20 Facebook and Instagram Strategies that can double sales in 24 hours

facebook and instagram strategy that can double your sales

Facebook and Instagram are two formidable marketing tools we use as digital marketers. In my article, I will be sharing with you 20 Facebook and Instagram strategies that can double your sales in 24 hours.

No jokes! These strategies you’re about to read are some of the most powerful yet working tactics I’ve used to grow my agency and education institute over time.

I’ve really had enough of hearing Facebook and Instagram marketing experts repeating the same thing over and over again.

You know, saying: “You MUST be data driven!”.

Everywhere I look there’s someone else telling business owners and marketers to focus all their energy and time on numbers and statistics. And this is why so many businesses are failing at Facebook and Instagram marketing.

Because all they see is numbers, graphs and budgets.

They’ve completely forgotten there are real people behind those screens.

No, you shouldn’t be data driven.

You should be data-INFORMED.

You must be able to track, analyse and understand your data to identify the leaks in your Facebook and Instagram marketing funnel.

BUT in order to fix them, what you must be is…


  • Know thy audience
  • Understand their intent
  • Understand their challenges
  • And optimise your website and funnels for them, not the numbers.

That’s how you stay ahead of the game.

Oh, does that interest you?

This post is basically targetted at those who have not made the most out of these social media marketing tools. (You can click to check out our Facebook and Instagram mastery course page if you ever truly want to get a shot at driving high quality and targeted traffic from Facebook and Instagram).

Facebook is the undisputed king of social media, sadly, many digital marketers today aren’t competent enough because of their digital skill gap and have thus failed in growing and doubling business sales via Instagram and Facebook.

When it comes to marketing with Facebook and Instagram, conversion is key! It doesn’t make so much sense when you display your content to a large chunk of Facebook users without actually driving any quality leads and sales.

First off, what do you understand by conversion?

A conversion is the most important factor to the success of your online marketing strategy and goals.

It means getting your website visitors to do what you want them to do, whether your visitors are buying your product, sign up for your newsletter, register for a webinar, download a whitepaper, or fill out a lead/contact form.

The good news is, we have covered all of this in our Facebook and Instagram mastery course. You will learn how to leverage your customer mind and behaviour to increase conversions. And we’ll take a look at a list of tools, examples and case studies to get you started.

To get an idea of how quickly Facebook and Instagram Mastery Course can grow your business to avoid making common marketing mistakes, check out the screenshot, one of our graduate that sells Oil Perfumes is getting orders all the way from Botswana. You can contact him on [email protected] if you doubt us:

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

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Facebook and Instagram

But do not take my word for it.

Here’s what one of my students had to say in a difficult industry about my Facebook Customer Acquisition Formula (Note: I included his twitter handle, you can contact him):

I wasted so much money on Facebook and Instagram trying to get clients. Thanks to @DMSInstitute, I now acquire clients using several skills I learnt. — Solomon Asine (@Solonzzzo)

So, let’s get started,

Here are my top 20 Facebook and Instagram strategies that can double your sales fast!!!

20 Facebook and Instagram strategies that can double your sales in 24 hours

1. People buy results not product

This could be a fretting discover but it’s true.

The fact that you want to sell your product at all cost via Facebook and Instagram does not mean that your products will solve the problems of your targetted audience.

So, what is the most powerful tool in your Facebook and Instagram marketing?

Is it keyword research? Beautifully designed ad campaigns? Maybe….

But the driving force behind all of these things?


You see, sales and marketing are really about understanding consumer psychology.

Why do people buy? What makes them click on your Facebook ad? What sort of stimuli do most people respond to?

You might think your products are cool but your audience might not be thinking like you. There are TOO many people who think their products will sell themselves. They think, “if I just create something that’s GREAT, the rest of it will fall into place.”

This socialtrigger’s video explains why people don’t or won’t buy your products.

Before targeting customers, take note that people don’t buy products, they buy the results that product will offer to them. Start your process of identifying your ideal customer by making a list of all of the benefits that your customer will enjoy by using your product or service.

When I send emails promoting our digital marketing training course, the truth is, some people registered without even visiting the course page!


This is because they saw the products awesome just like I did. And that’s why they could pay for the course without even blinking an eye.

The word is TRUST!

And it requires building. It does take a long time to build trust and credibility to make your customers buy your products. The moment when you realise this, you will start driving paying customers to your website.  In our Facebook and Instagram mastery course, we will take it a step further into becoming customer driven and using human psychology to increase sales conversions on Facebook and Instagram

2. Define your customer

Who is the person who would most likely to buy your product and buy it immediately? Create an avatar of that customer.

Ask Specific Questions

  1. How old are they?
  2. Are they male or female?
  3. Do they have children?
  4. How much money do they make?
  5. Do they have an education?
  6. Where do they live?
  7. Where do they work?

