3 Facebook advertising tips to boost conversion rate

facebook advertising tips to boost conversion

Have you ever wondered why your Facebook ads aren’t converting into leads? Do you want your Facebook ads to generate more leads and sales? If you’ve constantly tried and failed to generate viable leads for your Facebook ads campaign or you have never run a Facebook ads campaign before, then my tips will show you proven Facebook advertising tips to boost conversion rate.

With over 1.79 billion monthly active Facebook users, a number of that is only going to increase in the foreseeable future, in the face of such great traffic on social media giant “facebook”, it would make much sense if you can capitalise on the huge traffic to boost your advertising campaign for more conversion.

Looking at a few Facebook statistics from the past years.

  • 16 million people in Nigeria visit Facebook every month (Source)
  • The reported ROI for retail Facebook advertisers is 152 percent (Source)
  • Five new profiles are created every second. (Source: ALLFacebook 2012)
  • On Thursdays and Fridays, engagement is 18% higher. (Source: Bit.ly blog)
  • There are over 3 million advertisers on Facebook. (Source)
  • 42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or important to their business. (Source: State of Inbound Marketing 2012)

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With the few Facebook statistics listed above, and considering how many people visit Facebook in Nigeria, any brands or business still adamant about optimising their ads campaign might as well forget it.

If you’ve never used Facebook ads before, the learning graph might be very steep, and this is because you’re learning and it might get very expensive as time goes by.

With my proven Facebook advertising tips, be sure to get more conversion from your next ad campaign on Facebook. If you want to get more quality likes and engagement or leads that will eventually convert, then there is a need to properly run your Facebook advertising campaign.

Gone are the days when your fan page could just go viral and accumulate a bunch Facebook page likes for free. In 2012 to 2013, that could have been possible but not now.

Fortunately, there a few advertising campaigns you can use to target the low hanging fruits, these high ROI ad campaigns are too easy to implement and they are sure ways to increase leads and conversions for your business.

[bctt tweet=”It’s very important to pick the right image to get great results for your ad. #facebookmarketing #digitalmarketing” username=”vibewebsolution”]

Before getting started, let’s quickly have a look at Facebook Ad types.

