15 Advanced Facebook Advertising Techniques to Improve Your Marketing Strategy


Facebook Ads is maturing as an advertising platform, and marketers need to step up with increasing levels of spend, campaign sophistication, and engaging creativity to remain competitive online. In 2024, Facebook advertising is just as powerful as it’s ever been. There are advanced Facebook advertising techniques you didn’t know worked and am going to show you how to use them to improve your advertising campaign in 2024.

Perhaps, when it comes to Facebook advertising, you shouldn’t panic if one ad campaign fails to materialize, whereas there are a lot more Facebook advertising techniques you need to try out in 2024.

When it comes to Facebook advertising, I could disclose a bunch of working conventional Facebook advertising tips. Most of these methods are still effective and relevant for Facebook advertising.

Now, all I want to do is, look away from the common advertising techniques we’ve all been using and delve a little deeper and dissect everything you probably didn’t know about Advanced Facebook advertising.

15 advanced Facebook advertising Strategies That Convert For Your Next Campaign [2024]

1. Maximising the use of “Pages to Watch” feature

Facebook “Pages to watch” is another amazing feature you need to start using. This actually isn’t something I use for marketing, although it can provide some important and useful insights that will help me market better.

To make a long story short, you can compile a list of pages you’re interested in from your niche along with analytics. Make sure they are popular brands in your niche with a very strong Facebook presence.


This will improve your marketing because you can see which posts are the least and most engaging. In turn, you can use this information you’ve gathered will be a decisive factor when choosing what to post on your own page.

Check out this article from Buffer for more info on the “Pages to Watch” feature.

2. Post images via Instagram

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Did you know the trick behind sharing images via Instagram?

If you’ve been sharing images directly on Facebook for advertising, then I guess it’s time to put a stop itit. Here’s a sneaky little tactic I stumbled upon while surfing Buzzsumo. Rather than posting images directly on Facebook, you should post them via Instagram.

Here is why.


A study on Buzzsumo discovered that “images posted via Instagram get 23% more engagement.” and this makes so much sense if you consider how super engaging Instagram can be. Also, Brand Watch claims… “Engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times more than Facebook, 54 times more than Pinterest, and 84 times more than Twitter.”

Following this simple trick will get you a quarter more engaging than the conventional ads did when you share images directly on Facebook. This is very legit.

3. Do without the hashtags

I’m certain you’re confused right now; you’d probably be asking yourself, why should I let go of #hashtags?


Yes, I know hashtags are good in certain situations on social media. That’s why marketers have found how important incorporating hashtags into your online content can be of great benefit to your business. You will be able to promote products and services much more effectively, making the most out of this powerful social networking tool to attract new customers and maximize profits.

The fretting question now is, why should I stop using hashtags?

There are no doubts about the effectiveness of hashtags on networks such as Instagram and Twitter, but not so much on Facebook.

The same study from Buzzsumo found that posts with hashtags received less engagement than posts without hashtags. Not only will this save time, you’ll also get more engagements for your money with every piece of content you post.

4. Best time to post

Your visitors and followers prefer using social media sites during specific hours. So if you start sharing your content when your users are on these social sites, you’ll not only gain more shares, but you’ll also notice an increase in traffic inflow.

schedule posting

Sharing posts on Facebook slightly varies across all niches, but still, doesn’t change the fact that a specific time works best.

I’ve discovered post shared between 10 p.m. and midnight local time works quite good. Even if you share a beautifully written content at the wrong time, you will have very low number of people to will see it. It’ll surely get shuffled to the bottom of their feeds.

From experience and real data from Buzzsumo, the ideal time to post is between 10 p.m. and midnight local time (12 am)

There are two main reasons why.

The graphical illustration on buzzsumo showed why you should post during the late night hours. Breaking it down, it means there are fewer people posting content, which technically means less competition and more visibility.

Secondly, there are more people still awake and active on Facebook to make it worth your time. This two hour window can totally change your advertising experience on Facebook.

5. “Audience Insights” is a great tool, don’t ignore!

Imagine what you can do if you can get information about your audience. Age, gender, lifestyle, education level, job title and more are some of the important insights you can use to target audience for ads.

audience insight

I am definitely a fanatic of data and statistics, I am data driven because it gives me a lot of insight about those I’m sharing page post with, and to create relevant content based on their interests.

