As a business owner, have you ever wondered how to increase sales for your business and get more customers to buy from you but you don’t know how to achieve that?
Or are you are managing a client’s business and are clueless on what to do to increase sales for that particular product? You might have tried all you know but you are still not getting results.
You could be doing a couple of things wrong, like
- Ignoring SEO
- Not optimizing your social media profiles
- You don’t have a website for your business
And many others.
This is why in this article, I will be sharing with you how you can increase sales for your business either as a business owner or as someone who manages other people’s business online.
Digital marketing has made it possible to buy and sell online but you might not get the best out of it or even get the result, because you don’t know the strategies of digital marketing that could help you grow your business and you also don’t know how to use these strategies to grow your business.
In our 90% practical digital marketing course, you will learn these strategies and how to apply them to achieve the result you desire for your business.
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The goal of every business is to make a profit and to keep making a profit you should utilize and practice some strategies that would help increase sales, which will give you more profit.
You don’t start a business just for the fun of it except it’s a non-governmental organization, other than that, you must be willing to put in the work to achieve the results you desired when you were setting up the business.
Businesses rely heavily on sales to grow, and so if your business is not making sales, you might want to check what you are doing wrong and what you should do better.
It doesn’t matter the kind of business you are into, the kind of products you sell, or the kind of services you offer, you should have a healthy inflow of cash.
There are many ways to achieve this, and so in this article, I will be sharing with you actionable steps that you can take to increase sales for your business.
Before I share this with you, I want you to have a piece of background knowledge about business and increasing sales.
What is a business?
A business can be defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. A business can be for-profit or it can be a non-profit organization that operate to fulfill a charitable, mission or further a social cause(Non-governmental organizations, NGO’s)
From the definition above, you can see that a business can operate in two dimensions, either as profit-oriented or as a none profit-oriented.
Our focus in this article is on profit-oriented business. A business that was established to make a profit will be interested in increasing sales because an increased sales mean more profit and growth for the business.
A business can also be said to be an organization that seeks to make more profit through the working together of individuals to achieve a common goal.
Tips to increase sales for your business
Before I move on to sharing the efficient tips with you, I want you to see video testimonials from one of our students who took our 90% practical digital marketing course.
Like I said in the previous paragraphs in this article, increased sales is strategic to the growth of a business, so if you want your business to grow, you have to implement strategies to achieve your result. These strategies include:
1. Appreciate and acknowledge your existing customers
Appreciate your customers for buying from you. A good way is to provide personalized training on how to use your product so they will get value for the money they pay you.
Treat them like you would like to be treated and even much better than that, your customer service must be top-notch and meet their needs. When an existing customer is happy and satisfied with his/her purchase, they would either come back or help you spread the news about the
2. Be sincere about your product
When you want to create a sales copy or talk about your product or the services you offer, be sincere about it. You don’t have to hide from your prospective customers, if your product meets their needs they will buy from you.
The moment what you promised is not what they are seeing or experiencing, then your sales can not increase because if they want to give reviews or spread the word about your product to other people and a poor review can never encourage other people to buy from you.
For instance, if you own an online store, and a prospective customer wants to buy from you. You promised them the exact designs they requested for and by the time they are getting what they paid for, it was completely different from what was agreed.
A good way would have been to notify the customer of the change and confirm if the product will still be accepted, but you choose to ignore it and just send the product to be delivered. The customer is not satisfied with the business transaction and so this happens:
- They can not purchase from you again.
- They will discourage other people from purchasing from you.
- You lose not only one customer but many more that would have come through her if she was satisfied.
Guess what! It does not affect the customer but rather on your business, as a satisfied customer means more sales. If you desire to increase your sales, you should be passionate about sincerity and honesty.
3. Have a business website
For businesses that want to increase sales and don’t have an existing business website. A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on a web server.
A business website serves as a space to provide general information about your business, the products, and the services you offer.
According to Nasdaq, It’s estimated that by the year 2040, 95% of purchases will be through eCommerce. and E-commerce cannot take place without a website.
