What is Copywriting? 5 Tips For Writing Copy That Converts

What is Copywriting?

If you’re into online marketing, you’ve probably come across the term “Copywriting” or had been asked, “What is copywriting?”

Copywriting is an important aspect of digital marketing because it communicates to your target audience what your brand or business has to offer.

With over 5 billion internet users in the world today, plus more than 6.1 billion Google searches in the world daily and more than 27 million piece of content shared on the web on a daily basis.

It is very important for your brand and business to stand out in the online world.

And the best way to standout and communicate what your brand or business offers in a unique way is through copywriting.

Without copywriting, you won’t be able to communicate all the benefits of your product and services to your target audience and tell them why your business or brand is the best.

It is an important aspect of digital marketing because it involves the power of words to capture people’s attention.

Everything from email marketing open rates to articles that are shared to ads that convert, all requires it.

But despite the popularity and importance of this term, many people who are into online marketing still have no idea of “what is copywriting” and how important it is in digital marketing.

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In this article, I will be sharing with you “what is copywriting”? and how to write an incredible copy that convert.

For more practical steps on how to write an effective copy, you can register for our 90% digital marketing course and get al you need to grow your business online or become a highly-sought after digital marketer.

What is Copywriting?

What is Copywriting?

The act of writing copy (content) with the goal of increasing conversion and, as a result, generating revenue is known as copywriting.

It entails writing persuasive copy for your target audience that addresses their pain points, desires, and provides solutions, as well as presenting them with an offer with the main objective of generating sales.

But a common misconception about copywriting is that its the same as content creation, although both involves written content but they are definitely not for the same purpose.

Understanding the Art of Copywriting

When it comes to online marketing “copywriting” is the process of creating a voice for your brand or business by writing persuasive copy to sell your product or services to persuade potential customers to take an action.

The main goal of copywriting for your business is to persuade people to take a specific action, such as buying something, signing up for something, or any other type of desired action you want them to take.

It is all about you engaging your potential customers rather than bombarding them with offers; it is about giving something valuable  rather than asking for something and then convincing them to buy from you.

A comprehensive digital marketing strategy includes, Search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, designs (creatives) advertising using social  media platforms and search engines, email marketing, social media and community marketing and growth hacking.

But copywriting is what binds them all together, it serves as a foundation and gives meaning to your digital marketing strategy efforts.

Writing great copy allows you to communicate with your target audience effectively and convert them into paying customers.

There is no limit to the growth your business can experience if you can use your copy to tell a compelling story about your product or service while convincing customers of the need for your product or services.

What is the difference between copywriting and content writing?

A lot of people often confused copywriting with content writing but these two forms of writing have different purposes when it comes to digital marketing marketing.

Copywriting is the process of creating copies with the purpose of facilitating conversions, making sales, and ultimately increasing revenue.

A very strategic and intentional type of writing, which involves the process of deriving an immediate measurable response from your target audience.

Copywriting directly ask potential customers to take an action such as buy your product and services or sign up for your email newsletter.

It involves the use of persuasive and compelling words to attract your potential customers and get them to buy your product or use your services.

Examples of copywriting

1. Pay-per-clicks ads


2. Online sales page or landing page


3. Sales email

what is copywriting

4. Social media advertising


5. Video sales letter

Examples of content marketing

Content writing is the process of creating informational content to create awareness for your product and services in order to attract engaged and build relationships with potential customers with the aim of eventually converting them into paying customers.

It include some element of persuasion, but its main purpose is to educate or inform your potential customers about  your product or service or topic within your niche.

Here are some examples:

1. Social media posts

what is copywriting

2. Blogpost


3. Newsletter


4. Product page


How to Write Incredible Copy that Converts

How do you persuade your prospect to take the desired action you want them to take ?

The solution is based on copywriting.

Copywriting is essential for every businesses because it enlightens potential customers about your products and services and persuade them to buy from you.

You should also note that when sale is involved, humans are involved, you don’t want people to just read your copy and leave.

Therefore, a copy that will convert is one that attracts your target audience and leads them through the purchase process, resulting in the completion of the call-to-action.

But creating a perfect copy starts with understanding the fundamental of copywriting.

1. Understand your customer

When writing a copy, the first thing you must understand is that you are writing to your customers and not about your products or service i.e. you are talking about the benefits or value they will get when they use your product or services.

Therefore you need to know who your customers are? what are they searching for? what are their pain points and desires?

If you can identify who your target audience are, then you can also identify the gap between your potential customer perceived state and their desire state.

When you identify these characteristics, then you can now tailor your copy to speak to them personally and this will help you persuade them to take whatever action you want.

2. Channel specific

When writing a copy you should know that every piece of copy you write can’t necessarily be re-purposed or re-used on every digital marketing channel.

Even if you are promoting the same product or services, you need to write uniquely for every distribution method.

Emails should have a different copy than a social media post; landing pages should have a different copy than than that of your homepage on your website.

The tone and style you use for writing a copy on your landing can’t be the same as your email copies, social media post, advertising copy and your homepage

So don’t just blindly write copy without understanding how it will be consumed.