Relevancy is essential when posting on Facebook because it ultimately maximizes your impact and increases your ROI. Data you generate from this can spill over into other elements of your overall marketing campaign.

6. Integrate video posts into core Ads strategy

There are more than 4 billion video watches on Facebook every day (Yans). According to this source, 500 million viewers watch 100 million hours of video content on Facebook daily. 65% of all these views come from mobile. Each video view is counted after 3 seconds of watch time. The statistics shared is increasingly changing and more people watch videos and spend more time on them.

I believe we can all agree that video is huge at the moment. Some might even consider video as the future of right now.

The interestingly strange thing is that video accounts for only 3% of all content on Facebook, that number seems to be staggeringly low compared to pictures, text, and links.

On the bright side, it also presents a great opportunity.

A study by Social Bakers showed that the average video post generates 135% greater organic reach. Posting plenty of high-quality video content allows you to grab the low-hanging fruit many of your competitors appear to be missing out on, and it poses a greater advantage compared to other types of posts.

This leads me to my next point.

7. Directly embed videos often

Considering YouTube is so huge, your first instinct may be to embed YouTube videos into your posts.

But that’s the wrong move, a study by Socialbakers analyzed how Facebook videos achieved a 40% higher Engagement Rate (0,25%) than YouTube links (0,151%) in the studied period.


Facebook videos could be performing better than Youtube because they are not only limited to Facebook posts; they are also available in the Fan Page video gallery where users can interact with the videos whenever they want.

Always have this in mind if you truly want to move forward, you’ll notice considerable changes in your engagement.

8. “Crowdsource” your business decisions

Crowdsourcing is one of the conventional ways to boost your engagement on Facebook. In my previous posts on how to use Facebook for business marketing, I mentioned this.

You’re probably familiar with the term “crowdfunding,” where capital is raised with contributions from a large number of people. Similarly, crowdsourcing applies the same concept as crowdfunding, but here, it has to do with asking your audience for key decisions for your business.

Here are some examples:

  • Ask your audience to choose your brand’s new logo
  • Ask which new background to use for your Facebook profile

Crowdsourcing is interesting because it allows you to increase engagement via the genuine opinions of your audience. Ask your audience to submit name ideas for a new product or service or help create a new logo, cover photo, or other design assets.

The simplest way to crowdsource is to create polls in which people can vote.

9. Pin your best post

Another valuable feature I love is the option to “pin” posts at the top of your timeline. Your timeline hosts plenty of posts you’ve shared previously; with this, your visitors might not find your best post. But with the introduction of the “pin post” feature, you can pin your best post at the top of your timeline for new and old visitors know the post that you’ve gotten the most engagements on your page.

That way, Facebook users see your best content once they land on your Facebook page.

Here’s how to go about it.

10. Add CTA buttons to your Facebook ads

The average advertising click-through rate on Facebook is 0.9%, but adding a CTA button can lift your click-through rate by 2.85 times.

This interesting fact can have a long-lasting impact on your ad campaign. Adroll even made an infographic showing how important the CTA button is.

include CTA in ads

Trust me, this guide on Facebook will teach you exactly how to create a CTA button.

11. Create “Facebook Groups” for community building

Whether you like it or not, Facebook community Facebook truly is a blessing for every serious minded digital marketer. Here are a few reasons why Facebook is the perfect community-building platform:

  • Facebook attracts a huge crowd. With 71% of the adult online population on Facebook, it’s hard to imagine a better gathering place.
  • Facebook users are active and engaged. Surveys show that families spend as little as 36 minutes together each day, yet the average Facebook user spends 40 minutes per day on the social network.
  • Facebook fosters the community mindset. You probably log onto Facebook to see what your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues are up to, right? These groups make up your community. So when you log on to Facebook, you’re already in the community frame of mind.

Most bloggers build their brands around their Facebook page, where their visitors can only see a fraction of what they post. The Facebook algorithm has been modified and does not allow all visitors to your page to see what you shared; only a particular fraction sees your post.

So trying to build a community around your Facebook page becomes expensive and exhausting.

