How to Increase Facebook Page Likes for Free (Facebook Page Hack)

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Many online business pages have experienced difficulty growing their fan page on Facebook, they have tried so many tips and tricks to increase their Facebook page likes but all turned out to be a wild goose chase. You’re probably reading this because you want to know how to increase your Facebook page likes.

Social media is one the biggest marketing tool in digital marketing, the failure to grow your Facebook page means failure when it comes to generating leads on social media. “How to increase Facebook page likes” stands as one of the most searched terms on, considering that reasons, I’ve taken my time to show you how I grew and increase my Facebook page like easily.

[bctt tweet=”Failure to grow your #Facebook page means failure when it comes to generating leads on social media. #increasepagelikes” username=”DMSInstitute”]

Facebook advertising has been the most used method when it comes to growing your page likes on Facebook, but let me make something clear; it’s true many small businesses can’t pay for online advertising on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and much more. What then should you do if your small-medium business wants to grow page likes?

I’m going to show you all the necessary tricks, tips, and hacks that increased my Facebook page likes without spending much. My tricks are sure to help you get free Facebook page likes without spending a dime on social media advertising. No questions, you will get every step on “how I increase my Facebook page likes”, but you have to…

See proven methods how I increase my Facebook page likes.

Here is everything you need to know about increasing likes on your Facebook page to boost reach.

1. Contest, giveaways or promos.

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An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Most business owners wonder if I have a limited marketing budget, how I can increase my Facebook fan page reach without spending an arm and a leg on PPC advertising. Running contests are still a fantastic way to get more likes for your Facebook page. You can even use your email list to promote the content and have people who only like your Facebook page participate.

In one of my previous post, I shared with you the importance of contest, giveaways or promo and how it plays an important role in Facebook for business marketing.

If you have an amazing contest idea, just know that chances are high that Facebook users will jump on it. It’s just a matter of finding the best fit for your brand and target audience. To make sure your contest stays lawful and doesn’t get shut down, kindly follow the official contest rules provided on the Facebook page terms.

Facebook Contest Rules

  • These rules clearly states who is eligible to enter a contest.
  • Comply with any regional, state, national or international contest laws.
  • Acknowledge that the promotion is in no way associated with Facebook.

In addition, personal timelines and friend connection cannot be used to run a contest campaign. E.g, “Share on your timeline to enter” or “share on your friend’s timeline to get additional entries” and “tag your friend in this post to enter” are not allowed.

Make sure you fully read and understand the Facebook contest rules before launching your page contest campaign.

Here are some Facebook page contest ideas

By now, I believe you must have digested the Facebook contest rules. If you lack contest ideas to kick-start your campaign, here is a list of contest ideas for you to select from. You should try some as they have been used by very popular brands/companies.

# Like or comment to win

This is the most popular kind of contest you should find. It comes in form of a “Like to Win” or “Comment to win” or “Comment and Like to win”. This kind of campaign is very easy to pull off. Pictures, Videos, Links or a simple status can be used to run this type campaign. All you need to do is, set rules and let them know the ultimate prize.

# Photo caption contest

This is popular among fashion, mobile phones, and other related brands.  This type of campaign, you upload a picture and ask your audience to caption it. Once the entries are in, you can pick winners yourself or select the entry with the  “most like” as the winner.

# Skill-testing question

These kinds of contests are proven to work when your audience is highly intellectual. You ask your audience to answer relevant skill-testing questions. This will be of great effect if you run an educational business page; it is also used to build awareness of your brand and cause.

# Crowdsourcing contest

This contest requires your audience to do the work for you, this type of contest campaigns ask your audience to submit name ideas for a new product or service or help create a new logo, cover photo or other design assets. This contest is perfect if you want to create brand awareness and create a piece of content.

Besides the one explained above, there are;

  • Trivia contest specific to your brand
  • Fill in the gap contest
  • Photo and video contest.

2. Get a perfect time to share post

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Don’t just push out articles for readers that aren’t online, you have to understand when it’s best for you to do that. Facebook page insights help you in this adventure, it shows you the exact time of the day when your posts are being read the most, it tells you when your readers are online.

