How To Become A Social Media Manager In 2024

how to become a social media manager

Are you passionate about social media and want to become a social media manager? Or you have a knack for creating engaging content? 

Or maybe you have always heard about social media management and it piques your interest but you don’t know how to go about it.

Then, becoming a social media manager could be the perfect career path for you! 

In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on social media to connect with their audience and build their brand. 

Being a social media manager gives you access to help businesses build their online presence.

As a social media manager, you promote brands’ online presence using effective social media strategies, hence facilitating their growth.

Keep reading as I take you through how to become a social media manager and what your role as a social media manager should entail. 

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Ready? Then, let’s dive right into it!


Social media management is the process of creating, scheduling, analysing, and engaging with content on various social media platforms to build and maintain an online presence for individuals, brands, businesses, or organisations. 

It involves managing social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and others, to connect with the target audience, increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and achieve specific marketing or communication goals.


A social media manager is responsible for overseeing and implementing various aspects of social media management for individuals, brands, businesses, or organisations. 

Although, your duties may vary depending on the size of the company and its social media goals, here are some common responsibilities of a social media manager:

Strategy development

Creating and executing social media strategies aligned with the organisation’s goals and target audience. 

This includes determining the platforms to focus on, creating content themes, and defining key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. 

This is the foundation to a successful social media management process as you need to know what to look out for and what ways to achieve your laid out goals.

Content creation and curation

This demands you to create compelling and engaging content for social media platforms, including text, images, videos, and other multimedia formats. 

Curating relevant content from external sources and sharing it with the audience is also part of the role.

Scheduling and publishing

As a social media manager, you are expected to plan and schedule social media posts in advance using social media management tools. 

You need to ensure consistent posting frequency and optimise timing for maximum reach and engagement.

Community management

This requires you to effectively monitor the available social media channels for comments, mentions, and messages. 

You also get to respond to user inquiries, comments, and complaints in a timely and professional manner. 

And all should be done to engage with the followers and build relationships with your online community.

Analytics and Reporting

Use social media analytics tools to track performance metrics such as reach, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions on your social channels. 

You are also to analyse data to gain insights into audience behaviour and the results of your advertising efforts. Some of the popular tools to use include Google analytics, Search Console, Semrush, and many more.

This is where you also get to create reports to present your key findings and recommendations to stakeholders to know what is working, what is not, and what can be done better.

Social media advertising

As a social media manager, you are to develop and implement paid advertising campaigns on social media platforms. 

Creating ad copy, targeting specific audiences, monitoring ad performance, and optimising campaigns to achieve desired outcomes are also part of your tasks as a social media manager.

Influencer partnerships

As a social media manager, you help brands, organisations, or individuals to collaborate with influencers or industry experts to promote products, services, or content, connect more with their target audience and increase their reach.

You need to be able to identify suitable influencers, negotiate partnerships/collaborations with them, and manage influencer relationships.

Staying updated on trends and best practices 

Keeping up with the latest trends, features, and algorithm changes on social media platforms is essential for you as a social media manager

The algorithms are ever changing and demand that you keep up with the latest trends and updates. 

You will also need to research and implement best practices to enhance social media performance and stay ahead of competitors.

Collaboration with other teams

You are expected to collaborate with other teams connected to the brand’s image and online presence, in marketing, public relations, and other teams to align your social media efforts. 

Collaborating on cross-functional campaigns and initiatives with these other teams to achieve the set goals is another responsibility to take up as a social media manager.

Solving problems and adapting fast

You should be able to adapt to changing circumstances, solve unexpected problems or handle challenges that could arise and threaten brand’s or individual’s message or values.


  • Strategic thinking – Ability to develop comprehensive social media strategies tied to business goals.
  • Copywriting – Writing clear, concise, engaging copy for social posts that represent brand voice.
  • Creativity – Coming up with fresh, innovative ideas for social content and campaigns.
  • Analytics – Measuring and interpreting data to derive insights to guide strategy.
  • Multitasking – Managing multiple social platforms and responding promptly to comments/messages.


Here are ten easy steps to help you kickstart your career journey towards becoming a social media manager:

Step 1: Consider a Degree

Pursuing a degree in a field that enhances communication or business skills, such as marketing or communications can adequately prepare you for becoming a social media manager. According to BLS, social media managers do possess a bachelor’s degree and having one will surely give you an upper hand.

