Content Repurposing: How To Repurpose Your Content in Six Ways

Content repurposing

Do you have a long list of created content and you are wondering what to do with them? Or do you know that your content can be repurposed but you don’t know how to achieve that?

You are in the right place reading this article. In this article, we will be talking about

  1. What is content repurpose?
  2. Why you should repurpose your content?
  3. How to go about content repurpose for your existing content.

One of the things you should keep in mind is that, there are no new ideas or new content that exist without relation to already existing ideas and the same applies to the content.

New content evolves from existing content, and so content repurpose has been in existence even before a name was given to it.

Creating great content is amazing and beautiful but guess what?

Creating new content from scratch takes a lot of time and effort and this is why you should consider repurposing your already existing content.

Your best content can actually work for you, again and again, and again, till you are tired and you don’t have to create something new from scratch because you can repurpose your content and get something new and amazing.

In this article, we will be sharing with you 10 ways to repurpose your content to save you energy, time, and money.

Before we get to that, in our 90% practical digital marketing course, we teach our students how to create great content, repurpose content, and every other aspect of digital marketing that makes it possible to be a qualified digital marketer.

What is content repurposing?

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Before we can get to content repurposing, let’s take a look at what is the content we want to repurpose.

What is content?

Content is pieces of information pulled up together to pass a message to an existing audience.

According to Heidi Cohen, Content is high-quality, useful information that conveys a story presented in a contextually relevant manner to solicit an emotion or engagement.

For content to be considered one, it has to be Informative, readable, engaging, high quality, and valuable to your readers.

When creating content, you should have your target audience already identified because it will help you to write and create contents that will appeal to them and at the same time your message will reach them.

[bctt tweet=”Content is a tool in digital marketing that allows you to express who you are and what you do as a brand and they exist in different forms according to the type of message you want to pass across and your target audience.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

For example,

  1. Blog
  2. Videos
  3. Audio recordings
  4. Infographics
  5. E-books
  6. Email marketing
  7. Presentations
  8. Testimonials
  9. ETC

These contents are created to promote your brand and so they must represent your brand.

What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is the act of renewing content for a purpose other than its original purpose. It basically means that your already written or created content has to be repackaged so that it can carry out more than its initial duty.

It is also known as content recycling and going by the word recycling, it obviously means that you reuse the elements of existing content and by doing this you can expand the reach of that content.

One of the many effective ways to get more eyeballs on your content is to repurpose content on every platform where you exist. It also helps to increase awareness of your brand.

You might wonder, “Am I not violating the rule of no copying content?”, No, you’re not. As much as Google and other search engine have the right to penalize your website, they will only do that when you are excessively copying blog content.

With content repurposing, you are not violating any guidelines, you are only recreating the created content in another format that best helps you to reach your target audience.

With infographics, pictures, the video format of your repurposed content, you can score more social media shares and this is great for your content marketing strategy.

They are usually transformed into a new format, like converting a blog post into an ebook.

You would wonder, ‘how do I know which content to repurpose”, right?

  1. Identify your purpose: Why do you want to repurpose your content? What do you intend to achieve? What impact are you looking forward to? If you can identify this then it will be possible and easy to measure your actions.
  2. Audit your content: After you must have identified your purpose and the goals you intend to achieve, you can now move on to finding and selecting the content that matches your goal and can help you achieve your goal for repurposing content.
  3. Select an evergreen content: You don’t want to spend your effort on outdated content, rather focus on the content that is relevant in season and time. Choose the evergreen topic that you know you have more to talk about.
  4. Research your competitors ranking content. Check what they have and go back to create something better and a more comprehensive version.
  5. Develop your content: Now, you can go ahead to develop your content in whatever format of your choice.

N-B: In our 90% practical digital marketing course, we teach our students how to leverage content repurposing to increase traffic for their business as well as other aspects of digital marketing. you should register!

Why you should repurpose your content

1. Potential customers

It allows you to reach more potential customers. You might have published a blog post or put up a social media post about a year ago, there is a possibility that your existing audience doesn’t have an idea of what you wrote that time, you can repurpose this blog post to get it in front of you new and loyal followers.

Your existing audience and potential audience need to hear your message at least seven times before they will take action to buy from you, and so creating more channels to pass those messages across to them will help you achieve this goal.

2. Strengthens your SEO

Repurposing your content also helps you to improve your SEO as search engines prefer websites with content that they can trust, the more pages of quality content that you have the easier it becomes for you to be recognized by search engines like Google as a credible source of information.

With SEO, it’s no common news that trends change regularly. Your old content might not be up to date with the existing trend, and it doesn’t make sense for you to allow them to collect dust and at the same time not meeting the needs of your target audience.

When you repurpose more than one piece of content on a particular topic, the chances of targeting the desired keyword increase and this establishes you as an authority on that particular topic.

It also helps you to get more organic search engine traffic.

3. Reduces stress

Creating content from scratch can be stressful and time-demanding, and repurposing helps you to reduce the stress or eliminate it.

All you need to do is just repurpose existing content either a blog post, social media post, ebooks, etc.

4. Time

The time you would have used to start content from scratch can be diverted into something else like making sales or some other aspect of your business.

As much content creation looks cheap and easy, it still requires a good deal of your time and other resources especially if you want quality content. According to the results of a study, it actually takes between four and eight hours or more to create a piece of content.

