Are you fed up with getting low engagements after posting and sharing articles on Facebook? Small-scale business owners persistently push out content on their Facebook pages with the hope of engaging their page readers and followers. Since Facebook post ideas are very difficult to come by, I have taken my time to compile 50 working Facebook post ideas for your small business.
Beyond sharing articles and links, do you really know how to increase reach through building great content to engage your readers?
In this post, however, I will show you a list of Facebook post ideas that will help you promote engagements and further enhance the relationship you have with your readers.
Facebook page owners know how difficult it is to come up with a creative write-up, pictures, links, and video. There are tips small business owners trying to increase brand visibility should know when it comes to creating Facebook post ideas.
Posting great content on Facebook starts with knowing what to write about, as well as knowing which content your readers engage with more often. My list of Facebook post ideas shall be centered around six key categories;
- Images
- Text
- Videos
- Website/Blog posts
- Other People’s Content
- Podcasts
Now that I’ve broken them into six major types, without wasting more time, let’s have a look at these post ideas below;
[bctt tweet=”Posting great content on Facebook starts with knowing what to write about.” username=”DMSInstitute”]
50 Facebook Post Ideas To Promote Social Engagement For Small Business Owners
Image Facebook Post Ideas
Did you know that images are the pillar of Facebook content? Research by Hubspot showed that the use of visual content in Facebook campaigns can generate 65% more engagement after only one month. This research shows how important it is to post visual content on your business page on Facebook.
I personally get overwhelmed when overloaded with wordy content, so do other people. It is important you publish picture posts more than written posts. People generally get consumed with written posts, so, therefore, if you really want more likes, comments, and shares, it’s paramount you don’t overload your audience with too many wordy posts.
People generally get consumed with written posts, and share more of media posts instead of text.

- Infographics: Infographics are great ways to relate with information graphically, looking at the rate at people engage with media contents; this is just one great way to increase social engagement on your page. Find an infographic your followers would appreciate. You can visit Daily Infographic for ideas, or better yet, create your own. (Have you seen this Infographic: 20 deep Facebook statuses that will get alot of likes and comments )
- Post a branded image: Post a funny or inspirational image with your logo or website/blog URL on it.
- Product photos: Work best on pages that sell a product. Think about how you can add a unique angle to the shots. For example, you can post “an employee actually using the product”, “a customer-submitted photo” etc.
- Behind-the-scenes product shots: Photos of your products being manufactured or sourced. As well as, photos of the concept images of a particular product.
- Fan photos: Search for hashtags related to your business or products, and share a customer photo on Facebook with that #hashtag. This way, other fans will strive to be next to feature on your page.
- Funny images: Everybody loves funny photos. However, when it comes to sharing funny pics for your business, you have to be careful and not overwhelm users with it. Too many could do more harm than good.
- Eye-Catching Images: Below is an eye-catching image I found on Pinterest – it’s unique and makes you look at it twice. You ask yourself questions like, is this actually real? These types of images would spur readers to get curious and end up asking the same question. Pinterest is one great place to get eye-catching pictures for sharing.
- Share a comic or meme: Getting your customers to laugh with you is a great way to start building relationships.
- Hold a photo contest: Ask for photo submissions and then get your fans to vote. Share the winning photos, too!
- Take a trip down memory lane: Share photos of old logos, websites or your very first product.
- Images with Text: Sharing images with tips or quotes can be a creative way to pass a simple message across. You can nicely do this on your own with your business logo appearing on the photo. If you cannot hire a graphic artist to design a photo, you can use a site like iPiccy or PicMonkey to add the text.

Adding a tip to an image is simple.
- Write down the top 10 to 20 most frequently asked questions in your niche.
- Answer the questions with short 1 to 2 sentence answers (these will serve as your tips)
- Add the tips to your images.
- ‘Caption this’: Post a photo and ask your fans to come up with creative or funny captions.
Text Facebook Post Ideas
Keep in mind three things when using text posts: they must be short, precise, and clear to avoid engulfing readers with length and vagueness.
- Quotes: Humorous, inspiring or motivational quotes always perform well. People love quotes! The reason why quotes simply work is that quotes can connect with literally anyone still breathing.
- Fill-in-the-blank posts: This is another type of post I’ve noticed that works well, you update your page status with an incomplete sentence, by simply asking your audience to complete it. For instance; “If I had $1 million I would _________” or “If I was president for one day, I would _________”. You create engaging fill-in-the-blank-questions to get your readers commenting.
- Polls: While Facebook offers built-in polls, I find running them manually in form of questions works best for boosting social engagement. E.g. “Which of these movies is your favorite?”
- Statistics or data: you can share new, relevant industry statistics; these types of Facebook posts perform great in terms of shares and tags.
- Questions: Post simple, basic relatable questions that your followers can answer quickly.
- Ask for input on your products: Your followers will love giving their thoughts on how to improve your products. Always ask for their honest reviews.
- Ask for reviews or testimonials: Educating products/services reviews from fans or followers is one of the best ways to get testimonials you can use as social proof on your website/blog.
