How To Use Video Marketing To Grow your Business

Video marketing

Video marketing is one of the strategies in digital marketing that you can use to grow your business regardless of the kind of product or services your business offers.

If you have wondered how you can grow your business with video marketing or you are troubled about how you can achieve results for your business using video marketing, you don’t have to worry anymore because in this article you will learn how to use it to grow your business.

It is no longer news that video marketing is one of the numerous ways you can reach your target audience. You should look at the statistics I will be sharing below from wyzowl

  • 93% of marketers who use video say that it’s an important part of their marketing strategies.
  • 43% of video marketers say video has reduced the number of support calls they’ve received as they have an explainer video created for their customers.
  • 78% of video marketers say video has directly helped increase sales for their business.

Looking at the statistics above, you can see that video marketing is a very important strategy for your business, especially if you want to use digital marketing to grow your business. No doubt every existing brand needs this strategy that they can use to grow their business.

One good thing about making videos or using video marketing for your business is that it is cost-effective. You don’t have to spend so much and yet you will get what you want.

This doesn’t mean that you won’t be spending anything or providing resources, you will but it won’t tear your budget depending on the budget you have in mind for it.

We understand the importance of video marketing for us at Digital Marketing Skill Institute, so we leverage it so well.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

The strategies we use for our institute are the same as what we teach everyone who registers for our 90% practical digital marketing course. You also get to learn other digital marketing strategies that you can use to grow your business.

In this article, I will be sharing with you how you can use video marketing to grow your business, but before that, I want you to watch a video where one of our students who registered for our 90% practical digital marketing course shared her experience learning from us.


Let’s move on to consider the definition of video marketing.

What is video marketing?

Video marketing is a form of digital marketing that allows you to create videos to reach your target audience to create brand awareness for your business and also get them to buy from you.

It is also a strategy that you can implement to grow your business, it can be used to build a relationship with your target audience, to promote your business, to promote customer testimonials, and also to deliver engaging and entertaining content to your audience.

A simple definition will be the use of videos to promote the products and services that your business offers.

Videos can increase your ranking on search engines, click-through rate, and conversion as long as the videos are designed or created with your target audience in mind.

[bctt tweet=”Videos can increase your ranking on search engines, click-through rate, and conversion as long as the videos are designed or created with your target audience in mind.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Videos also allow you to make a direct appeal to the emotions of a person’s brain and also your target audience can attach a face to the business.

In the other part of this article, I will be sharing with you the importance and also how you can use video marketing to grow your business. Take a look at the video below, it is a how-to video of an electrical appliance.


If a random person who is obviously a part of this business’s target audience wants to buy a ring light and doesn’t know where to buy from or how to install it.

While searching through the internet, comes across this video and sees how interested this particular brand is about their potential customers and how they are willing to go far to satisfy them, the internet user will want to buy from them rather than from a store that doesn’t create videos.

What happened is that the video from the brand has appealed to the emotions of these particular users and of course, they are getting an extra customer from the videos they made.

Lest I forget, the videos you create are meant to be viewed by your prospective customers, so you have to put them out on platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Filmora, etc.

You can also share on your social media platforms using social media marketing, and share to your customers and leads using email marketing. As you would see, every aspect of digital marketing works together especially if you desire to achieve your business goals and make more profit.

This is why our 90% practical digital marketing course, was designed for you. You will get to learn the digital marketing strategies that you can use to grow your website alongside video marketing strategies.

There are different types of video that you can use for video marketing, depending on the goal you want to achieve and also how you want to achieve it.

Yes, you should have a purposed goal you intend to achieve using video marketing. I will be sharing more about what you need to do if you want to use it to grow your business in the other paragraphs of this article.

Types of video marketing

1. Educational videos

This is a video that is created to teach your target audience something new or probably something that is already existing but you are teaching it differently. It helps to build trust between you and your audience because you are establishing yourself as an expert in your industry and area of expertise.

These educational videos can be in form of explainer videos or tutorial videos, regardless of which you want to use, as long you are transferring educational knowledge to anybody who comes across the video content you created.

2. Testimonial videos

With testimonial videos, you are sharing your achievements with your audience. You are showing them your values and how you’ve been able to uphold the values while attending to your customers or also while your employees are working with you in the case of a business that has employees.

These videos help to build trust with your target audience as from what they have seen, they will be convinced to buy from you or to sign up for a course you are selling.

It also builds authenticity, when people see and hear other people sing praises about your business, it is proof that you know what you are doing and you are a force to be reckoned with in that industry.

Testimonial videos are not only limited to users’ or buyer’s testimonies, you can also have your employee’s testimony to show that you have a healthy culture you practice while working with other people to achieve your business goals.

If people can see that you are doing amazing with your employees, that can appeal to their emotions and they will want to buy from you simply because they can see that you appreciate the person that is providing you with the skills you need for your business.

