12 Affiliate Marketing Tips that Separate Real Affiliates from Wannabes


Before declaring your interest in affiliate marketing, there are a bunch of affiliate marketing tips successful affiliate guys know which distinguished them from wannabe or amateur affiliate marketers.

It’s no lie that affiliate marketing can be a crazy source of making money online especially for those looking to start a passive work from home business.

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This course is quite different from other digital marketing courses out there because it’s packed with effective strategies, lead generation tips, SEO, building an affiliate website and more.

Click here to see our digital marketing course page to learn more about it.

It’s true that the beauty affiliate marketing lies in your ability to properly promote affiliate products with the right tone and value. As well as your capability to makes sales and get a commission on products.

But hey… hold on!

Before you even think about creating your affiliate marketing website or blog… There are strategies (pieces of advice) you have to take note of if you don’t want to fail as an affiliate marketer.

So here you have it, We have compiled affiliate marketing tips that can help you increase your affiliate marketing campaign success.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Let’s get down to business right away.

Affiliate marketing tips for beginners

Study your audience (niche)


Been the first of the commandment is simply because it plays a huge part in any successful affiliate marketing campaign/promotion. You need to know who your audiences are, as well as know their various needs.

If you own a site, you need to study why your first-time visitors came to your website, as well as what keeps your loyal readers coming back. Knowing this, then you can make sure the affiliate products you are promoting provide a solution to their problems.

If your site is about latest technologies, don’t use affiliate banners for fashion just because you will get higher percentages. Doing this will not appeal to them since they are only interested in tech talks and will probably be interested in buying a phone.

Be helpful with your contents


When publishing your contents on social media, or your affiliate site, you need to put one thing in mind, which is to make sure your content is helpful, valuable, and enlightening.

Take out some time to create a detailed review of a product, interlink your contents with your affiliate links pointing to that specific product in case your readers decided to act at any point in time.

As a reader, once they get full information on a product they might decide to get the product due to the information they have, following the trust they have in your judgement.

READ: Affiliate Marketing Content Tips | How To Create Interesting Content For Your Audience

Easy to read


In the area of writing your affiliate content… having a scannable content can help you make a great impression especially to your new readers.

You don’t want to scare them off with extremely lengthy, uninterrupted text.

When writing your content for affiliate marketing, ensure that your content is readable.

According to a 2008 study by Jakob Nielsen, only about 20% of the text on the average page is read. Meaning, most people don’t read. They scan.

People want to quickly find the information they’re looking for without reading through the whole thing.

So it’s always important to tailor your posts to make them “scanner-friendly”.

Here are some fantastic ways to “trick” your readers into thinking that your content is not as long as it seems.

  1. Use subheading
  2. Make shorter paragraphs
  3. Use high-quality picture
  4. Insert videos
  5. Use lists
  6. Highlight important points (Make use of your Bold, Italic, Underline or “Blockquotes”)
  7. Use readable fonts

Be honest


Try as much as possible to be honest with your readers.

Most online readers today are wise. Many recognise affiliate links when they see one.

Your readers will very much appreciate it if you disclose your affiliation. Many readers might purposely bypass your link and go directly to the vendor just to avoid giving you referral credit.

This comes hand in hand with building trust with your readers, If they know they are helping you make more money by using your referral links this will make them happy and eager to do so.

Write your truth


The biggest sin in the world of affiliate marketing is to write about a product that you haven’t tried, don’t love, or have no personal experience with.

Instead of making this mistake, aim to write your truth, your whole truth, and nothing but your truth.

Here’s why:

Your website visitors trust you and your verdict on various products that you share. When you recommend a product, your readers would jump on the train right away.

So once you promote a product that you personally do not trust then you will end up breaking the trust they had in you.

So never bug them with too many ads, that simply means you are only interested in making money from them.

So, when making such review, please be honest with it. Share with them your honest review of them not because you are trying to making money off it. Please let them know why they should and should not buy…

Endeavour to build a good relationship with your returning readers with genuine content because these are the people who will, share and recommend your contents.

Pick your promotions carefully


For those who promote varieties of products from e-commerce affiliate websites (e.g Jumia, Amazon and Konga), be careful when selecting the products to promote on your affiliate website.

