12 Easy Ways To Build Backlinks For SEO To Your Website


Build backlinks to your website is one vital step if you want to be on the good page of search engines.

I understand that you don’t understand what backlinks are, their importance and usefulness to SEO, and the impact they will have on your business. For it might be that you already understand how it works but you don’t know how to build these backlinks.

You don’t have to worry, in this article, I will be sharing with you:

  1. The definition of backlinks and its relation to SEO
  2. An extensive definition of SEO and its impact on your business
  3. A step-by-step process on how to build backlinks to your website.

SEO, backlinks, search engines are terms and strategies in digital marketing that is used to grow a business, by creating more awareness for the business.

If you are not interested in growing your business with digital marketing, then this article is not for you as all the tips and knowledge are only applicable in digital marketing.

One of the many things I love about digital marketing is how it has made it so easy and seamless to be in whatever location that you are and carry out your business.

You get to promote and market your business online, you get customers online, you negotiate and conduct the business transaction either online or offline and you get paid. This is huge and fascinating!

Unlike in traditional marketing where a marketer has to work from house to house, approaching people on the streets because you want them to buy from you or having to shout at the top of your voice because you are trying to create awareness for your business and also get customers to buy from you.

All this energy can be diverted into something else like running social media advertising to promote your business and also attract customers to buy from you. You see, life is easy with digital marketing.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

This is why in our 90% practical digital marketing course, we will teach you how to implement the act of creating backlinks to your website and also teach you how to use other strategies in digital marketing like social media advertising, SEO, content marketing, and many other strategies to promote your business and also attract customers who will buy from you.

You know life does not always give us what we want or need, it gives us what is available and we make out what we want and need from it.

The same thing also applies to search engines, they will always give you what is available like putting your website or blog on the last pages of search results but you can decide that you want to move your business into the first page of search results on search engines.

What matters and what makes the difference is the effort you are willing to put into the process.

When you build backlinks to your website, you are simply telling search engines that, hey, I know you have enough lemon in stock for me but I want to make lemonades out of the lemons you are offering, and of course, you get to enjoy the lemonades you are making out of the lemons offered which is equal to the result you will be getting from the backlinks you have built to your website.

Like I said earlier on, if you will read till the end of this article, I will be sharing with you easy ways to build backlinks to your website or blog.

Before I get to that part, I want you to hear what one of our students has to say after taking our 90% practical digital marketing course, for you to see that you will definitely be getting value from the course.

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For you to understand how to build backlinks, you should understand why it is necessary to build them, and so I will be sharing the definition of SEO and how it works.

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization that is also known as SEO, is the approach to making sure that there is an improvement in the quality and quantity of website traffic to a web page or a website through organic search.

SOptimized website

An example of a well-optimized website that generates organic traffic. Source: Google

It can also be said to be a strategy used to get exposure, rank, and drive organic traffic to your website through search engines. Remember I said something about making lemonades out of lemons, SEO is the tool you can use to make lemonades, and of course, a backlink is one of the instruments in SEO.

For SEO to be in place, there are search engines. Search engines are computer programs that have been programmed to collect and organize content according to user’s requests.

For these search engines to work, there has to be content on the web in form of websites or web pages.

Search engines are also known as answer machines, their duty is to discover, understand and organize content on the web so as to be able to offer the most relevant answers to questions internet users are asking.

For this to happen, your content has to be visible to search engines, if search engines can’t find your content, it will be impossible for your content to show up in the SERP(search engine results page).

You will ask, how exactly do these search engines work. Well, it starts with a  process called crawling, search engines scour through content on the web ranging from web pages to different forms of content like videos down to images and pdfs.

The results from this scouring/crawling are what will be indexed. Indexing has to do with storing up and organizing the contents found during the crawling process.

When a page has been indexed, it has a possibility of being displayed as a result of related questions. The ranking is the presentation and positioning of the contents discovered during the crawling process that has the most relevant answers to the questions asked by an internet user.

There is a possibility that your content is more relevant to an internet user’s question but if you don’t follow the rules of SEO, your content might not show up at all and you might not be able to reach your desired target audience.

Some key factors in SEO make this possible. This factor includes:

  1. Technical SEO
  2. On-page SEO
  3. Off-page SEO

Technical SEO has to do with making sure that with ensuring that a website meets the technical requirements of modern-day search engines to ensure the possibility of improved organic ranking.

The elements in this factor include crawling, indexing, ranking, and the general website architecture.