- Share a product review: Just like the above, you let your readers get your own version of the product testing. Your own testimonial might as well be what they are waiting for.
- Share an experience while teaching: People love experiences more than generic ideas. If you run a page that teaches people how to do stuff, kindly share your experience doing that stuff yourself instead of some random person’s know-hows.
- Recommend a free tool: Here in Nigeria, people love “awoof”, if possible, they won’t pay for any tool and resource online. Share a (preferably free) tool or resource you think your followers would find useful.
- A day in the life post: Give a recap of a typical day in the life of a graphic designer, author, CEO, artist, celebrity etc.
- Share random tips: Periodically post a random tip or trick your followers would find useful. Hint: using random tip numbers adds interest to your post (e.g. Tip #125: After using your PC, always shut down to extend battery lifespan)
- Provide a recommendation: Share the love by recommending a business you’ve worked with successfully in the past.
- Ask for advice: Pose a hypothetical question and ask your followers what they would do in that situation. (e.g., what should I do if I had the ability to stop time?)
- Recommend your favorite products: If you’re an e-commerce site, share a list of your top sellers, cheapest products or highest-rated products. Perhaps, if you’re a service provider, you can share a list of the products that help you succeed in your business.
- Share country-specific holidays: Wish your followers from around the world happy holidays (a full list of worldwide holidays can be found here).
- Offer a free e-book: Build your email list while generating some goodwill with your fans.
- Fan of the month: Acknowledge your brand ambassadors (this could be the most commenters, most engaging fans, most blog commenters etc) and let them know they’re appreciated.
- Celebrate odd holidays: For instance, did you know June 17 is Apple Strudel Day? Use a tool like Days of the Year to find out what today’s holiday is.
- Thank your followers: A simple thank you can go a long way to building connections with your fans. Not only during the holiday seasons, I appreciate them always.
- Do a post series and weekly round-up: Share a series of similar posts over a certain number of days and post a list of the ‘must read’ articles for the week.
Video Facebook Post Ideas
Videos are one of the most important commodities on Facebook. Users watch over 8 billion videos on Facebook daily. Facebook has become one of the leading social media places to watch videos apart from YouTube, and I expect to see it grow even greater in the near future.
Considering the rate at which people watch video contents on Facebook, you should take advantage of this and post a video for your readers.
- Behind the scenes: Behind the scene videos are very engaging when it comes to sharing posts on your social media page. Share videos of your products being manufactured, sourced or other behind the scene videos your readers will find interesting.
- You and your team: You can always get massive engagement when you share videos showing the entire team, just like point #34, you share pictures of the offices, working environment, fun time, and much more.
- How to use your product/services: “Seeing is believing”, is a quote popular in Nigeria, people literally don’t get satisfied until they see the product. When it comes to sharing useful tips, a few others don’t get the steps until they watch useful videos on how to use a product, or how to get things done. Why do you even think YouTube is the most watched video content site in the world?
- Post a video Just say hello: Sometimes, saying hello can do the trick. Don’t get too serious; put a smile on your fan’s faces with a video saying a BIG HELLO!
- Your fun side: Who doesn’t like laughter? If this is a personal page for your brand, why not share a fun side of you with your fans? This will help to promote a relationship with them, or better still ask them to comment on pics of how they enjoyed a particular holiday period.
- Stories: Tell stories about your business, client stories, failure, and success stories etc. All of these make for awesome story videos! Remember, facts tell and stories sell. So use stories to increase engagement with your users.
- Promotions: Are you launching a new product? Speaking at an upcoming event? The video is the best way to promote an event, product launch, or your overall business. There are many ways you can do a promotional video. You can create one where you are talking to the camera, do an interview-style where you interview someone, a cartoon-style, animated, whiteboard… and the list goes on.
- YouTube video: Find a cute or inspirational video and promote it to your fans or followers.
Website/Blog posts – Facebook post ideas

If your page is associated with a website or blog, why not share some of your links with your readers? Links to interesting articles and blog posts will be most likely welcome by your readers; they are positioned to engage the audience, especially knowing when and when not to publish them.
- Post a link to an old blog post: There’s nothing wrong with recycling, old posts will gain new engagement, renewing and extending their life.
- Link to a guest post: Are you a guest contributor on other people’s blog/websites? Why not share or re-share a link to a post you contributed to another site? This is good when you have something important you want your readers to relate within that article.
- Link to a controversial blog post: Controversy does two things. First, controversy makes things more interesting to talk about. It’s pretty boring if everyone has exactly the same opinion, so a little bit of dispute keeps the discussion stimulating.
At the same time, controversy also generates discomfort. An anonymous once said, “Controversy offers a great opportunity to intelligently interact with others”. There’s nothing better for eliciting engagement than a little controversy.
- Link to a case study: Case studies are great for delivering useful info in a way that’s often more palatable and actionable than a standard blog post.
- Link to your most popular blog post: Give a brief intro to the post and explain why it’s your most read, most commented, or most shared post.
