11 Digital Marketing Skills to Boost Your CV: What Recruiters Want

Digital Marketing Skills

Possessing top digital marketing skill are now a crucial part of any modern day business, career and employer. To stay competitive, you need the relevant digital talents and skills.

Digital marketing can be extremely difficult if you don’t have the right skills and talent. But with the right digital marketing skill set, online marketing could be an easy pie.

Today, 40% of the world population are online. The first billion was reached sometime in 2005, while the second billion in 2010, and the third in 2014.

This massive growth in internet usage has made the digital marketing industry worth several tens of billion dollars.

It has likewise increased the need for more talented hands and practical digital marketers. The reason for an increase in digital advertising agencies around the globe.

As the industry is continuously evolving, there is also a need for every marketer to stay advanced along with the newest advancements and innovations.

But then, many surveys states there is a talent gap in digital marketing. While the need for digital marketing skills has never been higher, the digital skills gap has never been wider as well.

[bctt tweet=”Almost 90% of digital marketers lack technical digital marketing skills, and only 8% stay active in this regard.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Through our digital marketing training course and digital marketing blog, we are so keen to help members develop their digital marketing skills and of those in their team.

Over the last couple of years, I have had the pleasant opportunity to meet with dozens of digital marketing executives to gain an understanding of the digital marketing skills needed to succeed in their various organizations.

From this experience, I have been able to come up with this article on the various Digital Marketing Skills you need to succeed in your career as a Digital Marketer.

Without much ado, let’s dive into them!

10 Digital Marketing Skills You Need to Boost Your CV

Digital Marketing Skill #1: Content Marketing

top digital marketing skills

Content marketing holds its position in the top five digital marketing positions.

This is because it is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. And ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

It’s the fulcrum that holds all the pieces of digital marketing together. Though the hype surrounding it has waned, but truth is content remains the “king of digital marketing.”

It’s no longer the “pretty new thing” everyone is talking about, but has matured to be a mainstay cornerstone of almost any comprehensive digital strategy.

Now anyone who can plan, strategize, create and promote compelling, targeted, engaging content is in high demand from digital marketing recruiters.

What makes it a valuable skill is its ability to touch nearly every component of a complete marketing program today.

[bctt tweet=”No matter what field you’re in, understanding what quality, well-targeted content brings to the table is crucial to getting and retaining the attention of potential customers.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

This is not surprising. Content marketing helps companies rank higher in search results.

Whether it’s a helpful and insightful blog post or a helpful piece of content like an eBook, it all helps to generate those valuable leads, increase website traffic, and move businesses one step closer to that first-page result.

Unfortunately for you, if you don’t have excellent writing skills as a backup for different platforms, then the skills you have in SEO, SMO and email marketing will be useless.

Like Ian Rowden said; the best brands are built on great stories.”

This is the Holy Grail for many successful content marketers and various content marketing strategies.

Fortunately for you, you can learn how to become a content marketer with our content marketing and SEO course, where you would learn how to create and distribute relevant and sellable content for your brand and generate revenue too.

Digital Marketing Skill #2: Search Engine Optimisation

top digital marketing skills

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a form of marketing focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results.  It encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines.

The majority of web traffic is driven by the major commercial search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Search engines are the primary method of navigation for most internet users.

Since the rise of Google and the death of outbound marketing, ranking on the first page of search results has become more important than ever.

And there’s no surprise why 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. In real terms, search engines handle 6,586,013,574 queries a day.

That’s six billion, five hundred eighty-six million, thirteen thousand, five hundred and seventy-four, in case you’re wondering.

Whichever way you choose to look at those figures, the ability to put a prospective employer on the first page, or even top of a search result will make you instantly attractive.

As we enter a new year, search engine algorithms are once again updated and made smarter, digital marketers will need to have the skills to produce high ranking content.

Even if you are not looking to be the person in ultimate charge of SEO, knowing the benefits and practices of good SEO will make you a better marketer and better teammate.

Learning the ropes of SEO will allow you to effectively and confidently give directions to others or take actions when needed.

For this year, beyond keyword implementation, there are a number of things you should focus on.

