Doubling your online sales in Nigeria : How to double your sales online

doubling your online sales in nigeria


Doubling online sales requires tactics, strategies, and clever tricks before it can be actualized. Many companies in Nigeria are already making efforts to achieve tremendous growth, as well doubling their sales online.

Doubling your online sales in Nigeria


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Some are constantly testing everything; with the perception that you just never know what strategy or angle is going to work best for you. Until you test it.

This applies even to your star-performing strategies because there’s always room for improvement. Yes, this is absolutely true, but the fact remains that there are still fundamentals to doubling your sales.

These fundamentals (driving website traffic, lead magnet, lead nurturing, conversion, driving returning customers), which I had treated in my past articles. However, this article will focus on other areas that will aid you in doubling your sales online.

Doubling your online sales in Nigeria

Let me drive your attention a bit towards testing various tactics, and clever tricks. The bottom line is, testing is the only way to discover what works and what doesn’t work on your website, and it’s the best way to start doubling your online sales. Why, I mentioned the website is because, the website is the really the backbone of online sales.

That is your marketplace, the place where you connect with multiple buyers and sellers. And if you take the plunge and use just one of the following tests, you’ll learn just how true this is, especially when you start seeing a dramatic improvement in doubling your online sales.

Avoid offering wide range of products on your home page– I have discovered that offering fewer products in one place with more copy describing those products always translates into higher sales. The home page is usually critical. Selling a variety of products on the homepage of your website is not advisable.

Doubling your online sales in Nigeria

I’d strongly recommend you test whether or not this is the best strategy for you. It’s all about focus. Instead of offering a large range of products with minimal detail about each one, it is better you offer just one or two products and services and focus on benefits.

Add impact to your promotions- One of the methodologies you can really adopt in terms of doubling your online sales is to add promotions even with hover ads. We have what is called the “pop-ups”. They’re the small windows containing a special offer or other information that sometimes “pop up” when you visit a website.

Doubling your online sales in Nigeria

However, much of this software automatically blocked pop-ups, meaning visitors to a site started missing out on valuable information that could benefit them. They’re called hover ads, and they’re well worth testing on your site.

But that was before we discovered a very impressive technology that actually lets you use ads that behave like pop-ups but that aren’t pop-ups–so they don’t get blocked. Adding ads are effective because they put important information, such as your opt-in offer or a special limited-time promotion, right in front of your targeted visitors.

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Instil the sense of urgency in your copy

Doubling your online sales in Nigeria

Instilling the sense of urgency in the minds of customers and prospect goes a long way in triggering them to act. It’s very important that your sales copy instills a sense of urgency in your visitors, compelling them to buy now. Below are some tips or examples Here are some tips most effective ways to create a sense of urgency:

We have limited spots left

Offer additional bonuses for free if visitors buy within a certain time frame.

Offer only a limited quantity of your products or services.

Offer a limited quantity bonus. Etc

Reposition your opt-in- The truth of the matter is that your opt-in offer appears on your site can have a huge impact on how many subscribers you attract. Try to boost your opt-ins and build a bigger list of loyal subscribers.

The opt-in offer is your tool for gathering your customers’ e-mail addresses and building your e-mail list, which allows you to regularly keep in touch with your subscribers, build relationships of trust and loyalty, and sell them your products or services.

[bctt tweet=”The opt-in offer is your tool for gathering your customers’ e-mail addresses and building your e-mail list, which allows you to regularly keep in touch with your subscribers, build relationships of trust and loyalty, and sell them your products or services.” username=”vibewebsolution”]

Doubling your online sales in Nigeria

You should also test placing your opt-in offer on every page of your site so it’s always in front of your visitors, and try placing it in a “hover ad”. The more sign-up opportunities you provide, the more subscribers you’re likely to get.

Add credibility to your copy-Another way you can actually double your online sales is by enhancing your visitors’ trust in you. When your sales copy has proven to be credible enough, visitors will come to the site and even buy from you.

One of the best ways to establish your credibility is to include customer testimonials in your sales letter. You can also enhance your credibility by adding a section to your copy that outlines your credentials, experience and some background information that makes you qualified to solve your target audience’s problem.

Your aim should be to effectively convince readers that you are the best person to offer them a solution to their problem.

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Feature different benefits in your headline– Your headline has a huge impact on your sales. It’s often the first thing visitors to your site see so it must grab their attention and compel them to read your sales letter. A successful headline should highlight a problem your target audience faces and stress the main benefit of your product or service in solving this problem.

Doubling your online sales in Nigeria


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