Also, in a technologically advanced world like ours, with about 4,208,571,287 internet users, you want to position your business so well in the digital world and you know, the number of internet users keeps increasing every second.
The benefits of having a website for your business are limitless. They include:
- Customers will easily find you regardless of geographical location.
- It also serves as a virtual store to showcase your product and services.
- Credibility is established.
- It aids the exchange of information between you as the business owner and your prospective customers.
- It also helps you to identify your competitors online.
Source: Shoedazzle
Like I said earlier, the benefits of having a website for your business are inexhaustible. Creating a website for your business is something you can do on your own, in our 90% practical digital marketing course, we will teach you how to create a website for your business alongside other strategies in digital marketing that would help you to increase sales for your business.
4. Make your website mobile responsive
Having created a website for your business, you should ensure that it is mobile responsive. A mobile responsive website is a website whose screen resolution can easily be adapted to whatever gadget an internet user uses.
You might want to say, “the target audience for my business is desktop users”, you are right in a way, but don’t forget that a desktop user will most likely own a smartphone and may decide to open your website with a mobile phone and then it turns out that your website is not accessible.
The customer gets discouraged and did not end up buying from you, that’s a reduction in sales and not an increase as you would have wanted it.
To get your desired result which is to increase sales for your business, you need to adequately prepare for your customers, ensure everything that would make the transaction hitch-free.
5. Create quality product images
The visual appearance has a way of attracting people(prospective customers) to see what you are selling and the services you offer, this is why you need to invest in creating and producing captivating and quality product images.
An example of a product image. Source: Unsplash
6. Share customer’s testimonials
If you want to increase sales for your business, you should encourage your customers to share their experiences using your product or the services you offer. after sharing with you, you should share with your audience.
Give them visible reasons why they should buy from you. A customer’s testimonial alone can convince other people to patronize you and when they do, there is an increase in sales.
For example, I will be sharing with you the testimonials we got from students who registered for our 90% practical digital marketing course.

An example of testimonials from our paying customers(students). Source: Digital Marketing Skill Institute Review
You might want to add a review page on your website or share across your social media platforms and your marketing channels like we did.
If you don’t know how to create a website for your business, you can register for our 90% practical digital marketing course where you will learn how-to and other strategies in digital marketing that are vital for you to be able to increase sales and grow your business.
You can read more of the reviews here, Digital Marketing Skill Institute Review
7. Engage your target audience on social media platforms
After you must have established your presence as a brand on social media, it’s ideal for you to engage your audience across these platforms. Create contents that would represent your brand at the same time that would be relevant for the consumption of your audience.
When you do this consistently, you are creating awareness for your brand and also establishing credibility that would later result in your audience patronizing you.
Source: Bellafricana
8. Optimize SEO
SEO is the acronym for search engine optimization, and it is the process of optimizing your website to ensure that it appears on the search result on search engines based on requests by internet users.
It involves a lot of technical processes because search engines are programs that search and identify items in a database that corresponds to keywords or characters specified by the user, especially for finding particular sites on the worldwide web.
When you optimize SEO for your business, you make yourself visible on search results, and your prospective customers can easily find you and buy from you, and this will in turn increase sales for your business.
As you can see in the screenshot, our company’s website has been fully optimized to be recognized by search engines and that is why it is appearing top of the search result for the requested keyword.
If you want to learn how to replicate this for your business or you want to learn to be able to help other businesses, register for our 90% practical digital marketing course.
Frequently asked questions
What are 4 general ways to increase sales?
What is a good increase in sales?
Why Increasing sales is important?
The goal of every business is to grow from one range to teh other. For example, teh goal a small-scale busienss will be to row to become a medium scale business and onto a large scale business.
In this article, we talked about what you need to do if you want to increase sales for your business either as a small scale business it as a large scale business.
Large-scale businesses also need to increase sales if they want to continue existing and not go into extinction. This is why in our 90% practical marketing course, we will teach you what you need to know and do to increase sales, and also for your team of marketers, we will teach them as well.
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