Before you can start marketing on Facebook or Instagram, you have to get to know who your customers really are. The questions listed on top will guide and help you learn some personal information about your prospective customers. Also, you will know how to promote or run a target based ads while increasing sales and engagement.

3. Promote content via Ads

facebook for business marketing

According to Facebook, more than 1.7 billion people use Facebook daily. They use Facebook to connect with friend and families and other things that matter to them. Marketing your business products or services through Facebook will help you locate new customers and build a lasting and productivity relationship with them.

Using Facebook ads; Facebook Ads formats are very flexible, eye-catchy and work on every device and connection speed. You can target adverts to people based on how they engaged with your page content, location, age group and lots more. Facebook’s self-serve advert interface is better than any other advertising platform on the market – you don’t have to be a tech wiz to get in there to get things started!

Use paid budget to amplify Organic post; when you notice a specific post performing well, put the budget behind you and try to amplify such post using Facebook ads. These kinds of posts perform really well as paid post, they will attract more people to your blog and you will get better ROI for your ads. It’s a risk worth taking.

Basically, Facebook and Instagram advertising use the advanced targeting option to help tailor ads to prospective quality leads/ customers tor chances of sales.

You can target new audience or use a saved audience when setting up your targeting option.

Creating a new audience

These are the options available for creating a new audience, which you can find in the “Audience” section of ad set creation:

  • Custom Audiences. Custom Audiences are target audiences of people you already know created from the information you provide or from information generated on Facebook’s products. You can create Custom Audiences from customer files, the Facebook pixel, the Facebook SDK and engagement on Facebook.

    A subset of Custom Audiences is Lookalike Audiences. A Lookalike Audience is a target audience you create from a “source.” It finds other people on Facebook who are the most similar to the people in the source.

    You can include or exclude people in a Custom or Lookalike Audience from your target audience.

  • Locations. Target ads to people based on locations (ex: country, state, province, city, congressional district, zip or post code). Most objectives let you target worldwide (type in “worldwide”), by region (ex: “Europe”), by free trade area (ex: “NAFTA”, the North American Free Trade Agreement) or by app store availability (ex: “iTunes app store countries”).
  • Age. Target ads to people within an age range.
  • Gender. Target ads to women, men or both.
  • Languages. Target ads to users of certain languages.
  • Detailed Targeting. Include or exclude people from an audience based on demographics, interests and/or behaviours.
  • Connections. Include or exclude people from your audience based on connections to your Pages, apps or events.

You can also target saved audience using this feature.

Using a saved audience

You have to save an audience before you can use it for another ad set. To do so, just create the audience and click the Save This Audience button at the bottom of the “Audience” section of ad set creation.

Important: When you save an audience, everything about it is preserved for future use except its locations. You have to select your locations each time. If you use many locations, try bulk uploading to make this process easier.

To use a saved audience for a new ad set, click Use a Saved Audience at the top of the “Audience” section of ad set creation and select the one you want to use from the dropdown.

I’m sure this targeting feature is a whole lot to swallow all at once, especially if you aren’t a certified digital marketing manager or strategist (You can click here to join our 4 weeks digital marketing training course to become a certified digital marketer), running Facebook and Instagram ads requires a bit of a know-how, If the results aren’t coming… you could well hit an overwhelming climax.

That’s why I’ve compiled everything that has to do with Facebook and Instagram audience targeting on our Facebook and Instagram Mastery course to ensure you’re targeting the right set of people for your business.

Though I covered quite a few Facebook advertising tips to boost conversion rate, I think you should have a look at that article if you’re serious about growing sales and conversion. This tips can be useful if you want to set up a converting ad campaign on Instagram and Facebook.

4. Re-targeting audience

Retargeting to the right audience is a must if you want to see more conversions from your Facebook ads.

The goal of retargeted content (also known as remarketing) is to place your brand top of mind. Common strategies remarket to people who have already visited your website.

People rarely buy from you the first time they visit your site or see an offer. They would rather take their time, compare your pricing with competitors’ and visit your site a few more times before completing that valuable sale.

If you’re running a Facebook or Instagram ad campaign, here is a strategy to help you retarget your ads to those who haven’t opened or read your email campaign.

First, you’ll need to export the list of subscribers who didn’t open or read your email. To do that, you will need to navigate to the analytics section of your email (varies across different email service providers), view the people who haven’t read your email in a while, then export that list to a .csv file.

Next is to upload this list to Facebook as a new Custom Audience.

facebook advertising tips to boost conversion

Once you’ve achieved that, it’s basically a matter of targeting that new Custom Audience with ads promoting exactly the same message you had promoted via email.

That’s it, the number of people you target now depends on the number of emails subscribers you’ve exported. I can recommend you start with a list containing a few hundreds of people who haven’t seen your emails in while. This will ensure you have enough people in your custom list to target this ad.

