How To Start And Grow Your Business With Digital Marketing

grow your business with digital marketing

Are you interested in starting a business and you don’t know how to grow your business?

Or have you started a business already but you are looking for ways to grow the business?

Worry no more, because, in this article, I will share with you how to grow your business with digital marketing and share with you why you should grow your business with digital marketing.

With the rate at which the technology is expanding, it is important for business owners to also migrate into using digital marketing to grow their business instead of relying only on traditional marketing.

Traditional marketing is not bad, but you will get more and better results with digital marketing more than with traditional marketing. Digital marketing is a very valuable skill that every business owner must have especially for a small-scale business that may not be able to afford the cost of hiring a team or an expert to grow their business.

According to the internet live stat, Google gets more than 92,124 searches every second and if you can position your business well to be seen on google, you can imagine the huge sales you will be making from that channel.

This is one out of the many channels available in digital marketing that you can use to grow your business online. Also, digital marketing is one vital and important tool for the expansion and growth of a business.

It actually allows for a business transaction to take place beyond geographical location.

9 Tested and Proven Ways to Make $500/Day with Digital Marketing Skills working from home or anywhere.

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You would want to ask, how does this happen, right!

It happens through various channels and platforms using strategies in digital marketing. If you will read through to the end, I will be sharing with you how to use these strategies and platforms in digital marketing to grow your business.

Meanwhile, in our 90% practical digital marketing course, we give you practical knowledge on how to practically use the strategies in digital marketing to grow your business.

Like I promised earlier in this article, I will be sharing with you how to grow your business with digital marketing, but before we get to that part, I want you to see and know the definition and also gain an understanding of digital marketing so you will be able to understand the strategies that would be shared in the latter part of the article.

I want you to also know that it is not enough for you to read and learn any strategy/ knowledge, there is a need for you to also implement your learning and knowledge and have results to show for your efforts(knowledge).

The best gift you can give your business is contributing to its growth and trust me if you put in the right amount of effort, you will definitely see results and also have results to show for it.


What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the promotion of businesses using digital channels. It also serves as a tool that is used to generate traffic and leads for all manner of businesses in the digital space.

According to Investopedia, digital marketing is the use of the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach consumers.

Another definition of digital marketing from Mailchimp is that it is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication.

From all the definitions, you would notice they all have three things in common,

  1. Customers/consumers
  2. Channels
  3. Brand/business

For digital marketing to take place, there has to be a target audience also know as customers/consumers, channels and tools that would be used to reach them, and the reason for reaching out to them which is to get them to buy from you or to patronize your business.

It is possible to mix internet marketing up with digital marketing, but they are two different continents in the same world. Internet marketing is promoting and advertising a product on the internet alone while digital marketing can take place through mobile devices, in a video game, or even on a smartphone app. Internet marketing is a subset of digital marketing.

To decide to grow a business with digital marketing, you will wonder, what is the relevance of digital marketing to your business and the benefits you will be getting from it. This is what brings us to the next part of this article.

Benefits of digital marketing for your business

  1. It helps you to widen the sphere of your business.
  2. It delivers conversion, in the forms of leads, subscribers, and sales and also makes provision for mobile customers.
  3. It increases customer’s loyalty from the frequent communication that digital marketing provides.
  4. It also allows you to engage your customer at every stage in the sales funnel.

There are many more benefits that your business can get from using digital marketing, from development to growth to expansion, the list is endless. You have to be willing to implement the strategies.

These strategies include.

Strategies of digital marketing

1. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the strategies in digital marketing that allows you to promote your business using emails. It helps to increase brand awareness and allows you to sell your products through emails.

One good thing about email marketing is that you don’t necessarily have to do this on your own because of the technicality involved in sending out emails to a large number of users.

SendPulse is one out of the many email marketing platforms that helps you to achieve this, all you need to do is to have a mailing list, draft out the content you want to share and you are good to go.

You may wonder how can you build a mailing list, not to worry because I will be sharing with you how you can build a mailing list for your business.

Also in our 90% practical digital marketing course, we will teach you how to use email marketing to grow your business with the right knowledge and you will also get to implement your knowledge.

2. Social media marketing

Social media is a tool that allows you to communicate and relate with your friends and strangers alike. It can also be used to communicate and engage with your target audience.

It involves the active participation of the audience and is a  way to get the attention of the right people you want to buy your product.

There are different platforms that you can use to achieve this. They include:

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Twitter
  4. Tic-Tok. etc.

3. Content Marketing

With content marketing as a strategy, is focused on creating and distributing content to a target audience online to create awareness, engaging your target audience, and marketing your business using content.

The contents can be used in email newsletters, for blogs, and also to be shared on your social media pages to convert them to paying customers and clients.

