15 Social Media Marketing Tools For Nigerian Online Marketers


Social Media Marketing tools are making it easier for professionals to share content and grow the reach of their users towards a positive ROI.

We’ve been having a little steamy discussion in the Digital Marketing Skill Institute office about the various kinds of social media tools that are best for driving profitability.

After a little back and forth, we decided to do an article on the subject matter.

Though, you can check out our digital marketing training course if you are new to social media marketing.

We had to come up with the very best top twelve social media marketing tools available out there for Nigerian brands to drive engagement, conversion and profitability.

[bctt tweet=”Social Media Marketing tools are making it easier for professionals to share content and grow the reach of their users towards a positive ROI.” username=”DMSInstitute”]

After reading, maybe you can decide for us, which tool works out best for your business.

Here are my picks of the top 12 social media marketing tools:

12 Best Social Media Marketing Tools

1. Mention

5 Social Media Marketing Tools for Nigerian Companies

As far as social media is concerned, mention is one of the best tools out there to improve your presence online.

With Mention:

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

You can monitor what the web is saying about your company and products, also about your competition and finally, Mention also takes notice of what the web is saying about your brand and keywords related to your industry.

Mention allows you to monitor the activities surrounding this mentions on social media, forums, blogs and other social media platforms.

Mentions also have the feature of social features that allow you to share industry news that you find and also mentions about your brand.

Using the tool Mention.

At the homepage of the Mention Website, sign up for a free trial first. Then choose how you want to use Mention. Mention can be installed for Windows, iPhone, Android or Chrome extension.

Next create a Mention Alert, naming your alert, including and excluding expressions and choosing a language.

The next step is very important because you need to filter the right sources where you want to get mentions from. Except you want to exclude certain sources or block a website, just allow from the whole web.

You can also choose if you want alerts coming in from influential people to be marked differently than others.

Once you’re through click “Create my alert.” At this point, you can choose to share your alert other users. Anyone can then see the alerts, but you’ll be the owner with the ability to edit and manage settings, add or delete users as well as delete the alert.

2. Buffer

5 Social Media Marketing Tools for Nigerian Companies

There are lots of publishing tools out there that help to distribute content to your social media users, but buffer goes a step further with incredible analytics to cater for the key metrics on all the platforms where content is shared.

Buffer sends your updates to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more

It also helps you understand the best periods for posting content, this way you understand how to build your social media presence on solid data.

Buffer for business is one of the most robust tools out there for managing social media for businesses.

You can see most clicks, retweets, likes, or whatever other metrics you’d like to see, so you can sort your social media analytics by the metric you want to see.

Order your posts on images, link posts and quotes, this way you can know whether posts with images are performing better than those that aren’t. And there is so many more features buffer allows you to track your social media activities apart from distributing content.

Remember most of these analytic services are available on their paid features.

READ: 8 actionable ways to increase Instagram followers fast!

3. Twitter Counter

5 Social Media Marketing Tools for Nigerian Companies

Losing progress on twitter can be done easily, growing mentions and building your account is done better when you understand how to track your progress and Twitter Counter allows you to do that effectively.

It’s a free service that tracks changes in your follower count and predicts future growth over time.

Twitter counter is very useful in knowing the progressive growth of your followers, this information can be very useful for sharing and growth.

Twitter counter is great for the following areas:

  • Tracking your follower count: Checking up on your followers’ growth over different periods of time is a great way to figure out what type of content your Twitter followers are most interested and the type of content that will help you increase your followers count. Keep viewing the statistics to find out the time you gained the most followers
  • Compare your follower growth rate to others: You can also compare growth with other people with similar accounts that also use TwitterCounter.

    The reasoning behind comparing followers between certain accounts can be related to content sharing. If a competitor has more followers than your account, you need to take a look at what type of content he or she shares.

    The most important thing is that your followers are growing.

  • Compare updates from various accounts: You can also use the Compare function in TwitterCounter to compare the number of updates among three different accounts.

4. Zapier


Zapier is a connector tool that helps you to integrate all your services and independently connecting those services to make your work simpler and easier.

You can also connect productivity apps like Asana and Evernote to social networks like Twitter and even Dropbox and Google drive.