As an affiliate for an e-commerce store, there are high chances that there will be various products, discounts that will be made available. So you need to look through available campaigns and check out which of these will fit in for your readers. What they may like or need.

Also, change the ads around often, use different banners & texts, change banner positions to see which are the most effective.

This is where the AdRotate (banner rotator plugin) comes in handy for WordPress website users. You can rotate ads to attract more attention with just one installation.

Don’t promote too many affiliate programs


Coupled with selecting your promotions carefully explained above, another thing successful affiliate marketers do well is not promoting too many affiliate programs at the same time.

They stick to a few unique choice of affiliate programs in their niche.

There is a difference between buying a product from a shop having lots of choices and purchasing an affiliate product from a blog.

When we will give lots of choice to our visitors they might end up confused on which one to pick from. Thus it is important that you should have less choice of affiliate programs on your blog so that visitor will be sure what he has to select according to his requirements.

READ: Top Affiliate Marketing Programs in Nigeria With High Commission

Promote your product!


You can become an affiliate for anything that you can think of like books, software, clothes, furniture, art, etc.

To be successful you need to identify what your audience is looking for and provide them with something of value.

If you run a blog about clothes don’t promote digital stuff. I know what you’re thinking, common sense, right? Yes… I know but it had to be said.

To increase earning potential promote your affiliate products and services:

  • In every blog post. You can seamlessly insert them into a paragraph as you mention a product.
  • In e-mail blasts. If there’s a promotion for one of your affiliate products you can send an e-mail out to let your subscribers know about the deal.
  • On social media. Let your followers know about your new blog review, or share your affiliate link directly to the platform.

Apart from the promotional ways above… there are different ways in which you can promote your affiliate products. Here is an article I wrote that explains everything you really need to know about promoting affiliate products.

Use various resources


This business empowers usage of products in real time life and hence trusts play a vital role.

Your promotion strategy shouldn’t feel like a formalistic and more over your content should be as fresh as possible.

No people will buy a product through your Twitter or Facebook promotion or come to your blog and click your banner to make their purchase.

They will just want to find what they need about the product and if you satisfy their need, you will then make the sale.

It can be anything and can be of any resources such as just social mentions, brand mentions over flyers, emails etc.

At last use every possible platform to promote your product naturally in a way your readers like to make your business successful.

Use various marketing strategies available to drive visitors from various sources which will help you widen your market will help to increase your sales.

Be patient


Affiliate revenue builds up with time and new affiliate marketers should take note.

Although… affiliate marketing is actually an overnight money making business but doesn’t just happen.

In fact, this is the main reason why many affiliate marketers fail.

There is no shortcut to making money through affiliate marketing, it takes time to earn handsome money. For earning online you need to start with proper planning and build trust. It takes time to build relationships and trust. Thus, earning from affiliates takes time and patience.

For example, with Jumia affiliate program, offer a 30 days cookie tracking. When you refer a visitor, you have the chance to make money from that one visitor countless times within the 30 days window even if the visitor doesn’t come to your site again.

And as long as you have your link in your old posts, more visitors will likely come through the same link. This way you get to make passive income in the future.

Always stay relevant


Make sure you keep to date with the latest offers from your affiliate program.

Get familiar with new tools, banners and improvements that are constantly being added to the program. Everyone loves changes, and that small change you make can go a long way in motivating your readers/ followers.

Don’t get lazy about monitoring trends and exploring new opportunities.

Above all else, the content you distribute to your readers or followers must be your highest priority.

Follow the tips above, and you will definitely see great improvement in your performance.

Offer promos, coupons, incentives or loyalty rewards


Every customer knows the importance of finding good deals on items and if you are willing to give your loyal customers something good, offering them discount coupons or incentives when buying your product is an excellent way to make sales and promote items.

Bear in mind that a satisfied customer is an asset and the word of mouth is often better than anything else.

If you can give them these rewards then they will surely be happy to promote your services and products as well. It’s a win-win situation if you ask me!

There you go!

Becoming a full-time affiliate marketer is possible; all you need is a good affiliate company to partner with.

Find out which of these affiliate marketing tips work best first and as time goes, concentrate on improving your skills (Click here to find out more about our digital marketing course to learn how to drive the right traffic and more sales to your affiliate business). Everything takes time and results may vary as well but if you feel like the time is right, then go ahead and do what you must.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.