It can be in form of written content, images, infographics even videos. Basically, content is a medium of passing a message from a sender to the receiver.

4. Search Engine Optimization

Also known as SEO, is the strategy that is being used to get exposure, rank, and also drive organic traffic to your website through search engines.

It has to do with the process you put in place to make sure your website is visible when an internet user searches for your business on search engines.

A well-optimized website is positioned for more visibility which will lead to engagement and will in turn bring about more sales that would lead to growth.

You will wonder, how can you use these strategies and the other strategies that exist in digital marketing. Remember I told you at the beginning that I will be sharing how to use digital marketing to grow your business, you will have to continue reading to see what I have for you.

Hold on a minute!

I want you to know that it is not enough that you have read this article and many more articles if you don’t practice or implement what you have learned.

This is why in our 90% practical digital marketing course, we offer you practical learning, you get the chance to practice what you are learning, and our coaches are available to review and give you support.

How To Grow Your Business With Digital Marketing

1. Have a website for your business

Create a website for your business is one way you will be able to optimize your business SEO. A website enhances the visibility of your business. It can also be used as a virtual store/shop where visitors can catch a glimpse of what you do(services) or what you sell(products).

Your website should be a visual representation of your business, as it would be the platform on which existing and potential clients and customers can see what you do.

Website to grow your business

2. Build a mailing list

One of the strategies in digital marketing that can be used to grow your business is email marketing and to use email marketing, you should have a mailing list.

To build a mailing list,

  1. A section of your business website should have a call-to-action button/feature that allows visitors to your website to join your mailing list with their email addresses.
  2. Leverage email as a means of communication between you and your customers, this way you can add them to your mailing list.

You might want to ask, what of the customers/visitors you get offline? Perfect! Ask for their email address when you connect with them and add them to your mailing list.

The world is getting technologically advanced and your business should not be left out in the advancement process.

Using email marketing, you can send out welcome emails to new subscribers, proceed with newsletters from business, sponsorship, discount, and your brand story as well.

email marketing to grow your business

This is an example of how we build our mailing list at Digital Marketing Skill Institute. Source: Digital marketing skill institute

3. Establish social media presence for your business

To effectively use social media marketing to grow your business, your business should have a social media presence as it serves as an avenue to engage with your existing customers and potential customers as well.

You can establish a relationship with them through your social media accounts. A growing relationship with them will help foster trust between you and your target audience.

Grow your business

This is an example of a brand that uses social media to engage its target audience and also market its product. Source: KnorrNigeria

4. Create content

I understand that you want to grow your business, but if your business does not create good impressions for your target audience, you may not be able to get the result you desire.

This is why you should leverage on creating intelligent and engaging content to enlighten your target audience and at the same time to market your products.

Contents can come in varying forms depending on the message you want to pass across to your target audience.


This is an example of video content aimed at engaging a target audience and at the same time, marketing their business.

Owing a blog is another way to share content from your business. you can write new updates on your product, share knowledge about topics in the industry, and many more.

Grow your business with a blog

This is an example of our blog at Digital Marketing Skill Institute. We can reach more target audience and our target audience also get to acquire more knowledge.

You can also share content through podcasting. You get to increase awareness for your brand and at the same time increase sales and then your business grows.

[bctt tweet=”Podcasting is the process of recording an audio discussion on a specific topic related to your business niche to be distributed across digital channels.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Podcasting is the process of recording an audio discussion on a specific topic related to your business niche to be distributed across digital channels.

It is a medium of delivering knowledge and sharing content with your target audience. You can also use this to reach out to a wider audience, create awareness and bring about growth for your business because the more people that are aware of your business the more people that will buy from you and remember more revenue brings more growth for your business.

You can also create contents that would represent your business for your social media pages, either written content, video, or infographics.

You can’t afford to leave the digital presence of your business to time and chance if you want your business to grow as you desire. If you want to learn how to create content for your business either as a business owner or you want to learn so you can create content for businesses, register for our 90% practical digital marketing course.

Frequently asked questions


Digital marketing is a very important and strategic tool that business owners can use to grow their business. With the benefits attached to it, it cannot be ignored.

Having highlighted how to use digital marketing to grow your business in this article, there is a need to implement and get more knowledge on what you have learned.

This is why in our 90% practical digital marketing course, you will learn how to implement and build your digital marketing knowledge and you will also get to grow your business with the practical knowledge you will be getting.

More articles for you to read

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Ways In Retaining Customers Digitally

Email List Building: How to Grow Your Email List with 25 Best Strategies

Digital Marketing Strategy in Nigeria: The fundamentals of marketing strategy in the Digital Age

 The reason why conversion rate optimization is important for your business

9 Tested and Proven Ways to Make $500/Day with Digital Marketing Skills working from home or anywhere.

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