Look at Search Engine Result Page (SERP), learn how to analyse your rankings and spot threats to your rankings.

You should also be learning about structured data, voice search, and mobile search optimization.

Digital Marketing Skill #3: Website Design and Programming

Website Design and Programming

Coding is an invaluable skill to add to your skill stack.

The beauty is that you don’t have to be a code geek (though it wouldn’t hurt being one), basic level of understanding on it will equip you to advance in the job market.

With a basic level of HTML, CSS and other common coding languages, you demonstrate to employers you know how to troubleshoot basic problems without help from IT.

And if you’re beyond the basics, even better!

Gone are the days when digital marketers can get away with not knowing basic coding.

Today, you can do almost nothing without some bit of coding. In 2017, 20% of entry and mid-level jobs required HTML and CSS skills from digital marketers. This year, this trend will expectedly continue to increase, as demand increases.

Instead of businesses outsourcing another person to make basic HTML and CSS changes on content, this job is now given to in-house digital marketers or technical growth marketers.

Marketers who can make small programming modifications in the backend of websites, design engaging email campaigns with HTML and improve landing pages will be in more demand than those who cannot.

Digital Marketing Skill #4: Data Science and Analytics

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Data is growing faster every day, and by 2020, it will be 1.7 megabytes of new information.

[bctt tweet=”If you’ve found a passion for crunching numbers, adding data analysis and science to your stack could be an excellent career move.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

You’ll be in a prime position where digital analytics staffing or recruitment experts will be knocking at your door.

In the current digital marketing landscape, marketers have an abundance of data to gain insights from.

We can drill down into our customer’s personas, discover their wants and pain-points, pinpoint exactly their location on the buyer’s journey they are and determine which messages to send to them to move them one step closer to purchasing our products.

It is because of this volume of data that analytical skills are more important than ever.

There’s no point in being good at creating an engaging digital campaign if you cannot analyse the results, reduce bounce rates, click though rates, impressions, attract better leads and reproduce the campaign’s success using analytic tools such as Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Hotjar, etc.

That’s why marketing operations are increasingly turning to data science recruiters to help them find experts capable of reading and interpreting those mountains of information.

As a data analysis expert with data science skills, you can step to help sort, organize, and (most importantly) extract meaning and actionable insights from these huge data landfills.

Turning all this mined data into something tangible and valuable is a highly sought after skill.

Right now, you should focus on expanding your knowledge of analytics tools beyond Google’s suite.

Learn how to analyse e-commerce statistics.

The world of digital marketing is always evolving and the skills needed are in constant need of refreshment, and adding data science and analytic skills to your bag of tricks should not be up for debate at all.

Digital Marketing Skill #5: Marketing Automation

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[bctt tweet=”Marketing automation is basically a software that allows digital marketers to automate tasks and marketing actions for desired outcomes.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

This can be used for repetitive tasks that allow the businesses to modernize, computerize, determine the promotion functions and as well workflows, so as to save quality time and increase the operational effectiveness and revenue.

Marketing automation is very much valuable for small and medium-sized businesses.

The standard features that it includes are Email Marketing, Landing pages, social marketing, Lead Management, Campaign Management, Marketing Analytics and more.

Though, to utilize these technologies possibly for business, the team should have an expert who knows the perfect ways to make use of them.

With over 4000 marketing automation solutions available, staying on top of them all can be an impossible job for digital marketers.

However, it is a necessary evil to monitor them and determine which ones are the most valuable in order to become an indispensable asset.

Digital marketers who are well skilled in their industry’s marketing automation tools, and keep their finger on the button for new ones emerging, will be far more valuable to companies looking to save more time and improve workflow from automation.

To make sure you are one of them, take advantage of the free certification courses many of these platforms like Hubspot, Hootsuite and Marketo offer.

Digital Marketing Skill #6: Social Media Management and Marketing

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By now, you should already know the revolutionary power of social media.

Social networks have massive, highly engaged audiences that should be valuable marketing territory.

Social media has become entrenched in our everyday lives and routines. Nearly one-third of the population is currently using some type of social media platform.  