Smart bloggers are already moving away from Facebook pages to the brighter side of things, they are now building a community with a different feature “Facebook Groups”.

Facebook group is another creative way to build a community for your business. It’s highly engaging and also used as a tool for brand building and awareness.

But one resource I think that many marketers are failing to capitalize on is “Facebook Groups.”

This is beneficial for several different reasons:

  • It strengthens your relationships with your audience.
  • It helps you get a new audience.
  • It builds brand equity
  • It facilitates interaction
  • You can get valuable intel about topics around your niche.

12. 150 characters, MAX!!

There have been questions about how lengthy should a Facebook post be to get more engagement, as you might expect, there is no right answer to that question, but here is data from todmaffin that might help.


As measured by reach and engagements less is best in terms of Facebook character count, ideally, a short post gets more engagements than a longer one.

I recommend treating it like Twitter—use a max of 150 characters.

However, it should be noted long post works better in some cases. Imagine a page that deals with in-depth information, for such pages, its compulsory that they share lengthy posts.

In other words, keep it short and simple (KISS).

13. A/B test your ads with Qwaya

Having a well-thought-out plan for A/B testing Facebook ad campaigns is essential if you want to improve your performance reliably and consistently. I won’t start a garrulous discussion of how important A/B testing ad campaign is.

You probably already have an idea of what A/B testing means and how important it is.

study of 37,259 Facebook ads found that “most companies only have 1 ad, but the best had 100’s. What this mean is, the more you test, the better for your business.

I will say, however, that it’s your ticket to maximum conversions and for cleaning up any mistake in general.

The question now is, how can you perform A/B testing on Facebook?

I suggest A/b testing your ad campaign using Qwaya. It’s a great Facebook ad manager that will help you take your ads campaign to the next level.

Here’s a screenshot:

advanced facebook advertising techniques

If you’re the type that invests a lot of money into Facebook ads, then this tool is a must have for your business growth.

14. “Question” posts are very engaging

Questions are a great way to spark dialogue with fans. It is probably the easiest way and one of the best methods to get people to respond to your posts.

If you want to engage your audience and promote interactions, then ask a lot of logical questions.”

In a previous article on Quick Sprout, I examined which types of posts get the most interactions on Facebook.

advanced facebook advertising techniques

And here’s what I discovered:

No doubt about “question post”. If you want to engage your audience and promote interactions, then ask a lot of logical questions.

15. Lengthy articles pay off.

Long articles are equal to improved interaction. My facts are based on findings and am going to show you why.

It’s important to share links to articles between 1k and 3k words.

According to buzz sumo findings, long-form content performs best on Facebook

advanced facebook advertising techniques

In essence, posts between 1,000 and 3,000 words are ideal. Keep your content moderately written between 1k to 3k words, anything below gets fewer interactions based on findings.

To sum it all up:

Facebook’s over 60 million monthly active fan pages are a far cry from the reported 3 million signed-up advertisers on their ad network. This means there is still a huge opportunity for Facebook to grow its revenues and reach more businesses.

Looking at this stat, Facebook is a pivot to grow your business, you should rethink if you’re trying to overlook Facebook.

If you’re looking to ditch Facebook, then here is an important fact for you.

Facebook is on track to reach two billion users within the next couple of years or so. That’s pretty insane when you think about it.

You’re bound to succeed in your Facebook advertising campaign in 2024 if you use the right formulas, as well as my 15 Advanced Facebook advertising techniques.

If you want to learn how to make more money for your business then, click here to learn how we can help you achieve that.


How do I use Facebook’s Audience Insights tool effectively?

  • Analyze the demographics, interests, behaviors and more of your current customers
  • Discover new potential audiences to target based on your best customers
  • Uncover insights about your competitors’ audiences you can target
  • Test different audience segments to see which perform best
  • Use the insights to inform your ad targeting, creative and messaging

What are some common Facebook advertising mistakes to avoid?

  • Targeting audiences that are too broad or too narrow
  • Using low-quality, unappealing ad creative
  • Sending traffic to a poorly designed landing page
  • Failing to track and optimize campaigns based on performance data
  • Relying too heavily on Facebook’s automated rules and recommendations

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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