facebook for business marketing

  1. Page Post Text Ads: This ad format is focused on page engagement. However, there is very little reason to use it instead of the Page Post Photo ad – pictures simply perform better. According to Kissmetrics, photos get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs on links than text-based posts. If you can, avoid this type of format as it’ll likely deliver lower engagement. Supported placements: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile
  1. Page Post Video Ads: Facebook now gets 8 billion video views per day (65% on mobile). Video Advertising on Facebook drives very high engagement. It helps build a strong connection with your potential customers, and even smaller companies can make simple short videos to entertain and connect with their audience. This ad type is also perfect for creating stellar custom audiences to re-target with other ad types! Supported placements: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile
  1. Page Post Photo Ads: Do you want to engage your page fans? Then this is the perfect Ads type for you if you intend to increase engagement on your business page. This Facebook Ad Type allows you to display beautiful pictures for your page ad. If you do pick the right image, you’d be flooded with comments and likes in no time. You could also insert a link in the text description/caption of the post, but don’t expect too much traffic from it when it comes to choosing the best ad type.  Supported placements: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile
  1. Page like Ads: This is your best bet for increasing your page Likes. It can fit into all types of placement and will also feature a visible CTA button for users to click to like your page. It’s very important to pick the right image to get great results for your ad. When advertising for Likes, remember that it’s not about getting the cheapest Likes, it’s about picking the right audience that’s interested in your page! That’s why you have to correctly target the right people when running your advertising campaign. Supported placements: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile
  1. Offer Ads: Offer ads provide promotions or discounts to fans, Facebook helps users claim offers to use in-store or online. Social information shows friends offers that others have claimed and the length of time the offer is available for. Once your offer ad is live, any user who clicks on your ad and redeems the offer will receive an email containing the details and terms of use. All offers must fall within the terms of Facebook pages. Supported placements: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile
  1. Domain Ads: This is the simplest form of Facebook ad, It contains a title, a short description and a link to your website. These can only be displayed on the right-hand side and the main objective for this type of ad is to drive traffic to a site. Unlike most other types of ad campaigns, to use a domain ad, you don’t need to have a Facebook page setup. Supported placements: Right Column
  1. Page Post Link Ads: This is arguably the most common of all the Facebook Ads types. It’s ideal to promote your external blog or website. Page Post Link ads (aka Newsfeed Ads) feature a big image enough to catch a user’s attention.  These ads perform best for driving traffic to your blog/website and with a side benefit of generating Likes for your page. Always stay alerted for comments and be fast to reply to them for engagement boost! Supported placements: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile
  1. Mobile App Ads: This type of ads is basically used to increase the number of downloads for an app and engage with users. Facebook has made the process of promoting an application very simple. Facebook’s ad manager can extract data from an app’s Google Play link or Apple App Store URL to create an ad. Supported placements:  Mobile
  1. Event Ads: Facebook Events Ads are a great way for event organisers to attract more visitors. If you want to boost the reach of your event, you can use this type of ad unit with the right targeting options. According to the size and relevance of the event you’re promoting, you may want to limit the geographical reach of the ad to people living in the same city or region as the event. Supported placements: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile
  1. Canvas Ads: With Canvas ads, your potential (or previous) customers can swipe through a carousel of images showing the product you are promoting, it allows you to tilt the image in different directions, and/or zoom in or zoom out – all with their fingertips. It also loads 10 times faster than standard mobile web applications! Supported placements: Newsfeed, Mobile Only
  1. Lead Ads: Introduced in 2015, these ads are fantastic for generating leads! Unlike many of Facebook’s previous ad types, users don’t have to exit Facebook to fill out these forms. They are available on Desktop and Mobile devices, these type of ads are great for quickly getting a potential customer’s email address! Supported placements: Newsfeed, Mobile

Are you new to Facebook advertising? With the following ad types, you should have a fundamental knowledge the various types of Facebook ads you can run on Facebook (with or without a Facebook page)

Now let’s have a look at my killer Facebook advertising tips to boost conversion.

1. Re-engage Leads

Am sure you’re already getting frustrated because they aren’t reading your email newsletters, well, just because they don’t open your email doesn’t mean you can’t still get to them.

With this campaign, you can re-engage those subscribers who aren’t reading your emails with just an important message. You can get more from those cold subscribers of yours.

Here is a strategy to help you retarget your ads to those who haven’t opened or read your email campaign.

  1. First, you’ll need to export the list of subscribers who didn’t open or read your email. To do that, you will need to navigate to the analytics section of your email (varies across different email service providers), view the people who haven’t read your email in a while, then export that list to a .csv file.
  2. Next is to upload this list to Facebook as a new Custom Audience.facebook advertising tips to boost conversion
  3. Once you’ve achieved that, it’s basically a matter of targeting that new Custom Audience with ads promoting exactly the same message you had promoted via email.

That’s it, the number of people you target now depends on the number of emails subscribers you’ve exported. I can recommend you start with a list containing a few hundreds of people who haven’t seen your emails in while. This will ensure you have enough people in your custom list to target this ad

2. Convert Abandoned Carts Into Leads

The rate at which people abandon shopping carts is on a high, A study containing statistics of 37 different e-commerce shopping cart abandonment revealed, 69.23% abandoned their carts while shopping on e-commerce stores online, and it’s clearly a problem every e-commerce business is trying to solve.

Some e-commerce stores are using the email to solve the problem of cart abandonment, but a miss is as good as a mile, they have all failed in this course because it doesn’t help for existing visitors.

This is where Facebook ads come in, this will serve as a supplement for those customers that have abandoned your product carts but subscribed for your email.

