How to Measure Brand Awareness: 8 Key Metrics to Track

how to measure brand awareness

Measuring your brand awareness is a crucial task that offers your brand insights into its market presence, reputation, and growth potential. However, quantifying awareness can be challenging due to its broad nature. But no worries, there are various metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be employed to depict brand awareness and track changes over time.

And each will be discussed in details along with how best to use them to your brand advantage as we continue to explore this topic.

Meanwhile, it’s paramount to state that relying solely on internal efforts to gather and analyze these data can be resource-intensive for you as a marketer. But thanks to innovation, some tools could come in handy for faster and easier processes.

However, there are specific metrics you should look out for while doing for you to effectively measure your brand’s market reach and reputation.

 Ready for us to explore them together? Then, let’s dive in!

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness is the extent to which a specific brand is recognized and remembered by consumers or an audience. 

It reflects the level of familiarity and recall that people have with a particular brand name, logo, or other distinctive elements associated with it. 

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Brand awareness is a crucial aspect of a brand’s overall reputation and market presence.

Brand awareness can be categorized into two primary types:

Aided Awareness: This refers to how easily consumers recognize a brand when prompted with its name or logo. And according to Oberlo, using a signature colour can increase brand recognition by 80%.

Unaided Awareness: Also known as top-of-mind awareness, this measures a brand’s ability to spontaneously come to consumers’ minds when thinking about a particular product or service category.

To effectively measure your brand awareness and reputation, all you need is to collect data from diverse sources and channels to evaluate your brand visibility, reach, and impact. Competitive benchmarking is crucial to set future realistic targets for KPIs as a brand.

Why Brand Awareness Is Important

Understanding Market Penetration

By tracking brand awareness, you gain insights into how well your brand is known and remembered in the market.

Assessing Reputation

Brand awareness metrics can help you measure the perception of your brand among your target audience, helping you to identify both positive and negative sentiments.

Effective Resource Allocation

Measuring brand awareness allows you to allocate resources more efficiently by focusing on strategies that truly enhance your brand’s visibility and engagement.

Competitive Benchmarking

Tracking your brand awareness metrics in comparison to your competitors helps you understand your current market positioning and identify areas for improvement.

How To Measure Your Brand Awareness And The KPIs Required

Here are some important methods to apply while measuring your brand performance and its reputation digitally:

1. Brand Mentions and Share of Voice (SOV)

Keep track of brand mentions on digital platforms and calculate your brand’s share of voice (SOV). Monitoring mentions across digital platforms like social media, blogs, forums, and news websites is a means to gauge your brand exposure through brand mentions. You can also utilize tools like Media Monitoring for comprehensive analysis, save time, and ensure accurate data collection.

Also, ensure to calculate your brand’s SOV by comparing the number of brand mentions your brand has with those of competitors in the same industry. 


Overall Brand Mentions: The total number of times your brand is mentioned across various digital platforms.

Positive Brand Mentions: The count of brand mentions that convey a positive sentiment or perception.

Negative Brand Mentions: The count of brand mentions with a negative sentiment.

Share of Voice (SOV): Calculate your brand’s SOV by comparing the number of its mentions with those of competitors in your industry.

2. Assessing Social Media Relevance and Reach

Measure your social media reach across key platforms and analyze the impressions your brand has to target new audiences. Evaluate unique users engaging with your content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok. Also, measure post impressions and differentiate between followers and new visitors, revealing how effective your targeted keywords are. In addition, analyze impressions, engagement, and follower growth to assess your brand’s impact on social media. Overall, establish attainable quarterly growth targets based on factors like existing presence and budget constraints. 


Post Impressions: Measure the total number of times your social media posts are displayed to users.

Total Followers per Platform: Track the number of followers on each social media platform individually.

Total Followers Overall: Sum up the followers from all social media platforms to gauge your overall reach.