Always know what distribution medium you’re writing for, and adjust accordingly.

3. Start with captivating headlines

When writing a copy, the best copy always start with an eye-catching headlines, you will find a way to capture the attention of people’s

Your headline should be written in such a such a way that will persuade your target audience to continue reading until they take the desire action you want them to take.

You should know that the purpose of your headline is to get people to read your first line; your first line purpose is to entice people to read the second line and so on.

So, if your headline fails to to capture the attention of your audience, then the rest of your copy will be affected.

Therefore your headline should be catchy, clear and easy to understand, so that your target audience can quickly grab what your copy is about, or know what they will receive from your product and services.


4. Make Use of Persuasive words

When writing a copy, it is very important that you use persuasive words, you must used words that with convinced your potential customers to complete  the desired action.

Persuasion has everything to do with understanding your target audience and what they are looking for or trying to achieve.

Once you are sure about their needs you can speak their language and convert them into paying customers.

Therefore copywriting is not all about writing well but writing persuasively.

In order to write persuasively you need to determine the action you want your potential customers to take, do you want them to sign up, buy, read more, or subscribe.

Then  you should  determine the exact state of emotion that will drive that action, do you want them to be curious, inspired, calm or fearful.

These are some examples of persuasive words and they include: instantly, missing out, profitable, proven, limited, skyrocket, immediately, seize freedom, secret, severe, unbelievable, left behind, hidden steps etc.

5. Use a Strong Call-to-action

You’ve done your research, improved the wording of your copy, and given readers a reason to convert. But what if they don’t take you up on your offer?

One of the main problems when writing a copy is that most digital marketers or business owners presents a compelling case for purchasing their products but never ask for the sale.

Unfortunately, you cannot rely on your target audience to act on their own after reading your copy. You must entice them by placing a strong call to action (CTA) in your copy.

Your call to action is, at its core, an invitation to people to take action. To facilitate this, start your CTA with a word that encourages action, such as  Register Now, Buy Now, Shop Now, Subscribe Now and so on.

If you want people to buy your product  or services, after conveying your message to them, they shouldn’t be left wondering what to do.

Therefore you must include a call-to-action in your copy, to let your target audience know what to do.

Great Copywriting Traits You Should Know

Good copywriting possesses several key traits, and these traits can often be observed in successful brand campaigns. Here are some essential traits of effective copywriting, each with examples from well-known brands:

  1. Clarity and Simplicity: Good copy is clear and easy to understand. For instance, Apple’s tagline “Think Different” is concise yet conveys their brand philosophy effectively.
  2. Audience Understanding: Copywriters should deeply understand their target audience. Nike’s “Just Do It” speaks to the athletic drive and determination of their customers.
  3. Compelling Headlines: A strong headline can grab attention instantly. Consider the New York Times’ headline during the Apollo 11 moon landing, “Men Walk on Moon,” which conveyed a historic event succinctly.
  4. Persuasion: Effective copywriting persuades the audience to take action. Amazon uses persuasive product descriptions to encourage purchases, often with phrases like “Customers who bought this also bought…”
  5. Emotion and Storytelling: Storytelling can evoke emotions. Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign personalized their product, fostering emotional connections with customers.
  6. Consistency: Copy should maintain a consistent brand voice. FedEx, with their tagline “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight,” consistently emphasizes reliability.
  7. Benefits Over Features: Effective copy focuses on the benefits of a product or service rather than just listing features. Airbnb’s copy highlights the experience and feeling of staying in unique places rather than just property features.
  8. Call to Action (CTA): A clear and compelling CTA prompts action. For instance, UberEats’ “Order Food Delivery” button prompts users to take the desired action.
  9. Originality and Creativity: Dollar Shave Club made a splash with their video ad that humorously highlighted the pain points of buying razors in stores. It was unique, creative, and instantly memorable.
  10. Uniqueness: Good copy sets a brand apart. Burger King’s “Have It Your Way” slogan positions them uniquely by emphasizing customization.


If you want to increases sales for your business you must know how to to great copy inorder to communicate effectively what your business or brand has to offer.

Good copywriting demonstrates value of your product or services and persuade potential customers to buy from you.

Therefore the quality of your copy must show that products or services can provide solutions to pain points of your target audience in order to achieved their desired results.

So, the most important thing when writing a copy is to always keep your target audience in mind that way you will write great copies that can easily convert your potential customers into paying customers.

For more practical steps on how to write an effective copy you can register for our 90% digital marketing course and get all out strategies to grow your business online or to become a highly-sought after digital marketer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are copywriting skills?

Proficiency in copywriting encompasses the capacity to create content that is clear cut, brief, and captivating. It involves grasping the preferences of your intended audience, constructing compelling headlines, employing persuasive strategies, and adjusting to various formats and industries.

What are the main types of copywriting?

Here are the nine types of copywriting every copywriter should master:
  • Website copywriting.
  • SEO copywriting.
  • Product copywriting.
  • B2B copywriting.
  • B2C copywriting.
  • Direct response copywriting.
  • Ad copywriting.
  • Social media copywriting.

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