[bctt tweet=”A fantastic way to get more conversion is to include a coupon code in the Facebook ad copy! #facebookmarketing” username=”vibewebsolution”]

With this strategy, you can retarget people who didn’t end up buying your product. This type of ads helps them complete a purchase a few days after abandoning their carts.

Here is the strategy to implement fast:

  1. You will first upload your product catalogue to Facebook as a .csv file. This will enable Facebook display ads similar products that have been abandoned by people.
  2. Modify Facebook pixel to support dynamic ads. With this pixel can pass data back to Facebook about which products have been viewed by customers.
  3. Set up dynamic ad templates. With that setup, you can configure what your dynamic ads will look like using variables that will eventually populate based on the data in your product catalogue.
  4. Finally, run your dynamic ad campaigns. After you have completed step 3, your site visitors will now be eligible to see dynamic ads automatically. Using the Custom Audience based on the ‘Add to Cart’ conversion event, you can easily get more leads from those that have abandoned their carts.

facebook advertising tips to boost conversion

Tip: A fantastic way to get more conversion is to include a coupon code in the Facebook ad copy! This could be a free discount code, shipping offer, or anything you like.

3. Convert More Website Visitors Into Leads

This campaign won’t you an arm and a leg, with just a few dollars, you can get this up and running with very little attention. what this campaign will do is to transform your usual website visitors into email subscribers or leads that will eventually end up buying.

Averagely, 50% of the total number of people who visits your website visitors will only visit one page before leaving. Instead of having the majority of your site traffic visit as anonymous and leave without submitting their email, you retarget them via Facebook ads for a few number of days and in turn, increases your chance of converting them into new subscribers.

Let’s have a look at how this strategy works:

Okay, a situation where a visitors visits your site and reads a piece of your site content (could be a blog post, video post, audio, or other things contained on your blog/site), what happens next is, they get pixelled by Facebook.

What this does is, it gives you the privilege to retarget them with Facebook ads after leaving your site.

When that person leaves without subscribing to your email list, they’ll eventually start seeing ads on Facebook promoting your PDF’s, eBooks, and other opt-in offers you have.

It would last for about 3 to 5 days depending on how you set your ads up. If they don’t subscribe via the ads, they would stop seeing them until they visit again.

facebook advertising tips to boost conversion

How to implement it:                                                      

  1. First, add the Facebook pixel to your website. Click on the link to see how to about that if you haven’t done that already.
  2. Set up 4 different Custom Audiences (CA’s): set up as seen below.
  • First, should contain all website visitors in the last 5 days
  • Second should contain all website visitors in the last 3 days
  • A third containing all website visitors in the last 1 day
  • And lastly, one containing all new email subscribers in the last 90 days
  1. The last custom audience will give you the chance to excluded who’ve already subscribed to your list from seeing your ads.
  2. When you go to set-up your ads, you’ll create an ad set targeting people who visited in the last 5 days, and EXCLUDING visitors in the last 3 days, as well as new email subscribers. People who will see this ad are those who visited your site five days ago.
  3. Next, you will want to create an ad set that targets your three-day website visitors CA. For this one, exclude visitors in the last day, and also your new email subscribers. People who will see this ad are those who visited your site two to three days ago.
  4. Lastly, you’ll create an ad set targeting people who have visited on the last day but exclude new email subscribers. People who will see this ad are those who visited on the last day.

[bctt tweet=”Effective personalization can be the key to optimising your ad campaign. #facebookadvertising #digitalmarketing” username=”vibewebsolution”]

With all this setup, it means you have a Facebook ad campaign that displays different ads to visitors who have carried out an action on your site in the last five (5) days.

To sum it all up:

Effective personalization can be the key to optimising your ad campaign, if you want your Facebook ad gets your more conversion or want to take it to the next level, you can always personalise your ads based on content categories.

Instead of using a single Facebook advertising campaign, you should implement the strategies I’ve listed above; Some ad campaigns performs best when you create multiple content categories based on your audience action. You can even be more specific showing ads based on categories to visitors, which is an even more powerful Facebook advertising tips to boost conversion.


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