Other People’s Content
I don’t see harm in sharing people’s articles on your page. Sharing other people’s social media content is a good way to support them, and help them grow their own page, blog or website. If you have fans who follow your page and also have their own page, you can share page articles that you find relevant to your niche.
- Recommend someone else to follow on social media: Share a link to someone else’s social media profile and encourage your fans to ‘like’ or follow them.
- Tag another Facebook page: Generate some good karma by helping to promote another business.
- Promote someone else’s sale: Since people love discounts and free coupons, why not share a link to a coupon or sale from a complementary (not competing) business?
Podcasts Facebook post ideas
According to Wikipedia, a podcast is an episodic series of digital media files which a user can set up so that new episodes are automatically downloaded via web syndication to the user’s own local computer or portable media player. In essence, Podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device.

It’s not possible to directly share podcast on Facebook, though Facebook began experimenting with native audio. NPR has partnered with Facebook to experiment with sharing audio clips.
The question now is, how do I promote podcast content on my Facebook page?
- Share audio with fans: When it comes to sharing podcast on your Facebook page… Omny Studio is a wonderful solution for advanced social sharing. If you’d like this feature for your own show, Sign up for Omny Studio today to get started if you’d like this feature for your own show
To sum it all up:
The Facebook post ideas shared above will give your page a better look. You will surely get engaging results using a few of those content ideas; an improved comment section, an increase in social shares and likes. Thank you for reading.
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Home » 50 killer Facebook Post Ideas for Small Business Owners (Unbelievable!)
50 killer Facebook Post Ideas for Small Business Owners (Unbelievable!)
Are you fed up with getting low engagements after posting and sharing articles on Facebook? Small-scale business owners persistently push out content on their Facebook pages with the hope of engaging their page readers and followers. Since Facebook post ideas are very difficult to come by, I have taken my time to compile 50 working Facebook post ideas for your small business.
Beyond sharing articles and links, do you really know how to increase reach through building great content to engage your readers?
In this post, however, I will show you a list of Facebook post ideas that will help you promote engagements and further enhance the relationship you have with your readers.
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Facebook page owners know how difficult it is to come up with a creative write-up, pictures, links, and video. There are tips small business owners trying to increase brand visibility should know when it comes to creating Facebook post ideas.
Posting great content on Facebook starts with knowing what to write about, as well as knowing which content your readers engage with more often. My list of Facebook post ideas shall be centered around six key categories;
Now that I’ve broken them into six major types, without wasting more time, let’s have a look at these post ideas below;
[bctt tweet=”Posting great content on Facebook starts with knowing what to write about.” username=”DMSInstitute”]
50 Facebook Post Ideas To Promote Social Engagement For Small Business Owners
Image Facebook Post Ideas
Did you know that images are the pillar of Facebook content? Research by Hubspot showed that the use of visual content in Facebook campaigns can generate 65% more engagement after only one month. This research shows how important it is to post visual content on your business page on Facebook.
I personally get overwhelmed when overloaded with wordy content, so do other people. It is important you publish picture posts more than written posts. People generally get consumed with written posts, so, therefore, if you really want more likes, comments, and shares, it’s paramount you don’t overload your audience with too many wordy posts.
People generally get consumed with written posts, and share more of media posts instead of text.
Adding a tip to an image is simple.
Text Facebook Post Ideas
Keep in mind three things when using text posts: they must be short, precise, and clear to avoid engulfing readers with length and vagueness.
Video Facebook Post Ideas
Videos are one of the most important commodities on Facebook. Users watch over 8 billion videos on Facebook daily. Facebook has become one of the leading social media places to watch videos apart from YouTube, and I expect to see it grow even greater in the near future.
Considering the rate at which people watch video contents on Facebook, you should take advantage of this and post a video for your readers.
Website/Blog posts – Facebook post ideas
If your page is associated with a website or blog, why not share some of your links with your readers? Links to interesting articles and blog posts will be most likely welcome by your readers; they are positioned to engage the audience, especially knowing when and when not to publish them.
At the same time, controversy also generates discomfort. An anonymous once said, “Controversy offers a great opportunity to intelligently interact with others”. There’s nothing better for eliciting engagement than a little controversy.
Other People’s Content
I don’t see harm in sharing people’s articles on your page. Sharing other people’s social media content is a good way to support them, and help them grow their own page, blog or website. If you have fans who follow your page and also have their own page, you can share page articles that you find relevant to your niche.
Podcasts Facebook post ideas
According to Wikipedia, a podcast is an episodic series of digital media files which a user can set up so that new episodes are automatically downloaded via web syndication to the user’s own local computer or portable media player. In essence, Podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device.
It’s not possible to directly share podcast on Facebook, though Facebook began experimenting with native audio. NPR has partnered with Facebook to experiment with sharing audio clips.
The question now is, how do I promote podcast content on my Facebook page?
To sum it all up:
The Facebook post ideas shared above will give your page a better look. You will surely get engaging results using a few of those content ideas; an improved comment section, an increase in social shares and likes. Thank you for reading.
Related posts:
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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.
An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.
*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.