Website Optimization for brands in Nigeria: 6 reasons people don’t buy from your website

Website Optimization for brands in Nigeria

Website optimization is very significant, as far as lead generation, nurturing and conversation is concerned for brands in Nigeria.

Perhaps you have been whirling away your time, spending a huge sum of money on advert campaigns, Adwords, Search Engine Optimization, or  the social media without getting anybody spending. All is just pointless because you have not rectified the issue or even done the first things first.

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If you are running a business online in Nigeria and you are not making money out of it, it doesn’t make any sense. That is the truth. Yes, SEO, Adwords, and other social media campaigns will certainly drive traffic to your website. But does it end in driving traffic alone? No, it doesn’t end there. For you to make that sale, you must convert those traffic or leads into buyers. That is the nitty- gritty.

The leads are actually coming, but your website becomes the obstacle. They will surely come to your and the first impression they get about your website matters a lot. In fact, there are people that will just come to your website and start liking your website, even if they do not have anything to buy.

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On the other hand, bad designs on your website and other errors would definitely become stumbling blocks.

However, in this article I have outlined some common mistakes, you don’t have to be making. These mistakes often make people don’t  buy anything from your website.

Not having a clear value proposition

Website Optimization for brands in Nigeria

A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered. It’s the primary reason a prospect should buy from you. It explains how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situation, delivers specific benefits. Your value proposition should be the first thing visitors see on your home page, and on all major entry points of your website. When a visitor doesn’t see this, the chances of making purchases become very slim.

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However, your value proposition should be able to do the following:

Delivers specific benefits (quantified value)

Explains how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situation (relevancy)

Explains why the customer should buy from you and not from the competition (unique differentiation).

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Your website doesn’t have a clear call-to-action

Website Optimization for brands in Nigeria

Every website should have a call to action, a response you want users to complete. But how do you encourage users to act? How do you create an effective call to action? You don’t want your website visitors to leave your website without doing anything.

[bctt tweet=”Every website should have a call to action, a response you want users to complete. But how do you encourage users to act? How do you create an effective call to action? You don’t want your website visitors to leave your website without doing anything.” username=”vibewebsolution”]

You need to at least capture their basic information so you can follow-up. You can do this by providing a free consultation or offering a great deal. Techniques that entice visitors into signing up include:

“Download a free ebook”

“Sign up for a free webinar”

“Talk to an expert”

“Book a consultation”

Your website visual qualities are very low     

Website Optimization for brands in Nigeria

This one common mistake that I have noticed in some websites. Websites with low visual qualities will not drive the needed results. That is a fact you must know. If a visitor comes to your website and discovers that they tend to take a walk.

All the fonts, colors, and designs must be clear enough, in such a way that information could be easily glanced without difficulties. Your call to action must be very clear enough, as well as your value proposition.

Your website is targeted at the wrong set of people  

Website Optimization for brands in Nigeria

This point is critical because it is a common mistake that most businesses haven’t understood over the years. First, is your website targeted at the right audience.

Do image, contents, and designs speak to the targeted audience. In order to buttress that point, for instance, if your website is targeted at health practitioners, the images and content should be focused on health, not on other subjects. So, your website should be communicated to the right demographics.

Low-quality content

Website Optimization for brands in Nigeria

Content is very paramount when it comes to lead converting to a customer. Content plays a key role and if your content is poorly developed, or stale, it contributes a lot.

In other words, one of the things that will make a lead not to convert is as a result of a stale content. Visitors do not really waste time on your website, so of the tricks is to use striking content that will appeal to their eyes.

Long stories or page content with rambling copy about how great you are without any proof or examples to back up your claims, tends to have the shelf-life appeal of a month-old cooked prawn left in the sun.

No video to talk about your product or services

Website Optimization for brands in Nigeria


Video has proven to be a veritable tool both in converting leads to customers and search engine ranking. It makes a whole lot of sense for leads to get a proper understanding of your products and services.

And  the video is powerful and provides a quick and easy way to impart a lot of information effectively and in a digestible format.

Your Google ranking for your website will be prioritized if it hosts a video, and also consider getting a video to improve your search engine rankings as well.

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