Facebook Ads for Nigerian Businesses: How to set up your Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads for Nigerian Businesses

Advertising on Facebook has become a recurrent trend that most Nigerian businesses around the world have embraced. It has helped Nigerian businesses over the years to reach out to many customers, in the long run improving Facebook Ad investment on returns.

Other social media platforms such as Google, and Twitter have their advantages but Facebook Ad gives you room to reach a particular segment of people, anywhere, with a very short setup time. Anyone can create a Facebook ad, whether it’s for a Facebook Event, Page, App, or other destinations on Facebook.

in this article, I am going to show you how to set up a facebook ad and run a successful campaign.

Benefits of Running a Facebook Ad CampaignFacebook Ads for Nigerian Businesses

  • Massive Audience Reach: Facebook has over 3 billion monthly active users, providing businesses access to a vast potential customer base.
  • Increased Brand Awareness: Facebook ads can help build brand awareness, reach new customers, and expand your customer base.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to traditional advertising, Facebook ads can be a more affordable solution, with flexible budgets and cost-effective bidding strategies.
  • Measurable Performance: The Facebook Ads Manager provides detailed analytics and reporting tools to track key metrics like reach, engagement, conversions, and return on ad spend.
  • Improved SEO: Linking your Facebook ads to your website can generate more traffic, which can positively impact your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) rankings.

How to Create Facebook Ads

This is the first step as regards setting up a Facebook Ad. Your business must have a Facebook page before you can start advertising on Facebook.

Creating Facebook Ads

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Facebook Ad

To create an Ad, go to your Facebook business settings, locate the setting icons on the left-hand sidebar, under the settings, locate the account sections and click on Ad account.

To get started, click on the Ad icon to create a new ad account and follow the process to create an ad account

However, to advertise with Meta Ads Manager, you’ll need to have a Facebook Page or have an admin.

  • Create a Page for your business: Any Page you create will have an associated ad account and ad account ID created by default.
  • Request an admin, editor, or advertiser Page role: If there is a Page you want to advertise for, you’ll need to ask the Page admin to assign you an admin, editor or advertiser role.

Remember, once you’ve created an ad account in a particular Meta Business Account, you can’t transfer it to another business account.

Choose the campaign objective

Facebook Ad

Who is your target audience, your audience could affect your bottom line and if you’re not targeting the right demographics, you will be wasting your time and resources.

  • Demographics: Choose an age range and whether you want to target men, women, or both.
    Facebook Connection: Choose whom you’d like to target; choices range from only your friends to people who are or are not fans of your page.
  • Likes and Interests: When you are typing in your specific interests let it be related to your business.
  • Facebook will match your Ad with the home pages of users who have included that interest in their profiles.
    Location: In terms of choosing your location, select a specific city, state or country where your Ads will be seen by your audience.
  • The Advanced Targeting Options: This option includes the level of education of the user, and whether to target people on their birthdays, language, and relationship status.

Selecting your Ad goals

You can’t just be following the bandwagon, there is a purpose for you to advertise on Facebook. Yes, it is a trend that most businesses have adopted but you need to have your strategy and goals. The Facebook ad provides you with a lot of resourcefulness, but the question is, what are your Ad goals?

Do you intend to get more page likes or promote your page posts? A lot of people who like your page will tend to view the posts that you create on your Facebook page. The more likes you have, the larger your audience becomes when you create a post.

Sometimes advertising for likes may not be the answer to your problems. This is why some people usually think it’s a waste of money. Even if you are advertising for people to like your page, you have to ascertain where your likes are coming from.
As for promoting a specific post, you’ve created, you have the chance of increasing and reaching your intended audience.

Reviewing your Ad

Before you pay for your Facebook ad, it’s important to carefully review it one last time to check for any mistakes or issues. Go through your ad carefully and make sure all the information you’ve included is correct and up-to-date.

Double check things like:

  • Your ad copy and headlines
  • The images or videos you’re using
  • Your website URL or landing page link
  • Your target audience settings
  • Your budget and bidding strategy

If you spot anything that needs to be changed or improved, you can easily edit your ad before launching the campaign. This review process helps ensure your ad is polished, error-free, and ready to deliver the best possible results.

Choose your Ad price

When setting up your Facebook ad, you’ll need to choose how you want to pay for it. There are two main options:

  • Pay per click (CPC) – You pay each time someone clicks on your ad
  • Pay per impression (CPM) – You pay for every 1,000 times your ad is shown

If you’re not sure which option is better for your budget, CPM may cost more overall compared to CPC. But the best choice depends on your specific advertising goals.

You’ll also need to set your actual bid amount. This is the maximum price you’re willing to pay per click or per 1,000 impressions. Facebook’s tools can help you choose a competitive bid based on your budget and objectives.

Take some time to understand the pros and cons of each bidding model and set a bid that gives you the best chance of reaching your target audience at a price you’re comfortable with.

Place your order

Once you’ve reviewed your ad and set your budget and bidding strategy, it’s time to place your order. Facebook gives you two main payment options:

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • PayPal

Simply choose your preferred payment method, enter the necessary details, and complete the transaction.

After you’ve made the payment, your Facebook ad order will be placed and your campaign will be ready to launch. This is the final step in the process of setting up your Facebook ad.

With the payment taken care of, you’ve now completed all the necessary steps to get your Facebook advertising campaign up and running. All that’s left is to monitor your ad’s performance and make any needed adjustments to optimize your results.


Facebook ads have become a powerful and affordable way for businesses in Nigeria to reach their customers. When you use Facebook, it helps you to reach a wider audience and you can create highly effective advertising campaigns.

Whether your goal is to increase brand awareness, generate leads, boost website traffic, or drive sales, Facebook ads can be tailored to meet your specific marketing objectives.

Remember, the key to success with Facebook ads in Nigeria lies in continual testing, learning, and refinement of your strategy.

If you want to learn the process of setting up your Facebook ads account and running successful campaigns, click here to learn how we can help you achieve that.

By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to mastering Facebook advertising and unlocking new opportunities to grow your business.


Do Facebook ads work for Nigerian businesses?

Yes, Facebook ads can be highly effective for businesses in Nigeria. With over 30 million active Facebook users in the country, the platform provides Nigerian businesses access to a massive potential customer base. Facebook’s advanced targeting capabilities allow you to precisely reach your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. Additionally, Facebook ads can be a cost-effective marketing solution, especially for small and medium-sized businesses in Nigeria.

How do I create a Facebook ad for my Nigerian business?

To create a Facebook ad for your Nigerian business, follow these steps:

Set up a Facebook Business Page for your company.

  • Go to the Facebook Ads Manager and choose your advertising objective.
  • Define your target audience by selecting location, demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Design your ad using eye-catching visuals and compelling copy.
  • Set your ad budget and bidding strategy.
  • Review your ad before launching the campaign.

Facebook provides detailed guidance and tools within the Ads Manager to walk you through the ad creation process.

More Resources

8 Mistakes To Avoid When Using Facebook For Your Business

How to Set Up Your Facebook Ad Campaigns For Businesses

How to Use Facebook to Get More Customers in Nigeria


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