This is why businesses are looking to capitalize on this unique digital marketing skill to drive new business opportunity.

Having a social media marketing skill qualifies you to become a social media manager whose major responsibility is to manage contents on social media pages.

[bctt tweet=”You need to develop an understanding of unique copywriting, colour psychology, analytics, and visual marketing to improve your social media skills.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

But in an environment where anyone can fire off a tweet in a matter of seconds and have it lost in a sea of other messages, images, links and more, it’s hard to make your voice heard.

Sometimes the best way to ensure your message is heard is through sponsored posts, paid ads, and influencer marketing.

To capture target audiences more quickly and efficiently, brands increasingly realize the advantages of working with paid opportunities.

That’s where you come in.

You can maximize your company’s advertising results with paid social media advertising; either working in a social media advertising agency or as a freelance influencer marketer.

However, despite this, Small Business Trends reports that 24% of small businesses don’t use social media at all. Many will have to adopt at some point, meaning that they will need to hire staff.

This year, you should be focusing on social media ad management, community management, customer service and the increasing engagement in engaging content like Facebook and Instagram live stories.

Email Marketing

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[bctt tweet=”Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Email marketing is one of the oldest digital marketing methods, yet it consistently delivers high click-through rates and exceptional ROI compared to other marketing channels.

While email remains a staple in marketing, it’s essential for marketers to stay updated and inventive. Incorporating automation techniques and adapting to evolving user expectations are crucial.

Businesses, agencies, and digital marketing recruiters are actively seeking professionals skilled in email marketing. They value candidates who can help expand, engage, and satisfy email subscribers.

Furthermore, as social media platforms adopt algorithmic feeds and Google emphasizes paid ads, it becomes vital for brands to have control over how and when they reach their audience. Robust email marketing offers this control and flexibility.

Digital Marketing Skill #8: Video Editing and Graphics Design

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Today, video has become a powerful storytelling medium.

It is not only for a brand’s business promotional campaign, powerful ideas, content marketing effort, but is also the best medium for developing the best relationship between the brand and its audience.

This explains why many companies invest hugely in video content marketing.

[bctt tweet=”YouTube, as one of the largest search engines in the world, consume and generates millions of engagements daily.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

But due to scarcity of necessary skills, many of them fail to make success in video content marketing.

If you uprightly spend the time to learn about this, then it is for sure that you will get a larger audience and as well can expand your brand all over and make it memorable.

The value of video is seen all over the internet:

With those figures in mind, learning how to make and market video is a no-brainer.

Familiarise yourself with the hardware and technical basics of filming video, particularly live-streamed video such as Facebook Live and Periscope.

Get to know editing programmes and how to put together a basic video, and market that video afterwards, by adding meta tags, titles and descriptions to the video.

Graphics Design

Graphics design skills have almost become a basic life survival skill for every tech savvy individual.

However, unless you work in a medium to large corporation, many businesses are not able to afford an in-house graphic designer for their content.

This is why digital marketers need to be able to help produce attractive visual aids like Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram graphics that help their client’s content to convert and bring in quality leads.

Design sites like Canva make it easy for digital marketers to create attractive content for a variety of platforms with their ready to go templates and offer tons of resources to help you improve your eye for design.

Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning

Strategy and Planning

Did you know that the right digital marketing strategy will drive the desired sales and customers to grow your business?

Do you know that 46% of brands don’t have a defined digital marketing strategy while 16% do have a strategy but haven’t yet integrated it into their online marketing processes?

All in all, what makes a successful digital marketer is his/her ability to carry out proper planning using the right strategy.  Knowing when and which strategy to use is something that makes or breaks any digital marketing campaign.

The complexity of planning a great online marketing strategy may disrupt your plan to run a successful campaign if care is not taken. And that’s why I’ve compiled the 5 important steps you need to plan a successful marketing strategy.

5 Important Steps You Need to Plan a Successful Marketing Strategy

  1. Define what you want and set the goals.
  2. Analyse your past failures and learn from them.
  3. Understanding is key. Remember who you’re talking to and speak in a language they will understand.
  4. Do not spend beyond your budget, identify your means, and stick with your budget.
  5. Be flexible, know when to stick to a plan and when to adjust.