Retargeting on Facebook ads helps you stay top of mind while they’re considering their decision.

The trick is to retarget content to a precise audience rather than a generalised audience that may or may not be interested in learning more about your business, product or service.

There are different targeting options you should explore to double your sales. However, If you register for our Facebook and Instagram Mastery course, we will show you how to target and retarget the right audience for your brand.

5. Add CTA buttons to your Facebook ads

The average advertising click-through rate on Facebook is 0.9%, but adding a CTA button can lift your click-through rate by 2.85 times.

This interesting fact can have a long lasting impact on your ad campaign. Adroll even made an infographic showing how important CTA button is.


Trust me, this guide on Facebook will teach you exactly how to create a CTA button or join our Facebook and Instagram Mastery class let’s help understand everything about setting up an effective Ads.

6. Harness the power of Facebook groups

Facebook groups are extremely huge. There are groups for just about everything you can think of from Photography to SEO to Sales and Blogging. Some groups have a few hundred members while others have thousands and thousands of active participants.

Now, imagine having one of these groups with active members – interested specifically in what your business solutions provide. Sounds like a good match. right? IT IS!

Now before I jump in, be sure to request join our Facebook group where you’ll be able to network with a few hundreds of other digital marketers and have unlimited opportunities to acquire trending digital skills.

A Facebook group can be used to so many things when it comes to promoting your business to double sales fast.

Here are 10 Things you Can Use Your Facebook Group For:

  1. Building Relationships
  2. Growing a Community
  3. Establishing Yourself as an Expert
  4. Share your Blog Posts
  5. Drive Traffic to your Website
  6. Grow Your Subscriber / Email List
  7. Launch New Programs / Products
  8. Host Trainings
  9. Find Partners
  10. Sell your products!

Selling your products is the one I’m going to cover below;

How to sell your products on Facebook groups

If you want to sell your products on a Facebook group, you need to follow the checklist below.

  1. Post the link in your social media profiles – every single profile! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube…ALL of them.
  2. Record a video and promote it in the video
  3.  Create Social Media post promoting it – You can do this on your personal profile and your Facebook pages!
  4. Email Your List and Invite them to Join! I have a welcome sequence that sends a specific email inviting them to join my community.
  5. If people subscribe to your email list, send them a welcome email with a link to join your group!
  6. Create a RESOURCES page and list it there.
  7. Thank You Page! If people are subscribing to your list or buying products, send them to a THANK YOU page and list your Facebook group there.
  8. Use a REDIRECT page. This is my TOP SECRET and highest converting strategy. When someone opts in for a discount or a webinar, you can set your redirect page and automatically send them to your Facebook group where they can join.
  9. Write a blog post promoting your Facebook group! Like I’m doing here. This is another great way to get in front of a new audience and attract more people to your group. You can use this piece of content and promote it on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook to draw an even larger crowd!

There are more but I will just leave you with these NINE proven strategies to help you grow a Facebook group quickly. Next, we’ll cover how to use that Facebook group to really grow your business and double your leads fast but you have to click to join our Facebook and Instagram Mastery training.

7. Post images via Instagram

Did you know the trick behind sharing images via Instagram?

If you’ve been sharing images directly on Facebook for advertising, then I guess it’s time to put a stop it. Here’s a sneaky little tactic I stumbled upon while surfing buzzsumo. Rather than posting images directly on Facebook, you should post them via Instagram.

Here is why?


A study on Buzzsumo discovered that “images posted via Instagram get 23% more engagement.” and this makes so much sense if you consider how super engaging Instagram can be. Also, Brand Watch claims… “Engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times more than Facebook, 54 times more than Pinterest and 84 times more than Twitter.”

Following this simple trick will get you a quarter more engaging that the conventional ads did when you share images directly on Facebook. This is very legit because you can deploy this strategy to get your product images seen by more people, and that means the chances of you getting sales lead increases.

8. Let go of #hashtags on Facebook

I’m certain you’re confused right now; you’d probably be asking yourself, why should I let go of #hashtags?

[bctt tweet=”#Facebook posts with hashtags received less engagement than posts without #hashtags. #digitalmarketing” username=”DMSInstitute”]


Yes, I know hashtags are good in certain situations on social media. That’s why marketers have found how important incorporating hashtags into your online content can be of great benefit to your business. You will be able to promote products and services much more effectively, making the most out of this powerful social networking tool in order to attract new customers and maximise profits.

The fretting question now is, why should I stop using hashtags?

There are no doubts about the effectiveness of hashtags on networks such as Instagram and Twitter, but not so much on Facebook.

The same study from Buzzsumo found that posts with hashtags received less engagement than posts without hashtags. Not only will this save time, you’ll also get more engagements for your money with every piece of content you post.