Imagine receiving a new lead on your WordPress blog and simultaneously creating a new lead form on salesforce, without creating a single line of code.

That’s the power of Zapier that you can create have these integrations that save you time, money, and development.

READ: Facebook For Business Marketing | 3 Actionable Tips For Growth

5. Feedly


Finding great content to share with your audience is easy with Feedly. Not only can you subscribe to RSS feeds to keep on top of industry blogs or news sites, but you can also use Feedly to discover new content related to your topics of interest.

Some tips on using Feedly:

  1. Get your best sources together and click on the add icon at the top right section of the dashboard to add them to your Feedly.
  2. Assign the right layout for your source
  3. Share and participate, every time you bump into an article you find interesting, recommend it. This helps improve the quality of Feedly for all other users

6. Sprout Social

Sprout Social

Sprout social shares similar features with Buffer.

However, it focuses more on customer relationship management through social media platforms, enabling individuals to quickly manage and respond to engagements to keep customers happy.

Sprout functions as an all-in-one social media marketing tool to help content managers control their efforts effectively. It’s not as thorough as Buffer at this but makes up for it in other areas.

It offers multi-level access, which means it’s perfect for businesses large enough to have teams of editors and writers. Some can have directorial control, while lower-level team members can log in to receive and update tasks.

The detailed analytics platform helps managers keep on top of engagement, to foster and nurture it through responding quickly and effectively to comments and requests.

READ: 10 tips about digital marketing in Nigeria you need to know

7. HootSuite


If there’s one tool on this list you’ve probably already heard of, it’s HootSuite. It allows you to post the same content across multiple platforms at once.

HootSuite is a simple, but powerful tool for the average social media marketer. They have worked hard to overcome previous limitations of content optimization for different platforms, and now offer better control over the content.

There is now an option to schedule posts in advance on a number of different social platforms.

HootSuite can now help people create campaigns, competitions, and curated collections of user-generated content easily and across platforms.

There’s a cool feature introduced focused on ‘sentiment’, that allows you to see how many of the comments directed at your social media profiles are positive, neutral, or negative.

8. BuzzSumo

Buzzsumo - Social Media Marketing Tools

BuzzSumo is a different kind of search engine, which helps you find the hottest content and search terms in your niche.

This is one of the secret tools every social media marketing expert should have.

This is one of my favorites. It enables you to see what the best performing content is and take inspiration from it.

Even better, you can search for a topic or even keywords, and see what the best performing posts look like across categories, so your search can be super-specific.

You can even see who the influences are that share successful content so you can target them and build relationships.


IFTTT - Social Media Marketing Tools

IFTTT stands for If This Then That.

If This Then That is a free-to-use resource that allows you to find super simple ‘applets’ that create a single time-saving response to a pre-set condition.

I remembered when an employee of mine introduced me to this useful tool.

There are tons of great little features.

Things like automatically syncing your profile images across social media platforms, or tweeting your Instagram photos as native images on Twitter.

You can create ‘recipes’ that use multiple applets to describe more complex circumstances. So for instance, if you get a positive tweet you can auto-retweet it, where if you get a negative one, you auto-respond with a DM request.

These are little things that can save a lot of time when combined together. You just need to form a habit of using them.

READ: 4 Basic SEO Tips For Beginners To Rank On Google (Video Tutorial)

10. Canva

CANVA - Social Media Marketing Tools

Canva is the easiest way to create arresting, web-optimized graphics using images and text, and it continues to be one of the most impactful social media marketing tools out there right now.

With Canva, you can create great image content for social media.

This is my favorite tool for creating stunning images for social media posts. (Some of our featured images are created using this as well!)

The interface is as simple as drag and drop, but with font and color control, image editing and positioning, and more, it is often used for menus, CVs, and other professional applications.

Despite the pro results, it’s free to use!

11. Fanpage Karma

FANPAGEKARMA - Social Media Marketing Tools

Fanpage Karma is a social media marketing tool that helps you to monitor any Facebook page with the best analytics and statistics tool. Create insight reports and optimize your social media marketing strategy.

Fanpagekarma is a tool for following and tracking the fan pages you manage, as well as the fan pages of your competitors.

