How to Promote Your YouTube Channel for Free


Promoting your YouTube channel for free is essential for reaching a wider audience and growing your subscriber base. With the right tactics, you can increase your channel’s visibility and attract more viewers without spending a dime.

Back in the early days of YouTube, the platform had a relatively small community of YouTubers and brands producing content, making it quite simple for content creators to distinguish themselves.

However, in year 2022, approximately 15 million active content creators were seen on YouTube, collectively generating a staggering 500 hours of content every single minute.

Indicating that here are no better time than now to start thinking about how to promote your YouTube channel to stand out.

So, if you are launching a YouTube Channel with the hope of publishing content about your product or services and receiving tons of views and subscribers without doing anything else, then you are in for a big surprise.

The competition out there is real.

Therefore, in this article, I will be sharing with you strategies that you can use to promote your YouTube Channel. These will enable you to get more viewers and subscribers, and in turn help you build awareness for your product and services.

For more practical steps on how to grow your business online, register for our 90% practical digital marketing course and get all the strategies you need to use to grow your business online.

How to Promote Your YouTube Channel for Free

There are over 37 million YouTube channel out there, and every single minute, over 500 hours of new content is uploaded on YouTube and that’s 12,000 hours of new content every single day.

Therefore, your 3-4 minute video content has a lot of competition. So, it is not just enough to simply create and publish your content on YouTube, you must find a way to promote your YouTube channel in order to stand out.

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Also, YouTube channel, like any other social media platforms, is always evolving.

However, promoting your YouTube channel isn’t that expensive because you can do that for free. What was trendy when YouTube initially became popular isn’t necessarily what you will discover on the platform today.

In recent years, YouTube has become a place for businesses and brands to market their product and services.

Today, it has become a great addition to any marketing strategy, with a lot of businesses and brand using it to promote their content.

Nonetheless, in order to make the most of YouTube, you will need to attract people to watch your videos and subscribe to your YouTube Channel without spending a lot of money.

That is why knowing how to promote your YouTube channel for free is very vital.

So, here are free strategies that you can use to promote your YouTube channel for free:

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Develop Content Worth Promoting

We understand that even the best content in the world won’t be relevant if no one gets to see it and no one wants to see a bad content, too.

If you want to promote your YouTube Channel effectively, you will need to push out content worth promoting otherwise viewers will only watch once before unsubscribing and never engage with your video content again.

Also, the best content can be ruined by poor video quality. So, before you post anything, make certain that it appears professional.

Use a high-quality camera, conduct a sound check before recording, and properly edit the video content before uploading it on your YouTube.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Maximize YouTube SEO

If you really want your YouTube channel to be seen, then you should take advantage of SEO.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the best strategies you can use to promote your YouTube channel for free.

The reason for this is that YouTube is not only a video-sharing platform but it is also the second largest search engine in the world after Google with over 3 billion searches per month.

Search engine optimization for YouTube will significantly improve your chances of being discovered.

Therefore, you need to ensure you are using the right keywords in your headlines, video descriptions, and tags.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Keywords

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel - Digital Marketing Skill Institute

To discover the right keywords for your YouTube content, start by entering the topic in the YouTube search bar and use the suggestion to guide your choice of keywords.

There are also tons of YouTube SEO tools that will help you find the keywords that your target audience is looking for so you can create the right content and optimize it for search.

These tools include Tubebuddy, YouTube analytics, Google keyword planner, YouTube Autosuggest, RapidTags, etc.

With these tools, you can conduct proper SEO research and get the top, real, and necessary information you need fir your SEO tactics.

Video Titles

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel - Digital Marketing Skill Institute

When you’ve chosen your target keyword, you can include it in the title of your video, preferably at the beginning of your title. Because the title of your video is the first thing viewers will see.

So, your title must be catchy and contain your keyword.

You should also note that Google will automatically abbreviate your video content title if it exceeds 66 characters, so it is very important that your title fits within that limit.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Video Description

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When it comes to getting your content to show up in YouTube and Google search results, your YouTube video description is vital.

You should determine what information you want to share with your audience about your video when writing YouTube video descriptions.

To make sure that you’re optimizing your description for SEO, include your target keyword and other keywords relevant to your target keyword in your video description.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Include relevant tags

Tags immediately inform the YouTube algorithm about the content of your video.

Always ensure your tags are relevant to your brand and content.

Don’t use irrelevant tags with the aim of improving your ranking; this will lead to viewers leaving your video, and YouTube algorithm will modify your ranking accordingly.

YouTube wants viewers to stay on their site, so if your video isn’t engaging the audience to stay, it won’t rank.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Determine Who Your Audience Are and What They Want

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When creating YouTube video content you must ensure that the type of video content you would be creating aligns with what your audience wants.

Start by getting to know your audience and what kind of content they want to see from you.

You can take a look at your competitors or other video creators in your industry if you are just starting to promote your YouTube channel.