3. Analyzing Social Media Engagement

Monitor engagement metrics like likes, comments, shares, and retweets to know the level of interaction with the audience. You should also look into engagement metrics collectively as a brand to assess your social reach and reputation. Afterward, you can create strategies to aim at increasing engagement through interactive and engaging content creation.


Likes: Quantify the number of likes your posts receive on social media.

Comments: Measure the count of comments users leave on your posts.

Shares: Track the number of times your content is shared by users.

Retweets: Calculate the total retweets your brand’s tweets receive on Twitter.

4. Evaluating Web Traffic and User Engagement

Monitor website traffic, including new and returning visitors, page views, and time spent to measure how appealing your content is to your audience and the level of engagement.

Define achievable quarterly goals based on data-driven insights like the bounce rates and returning visitors.  Leverage tools like Google Analytics and Traffic Analysis for estimations of competitors’ desktop and mobile traffic against yours for better performance. 


Direct Traffic: Assess the number of visitors who directly navigate to your website.

New and Returning Visitors: Differentiate between new and returning visitors to understand your audience.

Pageviews: Measure how many times your website pages are viewed.

Time Spent on Website: Analyze the average duration visitors spend on your website.

Bounce Rate: Calculate the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page.

5. Navigating Search Engine Visibility for Enhanced Awareness

Assess your brand presence in search engine results to discover relevant keywords needed to enhance your brand awareness.

You could employ tools like Semrush to get an overview report of your search engine result performance. Afterward, get to creating a keyword strategy or compile a list of target keywords for search engines results to improve your search rankings and measure organic traffic.


Keyword Visibility: Evaluate how often your brand’s targeted keywords appear in search results.

Branded Keywords: Measure the frequency of your brand name in search queries.

Branded Organic Traffic: Calculate the volume of organic search traffic driven by branded keywords.

Authority Score: Assess your website’s authority and credibility in search engines.

6. Customer Surveys, Reviews, and Net Promoter Score

Measure your customer loyalty and their willingness to recommend your brand to others for you to gain insight into your brand awareness. Also, conduct surveys that identify the first brand that comes to customers mind when considering a specific product or service category.

Monitor and manage reviews, net promoter score, and star ratings on third-party platforms like Yelp and Google. 


Average Star Ratings on Review Sites: Determine the average rating your brand receives on platforms like Yelp and Google.

Survey Results on Brand Recognition: Analyze survey responses to assess how well consumers remember your brand.

Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure customer loyalty and their willingness to recommend your brand.

7. Monitoring Influencer Impact on Brand Awareness

This is where you get to define your benchmarks for influencer marketing ROI based on revenue goals and industry standards. Also, ensure to analyze engagement and follower growth from those influencer partnerships you have been involved in to help make better decisions for future ones. And also to optimize your investment returns. 


Influencer Post Engagement: Track the level of engagement generated by influencer posts.

ROI from Influencer Campaign: Measure the return on investment generated by your influencer marketing efforts.

Leads/Website Traffic from Influencer Posts: Analyze the number of leads or website visits attributed to influencer collaborations.

8. Quantifying Media Impressions and Backlinks

Track the sharing of brand content across digital media platforms to evaluate PR efforts.

Utilize digital tools to monitor brand mentions and quantify potential reach and impact. Also, ensure to analyze generated backlinks that were used to build trust and expand brand reach. Then, after analysis, ensure to seek opportunities for follow-backlinks in the future for better performance.


Media mentions across platforms.

Analysis of backlinks generated.

Comparison of no-follow vs. follow backlinks. 


Now, you know what it takes for you to measure brand awareness effectively. By employing a combination of the methods listed above along with the KPIs, you can effectively assess your brand’s awareness performance. 

You could see this as an entrance to making data-driven decisions to enhance brand visibility, engagement, and future success. 

With these well-rounded approaches to measuring brand awareness, be sure to be able to drive meaningful growth for your business if implemented. 

Measuring brand awareness is not only attainable but essential for businesses aiming for sustained growth and success.

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