How to create a YouTube channel is one of the most searched terms relating to YouTube. In fact, it has gathered more than 135,000 monthly searches over a while now and people continually search for these terms because crating a YouTube channel is the first thing to do before you can even make money from YouTube.
Let me ask you real quick, have you ever considered how much you could be making from YouTube in less than a month? Or how you can use Youtube channels to promote your business and reach more than 1 million new prospects who eventually convert to full-time customers ?
What I’m about to show you will make you understand why YouTube is one of the most visited websites in the world. And if you are interested in using YouTube to make money or boost your business and drive traffic to your website, then you have to start the journey by learning how to create a YouTube channel today.
NB: If you are reading this, I will have to guess that you are in need of a way to either make money from the YouTube channel you want to create or drive sales for your business using YouTube channels.
Well, if these are what you need, then I strongly advise that you check our 90% practical digital marketing training that will reveal to you our top secrets and strategies we teach our students who are making real and legitimate money through YouTube.
From this training, you will learn how to optimize your YouTube channel to rank on the top of search results (I mean, what would be the essence of having a YouTube channel that isn’t appearing on the top of search results for your business keywords?)
Also, you will learn our 10 seconds hook-strategy which you can use to grab and hook the attention of your YouTube Channel visitors and lead them to act on your Call To Action button.
For the training that will reveal all thee to you, click here to see our modules and course/training modules and dates.
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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.
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So, let’s get started on how to create a YouTube channel
On how to create a YouTube channel for personal or business, take these steps below to the end, and you will successfully create a YouTube channel.
[bctt tweet=”There are strategies to hook your YouTube visitor’s attention from the beginning to end of your YouTube videos. This is a strategy to reach 4000 watch hours of YouTube video for your channel.” username=”dmsinstitute”]
How To Create A YouTube Channel From Scratch
Step 1. Go To
When you are on the YouTube website page, sign in into YouTube using your Google mail details. The reason why you are required to log in using your Google mail account details is that YouTube is owned by Google.
Step 2. Click On The Profile Logo
The profile avatar is located on the top right side of the page, you will find a drop-down of information with “your channel” as the top link
Step 3. Click On “your Channel”
When clicked on, this link will open a page with on-screen information which will prompt you to input your preferred name for your YouTube channel.
If you own a business, you should input your business which makes it easier for your prospects and visitors to find your YouTube channel easily.
Now, after this stage, then congratulations to you because you have created your YouTube channel. And these 3 steps above are the simple ways on how to create a YouTube channel for individual use or for a business.
[bctt tweet=”It will only take you 3 direct steps to create a YouTube channel which you can use to make money online as a vlogger” username=”dmsinstitute”]
Now at this stage, when you click on your channel, this is the page you see.
This page contains links numbered from 1-6 that would lead you to these segments on your channels
From here, you should consider customizing your YouTube channel art to express yourself or highlight your business information more with pictures. This is very similar to Facebook’s header image or the cover photo.
For your channel art, make sure you choose an optimal picture which should fit for big devices like desktop or laptop and also for mobile devices.
The recommended pixel image size by YouTube is 2560 by 1440 with a maximum of 4MB of PNG and PSD formats.
You can’t say you have perfected how to create a YouTube channel without knowing how to change your channel art. And below is how to change a channel art on your YouTube channel art.
When you are on “my channel” click on “add channel art” and upload a picture that obeys the dimensions of the YouTube channel art recommended by YouTube.
At this point, you will see a preview of how the image looks across different devices.
Another area to take advantage of is the social links which can be a way to further brand your YouTube channel.

how to create a youtube channel – Our YouTube channel with a complete channel art and social media links
Now that you have a perfect looking YouTube brand account or YouTube business account you might be thinking, what next?
You might be worried about how to get your YouTube channel noticed faster, well, we have our in-house hacks which we teach our registered students who are interested in learning how to rank their YouTube channels and make money from this network.
To learn these tricks/hacks and become a YouTubepreneur with a full-time/part-time money-making business from YouTube, click here to learn about our 90% practical digital marketing training.
Add Social Links
One of the features of YouTube channels is that you can add social links on your banner and it can be clickable, unlike when you design a picture with images and letters on it.
Learning how to create a YouTube channel and a YouTube art, go to “about tab”, you will see links at the far end of the page, then click on “Add” to add the text of your link (in this case, it can be your social media links) and then add corresponding URLs and click “Done” to finish up.
These social links appear below your description and appear with the corresponding social media logo for the URLs you used.
How To Enhance Your YouTube Channels To Appeal To Your Visitors
To optimize your YouTube channels and enhance its looks, there are key areas of your YouTube channels that visitors tend to pay more attention to, these can be the description part of your YouTube channels or your channel art, links etc.
So to learn all the key areas your visitors are most likely going to pay more attention to, read on and follow the points below.
Optimize Your YouTube channel’s description with industry-related keywords and CTAs, very close to the opening line of the description, while also paying attention to the 1000 character limit of your description.
When we say “industry-related keywords”, we mean that if you are in the cake and ice cream business, relevant keywords could be “Birthdays”.
The reason for this one key optimization trick is to get your description indexed by search engines which can boost your ranking and visibility. Using tags and industry-related keywords can help you create channel that is optimized for search.
[bctt tweet=”One of the many hacks to increase visibility of your YouTube channel on search results is to craft your YouTube channel’s description with industry-related keywords” username=”dmsinstitute”]
Remember, this is just one of the many optimization hacks we will reveal in our digital marketing training.
And if you really care to have your YouTube channels seen on the top position of YouTube search results, then this is your chance to learn all the strategies that can make your YouTube channel rank on search results.