You can use this tool to follow a limitless number of fan pages whether they’re your own pages or another page in your niche; whether you’re an administrator for the page, or not.

This tool also has key performance indicators and the insights that can be gleaned using this excellent tool for Facebook fan page optimization

12. Bitly

BITLY - Social Media Marketing Tools

Bitly is used to shorten any URL so that it will fit nicely across every social media channel without eating up space and character counts. You can also have customized shortened URLs using the API.

Using a Bit-ly link allows you to track analytics for one post using one source, instead of having to collate your click-throughs from different portals.

13. CoSchedule 

CoSchedule is a comprehensive social media management tool that offers a range of features to streamline and enhance your social media marketing efforts. With CoSchedule’s Social Calendar, you can post directly to all major social networks from one dashboard, eliminating the need to manually log into each platform.

In addition to managing posts for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, CoSchedule allows you to schedule tasks and automate postings for email, WordPress blog posts, podcasts, and more. The tool also provides valuable features such as time scheduling, feedback collection, and social media analytics to track results and improve your social media strategy.

CoSchedule’s Marketing Calendar lets you plan all your marketing projects in one place, making it a valuable asset for Nigerian online marketers looking to maximize their social media presence and achieve their business goals

14. Zoho Socials

Zoho Social is an all-in-one social media management tool designed to help businesses manage multiple social channels and grow an active social media presence from a single platform. It offers a range of features, including advanced scheduling tools, social monitoring, custom queues for publishing schedules, and seamless integrations with Zoho CRM, Zoho Desk, and Canva.

The tool also provides powerful analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing users to measure their social media performance and gain valuable insights. Zoho Social is available in various plans, including Standard, Professional, and Premium, as well as Agency and Agency Plus for digital agencies.

The tool is praised for its user-friendly interface, efficient publishing and scheduling tools, and seamless experience for marketers of all levels. Zoho Social is also available as a mobile app, offering on-the-go social media management and engagement.

15. HubSpot

HubSpot is a popular social media management tool that offers a range of features to help businesses manage their social media presence. With HubSpot’s Social Inbox, you can publish, monitor, and report on your social media success all in one place.

The tool allows you to connect with people you care about on each social platform, spend less time monitoring social media, and more time nurturing relationships.

HubSpot’s social media management software enables you to publish content to social networks from the same place you build campaigns, set up keyword monitoring so you never miss a mention, and link all your interactions back to your CRM so you have contextual conversations and can report on social media ROI.

HubSpot also provides valuable features such as time scheduling, feedback collection, and social media analytics to track results and improve your social media strategy.

Why Social Media Management Tools Are Important?

Social media management tools have become increasingly important in recent years as social media has become a crucial part of marketing and customer service strategies.

These tools offer a range of benefits, including the ability to manage multiple accounts across different platforms, always know what’s happening around your brand, schedule content in advance, analyze results, and more.

By using social media management tools, you can streamline your social media process, save time, and improve your online presence.  Additionally, these tools can help you monitor conversations, track engagements, measure the performance of your posts, and more.

With so many social media management tools available, it’s important to choose the one that works best for your needs and budget.

How To Choose Social Media Management Tools for Your Business

Choosing the right social media management tool for your business can be a daunting task, given the wide range of options available. However, it’s essential to choose a tool that best fits your needs and budget.

When selecting a social media management tool, consider factors such as the features offered, pricing, ease of use, and customer support. Look for tools that allow you to manage multiple accounts across different platforms, schedule content in advance, analyze results, and monitor conversations.

It’s also important to choose a tool that integrates with other marketing and customer service tools you may be using. Some of the best social media management tools available in 2024 include Buffer, Hootsuite, SocialPilot, Sprout Social, and more.

By investing in a social media management tool, you can streamline your social media process, save time, and improve your online presence, ultimately leading to increased engagement, conversions, and business growth.

To sum it all up:

There are literally thousands of social media marketing tools and management dashboards out there to choose from. Some are more specialized than others to different social media outlets or different forms of doing business.

These are the ones I have found to be most valuable and influential.

If you are looking to perfect your social media marketing skill, then navigate to this page to see details of our digital marketing training.



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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.