You can now see that it doesn’t make much sense to spend that amount of time creating new content when your existing content can serve you.

5.Extra authority

When you are publishing quality content in a variety of places on a single topic, it helps to raise your profile in the industry and this notifies others to recognize you as an expert in that industry.

How to repurpose your content

1. Convert an ebook into a series of blogpost/ convert a blog post to an ebook

You can convert an article you have on your blog into an ebook or a downloadable guide. You can also take out chapters from an ebook you wrote and make them into an article.

Remember we said repurposing content helps us target a new audience so in the case where you have an ebook that you have written a while ago, and you now have a new audience who read your articles from your blog and they don’t know what you wrote.

Making a blog post out of it helps you to get your audience to see another specific brand that they never knew existed. You can make a list of your blogpost in clusters and combine them into an ebook.

The same thing applies to converting an existing blog post into an ebook for your audience that would be interested in an ebook.

content repurposing

An example of a repurposed content.

2. A blog post into a video

In the case whereby you have a length blog post or resource page, you can split it into sections that make them into short videos that can be published on youtube.

Like we have on our blog and youtube. We have a blog post on Content Writing: How To Write A Great Content in 6 Steps and we have a video on it as you would see below.



3. Webinars into tutorials

You might have a series of webinar recordings in your archive, a good way to preserve them is by repurposing them into video tutorials for your audience to consume. In the same way, you can convert your tutorials into webinars.

Imagine, you host a webinar session and you had a great turnout, what is stopping you from converting it into a tutorial video?

There is a 100% possibility that not everyone will attend your webinar and months later, if not years, you will have new visitors on your website and leads who have zero knowledge about what you shared at the webinar, and of course, this knowledge will come in handy for them.

You can actually repurpose that webinar as a youtube video, to make sure that your amazing content doesn’t go into extinction. you should also bear in mind that Youtube is the second-ranked search engine after Google

This video will not only be a great asset for your business, but you will also get new visitors from Youtube. Another way to improve your SEO.

Like we said earlier, it helps to prove you as an expert in that subject matter.


An example of a converted webinar into a Youtube video.

4. Blog post into podcast and podcast into a blogpost

A podcast is the audio recording of content. Basically, content exists and it is being translated into an audio recording. Podcasting is another way to reach a larger audience than what you already have.

there are many recording platforms where you can host your audio contents like

  1. Anchor
  2. Buzzsprout,
  3. Soundcloud
  4. Transistor
  5. Blubbry
Content repurposing

An example of a podcast platform.

5. PowerPoint presentation into slide decks

Do you have a PowerPoint presentation that you shared at a team meeting and you hate to just see it laying there in waste, you can repurpose this content into slide decks with SlideShare.

Slide deck is a way to refer to a presentation deck. A slide deck can be simply put to be a group of slides put together to tell a story or a business story.

Slide share helps you to achieve this. all you have to do is to edit your slides for a consumer audience, upload your PowerPoint presentation to Slideshare and embed it in one of your web pages.

You just got yourself new content that did not require you to spend a long time creating.

Slideshare also helps you to reach another audience with your presentations.


Content repurposing

An example showing samples of existing slides on Slideshare. Source: Slideshare

6. Existing blog post to guest post

This is one popular content marketing strategy that allows you to build backlinks, increase the brand exposure of your brand, and puts you at the front of a b=new audience.

Instead of coming up with a new topic to write about for your guest post, how about drawing ideas and also repurpose existing content from your blog.

Your existing content may have several sections, you can select one section and make it into a full-length blog post that you can use as a  guest post. this is a great way to secure backlinks to the original article.

7. Quora republishing

Your content may have already found a place to stay on your social media platforms, try out Quora as well. Quora is a question and answer site that allows internet users to ask questions and get responses to their questions by professionals and anybody who has answers to the question.

You can take out part of your existing content to answer user’s questions on Quora and at the same time, you can gather up your post into a blog post for your blog.

Frequently asked questions

What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing means taking existing content and reusing it somewhere else on a different platform. It sounds quite simple in theory but requires a lot in execution.

While creating new content, it is advisable to keep repurposing in your mind, so it will be possible to split it into different formats.

It is also known as content recycling and going by the word recycling, it obviously means that you reuse the elements of existing content and by doing this you can expand the reach of that content.

They are usually transformed into a new format, like converting a blog post into an ebook.

How do you repurpose old content?

You can repurpose old contents through the following ways:

  1. Create ebooks from a blogpost
  2. Convert existing blogpost to guest post
  3. Powerpoint presentation to slide decks
  4. Blogpost into podcast
  5. Webinars into tutorials
  6. Create infographics from research
  7. Repost on quora

Why you should repurpose content?

When you repurpose your content, it helps you to

  1. Reinforce the existing knowledge you have.
  2. Get familiar with the diverse forms of content and their existing platforms as well
  3. reach a larger and wider audience
  4. Establish authority

If you want to achieve any of this, then you should consider repurposing your article.


As you must have noticed repurposing content has a lot of benefits and is very profitable for you as a brand if you are willing to follow through.

We discussed the meaning of content repurposing, the reasons why you should consider repurposing your existing contents, and the ways through which you can do the repurposing to get your desired result.

In our 90% practical digital marketing course, we have experienced and versatile coaches on the ground to take you through the reins of repurposing your content as part of your content marketing strategy alongside teaching you what you need to know to be a qualified digital marketer.


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An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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