Website Optimization for businesses in Nigeria

website optimisation

The only way to boost relevance and visibility to your website in Nigeria is through website optimisation. In clear terms, website optimization is the process of making changes to your website so that it will appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPS).

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However, there are factors that that actually determines your website optimisation, such factors include how good your content development, your website layout and designs and a host of others. Anything that is contrary to this means that you visitors would leave your website.

However, website optimisation actually is a concept that compounds search engine optimization skill. It includes more of SEO and the moment you fail to get it right, that means you have started chasing out visitors of your website.

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The truth is that you cannot push your ranking as high as possible with Search Engine optimisation (SEO) devoid of website optimisation.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services for website optimization addresses myriads of factors such as using keyword, creating search-engine friendly design, content, building links, and resolving technical issues that may drive search engines away.

There are many factors behind why people leave your website. As a website owner, reason behind website optimisation is to attract traffic, keep visitors, and convert them.

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Some characteristics of a website optimisation include fact perfecting your website design, increasing the loading speed, developing good contents, and other things. If these things are imbedded in your website a visitor has no reason to leave.

Active content

In digital marketing world, content is a king. That is to say, website optimisation wouldn’t work without an active content. And for content to be a king, content doesn’t have to be inactive.

If your website continues to keep old contents without updating fresh contents nobody will keep navigating your website. If a visitor has nothing new to read, why would he or she stay on your website? At least you have to ensure that you regularly update contents so as to keep your website

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Good content

A well developed content will help your website optimisation. There is nothing that is more thrilling to readers than a content that is clear and comprehensive. If your content is difficult to read then that becomes a strain.

No visitor will spend much time reading stuffs that is not comprehensive. Surely, contents are requirements to rank well on search engines rank pages.

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On a related note, consider that design isn’t just about colors, images and graphics. The fonts you use, as well as the colors of your text and background, can determine how easily people can read and digest the content on your website. If it can’t be easily read, it’s simply not going to convert very well.

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Use modern plug-in

You cannot use outdated plug-ins and expect a good website optimisation. For instance always use HTML5 for multimedia like the videos or animations.

In a bid to ensure better experience for users who cannot afford your video, you can also include a note that summarizes your video. Remember, the fewer bells and whistles your site adds, the less time you’ll have to spend jumping on new technology trends.

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Website design and layout

The layout and the way you design your website are very important aspects of your website optimisation. If the design and layout of your website is poor, visitors will leave your website. Your design shouldn’t conflict with the user experience because that is what matters most. Your website should be designed in such a way that it appeals to visitors.



If your website is rooted with variety of contents, you can implement a more robust filtering system through which the users can eliminate the distractions and find what they are searching for.

Page loading

Page load speed is a ranking factor for Google. It’s a good idea to check your page load on a few random pages to make sure changes to your site have not affected performance.

For instance,when Google added page speed into their algorithm, sites that had slow load times saw a drop in traffic from Google. Always optimize your website to improve performance.

For instance, if you are using a shared hosting server, you can try switching to a different hosting provider to see if it makes a positive difference. After making changes, measure performance again.

Appropriate Ads







Placing Ads may not necessarily be a component of website optimisation. But it could affect the visitors. Let your Ads be moderate and always ensure that they are placed at the appropriate positions.

If your website is running based on Ad driven motive, then removing them from your website entirely may not be the best. Just because you need to have Ads doesn’t mean you need to place them everywhere.

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Your Ads shouldn’t be the first thing visitor sees, and they shouldn’t take up more of your site’s real appearance and your actual content.
Yes, the whole idea is to increase the conversion rate, so you just have to ensure that you make your Ads very moderate by limiting the number of ads you use and the locations where they’re displayed.

Good navigation set up

A good navigation is one of the reason visitors would stick to your website and probably convert. A good navigation is not just for good user experience but also boost your Search Engine Optimization efforts.

Rearranging your entire navigation putting into cognisance the user’s needs is very important. There is nothing dreadful like visiting a website that you find tough to navigate to your desired option.

You just have to ensure that anybody on arriving on your website looking for a specific piece of information and wouldn’t get caught in poorly laid-out navigation options.

Useful links:


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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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