Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

If you have a strong and growing customer contact database and you are looking for effective ways to keep in touch with these contacts, then you need email marketing.

Not just keeping in touch with them but also to grow your online business exponentially. Relax; you now have every reason to smile because I have the email marketing practical step by step guide you need.

Click here to learn how to implement our ultimate Step-By-Step Plan For Growing an Email List of Ready to Buy Customers and Converting them to Paying Customers.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

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This is probably the first and foremost practical step in your email marketing. It is  by building redundant email list but growing quality mailing list. However, one of the most challenging aspects of email marketing is growing a quality mailing list.

There are two basic characteristics of a mailing list: size and quality.

[bctt tweet=”There are two basic characteristics of a mailing list: size and quality.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

But building your mailing list will not happen overnight. You have to work towards that. Apply the following steps in building your email contact lists.

  • Writing compelling articles on your site, you can drive your clients to signing up to your newsletter.
  • Using social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.
  •  Persuasively ask your customers for their email addresses.
  •  Integrate an email opt-in form into your home page
Click here to learn how to implement our ultimate Step-By-Step Plan For Growing an Email List of Ready to Buy Customers and Converting them to Paying Customers.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

For you to start email marketing campaigns ,you need an email marketing service provider. It is advisable to try different email marketing providers and go with the one that best suit your need.

In determining the email marketing provider to use, there are certain factors you really need to consider. For instance, you have to consider the cost, efficacy in driving results to your business and others.

Click here to learn how to implement our ultimate Step-By-Step Plan For Growing an Email List of Ready to Buy Customers and Converting them to Paying Customers.

Sign up to any of these email marketing providers such  Mailerlite,AWeber, MailChimp, or Constant Contact. Mind you this is not free; you will pay online for you to start using the services of any of these email marketing providers. I always recommend the Mailerlite for my clients.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

Doing this will definitely allow you easily identify the categories of your email subscribers. Sometimes, segmentation of email contacts is being downplayed upon which might not be good for your business.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

Now that you have signed up to an email marketing provider, you have to start developing email marketing campaign.

You have to be strategic in creating your email marketing campaign; don’t be like other companies that will always send promotional emails to their subscribers.

[bctt tweet=”You have to be strategic in creating your email marketing campaign; don’t be like other companies that will always send promotional emails to their subscribers.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

You don’t need to bombard your subscribers with many emails. Advisably, on the average send three times a week but it is solely dependent on your marketing goals.

Develop your content based on certain objectives and send emails to your subscribers. It has to be compelling enough.

Click here to learn how to implement our ultimate Step-By-Step Plan For Growing an Email List of Ready to Buy Customers and Converting them to Paying Customers.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

Write a brief and charming subject line, recommendable not more than 50 characters. Just below your subject line, write the name of your company or brand name.

Your email marketing campaign that you intend to send out to your subscribers should have a brief and concise summary of your entire content, that what we call the subject line. The subject line is like the title of your email.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

Depending on how you segmented your email which I have highlighted earlier on, you choose the appropriate recipient. For instance, if you have segmented your contacts based on industry types, let say the telecom industry and food industry.

And now you have content that is titled “Knowing how best to use your smartphone”, which of the two listed industries would be your recipient? Definitely, it would be the telecom industry.Choose the appropriate recipient depending on your email content.

Click here to learn how to implement our ultimate Step-By-Step Plan For Growing an Email List of Ready to Buy Customers and Converting them to Paying Customers.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

Some of the features of the tracking include:

  • Click through rate (rate at which your contacts click on links/ calls to action in your message)
  • Open rate (rate at which your contacts actually view your message)
  • Conversion rate (rate at which your contacts become leads after getting to your website)
  • Deliverability (rate at which your contacts actually received your message)
  • Set up your email tracking. Giving your email marketing campaign a befitting design is advisable, but it has to be very moderate.

The essence of setting up your email tracking is actually to evaluate the results of your email marketing campaign. Effective email marketing campaign results are one of the ways you can actually measure your Return on Investment.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

Choose the right and appropriate template for your design so as to ensure that subscribers get enticed to read your email. Select appropriate fonts and colours, as well as including the logo of your company or brand.
Designing too much of images might not give you the needed result.

From my own point of view, I think you should give preference to text more than images. 65 percent of email marketing campaign should be text while your image designs should be 35 percent.

Aside from that, you should also focus on the call to action, but present it as both text links and simple calls to action graphic.


Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies

The only way you can actually discover and correct errors in your email marketing campaign before sending it out to subscribers is by reviewing your mail. When you discover any mistakes, you have the opportunity to correct. Email marketing is very critical; always ensure that it is error-free.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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