5 Facebook Engagement Strategies for Nigerian Businesses

Facebook Engagement for Nigerian Businesses

In our social media post last week, we talked about some of the disadvantages of having Facebook as a stand-alone social media service strategy. As a result of so many changes done on the platform, reach and engagement as reduced drastically, and a lot of companies for this reason are dropping Facebook altogether.

Before you make a rash decision about dropping Facebook, first it’s important to have a closer look at your social media strategy, because most times, the problem comes from there rather than changes Facebook has been making.

Let’s take an in-depth look at some of the causes of low performance ads and how to run a successful Facebook campaigns.

Do a Proper Research

When a business owner has no idea who to buy your products, there is no way you can know who your target audience is.

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When there is no clear understanding of who the target market is, it’s very hard to write anything in terms of content that your readers will connect with.

Facebook Engagement Strategies for Nigerian Businesses

The target market needs to be very easy to say and remember, not some group of people you have to think 30 minutes before you can come up with a set of words to define them.

To understand your demographics, you can ask the following questions about your brand:

  1. What kind of solutions are you selling?
  2. Are your buyers located in a certain geographical location?
  3. Are your buyer’s industry specific?
  4. What interests them, engages them, defines them?

When you answer deep questions about your buyers and the reasons behind their purchase decisions you build a solid foundation for a social media strategy.

Because these questions help you identify with your audience, you learn about their concerns and they become part of your sphere of influence

Remember being successful on Facebook all comes down to understanding your prospects, once you’ve done that engaging and motivating them is very easy, narrow down your target and focus on an optimised group of people.

Know Your Target Audience

Current customers could be a rare exception, but the bulk of most people who make up your fans on Facebook probably do not care about your brand, product, or service. They all care about one thing; themselves, their interests, and their goals.

Facebook Engagement Strategies for Nigerian Businesses

Your team of social media marketers should all be thinking in this direction, what can you give your prospects that they cannot get elsewhere, information, discounts, gifts, education, experience, entertainment, etc.

Put all other emotional attachments aside, people rarely engage with brands for the objective of just connecting. The reason some of your prospects are engaging with your brand currently is that you have offered value to them before.

Facebook is a great place for customer retention and servicing your customers, but when it comes to building a proper relationship with prospects, it takes a bit of time and consistency to provide value regularly.

Know your Online Marketing Objectives

Building a great platform and community is great and having a clear understanding of your buyers and audience is excellent, but that won’t do you much good if all those efforts aren’t increasing your bottom line.

Facebook Engagement Strategies for Nigerian Businesses

You have to be very clear about the objectives you are trying to achieve on Facebook, some objectives include, conversion rates, leads, sales, and traffic.

You can break your posts into 70/30%.

70% of your posts can be tailored towards entertaining, informational, and conversational while 30% is concentrated on promoting your brand, service, and products. Everything works together towards growing your brand when done smartly from a holistic point of view.

Try not to over-promote, keep it social, engaging, and profitable.

Know your Brand Attributes

What do you want your reputation to stand for? At Digital Marketing Skill Institute, we want to be known as the thought leader and expert when it comes to digital marketing. That’s our reputation, and everything we do on social media has to reflect that.

Brand Attributes

You have to know what you stand for and ensure that every single post on Facebook reflects those attributes, this is what makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd on social media. When people know you for certain things, you grow to become a top of mind brand and the immediate connection for those attributes.

Identify 3-4 attributes, connect them with your activity, and reflect them in your images, posts, and cover images. It has to be extremely obvious to even a five year old, that once they get on your page and look through your posts, they immediately GET what you stand for.

Keep integrating new attributes and test to see which ones resonate more with your Facebook crowd, always keep testing new ideas and checking your insights to see the results.

Audit your Facebook page

Once you have a good understanding of who your target audience and buyers are, it’s time to take a very keen look at your Facebook page and answer the following questions:

  1. Would your Facebook page appeal to your prospects?
  2. Why or why not?
  3. Is the Facebook page engaging enough?
  4. Are you promoting too much and acting in YOUR interests, instead of theirs?

Providing value is very important when it comes to building a community, and that’s essentially what a Facebook page is all about. There needs to be a concentration on your prospects and what they are getting from being part of your Facebook page.

monitor your page

You can get recommendations from your Facebook fans, what they like or don’t like about your page, and changes they would like to see implemented concerning your brand.

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Facebook can be a very useful tool for Nigerian businesses to connect with their target customers and get them engaged. But just having a Facebook page is not enough. To succeed on Facebook, businesses need to have a well-planned strategy.

The most important things are:

  • Understand who your target audience is and how to reach them with your Facebook page.
  • Create content that is interesting and provides value to your audience. Share information, tips, or entertainment that your followers will find useful or enjoyable.
  • Regularly interact with your followers by responding to comments and messages to build relevant relationships.
  • Identify what your brand stands for and make sure your Facebook presence reflects those qualities. This will help you stand out from other businesses and become a brand that people think of first.

When you follow these steps, Nigerian businesses can use Facebook to its full potential. It takes some work, but Facebook can be a powerful way to grow your brand, keep customers loyal, and increase sales.

if you want more innovative ways on how to get more customers online, do check out our digital marketing course page to know how you can use Facebook Engagement Strategies for Nigerian Businesses.


How Can I Boost My Facebook Post in Nigeria?

To boost a Facebook post in Nigeria, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Facebook Page and find the post you want to boost.
  • Click the “Boost Post” button below the post.
  • In the Boost Post window, select your advertising objective, such as getting more people to see your post, driving traffic to your website, or generating more engagement.
  • Choose your target audience by selecting location, age, interests, and other relevant demographics.
  • Set your budget and duration for the boosted post. Facebook will provide estimated reach and engagement based on your settings.
  • Review your order and payment method, then click “Boost Post” to launch your ad.

Boosting a post is a quick and easy way to increase the visibility of your content and reach more of your target audience on Facebook in Nigeria.

More Resource

How to use Facebook to get more customers in Nigeria

Facebook Ad Campaigns for businesses

10 Ways to Generate Qualified Leads Using Facebook

50 killer Facebook Post Ideas for Small Business Owners (Unbelievable!)


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