

Principle of feedback

social media marketing in Nigeria

Giving immediate feedback could be a catalyst to establishing a perfect relationship with people on the social media. Sometimes when you post a few articles or you upload any content, some followers might be interested in clarifying some things that appears ambiguous to them. Sometimes they ask questions and it behooves you to give them immediate and favourable feedback.

It doesn’t make any sense to your social media marketing strategy if you ignore questions online. In business, building relationships is indispensable, therefore always try as much as possible to acknowledge anybody that asks questions online.

The principle of focus

social media marketing in Nigeria

A focused social media marketing strategy intended to build a strong brand has a better chance for success than a broad strategy that attempts to be all things to all people.

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The principle of focus must is key. But it always advisable to focus on developing good content that will drive conversations amongst your followers. When content sparks off conversations just keep calm and know exactly the point they are making and channel your energy in line with that.

[bctt tweet=”A focused social media marketing strategy intended to build a strong brand has a better chance for success than a broad strategy that attempts to be all things to all people.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

Miscellaneous principles

social media marketing in Nigeria

-Promotion: It is a well known fact that most followers always like a page where they will be required to do a contest, in terms of answering some questions and get prices for it.

Make sure you channel little resources in line with some promotions that would actually propel your followers to add value to your business.

Basically everything is free online, so why not attract even more followers by offering more free items on your free sites? It doesn’t cost much, it pays.

Add more effort: In getting your social media marketing right, you must always be at alert. You should improve and commitments in making things work well.

There are ways to market your content outside of the social media world. However, just improve your contents so you can attract new followers every day.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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