Click here to learn about our training modules.
Another customizable area of your YouTube channel that can enhance the appearance of your channel is the SOCIAL LINKS.
And to quickly show you how you can add social links to your channel…
Head straight to “about tab”, you will see links at the far end of the page, then click on “Add” to add the text of your link and then add corresponding URLs and click “Done”.
Another way to enhance your YouTube channel to appeal to visitors is by using channel trailers.
A channel trailer is a short descriptive clip that gives a short insight into what your YouTube channel is all about. These trailers only play for unsubscribed users who are visiting your YouTube channel.
Another information that would appeal to your visitors and lead them to getting to know you much better is the “details” section of your channel.
To get to this part of your channel, click on the “about” button, you will find a page like this…
Click on the email link to add an email address (if your YouTube channel is for business purposes).
And also on the “location” link to add your Location
At this point in your exercise, it is safe to say that your channel has been created and ready to be used and you have learned the steps of how to create a YouTube channel for any purpose.
Now, you can proceed to adding videos to your channel.
One thing you need to know about YouTube channels is that, unlike other social networks that limit users from using certain features on mobile, you can create YouTube account on mobile devices and start vlogging (if you are interested in vlogging).
Let us quickly look at the frequently asked questions of how to create a YouTube channel and their corresponding answers.
How Do You Start A YouTube Channel And Get Paid?
So basically, the guidelines I showed you are steps on how to create a YouTube channel for any purpose. But to make money from your channel is a different ball game entirely, which involves a lot of strategies that are supposed to be implemented.
These strategies can go from researching the kind of content that your visitors will most likely be in search of, and learning how to create such contents and grab your visitor’s attention within the first 10 seconds.
Let me show you how this plays out for YouTubers who are really making real money from YouTube.
- Research for contents ideas with high search volume
- create top quality contents that can hold your viewer’s attention from start to finish
- upload your video content on your YouTube channel
- optimize your contents and channel for search results
- Get at least 4000 watch hour for your content
- Connect your AdSense account and monetize your videos
- Smile to the bank
This might seem a bit overwhelming because of the processes involved, but do not worry, these processes and strategies will be simplified in our 90% practical training.
How Can I Get Followers On YouTube?
On search engines, the question “ How can I get followers on YouTube? “ is one of the most asked questions on YouTube. But most people do not understand the trick on how to bait visitors to subscribe to your channel. And this can be frustrating.
How to create a YouTube channel is one thing, and how to get followers on YouTube is another ball game entirely.
One of the hacks we teach our students at Digital Marketing Skill Institute is called the “Subscriber magnets” which can bait as much as 10,000 visitors in subscribing to your channel.
These subscriber magnets appear to be irresistible by your visitors who would subscribe to your channel or act on your CTA.
There are more of the strategies available which can be used to bait visitors to subscribing to your channel. You are certain that as our student, you will learn all these strategies and rake in as many subscribers as possible.
Click here to learn more about our 90% digital marketing training and our modules.
Do You Need 1000 Subscribers On YouTube To Get Paid?
According to answers from backed up by YouTube recent changes in their monetization system, Yes!, you will need 1000 subscribers on YouTube and 4000 watch hours to get paid from YouTube.
How Do You Become A Verified YouTuber?
According to Google Support, to get verified on YouTube, go to You will be asked to provide a phone number which would be used to verify your account. This is where your verification code will be sent or you might be called. After this and you get verified, you will now be able to upload longer videos of 15 minutes +
How Can I Make Money On YouTube Without Adsense?
There are many other ways to make money through YouTube without Adsense, and this basically depends on some few elements.
- Your channel must be visible, with a high ranking possibilities
- The right audience must find your channel (Use the right optimization strategies for your content)
- If you must render services to get paid, render high in-search services. If you must sell products, sell the high in-demand products
Now, these elements are the key elements you need to make money from YouTube without Adsense.
Now, let me give you a list of things to do with your YouTube channel to make money, which has nothing to do with Adsense.
- Affiliate marketing
- Sell your own products (Courses, Books, clothing items etc)
- Dropshipping
- YouTube sponsorships etc.
So whenever you come across the question ” how can I make money on YouTube without AdSense? Let this list come to mind.
How Much Does It Cost To Start A YouTube Channel?
It doesn’t cost any money to start a YouTube channel. As long as you follow the processes I listed above, you will own a YouTube channel of your own within minutes.
Unless you want to charge your clients for such service, then you can charge as high as $1,500, which should also involve you optimizing the YouTube channels to rank on top of the search results.
And with our training, believe me, you will learn this strategy of ranking YouTube channels and assisting your clients in creating engaging content that has the ability to hook their visitor’s attention from the start of the video to finish.
Can You Buy A YouTube Channel?
Yes! you can buy a YouTube channel with a high number of followers, and because this is a legal way people make money from YouTube, you too can create channels, grow the follower base using our “subscribers magnet” strategy and more and then sell as high as $800 – $1,000 depending on the number of followers of the channel.
Can You Get Banned For Buying YouTube Subscribers?
Before I answer this question, it is possible and legal to buy YouTube subscribers, and YouTube doesn’t frown at this. But you only get banned if you upload foul contents or offensive contents on your channel.
Now with you, are the frequently asked questions associated with creating YouTube channels and also a step-by-step process that guides you on how to create a YouTube channel for any purpose at all.
And more also, you can learn how to monetize these skills and build a career around YouTube when you take our training which will cover all the digital marketing strategies and ways on how you can make money from YouTube through a 90% practical training.
All you need is to get started today by clicking on this link to start your registration
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