Facebook Advertising: How To Do Facebook Ads In 10 Steps

Facebook Advertising

Social media has become an integral part of humans with Facebook advertising as one of the means for businesses to connect to their audience.

With 3 millions of users actively engaging on platforms like Facebook monthly, it has become a goldmine for businesses to reach their target audience. 

Facebook Advertising offers a powerful and cost-effective way to promote your products or services, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions. 

In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through the process of creating a Facebook ad campaign, so you can harness the full potential of this popular advertising platform.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

What is Facebook Advertising?

Facebook Advertising is the process of promoting products, services, or brands on the Facebook platform using its advertising tools and features. 

Being one of the largest social media platforms with billions of active users, Facebook provides businesses with a powerful advertising platform to reach their target audience.

Facebook Advertising offers various ad formats and targeting options to help businesses create highly targeted and customized campaigns.

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These ads can appear in different areas of the Facebook platform, including the news feed, right-hand column, instant articles, and in-stream videos.

This helps you as a business owner to define your target audience based on factors such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and location. 

Facebook Advertising also provides advanced features like retargeting, which allows businesses to reach people who have previously interacted with their website or Facebook page. 

Additionally, businesses can create lookalike audiences, which are groups of users who share similar characteristics with their existing customers.

Furthermore, Facebook offers detailed analytics and insights about ad performance, allowing you as a business owner or digital marketer to monitor and optimize your campaigns. 

They can track metrics such as reach, impressions, clicks, conversions, and return on investment (ROI) to evaluate the effectiveness of their advertising efforts. 

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Types of Facebook Ads

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats to suit different marketing objectives and content types. It has an average fan engagement of 0.12%, 0.11%, and 0.08% for its images, status, and  videos respectively. And these three are recognized as the most used means of engagement on this thriving platform. Here are some of the commonly used types of Facebook ads:

Image Ads

These are simple ads that feature a single image along with accompanying text. 

They are effective for showcasing products, services, or brand visuals.

Video Ads

Video ads allow businesses to share engaging videos with their target audience. 

They can be in-feed videos, stories, or in-stream videos. Video ads are excellent for storytelling and capturing attention.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads enable businesses to display multiple images or videos within a single ad unit. 

Users can swipe through the carousel to view different content. 

This format is useful for showcasing a range of products, highlighting different features, or telling a sequential story.

Slideshow Ads

Slideshow ads are lightweight videos created from a series of images, along with text and audio overlay. 

They are an effective alternative to video ads, particularly in areas with slow internet connections.

Collection Ads

Collection ads combine a primary image or video with four smaller images below it. 

When users click on the ad, it opens a full-screen experience that displays multiple products in a grid-like layout. 

Collection ads are ideal for showcasing product catalogs or driving e-commerce sales.

Instant Experience Ads (formerly Canvas) 

Instant Experience ads provide an immersive, full-screen mobile experience. 

They can include images, videos, carousels, and other interactive elements to deliver an engaging and interactive ad experience.

Lead Ads 

Lead ads simplify the process of capturing lead information. 

When users click on the ad, a form is presented pre-filled with their Facebook information, making it easier for them to submit their details. 

Lead ads are effective for lead generation and newsletter sign-ups.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads are personalized ads that automatically promote products to users based on their previous interactions with a business. 

They can show relevant products to users who have visited a website, viewed specific products, or added items to their shopping carts.

Sponsored Messages allow businesses to send targeted, personalized messages directly to users who have previously interacted with their Facebook Page or Messenger. 

These ads are useful for re-engaging with potential customers or delivering tailored offers.

These are just a few examples of the ad formats available on Facebook, each with its strengths and tailored to suit certain marketing goals and target audiences.

10 Steps on How to Post Ads on Facebook

Here are ten steps that are required for you to post ads effectively on Facebook:

Step 1: Set Up a Facebook Business Manager Account

To get started with Facebook advertising, you’ll need a Facebook Business Manager account. 

Visit business.facebook.com and follow the prompts to create your account.

And you can from there access the central hub for managing your ads and business assets.

Step 2: Define Your Advertising Objective

Think about the goal you want to achieve with your Facebook ad campaign. 

Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales? 

Defining your objective will help you choose the correct ad format and targeting options.

Step 3: Navigate to Ads Manager

Once you’re logged into your Facebook Business Manager account, navigate to the Ads Manager.

Then you can create, manage, and track your ads from your ads manager. 

Look for the “Ads Manager” tab on the left-hand side of the Business Manager interface.

Step 4: Choose Your Campaign Objective

Within Ads Manager, click on the “Create” button to start a new campaign. 

Facebook caters for various campaign objectives, such as brand awareness, reach, traffic, engagement, conversions, and more. 

Select the objective that aligns with your advertising goal.

Step 5: Craft Compelling Ad Content

To grab your audience’s attention, your ad content needs to be compelling and visually appealing. 

Ensure to write a concise and persuasive ad copy that clearly conveys your message and value proposition. 

Also, use eye-catching images or videos that are relevant to your target audience. 

Test different variations of your ad content to see what resonates best with your audience.

Step 6: Identify Your Target Audience

Facebook offers extensive targeting options, allowing you to reach the right people based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. 

To identify your target audience, consider factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and buying behaviors. 

Step 7: Configure Your Ad Set

In the ad set configuration section, you’ll define your target audience, ad placement, budget, and schedule. 

Start by specifying the location, age, gender, interests, and other relevant demographics of your desired audience. 

Choose where your ad will appear on Facebook, Instagram, or other platforms.

Also, you get to set your daily or lifetime budget (your budget till the end of the ads) here: this could be $5 per day depending on your campaign objective.

And that could be influenced by your audience targeting, ad placement, competitiveness of your industry, campaign duration, and sometimes time of the day. 

For example, on average cost per click varies between different campaign objective, ranging from $0.85 to $1.85 depending on the factors mentioned above.

Step 8: Create Your Ad Creative

Now it’s time to bring your ad to life. 

Facebook provides different ad formats, including single images, carousels, videos, slideshows, and more. 

So, you can select the format that suits your campaign objective and upload the relevant creative elements. 

This could include images, videos, headlines, ad copy, and a call-to-action button.

Each ad format has its own specifications and requirements, so make sure to review them before creating your ad.

Step 9: Monitor and Optimize Your Ads

Once your ad is live, keep a close eye on its performance. 

Facebook provides robust reporting tools within Ads Manager to track metrics like reach, engagement, clicks, and conversions. 

So, you can analyze the data and make adjustments as needed. 

You may need to tweak your audience targeting, ad creative, or budget allocation to optimize your campaign’s effectiveness after checking out your performance.

Step 10: Experiment and Test

Facebook advertising is an iterative process. 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ad variations, audiences, or campaign settings. 

Using A/B testing can help you identify what works best for your business. 

So, you can go ahead to test different headlines, images, ad placements, and calls to action to refine your strategy and improve results over time.


Facebook Advertising offers a world of opportunities for businesses to connect with their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. 

By following this step-by-step guide, you can create impactful Facebook ad campaigns that drive engagement, increase brand awareness, and boost conversion. 

Ensure to define your objective, identify your target audience, choose the right ad format, craft compelling content, set your budget and schedule, and continually monitor its performance.

Regularly review Facebook’s advertising guidelines and seek inspiration from successful ad campaigns to enhance your own. 

With all mentioned, you can harness the power of Facebook advertising to reach your target audience effectively and achieve your marketing goals.


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