Like I said, there’s no real digital marketer who does not have the ability to plan and carry out strategies that will succeed.

That’s why we included this as an important digital skill you need to succeed in your digital career.

If you attend our training today, we will teach you the complexities of planning, buying, and executing a marketing campaign that integrates traditional marketing with all digital activities, including display advertising, search engine marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing and social media.

Digital Marketing Skill #11: Online Advertising and Customer Acquisition

online advertising

You must have come across the word “Online advertising” before, right?

[bctt tweet=”Online advertising is sometimes referred to as paid channel marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or pay-per-click (PPC) marketing.” username=”DMSInstitute”]

If you are consistent with digital marketing practice, then you should have in one way or another seen or heard of the word, “Online Advertising”.

Online advertising is sometimes referred to as paid channel marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or pay-per-click (PPC) marketing.  Whichever the case, the ultimate goal of Online Marketing is to drive consistent traffic to your website.

Online marketing is an important skill any wannabe digital marketer should have. With this skill, you can carry out lots of effective advertising campaigns that drive and acquire paying customers.

Online advertisement is a billion dollar industry, with digital ad spending worldwide hitting $137.53 billion in 2014 and accounting for one-quarter of total media spending.

With that said, don’t you think taking up Digital Marketing as a career is going to pay off?

Let’s go ahead and see what online advertising really is…

What is Online Advertising?

According to Wikipedia, Online advertising, also called online marketing or Internet advertising or web advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers.

[bctt tweet=”Online advertising is the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business through electronic media.” username=”DMSInstitute”]

Also, knowonlineadvertising gave a crystal clear definition of digital marketing, “the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business through electronic media.”

Here are some personal qualities a great online advertiser must have:

A Freelance Content Strategist, Christina Adames shared on LinkedIn this wonderful piece. I will just list them out for you so you can know the various qualities of an effective online advertiser.

#1 Conviction

Effective advertisers understands the importance of craft and believe in their work. For you to be hireable, you need to be sure and confident of your advertising services.

Regardless of your artistry and intuition, you need to stand your ground sometimes and let the hirer know the best strategy for their products.

#2 Artistry

An artist has a rare ability to connect with the human soul and this can’t be taught. When it comes to online advertising, your artistry must come-in-play and display your artistic qualities in each and every unique ad campaign you run.

[bctt tweet=”A good online advertiser should display an honest attitude when it comes to advertising a particular product.” username=”DMSInstitute”]

#3 Detailed Understanding of the Product

No business will offer you an advertising job if you don’t know “what, how, why and where” of a product. So, you need to have a proper and a well-detailed knowledge of the product you intend to market.

#4 Honesty

Honesty for sure is an important attribute for everyone, who wants to work with a dishonest person? A good online advertiser should display an honest attitude when it comes to advertising a particular product.

Of course, gimmicks and marketing trick works, but giving an honest view about the product is ideal.

#5 Influence

An effective advertiser should and must have the ability to influence and promote different products and services.

#6 Intuition

What does this mean? According to English dictionary, it means an immediate cognition without the use of conscious rational processes.

A great online advertiser must be intuitive with marketing online. With this traits, they can look deep into prospective buyers emotions and their intuitive response to running ads and their responses.

#7 Perception

Lastly, having a perception of your audience perception is paramount. It as well, important traits for any online advertiser.

To convey a message effectively, advertisers must comprehend how their audience reads or listens within the appropriate context.

If you’re ready to jump in the pool of Online Marketing, why not attend our training today and learn how to become a top Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram advertiser.

Click here to learn more about the training. 

We’ll provide you with vital expertise to strategize, execute, and oversee a successful online advertising campaign. Platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Gmail, Twitter, and LinkedIn Ads will be covered in the process.

You will learn how to effectively target and re-target ready to buy customers to achieve demonstrable ROI.


Although it’s important to establish a niche level of expertise in a special field…

In today’s digital space, a sought-after digital marketer must have basic knowledge in all the discussed disciplines. Our digital marketing training provide a solid foundation in these essential skills.


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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.