Content Marketing Budget in Nigeria: Allocate Your Content Marketing Budget

Content Marketing Budget in Nigeria

Its high time firms and companies in Nigeria start making preparations geared towards setting out a particular fixed sum of money for content marketing. At the moment, the year is actually coming to an end, and most firms are already preparing their budget for the coming year.

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Now, the importance of putting content marketing budget for the coming year into cognizance cannot be overemphasized.

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Obviously, most companies do not have budget for content marketing which is very saddening, while some firms ponder on how much to be allotted to content marketing budget? Other set of people might ask how much does content marketing cost?

[bctt tweet=”Most companies do not have budget for content marketing which is very saddening, while some firms ponder on how much to be allotted to content marketing budget?” username=”vibewebsolution”]

Content Marketing Budget in Nigeria


These are very critical questions; they are also tough as well. Be it as it may, the following are the tips that might help you abscond successfully from the puzzle:

  • What sort of business are you into?
  • How much of your gross revenue do you spend on your advertising?
  • Do you have an in house team that can write your develop your entire contents, including your video, graphics, or multimedia etc.
  • How will this impact your overall marketing plan?
  • How long is your sales cycle?
  • What is the description of your product or service?
  • How much do you spend at the moment on advertising and marketing?
  • What is your average sale?
  • Is your brand new or trying to gain its footing?
  • Are you a well-known trademark?
  • Are you just starting a content marketing plan?
  • How much risk will this create?
  • How do you define achievements in your business?
  • What type of content do you find worthy of publishing and at what frequency?

If you are able to attempt the aforementioned questions, you would be able to know the exact budget you set out for

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Content Marketing Budget in Nigeria

You cannot benchmark traditional form of marketing with content marketing

  • There might be a lot of advantages attached to the traditional form of marketing which most Nigerian firms do derive, since most of them still stick to the traditional form of marketing. They spend much on billboard, television, and radio. Obviously, once a traditional campaign ends, it stops running for you, while content marketing continues to build trust and assurance. Obviously, these are the key mechanism of a long lasting business relationship.
  • Content is much more shareable. There is no way you can share TV advert, content can be shared several number of times. If you want to share your TV advert that means you should set out large amount of money for different television stations. Most firms that are well grounded on digital marketing share their blog posts, social media posts, online videos and many other pieces of online content. And this is like a chain reaction, for instance, when you post an interesting video on Facebook or Youtube, it goes viral within a short period of time.
  • Content is a business asset, experts have already termed it as the king, when it comes to digital marketing. Once a good content is published, your content becomes evergreen, in as much as it is worthy, it would last for a long period of time. On the other hand, once your traditional advertising campaign end, it ends. But content is always there.
  • Most content can be actually tailored to a specific audience and its consumption is limitless. Your content can also be tailored to specific parts of your sales focus. Instead of sending one particular message to all the audience, why not use content marketing which can be tailored to your specific audience and the system and channel in which they access information. In other words, your content can reach that same group and parse out individual nuisances, targeting them much more effectively. You can use content for detailed and in-depth communication with your audience.

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