8 Mistakes To Avoid When Using Facebook For Your Business

facebook marketing

Facebook marketing has been one of the most commonly adopted digital marketing strategies in the world. There are other social media marketing platforms, but Facebook is the most popular, hence most businesses in Nigeria today have leveraged it. However, Leveraging Facebook does not guarantee multiple revenue or sales for your business.

The fact remains that, Facebook is not for every business. If Facebook marketing is working for A, it doesn’t mean it would work for B. You have to ensure that your business type is properly defined to know if Facebook Marketing would work for you or not.

It is either Facebook is not for your type of business, or you are making common mistakes that need to be avoided.

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However, in this article, I have come up with Facebook marketing common mistakes that you need to avoid in your business, as well as how to steer back in the right direction.

Benefits of Facebook Marketing

For instance, Facebook fan pages are valuable tools for reaching your audience with a website. You can broadcast messages on their Facebook homepage news feed, raise conversations that can provide your company with valuable feedback, and encourage fans to upload their content. However, there are some common mistakes that some firms make when using Facebook for business.

Facebook Marketing for businesses in Nigeria


Before I go into unveiling these common mistakes, let me make this clarification. Twitter, for example, is another great place to reach your audience, but it’s a completely different platform and should be treated as such. The way you send tweets on Twitter is not the way it would be replicated on Facebook.

They are two different platforms with different strategies. Additionally, you don’t want to duplicate the same content you use on Twitter for Facebook.

Twitter just allows less than 150 characters, so why not take advantage of re-purposing the same concepts as your tweets; just rework them to fit Facebook?

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Facebook For Your Business

You don’t allow fans to share their views or content

This is one major setback, I have noticed, but this is particularly done unconsciously. That is the truth, sometimes, you forget to navigate through your Facebook page settings to know if someone can post something on your wall. Sometimes we forget that the settings are not activated.

Facebook Marketing for businesses in Nigeria


To make sure the share settings are turned on, go to wall settings and make sure all the boxes are checked. Not only do you want to share your updates with fans, but you want to allow fans to share their thoughts, opinions, feedback, and even pictures and videos with you.

You use a profile image that has a poor thumbnail

One distinct feature of Facebook is that when you upload a new profile image, the image gets automatically sized down to fit the thumbnail size that appears in users’ news feeds and your wall.

The implication of this is that your brand’s logo on your Facebook wall could be cut off in the thumbnail, and that could be dangerous.

Facebook Marketing for businesses in Nigeria

To avoid this, any image you upload on Facebook should be 200 px wide, however, make sure that your desired thumbnail is within a 12-pixel border. Also, you have to ensure that you get the dimensions of your Facebook profile image right for the thumbnail resize.

You post worthless things on Facebook

In order for your sales-focused posts to generate traffic you need to have an engaging Facebook page with a lot of variety. Don’t forget to publish new posts frequently, but not worthless things.

For instance, some companies insist on posting information about their prices and links to their products on Facebook, even though these posts often don’t create any activity or engagement. It is not bad to post about that, but other relevant things could be posted.

comment and reactions


The most successful company pages on Facebook offer interesting, engaging, entertaining, and informative posts at least daily. Whatever you are publishing on your Facebook wall should be able to incorporate the following, or you should be able to bear the following in mind whenever you are creating or posting on Facebook:

  • Creative images
  • Ask Questions
  • Personal and entertaining content
  • Behind-the-scenes views of your business
  • Varied calls to action.

You share content on Facebook without multimedia

Avoid posting updates, or sharing content without relevant images or photos. There are many ways of sharing content; posting just a standard text update is capable of leading to boredom. There are quite different ways of sharing information or content on Facebook.

creating content

For maximum effectiveness, you just have to ensure that you add links, photos, or videos. You can also ask questions that are aimed at eliciting responses from your audiences. Just like you’d want to vary the content type in your blog to keep readers interested, mix up the content type on your Facebook page to make it interesting.

Not Creating Different Types of Posts

One common mistake businesses make on Facebook is only posting the same type of content, such as just sharing product photos or promotional updates. This can quickly become boring and repetitive for your audience.

To keep your Facebook page engaging, you should create a variety of post types, including informative content, behind-the-scenes videos, user-generated content, and interactive polls or questions.

By mixing up your content, it helps you cater to different interests and keeps your followers coming back for more.

Being Inconsistent in Publishing Content

Another mistake businesses make on Facebook is not posting content regularly. If you post sometimes, but then go a long time without any new updates, you can lose the interest of your followers. Your audience expects you to share new content regularly. When you don’t do that, they may stop engaging with your business page.

To avoid this, create a content plan and stick to it. Decide how often you’ll post, whether that’s daily, a few times a week, or whatever works best for your business. Then, commit to that schedule and make sure you’re sharing new updates consistently.

Not Creating a Detailed Facebook Profile

One mistake businesses often make is not taking the time to fully complete their Facebook Page profile. They rush through the setup process or leave important sections blank. This can make your page look unprofessional and untrustworthy to potential customers.

Instead, take the time to fill out every section of your Facebook Page. Include a detailed business description, contact information, website URL, and more. Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your products or services. The more complete and compelling your profile is, the better it will attract new followers and encourage engagement.

Investing a little effort upfront to create a detailed Facebook profile will pay off in the long run. It shows customers that you’re serious about your business and helps build trust and credibility.

Ignoring Negative Reviews

Ignoring negative reviews or comments from customers on your Facebook page can affect your business. It can be tempting to just pretend they’re not there, but that’s not a good idea. If you leave negative feedback without responding, it can make your business look like you don’t care about your customers.

Instead, you should keep an eye on your Facebook page for any complaints or criticism, and respond to them in a friendly and understanding way. Respond politely, say you’re sorry if it’s appropriate, and let the customer know you want to fix the problem.

Dealing with negative feedback well can turn a bad situation into a chance to show your customers that you care about them. But ignoring it can seriously hurt your brand’s reputation on Facebook.


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More Resources

Facebook Ad Campaigns for businesses

Driving online traffic: How to use Facebook to drive traffic online

10 Ways to Generate Qualified Leads Using Facebook


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