[bctt tweet=”The best time to share contents on #facebook is very early in the morning and late at night. #increasepagelikes #digitalmarketing” username=”DMSInstitute”]

According to social media experts, the best time to share contents is very early in the morning and late at night. Particularly around 8 pm, you get more people to read your page post.

How does this affect your page growth? This is just one of the ways how I increase my Facebook page likes without spending a penny; I get to share my best posts during this period, the opposite effect is… More people see this post and eventually take an action; they like, share or even drop amazing comments, some even goes to the length of tagging some of their friends on the post comment region.

You should learn how to post at a strategic time of the day, very early at mornings and nighttime, preferably 8 pm.

In addition, weekends are the best time to share contents. Late Friday night, Saturdays and Sundays are perfect days to share posts in the week. This is because, during the weekends, most people have more free time to see what’s up with their Facebook friends.

Also, very few brands post on the weekends, so there’s less competition in the newsfeed. This spells opportunity for your nonprofit to get more exposure in the Newsfeed! Remember to make your posts “weekend friendly”, focusing on topics like family, entertainment, and weekend activities. If your community is particularly religious, post accordingly.

3. Use Email Marketing

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Just like, most online businesses have an email list that’s about ten times as big as their Facebook Page fan base. Amplify reach for your Page by linking to one of your top updates in the course of your normal e-mail communications.

Because the content has already been vetted by your fans, your email subscribers will naturally like, comment on, and share it as well with their Facebook friends. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg on what you can do with email marketing. You can get more of my write ups on email marketing and how to grow your business with it.

READ: How To Start Email Marketing | Free Email Marketing Guide For Beginners

[bctt tweet=”Drop a link to your Facebook page at the end of your email signature. Many people who read your emails may click on the link and go to your page. #Increasepagelikes” username=”DMSInstitute”]

4. Use images and memes

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Images and memes are one of the most productive display contents on social media. People have discovered a way to interact and translate text to wonderful memes.

[bctt tweet=”Always use photos more relevant to your content when sharing images on your #facebook page. #increasepagelikes” username=”DMSInstitute”]

People love humour, let your users find something awesome to laugh about when they scroll you’re your page. Laughter helps to spice up the day. This is the more reason you should use images and funny memes to liven up their day.

Just make sure that you use the correct images especially those which are not general stock photos. Photos more relevant to your content should be kept in focus.

5. Invitation

This is surely the most important steps I used to increase my Facebook page likes. Invitation works perfectly for growing your page likes. With a single click of a button, you invite friends to like your page.

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When I grew my Facebook page like by invitation, I realized you can invite friends but can’t invite all friends at once. Perhaps, there is an extension I added to my google chrome that allowed this to be possible. The “Invite All (For Facebook)” chrome extension adds an invite button that allows you to invite all your Facebook friends to an event or to like your Facebook page.

How To Invite All Friends To Like Facebook Page (Chrome Extension).

  • First of all install Google chrome “Invite all friends” extension.
  • This extension will provide the feature to invite all Facebook friends by one click.
  • After the installation of this chrome extension, the small icon will start appearing on the top right side of the browser.

increase facebook page likes free

  • The button will only appear when you open Facebook website otherwise it will disappear.
  • Now login into account whose friends you want to invite to like your Facebook page.
  • After that open Facebook page and then click on the Invite all friend button.
  • A new pop-up window will appear with the name of all friends.
  • Then click on the icon of the extension which had installed.
  • After that just wait for few second your all friends invite automatically.

This is how the invitation trick works using the “invite all extension on chrome” to increase facebook page likes.

  • Evaluate your real friends/families with over 1000+ Facebook friends.
  • Add them as admin for your page (Make sure they are people you know and can trust).
  • Access your page through their Facebook account (these people should be able to entrust you with their login details).
  • Navigate to Facebook page invitation, invite all their friends to like your page (remember to use the Invite all extension).
  • Don’t forget to revoke admin permission after completion.
  • Do this over and over again until you’re satisfied.