On-page SEO has to do with everything you do on your website, content, or blog to make sure that it is visible to search engines. this activity involves optimizing title tags, contents, and URLs to reflect your brand or business, well-optimized content for user’s experience, and many others.

In the case of off-page SEO, this is the activity that takes place in et backend of your content. You do them not on the website or the content but behind the contents and websites.

It has to do with the activities carried out in a bid to ensure and enhance search engine ranking for that specific content. It involves building backlinks, encouraging branded searches and shares across social media.

Some people actually think off-page SEO has to do only with link building but it goes way beyond that. The main reason why I wrote this article is to show you how to build backlinks and as you have just read, backlinks are actually part of off-page SEO factors.

This brings us to the next point, which is the definition of backlinks and how it supports SEO.

What are Backlinks?

A backlink is a link linking to your website from another website. Backlinks are the most important factors in SEO, and they basically draw attention from one site to another.

These backlinks act as redirection and you sure want to have other websites, pages, and blogs directing to yours with a link.

Backlinks are responsible for organic traffic, which means when someone accesses your website from the search results page. This is possible because search engine crawlers look for backlinks while building their index.

The backlinks make it possible for the crawlers to know that your content is related to other websites and pages on the internet.

The quality of your backlinks determines the way your website indexes and displays your pages, which is why you can’t afford to build backlinks that are not substantial and of low quality. Also, the number of links pointing to your website or content determines your ranking position.

It is important for you to generate backlinks to your website from authoritative websites especially if they rank well for topics related to your business.

This brings us to identify the types of backlinks that exist so you know what they stand for when you start building backlinks for your content and website.

Types of backlinks

  1. Editorial backlinks
  2. Guest post backlinks
  3. Acknowledgment backlinks
  4. Business backlinks
  5. Press release backlinks
  6. Etc

Regardless of the type of backlinks that exist, they all perform the same duties which are to generate more traffic to the original website.

It is also very important and necessary for you to have sound knowledge about the types of backlinks that exist so you know the ones to build and are also best for you to pursue to achieve your business goals.

12 Ways to Build Backlinks to Your Website

1. Create quality content

Before building links, the first thing you should take note of is that ensure the contents you are creating is quality. Especially for your blog, quality and well-detailed content naturally get shared and people want to link to your content.

Creating quality content doesn’t require too much effort, if you make it a habit to deliver original and quality content, it becomes part of you.

If you have a blog, you should consider writing awesome articles, the same thing also applies to your website. Your web content should be quality and well-detailed enough that someone can make reference to it and give you backlinks you didn’t ask for.

2. Guest blogging

Another way you can build backlinks to your website or blog is to guest blog on other people’s blogs. This is the most effective way to reach new target audiences.

When you publish on other people’s websites especially the popular website, you are putting your content in form of new readers and that alone brings more exposure and creates awareness for you and your business. Backlinks also help you to increase your business reputation online.

3. Press release

The press release can be used to build backlinks to your website. You can write about an update on your business, your thoughts on a trending topic, and release it to the press.

Make sure that the contents you submit link back to your website. You are building credibility alongside the backlinks you are building.

You are also defining that you are an authority in that business. At the beginning of this article, I said backlinks help to increase brand awareness, and at the same time, you establish credibility.

When the search engine notices that there are a couple of websites that are pointing to one particular website, it tends to rank it higher than any other website that has that specific keyword.

4. Directory submission

Remember, our goal for creating backlinks is to show search engines that we exist, directories are another way to build backlinks to your website.

Directory submission can be defined as the practice and process of submitting your website URL and its details on the web in a directory under a particular niche.

It helps to improve your link building and establishes more authority for your business. And of course, it is an off-page factor like every other that helps you to optimize your webpage for SEO.

This step also allows you to attract traffic to your website and also helps in increasing your page rank.

5. Internal linking

This has to do with linking a page to another on the same domain. If a page has more authority, when you link another page to it, you are transferring the juice to other links.

This single act helps users to navigate your website or blog and they get to enjoy a good user experience. Your users and search engines alike use links to navigate through your site to find the content they want to find.

Internal linking also helps to spread ranking power on your website and also to establish information authority. And this is exactly what search engines are looking for.

6. Broken Link

This is a link-building strategy that involves finding broken links on authoritative websites and contacting the website to suggest replacing those broken links with links to your relevant content. This strategy not only helps you acquire high-quality backlinks but also provides value to the website by fixing broken links on their websites.

To implement this strategy, you can use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Link Explorer to find broken links on websites relevant to your niche. Once you have identified the broken links, you can analyze them to ensure that they are relevant to your content. You can then create high-quality content that matches the context of the broken link and reach out to the website owner to suggest replacing the broken link with your content.

