30 Best Content Writing Tools to Improve Your Writing in 2024

content writing tools

As a content writer, there are different content writing tools and resources available to help you take your writing to new heights. Having the right tools at your disposal can make a world of difference in crafting compelling and engaging pieces of content.

Using any of these tools will make your writing easy, faster, and make you deliver your work perfectly. it can also elevate your content quality, engage your audience effectively, and boost your digital marketing efforts when you incorporate any of these tools into your workflow.

So whether you’re an SEO content writer, copywriter, or content marketer, the quality of your writing directly impacts your ability to connect with your audience and achieve your goals.

To get started and take your writing to the next level, register with digital marketing skills and enrol in some or all of the courses to become a proficient writer.

By leveraging these powerful tools, you’ll save time and also deliver error-free content that resonates with your readers and drives results.

Let’s get started

30 Content Writing Tools to Make Content Creation Easier

Free Tools for Content Research

1. Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

content writing tools - semrush keyword tool

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

The Semrush Keyword Magic Tool is a comprehensive keyword research solution that helps content writers find the most relevant and high-performing keywords for their content. It provides a vast database of keyword suggestions, search volume data, and keyword difficulty scores, making it easier to create content that resonates with your target audience and ranks well on search engines.

Pricing: Free and paid plans

2. Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator

This powerful tool helps content writers discover a wide range of keyword ideas. It analyzes search data to provide suggestions related to your seed keywords, including search volume and keyword difficulty scores. This allows you to identify low-competition, high-potential keywords to target in your content strategy.

3. Ubersuggest

content writing tools - Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a keyword research tool that helps content creators discover relevant keywords and content ideas. It provides a comprehensive list of suggested keywords, including search volume, competition, and cost-per-click data. Additionally, it offers content ideas based on popular search queries, allowing users to create content that resonates with their target audience and improves their search engine rankings.

Ubersuggest offers a free plan as well as paid plans, and the data it provides is generated using numerous reliable data sources, similar to other leading SEO tools

4. AnswerThePublic

Answer the Public is a user-friendly tool that generates content ideas by visualizing search queries and topics people are searching for online. When you enter a keyword, it will provide a visual map of questions, prepositions, and comparisons related to that topic. next, you have to go through the suggested keywords and look for keyword that fit your business. As a content creators, this will make you understand what your audience is curious about and tailor your content to address these specific queries effectively.

Pricing: Free and paid plans

5. Google Analytics


This tool helps you understand your website’s traffic and audience. It tracks how many people visit your site, where they come from, and what they do on your site. With Google Analytics, you can see which pages are most popular, how long people stay on your site, and even what devices they use.

Many businesses and organizations rely on Google Analytics as a reliable and intuitive solution for their web analytics needs, with features like built-in automation, flexible reporting, and cross-platform attribution.

If use properly, this information helps you make informed decisions to improve your website attract more visitors, and ultimately drive more informed marketing decisions to improve performance.

6. Google Trends

Google Trends is a tool by Google that shows the popularity of top search queries in Google Search across different regions and languages. It uses graphs to compare the search volume of various queries over time. Google Trends can help users understand what people are searching for online, providing valuable insights into trending topics and search behavior.

7. Google Search Console

content writing tools

Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that helps website owners and webmasters monitor and optimize their website’s performance on Google Search. It allows users to:

  • Check how Google crawls and indexes its website
  • Identify and fix indexing issues
  • Analyze search traffic and search query data
  • Submit sitemaps and individual URLs for crawling
  • Receive alerts on security issues or manual penalties
  • Understand how Google perceives their website’s content and structure

Google Search Console is a valuable resource for improving a website’s visibility and performance in Google Search results.

8. Moz

Moz Keyword Explorer helps you find the best keywords for your website or content. It suggests relevant keywords, shows how often they’re searched, and estimates how hard it’ll be to rank for them.

With Moz Keyword Explorer, you can identify keywords that’ll drive traffic to your site, optimize your content, and improve your search engine rankings. It’s a must-have for anyone who wants to boost their online visibility and attract more visitors.

Pricing: Free and paid plans

Free Content Writing Tools

9. Google Docs

Google Docs is a free, cloud-based word processing tool that allows content writers to create, edit, and collaborate on documents in real time. It offers a user-friendly interface, seamless integration with other Google services, and the ability to access and work on your content from any device with an internet connection. Google Docs also provides features like version history, comments, and live editing, making it a versatile and efficient tool for content creation and teamwork.

10. Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is widely used for creating professional-quality documents, letters, reports, and other written content. It offers a range of features like spell check, grammar check, formatting options, and templates to help writers produce professional-looking documents. With its user-friendly interface, Microsoft Word can be used for writing various types of content.

11. CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer

CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer tool helps you write effective headlines for your content. It analyzes your headline and provides a score based on its clarity, grammar, and readability. It also checks for emotional appeal, word balance, and keyword usage. The tool offers suggestions to improve your headline, making it more engaging and attention-grabbing. With a better headline, you can increase clicks, shares, and reads, and drive more traffic to your content.

12. WordCounter


WordCounter is a tool that helps you manage your writing length. It counts the words, characters, and paragraphs in your text. You can set a target word count and track your progress. WordCounter also provides readability metrics, such as reading time and grade level. This tool is useful for writers, students, and content creators who need to meet specific word count requirements or want to improve the clarity of their writing.

13. WordPress

WordPress CMS (Content Management System) is a popular platform for building and managing websites. It’s free, flexible, and easy to use. With WordPress, you can create a website, blog, or online store without needing to know how to code. Choose from thousands of themes and plugins to customize your site.

It can also be used to create and update content, add images and videos, and manage user comments with ease. WordPress is ideal for small businesses, bloggers, and individuals who want a professional online presence.

So it is an affordable tool if you want to take your business online and start getting notice from your target audience.

14. Jasper


Jasper is an AI writing tool that helps you generate high-quality content quickly. It uses machine learning to understand your writing style and suggest new ideas, phrases, and sentences. Jasper is perfect for bloggers, marketers, and writers who need to produce engaging content quickly. It can help with writing articles, social media posts, product descriptions, and more. Jasper saves you time and helps you write better, so you can focus on other tasks.

15. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that helps you with your questions and tasks. It came into the spotlight in 2020 during the covid Era. You can ask it anything, from answering questions to generating text, and it will respond in a human-like way. ChatGPT can assist with writing, conversation, and even creative tasks like storytelling.

It’s like having a personal assistant that’s available 24/7 to help you with whatever you need. ChatGPT can assist with customer support, content creation, and more, offering a versatile solution for businesses and individuals looking to automate communication tasks.

Free Tools for Content Editing

16. Grammarly

Grammarly is a writing tool that helps you improve your writing skills to make it perfect. It checks your text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and suggests corrections. Grammarly also helps with clarity, tone, and style, making your writing more engaging and effective. It’s like having a personal editor built into your browser or app. Use Grammarly to write with confidence and precision, whether you’re a student, writer, or professional.

17. Hemingway App

The Hemingway App helps to simplify your writing and make it easy to read. It highlights complex sentences, adverbs, and passive voice, helping you write clearer and more concise text. You can also change to your preferred writing style when using the app. The app is inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s simple and direct writing style. It’s perfect for bloggers, writers, and students who want to improve their writing clarity and readability. Use the Hemingway App to make your writing more engaging and easy to understand.

18. Quillbot


Quillbot is a writing tool that helps you rewrite and improve your text. It uses AI technology to suggest alternative phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. Quillbot also checks for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Use it to paraphrase sentences, summarize content, and generate new ideas. Quillbot is perfect for students, content writers, and professionals who want to enhance their writing skills and produce high-quality content. It’s like having a personal writing assistant to make your work easier.

19. Surfer Content Editor

Surfer Content Editor helps you optimize your content for search engines. It analyzes your writing and suggests improvements to increase your online visibility. Surfer checks for keyword density, sentence length, and readability, and provides tips to enhance your content’s SEO. With Surfer, you can write high-quality, search engine-friendly content that attracts more readers and improves your website’s ranking.

20. Yoast SEO

content writing tools - Yoastseo

Yoast SEO is a plugin that helps you optimize your website for search engines like Google. It analyzes your content and provides suggestions to improve your website’s visibility and ranking. Yoast SEO checks for keywords, meta tags, and readability, and offers tips to enhance your website’s SEO. With Yoast SEO, you can increase your website’s traffic, engagement, and online presence, making it easier for people to find and explore your site.

Free Design Tools

21. Canva

content writing tools - Canva

Canva is a graphic design tool that helps you create stunning visuals without needing design skills. Choose from thousands of templates, fonts, and images to create social media posts, presentations, posters, and more. Drag and drop elements, resize, and customize to make your design pop. Canva is perfect for marketers, small businesses, and individuals who want to create professional-looking graphics without hiring a designer.

You can also generate free stock images that you can include in your content immediately without needing to edit them and it is perfect for a beginner when creating content.

22. Unsplash

Unsplash is another website that offers a vast collection of high-quality, high-resolution photos for free. You can browse and download stunning images on various topics, from nature to cityscapes, and use them for personal or commercial projects. Unsplash photos are perfect for website backgrounds, social media posts, blog articles, and more. With new photos added daily, you’ll always find fresh inspiration and visual content to enhance your projects.