Step 2: Understand Social Media Platforms

To become an effective social media manager, it’s important to have a solid understanding of popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 

According to Statista, over 2.9 million, 2.5 million, and 2 million active monthly users are currently on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram respectively,  which makes social media platforms a must-have for companies or businesses to thrive.

Spend time exploring these platforms, familiarise yourself with their features, and observe how businesses use them to engage with their audience.

Step 3: Build a Strong Online Presence

Creating a strong personal brand is essential in becoming a social media manager

Brands and organisations want to see the proof of how familiar you are with platforms from what you do with your own social media handles even if you have not been opportune to manage any yet for an individual or organisation.

Establish yourself as an authority in the industry by consistently sharing valuable content and engaging with your audience.

This will help showcase your expertise and demonstrate your capabilities to potential employers or clients.

Step 4: Learn Analytics and Metrics

Social media success is measurable through analytics and metrics. 

Familiarise yourself with the tools and techniques used to track and analyse social media performance

Understanding metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates will help you optimise strategies and prove your value as a social media manager.

Step 5: Develop Content Creation Skills

Content is at the core of social media. 

Enhance your content creation skills by learning how to write compelling copy, design eye-catching visuals, and create engaging videos. 

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and experiment with different formats to captivate your audience.

Step 6: Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Social media is constantly evolving. It’s crucial that you stay updated with the latest industry trends, algorithm changes, and best practices. 

Follow reputable blogs, attend webinars, and join relevant online communities to stay informed and adapt your strategies accordingly.

Step 7: Gain Experience Through Internships or Volunteer Work

To gain practical experience, consider interning or volunteering for non-profit organisations, local businesses. You can also offer your services to friends and family. 

This hands-on experience will help you build a portfolio and demonstrate your ability to manage social media effectively.

Step 8: Network with Professionals in the Industry

Networking is key to landing social media management opportunities. 

Attend industry events, join social media marketing groups, and connect with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn. 

Building relationships with industry experts can lead to job opportunities and valuable mentorship.

Step 9: Acquire Relevant Certifications

Investing in certifications can boost your credibility and showcase your commitment to continuous learning.

Look for reputable social media marketing courses or certifications offered by organisations like Hootsuite, HubSpot, Coursera, or Google. 

These certifications will add value to your resume and increase your chances of securing a social media management role.

Step 10: Create a Professional Portfolio

Compile your best work into a professional portfolio. Include case studies, examples of successful campaigns, and measurable results you’ve achieved. 

A portfolio showcases your skills and provides tangible evidence of your ability to drive social 

media success.

Step 11: Define Your Goals and Objectives

Before diving into any career, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your goals. Determine what you want to achieve as a social media manager.

Do you want to work as a freelancer, start your own agency, or be employed by a company? Identifying your objectives will help you plan your path more effectively.

Step 12: Apply for Social Media Manager Positions

With a solid foundation in social media management, it’s time to apply for relevant positions. 

Craft a compelling resume and cover letter that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. 

Tailor your application to each job opportunity and be prepared for interviews. Make in-depth research on the company and demonstrate your passion for social media.


How much do Social Media Managers Make?

The salary of a social media manager varies depending on factors such as experience, location, and industry. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a social media manager in the United States is around $57,000 per year. However, entry-level positions may pay around $27,000 per year, while highly experienced social media managers in major cities like New York or San Francisco can earn over $190,000 per year.

What qualifications do I need to be a social media manager?

While there is no specific degree required to become a social media manager, most employers prefer candidates to have a bachelor’s degree in marketing, public relations, journalism, or a related field. Additionally, social media managers should have experience with social media platforms and tools, as well as skills in copywriting, graphic design, analytics, customer service, and project management.

How can I start as a social media manager?

To start as a social media manager, you can follow these steps:

  • Gain experience: Gain experience with social media platforms and tools by managing your own social media accounts or volunteering to manage social media for a non-profit organization.
  • Develop your skills: Develop your skills in copywriting, graphic design, analytics, customer service, and project management by taking courses or attending workshops.
  • Build your portfolio: Build a portfolio of your work to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers.
  • Network: Network with other professionals in the industry and attend events to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices.
  • Apply for jobs: Apply for social media manager positions on job boards, company websites, and social media platforms


Overall, becoming a social media manager who earns money either from working from home or in a company is not far-fetched with the right strategies being practised. 

Remember, you are a hot cake to any company or individual who wants to connect more to their audience and build a strong online presence. 

And with our 90% practical course on social media management, it becomes easy peasy for you to become a social media manager. Where you get to learn all that it takes to deliver efficiently and earn conveniently as a social media manager


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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

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