3. Product videos

These type of videos helps to showcase your products, the services your business offers and what your potential customers tend to gain when they buy from you.

It helps your audience to understand how your product works. It could be about your product or you talking bout how your product features works. It’s a way to show off what your product can do.

Also, your product video can be about showing the launching of a new product from your business. You can share how the idea was conceived and how it came to fruition. You can use this video to get people excited about your new product or the innovation of your business.

One good thing about this video is that you can choose to be live, get people to tune in to attend the launching virtually by creating awareness on your social media platforms using social media marketing, through emails and newsletters using email marketing.

As you can see every strategy in digital marketing works together, this is why you should register for our 90% practical digital marketing course where you get practical knowledge about digital marketing that you can use to grow your business.

4. Company culture

This type of video shows your companies personality, it helps to establish trust between your business and the general public. It is also great for recruiting new hires as they get to see the culture you practice and see if they will love to be a part of it.

They are also good for marketing your brand as a whole. Let people see what goes on in the background.

All the different types of videos that I have explained so far, are actually aimed at one thing, impressing your target audience to make a purchasing decision to buy from you. From educational videos to company culture, they all have the same goal but they are different means to achieve this general goal.

How to use video marketing to grow your business

1. Identify your video marketing goals

Every business should have a business goal, and with this business goal, you can carve out your marketing goals and inside your marketing goals, you will have what you intend to achieve with video marketing.

If you don’t have a goal, you will not know what you want to achieve, you will not be able to plan how to achieve anything and you will also not be able able to measure your activities.

Your goals can either be to attract a large number of viewers, communicate with your target audience, or inspire loyalty from your viewers and target audience.

Identifying the specific goals you want to achieve will help you plan and properly strategize your video marketing strategy.

2. Know your target audience

Knowing your target audience is important for every business, the target audience that your business has recognized while starting is what you will be leveraged with your video marketing strategies.

Knowing your target audience will help you prepare contents that will resonate with them and the kind of video they would love to see.

Your target audience is a specific group of your product or services is designed for. Since your products are designed for them, your marketing strategies should also be designed to fit into the blanket.

I am so sure you don’t want to have a video that doesn’t meet the need of your target audience and doesn’t also doesn’t speak the language and voice that your target audience will understand.

3. Create engaging contents

After you must have identified your video marketing goals and your target audience as well, the next strategy is for you to create and draft out engaging content.

Your content should be well-drafted out in such a way that you will be passing out the right information nd your target audience will also be able to get the message you are trying to pass across.

A video is a medium of communication and also for the transfer of knowledge, you can’t afford to share boring stories or stories that are not engaging.

While telling a story through videos, imagine yourself as a potential viewer and see if you will find that particular video interesting or engaging enough to want to watch till the end.

You see why it is important for you to identify your target audience, it will help you to know what kind of video they will find interesting and if that particular video will engage them.

When you are creating a product, you should create it with your users in mind, you should have a fictional idea of who your users will be.

4. Leverage on SEO

SEO is the acronym for search engine optimization and it has to do with the process of optimizing search engines for your business/content to appear on the search results page when an internet user searches for you.

YouTube for example is a search engine on its own, and so you can use it as a tool to get more visibility for your business or brand if you follow all the rules.

To leverage on SEO, you should use keywords, like I said earlier SEO helps you to show up when an internet user searches for something related to your business, and the way it works is that search engines crawl through websites, pages, contents for keywords and when he comes across a page that has been well optimized with keywords, it indexes the crawled pages, and ranks it on the search results page also known as SERP.

Just as you can see in the image below, there is a keyword from an assumed internet user, and the videos that came up are the videos that were created with the keywords that the target audience will likely search for.

Video marketing

To achieve so much with SEO using keywords, you should do keyword research to be able to identify what your target audience will likely look for.

5. Share and promote your videos

Having followed the previous steps I shared in this article on how to use video marketing to grow your business, you can now move on to promoting your created video content.

If you don’t share or promote, nobody will see it especially your target audience. You don’t make videos especially for your business and wait till people come for it. People will actually come for it only when you share and promote.

There are several ways you can share and promote your content, but at the top of the list is for you to share on video platforms. Youtube and many others are platforms you can use to share your video and you can promote your videos through your business social media pages, through newsletters to your customers, and leads generated.

If you are wondering how to use social media pages to promote your videos and also how to share through newsletters, you can register for our 90% practical digital marketing course where you will get practical knowledge and also learn other strategies in digital marketing that you can use to grow your business.


In this article, I shared the definition of video marketing, the types of videos that you can use, and also how to use it to grow your business.

As you must have seen in this article, to effectively and efficiently use video marketing to grow your business, you need digital marketing knowledge.

And guess what, in our 90% practical digital marketing course, you will get practical knowledge on video marketing and also how to use other digital marketing strategies to grow your business.

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An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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