23. Infogram

Infogram is a tool that helps you create interactive and engaging visual content. It offers a range of templates, charts, and graphics to help you present your data clearly and compellingly. With Infogram, you can create infographics, reports, and presentations that are easy to understand and share. It’s perfect for marketers, educators, and anyone who wants to communicate complex information in a visually appealing way.

24. Freepik

content writing tools - Freepik

Freepik is a popular platform that offers a wide range of free and premium resources for creative projects. Find high-quality vectors, photos, and even 3D models to enhance your designs. From icons and illustrations to presentations and website templates, Freepik has everything you need to bring your ideas to life. Perfect for designers, marketers, and anyone looking for inspiration and visual content to elevate their work.

25. Pexels

Pexels is a popular free stock image platform that offers a vast collection of high-quality, royalty-free photos and videos. It allows content creators to browse and download images across a wide range of categories, from nature and landscapes to people and technology. Pexels’ user-friendly interface and advanced search functionality make it easy to find the perfect visuals to complement your written content and enhance its overall appeal and impact.

Free Tools for Collaboration

26. Trello

Trello is a visual tool for organizing and managing tasks, projects, and workflows. It uses boards, lists, and cards to help you prioritize and track progress. Create boards for different projects, add lists for tasks, and move cards across lists as you complete them. Trello is perfect for team collaboration, personal task management, and staying organized. It’s easy to use, customizable, and accessible from anywhere.

Pricing: Trello offers a free plan as well as paid plans with additional features for small teams and enterprises.

27. Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a free online spreadsheet tool that allows users to create, edit, and collaborate on spreadsheets in real time. It offers a range of features like data analysis, charting, and formatting options, making it a versatile tool for data management and visualization.

With seamless integration with other Google apps, Google Sheets is a valuable resource for content writers and researchers to organize and analyze data effectively.

28. Notion

content writing tools - Notion

Notion is an all-in-one workspace that helps you organize your thoughts, projects, and tasks. It’s a flexible tool that combines notes, tasks, and databases in a customizable way. Create pages, add content, and link them together to suit your needs. Use Notion for personal knowledge management, project planning, or team collaboration. It’s a powerful tool for boosting productivity and streamlining your workflow.

Free Productivity Tools

29. StayFocused

StayFocused is a productivity tool designed to help users stay focused and avoid distractions while working on tasks. It allows users to set time limits for specific websites, blocking access once the allocated time is exceeded. By promoting discipline and limiting time spent on non-productive websites, StayFocused encourages users to maintain focus and productivity, ultimately helping them achieve their goals and manage their time more effectively.

30. Todoist


Todoist is a task management tool that helps you organize and prioritize your to-do lists. You can create and manage tasks, set deadlines, and track progress across multiple projects. Todoist is accessible on desktop and mobile devices, and syncs automatically. It’s perfect for individuals and teams who want to boost productivity, reduce stress, and achieve their goals. With Todoist, you’ll never miss a deadline or forget a task again!

31. OneTab

OneTab is a browser extension that helps you manage your tabs and reduce clutter. With one click, it converts all your open tabs into a list of links, freeing up memory and speeding up your browser. You can then organize, share, or save the list for later. OneTab is perfect for researchers, shoppers, or anyone who opens multiple tabs at once. It’s a simple solution to tab overload, helping you stay focused and productive!


During content creation, many content writing tools can significantly enhance your writing skills and productivity. You should incorporate these tools into your workflow to streamline your writing process, improve the quality of your content, and better engage your audience. Whether you’re a content writer, copywriter, or content marketer, these tools offer valuable support in creating compelling and impactful content that readers can learn and benefit from when reading it.

So you need to embrace these tools to elevate your writing and achieve success when creating your content to get the attention your business needs to today. your digital endeavors.

This has been thoroughly covered in our digital marketing training course,  You will learn how to use these content writing tools to create content and acquire the right marketing strategies to grow your business to the next level.


What are the best AI tools for content writing?</h3>

The best AI tool for content writing is subjective and can vary based on individual needs and preferences. Some popular AI writing tools mentioned in the sources include Surfer, Jasper AI, Writesonic, Writer, Quilbot, Wordtune, Grammarly, Hemmingway Editor, and Clearscope. Each tool has unique features and strengths, so the best choice depends on specific requirements.

What is the most used content type?

The most used content types can vary depending on the industry and target audience. Common content types include blog posts, articles, social media posts, videos, infographics, and whitepapers. Understanding the preferences of your audience and the goals of your content strategy can help determine the most suitable content types to use.

What kind of businesses need content writers?

Virtually all businesses can benefit from content writers to create engaging and informative content for their target audience. Businesses in industries like e-commerce, technology, healthcare, finance, education, and more often require content writers to produce website content, blogs, social media posts, marketing materials, and other forms of communication to engage customers and drive business growth.


Get 50% Discount To Master ALL Aspects Of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 A Month (Even If You Are A Complete Beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.