7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business

7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business

To drive quality leads and revenue, you need to fully know how to use content to get result on your business. Today we will be talking about the types of content we can use to drive leads and revenue for your business online.

7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business


Content marketing is a process of creating and distributing, relevant, valuable content to attract, engage and acquire target audience

For you to succeed in content marketing, your brand has to give your audience high-quality content that will engage them.

If your major focus is marketing your business online, you can’t do without content marketing. The type of content you have on your website should be related to what you sell; in other words, you are educating your audience so that they can trust, like you enough to do business with your business.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Most of business that has online presence still makes some mistakes when it comes to awareness which include SEO, social media and content marketing.

7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business


SEO, content marketing and social media all have to be inputted together to achieve great result. You can’t have success with content without the social media presence and you can’t achieve result in SEO with understanding the basic role that fresh quality content and social media channels play.

There is always a need to publish relevant content on your business blog so as to keep your audience engaged.

It is important to deliver high quality articles as well as specific buying stage that you are willing to improve on. One great way is to do a persona mad lib exercise.


7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business




It an authoritative, persuasive and well research report on a specific topic that present a problem and at the same time provides a solution.

Online marketers create whitepapers to educate their target audience about a particular topic. It is an advanced problem-solving guide and also a way of collecting leads which requires at least an email address.


7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business


Investopedia defines whitepaper as a well detailed informational document issued by a brand to promote or highlight key features of a solution, product, or services.

The major goal of whitepaper to any business is to persuade and inform your audience on fact and evidence of information shared.

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Franking speaking, some of our readers might be thinking of an analyst report can only be prepared by an analyst or strategist at any financial institute.

7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business


In today’s age, where we have a lot of content publishers, we have seen company expanded to conduct independent research on a particular area and then publish their finding to their audience.

Analyst report is a great when your target audience is looking for data that will guide them in making the right decision.

Business to business online marketers’ benefit by publishing analyst report, Analyst report is great when there is a demand for report related to trends available.


The percentage of business or brand on webinar is very low in Nigeria, a lot brands have never implemented webinar in their business.

The percentage of business outside the country has invested in webinar which there numbers has increased in the last three years. With webinar, your audience will get to know more about your brand, product and services either through audio-visual presentation.



Webinars offers great gap between content, downloadable files and in-person attendee by giving them opportunity to ask question and also interact with the presenter.

Few note when you attend webinar

  • They are suited for buyer’s awareness and consideration stage.
  • There is always average of 40-50 attendance rates for most webinar.
  • Webinar can generate more leads for any business.
  • Question and answer sections keep the audience engaged with the webinar session.


  1. VIDEO

7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business


Video is found to increase engagement when you combine it with other online marketing strategy such as email marketing, blogging.

You have to invest in video because its convert more when passing information to larger audience, a lot of website has a lot of blog post right now, but the numbers of engaging and interesting video content are limited.

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Videos engage and also drive more leads when they are done correctly. For example, If your brand deals with developing applications, you will need to create engaging video demo showing your audience the usefulness and benefit of the app. There are tools to track the performance of your video; one of the tools is called heatmap

Heatmap is a great features that you can include on video which allows you to see where your audience watch, re-watch, and skip. You can use the data to produce more powerful video content for your audience.

7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your businessSLIDESHARE PRESENTATION

Slideshare is one of presentation resources integrated with LinkedIn and I didn’t see the a sign of ending their partnership this year 2016.


7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business

You can use your blog posts to create your first slideshare campaign which has basic post related to the topic of the content.

Slideshare can also drive traffic back to your website or blog depending on how you want to channel your traffic.

Here’s a great slideshare presentation on how to generate leads


7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business

Ebook are form of content marketing by which a digestible visual content are shared to drive awareness across an audience.

Ebook can be use to generate leads, for example if you want to sell a course online all you need to do is to create a short report as an ebook then upload it online for those interested in the eBook to drop their emails before downloading by doing so you are collecting targeted leads interested in your offer.


Infographics is slightly different from content that we have been talking about in this article. Infographics is a visual presentation of key factor of a report to bring statistics to life.

7 Types of Content to Drive Leads and Revenue for your business


They can be shared easily and can eventually go viral across the web. If you want to create an Infographics for your business, you can use tools such as Pictochart, Canva and Venngage.

To drive leads and revenue for your business, you have a lot of options for types of content to use to achieve your goals. Before you choose the kind of content to go for, you need to know what your audience want and how your content can address it.

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An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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