6. Commenting on other blogs

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Commenting on other people’s blogs does not only help improve SEO, it also increases the reach of your Facebook fan page and increase facebook page likes as well.

For example, if you are commenting on Digital Marketing Skill Institute Blog, be sure to include your Facebook URL as your blog URL instead of your homepage, landing page or blog home. If people find your comment interesting, they have a higher likelihood of liking your Facebook page too!

7. Always post valuable contents

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Don’t hesitate to post those contents you know has been working for your page. However, you should look to get more valuable contents for your visitors. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself;

Ask yourself:

  • Would I share this with my friends?
  • What gets people talking?
  • What trending in your cause?
  • What are competing nonprofits posting on Facebook?
  • How can we be useful or even indispensable to our community?

If you lack content ideas for your Facebook page, you can as well read my long list of Facebook page ideas for your business. The bottom line is that content is king on Facebook. Learn to take full responsibility for yours!

8. Join relevant Facebook groups related to your page niche

Facebook group is another sure way to promote page content and links.

Join a Facebook group that is relevant or related to your niche. Constantly visit the groups, comment, and share backlinks to your Facebook page.

9. Add a like button to your website/blog.

If you have a blog or website, that’s already a plus for you. You can always add a like button on your blog or website if you want your fan page likes to grow. Always include a like page button at a strategic position on your website.

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Here are the best positions to insert a like button on your website/blog

# Blogger/Editor/Author pages: This one is less obvious, but is an easy way to get “likes” when someone comes across the page for a blogger they read regularly.

# Landing pages: When you have a free white paper, book, magazine event or anything else that your brand creates, it’s a great idea to let people “like” the product so that they can share it with their friends. Most people are happy to share the things they’re interested in and want to recommend.

# Homepage: For the homepage, a great idea is to use the full-on “like” widget/plugin that Facebook gives you. It allows you to show your Facebook feed, as well as the number of people who like your page.

# Thank-you pages: When someone buys a product from you or signs up for your email newsletter, they are currently in their highest state of truly “liking” you. This is a great time to pop a “like” button in their face, and better with the larger box.

# Email newsletters: One great place, almost as important as your homepage, to put a “like” button is at the top of your email newsletter with maximum visibility.

10. Constantly updating Facebook page

This is the very last tip I used to increase my Facebook page likes without spending a dime on ads. To increase page likes and engagements, it’s important you take your online business serious; nobody likes a boring Facebook page. A page that posts contents once a week is as good as dead to me.

If you remember in point 2 above, I mentioned how important it is to use your Facebook insight to study which content your visitors reads, and at what time they read your articles the most. Updating your Facebook page regularly must also be controlled by your page post insights. Know how the days your readers come online the most, as well as when they read your articles.

11. Use Facebook ads to get more likes.

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I can’t afford to not include Facebook advertising on the list of possible ways to increase page likes.

According to Facebook, more than 1.7 billion people use Facebook daily. They use Facebook to connect with friend and families and other things that matter to them. Increasing page likes through Facebook advertising will not only help you grow your page, it will as well help you locate new customers and build a lasting andproductivey relationship with them.

Using Facebook ads; Facebook ads formats are very flexible, eye-catchy and work on every device and connection speed. You can target adverts to people based on how they engaged with your page content, location, age group and lots more. Facebook’s self-serve advert interface is better than any other advertising platform on the market – you don’t have to be a tech wiz to get in there to get things started!

Use paid budget to amplify Organic post; when you notice a specific post performing well, put the budget behind you and try to amplify such post using Facebook ads. These kinds of posts perform really well as paid post, they will attract more people to your blog and you will get better ROI for your ads. It’s a risk worth taking.

To sum it all up:

You see, getting more Facebook page likes is easier than first imagined, but it requires time and consistency, all the steps mentioned above should be repeatedly used to maintain continuity to grow your Facebook page likes. Be careful not to overdo some of them, sometimes readers can get really uninterested and quickly hit the unlike page button.

If you find this article about “how I increase my Facebook page likes without spending a dime” interesting, then make sure you share this article by just tapping the social share buttons below. You should click to like and follow our Facebook page.

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