7. Resource Link Building

This involves creating valuable resources such as tools, calculators, or downloadable assets that other websites might want to link to as a reference. This strategy is effective because it provides value to other websites and their users, making it more likely for them to link back to your content.

Resource Link Building is a win-win strategy for both parties involved. It helps you build high-quality backlinks that can improve your search engine rankings, while also providing value to other websites and their users. By creating valuable resources and promoting them effectively, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and attract more traffic to your website.

8. Local link building

This is the process of acquiring links from websites that are relevant to your local area, industry, or audience. This is important for local businesses as it can help them rank higher in local search results, increase brand awareness, and drive more traffic and conversions to their website.

Some effective local link building strategies include getting links from other ranking sites in your niche and location, getting links from your competitors’ backlink profiles, reclaiming lost links or fixing broken links, creating locally relevant content that attracts links and shares, and getting local citations from directories, review sites and social media platforms.

9. Participate in Different Forums

Participating in forums is a strategy for building backlinks to your website. By engaging in online forums or discussion boards related to your niche, you can create backlinks to your website. This involves actively participating in discussions, providing valuable insights, and posting links to your website when relevant and appropriate.

Forum link building can be a valuable addition to a broader marketing and brand awareness strategy, as it can help generate positive brand awareness and direct traffic to your website. However, it is important to note that search engines prioritize high-quality, natural backlinks over cheap shots at generating links.

10. Infographics

Using infographics and other visual assets is a powerful strategy for building backlinks to your website. Infographics are visually appealing, easy to digest, and highly shareable, making them attractive to other websites looking for engaging content to link to. By creating high-quality infographics and visual assets that provide valuable information or insights, you can increase the likelihood of other websites linking back to your content.

Additionally, infographics can help improve website traffic, enhance brand visibility, and establish your authority in your industry. When creating infographics, ensure they are original, well-designed, and relevant to your target audience to maximize their impact on your backlink building efforts.

11. Public Relations

Building Public Relations involves creating relationships with influencers, journalists, and other industry leaders to earn backlinks from reputable sources. This strategy can be particularly effective for businesses that have a unique story or angle to share, as it can help to generate buzz and interest in the brand.

To implement this strategy, businesses can start by identifying relevant influencers and publications in their industry, and then reaching out to them to share their story or offer insights on a particular topic. This can be done through email outreach, social media engagement, or even in-person events and conferences.

12. Interview

Taking part in interviews is a valuable strategy for building backlinks to your website. When you participate in interviews with industry influencers, podcasts, or websites, you can showcase your expertise, reach new audiences, and earn backlinks to your website.

These backlinks from interview features can help improve your website’s authority, increase visibility, and drive more traffic. To leverage this strategy effectively, seek out interview opportunities in your niche, prepare insightful responses, and promote the interviews on your website and social media channels.


Are paid backlinks worth for SEO?

Paid backlinks are generally not recommended for SEO as search engines like Google discourage this practice and prefer natural and organic backlinks. While paid backlinks may provide a temporary boost in rankings, they can lead to penalties from search engines and harm a website’s long-term SEO efforts.

How many backlinks do you need for SEO?

The number of backlinks needed for SEO varies depending on the competition, goals, and niche of a website. While there is no standard number of backlinks that guarantees top rankings, it is essential to focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sources to improve a website’s authority and search engine rankings.

Can too many links hurt SEO?

Having too many low-quality or spammy backlinks can hurt SEO as search engines like Google prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to backlinks. It is crucial to focus on acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks to avoid any negative impact on a website’s SEO performance.

Is it possible to get more traffic without making backlinks?

It is possible to increase website traffic without solely relying on backlinks by focusing on creating high-quality content, optimizing on-page SEO, improving user experience, and leveraging social media and other marketing channels. While backlinks are essential for SEO, a well-rounded digital marketing strategy can also drive traffic and improve a website’s visibility online.


In this article, you have been able to know and understand SEO and the role of backlinks in getting the best result. You have also been able to see how it affects your business, and also how to build backlinks to your website.

Reading and learning are not the same as implementing the knowledge that you have, this is why in our 90% practical digital marketing course, you will learn how to implement these SEO strategies to grow your business and also other digital marketing strategies that will help you to grow your business and achieve your goals.

More articles for you to read

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | A Complete Beginner’s Guide To Website Ranking

18 Free SEO Tools To Grow Traffic On Your Website


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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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