Examine which of their videos receives the most attention and participation. This can give you an idea of what topics and video styles your audience is interested in learning about.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Use Hashtags

YouTube like many other social media platforms, utilizes hashtags for category tagging and search.

Using hashtags can help people find your video more easily.

YouTube allows up to fifteen (15) hashtags; if you use more than these all hashtags used in the video will be ignored.

Always ensure you use hashtags that are relevant to your brand and the content.

You can use create custom branded hashtags that when followed will guide viewers to more of your content on your YouTube channel.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Customize Your Thumbnails

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Creating custom thumbnails is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to promote your YouTube channel.

Consider your title and thumbnail being a one hit to stir up a viewer’s interest in your YouTube video content.

If you don’t create a custom thumbnail YouTube automatically grabs a screenshot from any given video and uses it as the thumbnail; unfortunately, the image it captures is sometimes a blurry shot

Making your own thumbnails not only makes your videos look more appealing at a glance, but it also conveys a sense of expertise.

Build a Community

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One of the advantage of developing YouTube content is that it helps you establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

People starts to seek you out because of your expertise. And creating a community is one of those ways to keep your audience engaged.

The way to building a community is by engaging with viewers via comments, offering additional interesting material, and providing them with values.

And, on YouTube platform, you can easily create that community you need.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Run a Contest

One way of promoting your YouTube channel is to run a contest.

Running a contest attracts a lot of attention. But, when done correctly, it can increase the numbers of your YouTube Subscriber.

However, you should do this with the mind that some may only be interested in the contest and not your brand or content.

To filter out those who aren’t interested, it is important you give away something that is directly linked to your niche.

You should be able to come up with something exciting to give away irrespective of your niche.

For example, if you provide a digital marketing service, you can offer a free e-Book or practical session on how to grow their business online.

The greater the value of what you are giving out during the contest, the greater the level of interest.

Remember that you’re running the contest to increase the number of subscribers on your YouTube channel. Make sure that one of the entry criteria is subscribing to your channel.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Ask Viewers to Engage With Your Video content

Simply asking for engagement is sometimes the best way to get your videos noticed.

Because not everyone who watches your videos will remember to like it, share or subscribe to your YouTube channel.

So, it is very essential to include these reminders in the description or mention it in the video itself.

Encourage your viewers to answer a question in the comment section. Also, bid them to like, share, subscribe or watch another video to keep them engaged. By doing that, you are promoting your YouTube channel.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Promote Your YouTube Videos on Other Social Channels

The simplest way of increasing your audience is to promote your YouTube videos on your other social medial channels.

It’s no secret that video content on social media dominates in terms of engagement and performance.

As a result, you should use other social media channels to promote your YouTube channel.

You can easily share your YouTube Videos to Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn and so many more.

However Facebook like most social media platforms, rewards native content.

But you can create a teaser or sneak peak video on a Facebook page with your full video link attached. You could do this on other social media platforms as well.

How to Promote Your Youtube Channel – Embed your YouTube video on Emails and Blogposts

Embedding your YouTube video is another way of promoting your YouTube channel.

You can embed your YouTube videos on your emails or blogpost.

That way you could get people subscribed to your email list or blog posts to view your video Content.

That way you would be promoting your YouTube Channel.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Promote Youtube Channel

How much money is 100k views on YouTube?

YouTubers typically receive payment ranging from $0.01 to $0.03 per view, but the average earnings are about $0.018 per view. This translates to $18 for every 1,000 views and a substantial $1,800 for 100,000 views. It’s essential to remember that these figures can vary based on factors such as your content category, how often you upload, your level of popularity, the types of ads featured in your videos, and various other variables.

How to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube?

Building a thriving YouTube channel is a gradual process. But, the most effective approach to attract subscribers is by establishing a channel identity centered on a specific theme or topic. Ensure your content aligns with this identity and is of high quality. Additionally, promote your videos on external websites, incorporate SEO keywords in your video titles and descriptions, maintain a regular video posting schedule, and allow your audience to naturally expand over time.


Despite the fact that YouTube is overflowing with video contents on a daily basis, consumers are always asking for more.

Therefore, all you need to stand out is a strong YouTube marketing strategy. This could comprise both paid and free advertising to keep your videos from being lost in the crowd.

If you are just starting out a YouTube channel, you may not have the financial resources to run sponsored ads.

But, even without that, you can obtain more YouTube views, grow your subscriber base, and manage your own narrative effectively. You can do all for free if you follow the strategies shared in this post.

For more practical steps on how to grow your business online, register for our 90% practical digital marketing course. And learn all the strategies you can use to grow your business online.

More Resources 

What is Youtube Marketing? A Comprehensive Guide

YouTube SEO for Beginners: How to Rank Your Videos on YouTube

How To Create A YouTube Channel – 3 Simplified Steps + Guide

How to Make Money on YouTube in 2023


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