You know how important it is getting engagement on Facebook. The No-hashtag strategy works quite well in increasing engagement on Facebook and in return, you might eventually increase sales! We shall cover more and more of these kinds of strategies in our Facebook and Instagram mastery course, don’t hesitate to register if you’re serious about growing your online business.

9. Content is key

facebook for business marketing

Have you heard this saying that “content is king”? After you have set up your page appropriately, your followers will expect page contents to be published constantly. Facebook users interact with pages that post always. Although, there are tips you implement on your page to get more interactions when posting on Facebook. And with increased interactions, you can get them to pay for your products via pushing out timely posts.

See them below;

# Less or more post?

According to a study by Hubspot, companies with fewer than 10,000 Facebook followers receive 60% fewer interactions per post when they post 60+ times per month. So don’t overwhelm your customers by posting more than a few times per day. Instead, spend more time crafting higher-quality Facebook posts.

# Multimedia post should not be taken for granted.

Research has shown that the use of visual content in Facebook campaigns can generate 65% more engagement after only one month. So, this is the more reason you should take my word for it, visual representation has a way of capturing your reader’s attention.

# Study when and when not to post

When using a Facebook page, it’s important you study when and when not to share articles. While the posting time varies across different pages on Facebook, you have to know a strategic time when to push out articles for your readers, and not clutter up your pages with too many posts within a short time. Some data released by shows that posts published between 1 pm to 4 p.m have the best click-through and share rates. Use this as a start-off to discover which time of day works best for you.

Some data released by shows that posts published between 1 pm to 4 p.m have the best click-through and share rates. Use this as a start-off to discover which time of day works best for you.

# Don’t be slow to respond

Did you know that 42% of people who comment on social media expect a feedback in 60 minutes? Ignoring them only ignites disappointment and anger, so take a few minutes of your time, don’t only post contents, also go through comments and respond to them.

# Analyse your page performance via Facebook Insights

facebook for business marketing

Facebook Insights is a place where you’d understand how your post is performing, not just action on the page, you will be able to analyse your post reach, video and post engagements.

You will know the number of times people have engaged with your posts through comments, likes, and shares. Once you understand how this works, you can tailor your post strategy to publish more of what works best for your followers, and less of what doesn’t.

10. Promote your page with contest and freebies

facebook for business marketing

Do you know you can do little to get more?

With an amazing 1.7 billion daily users on Facebook and over 400 million active users, there is a huge pool from which you can attract new customers and reward existing ones. These promotions are also a great way to gather information from participants (which you can turn into leads) and build brand awareness and loyalty which turn, transforms to a sale.

A social media contest has many benefits when done properly and effectively, they are a great way to give businesses a boost in terms of awareness and really connecting with your audience. Here are some of the benefits of running a contest for your business.

If you have an amazing contest idea, just know that chances are high that Instagram and Facebook users will jump on it. It’s just a matter of finding the best fit for your brand and target audience. To make sure your contest stays lawful and doesn’t get shut down, kindly follow the official contest rules provided on the Facebook page terms.

Facebook Contest Rules

  • These rules clearly state who is eligible to enter a contest.
  • Comply with any regional, state, national or international contest laws.
  • Acknowledge that the promotion is in no way associated with Facebook.

In addition, personal timelines and friend connection cannot be used to run a contest campaign. E.g, “Share on your timeline to enter” or “share on your friend’s timeline to get additional entries” and “tag your friend in this post to enter” are not allowed.

Make sure you fully read and understand the Facebook contest rules and Instagram contest rules before launching your page contest campaign.

You can click here to check Facebook contest ideas and check out SocialMediaExaminer’s post on how to run a successful contest on Instagram.

If you don’t want to waste time trying contest ideas that won’t work for your business, why don’t you just register for the Facebook and Instagram mastery training and let’s show you some amazing Instagram and Facebook contest strategies that fit your business.

11. Use your Instagram Bio more strategically

Use the link in your bio to connect to a landing page that holds the same posts you put on Instagram, and allows you to collect leads, promote your eCommerce site, gain subscribers to your blog, collect entries for a giveaway, etc.

Instagram Marketing Guidelines for Nigerian Brands And Businesses


12. Create a sales funnel and drive Instagram followers there

A follow is just the first step in the marketing funnel. Now you need to maximise on that follow by collecting leads that will lead to growth. A great way to do this is by collecting emails.

On Instagram, you can have a link in your bio to download a free e-book or sign up for a newsletter.

You can share a picture on Instagram with a call to action, telling your followers to click on the link in your bio to learn more.

Capturing emails will enable you to take your interaction to the next level and engage your users on a one on one level basis.

Instagram Marketing Guidelines for Nigerian Brands And Businesses

Executing this will require, you to create a targeted landing page tailored directly to your Instagram following, for landing pages you can use Instapage to create them. (I personally use Instapage Landing Page tool to do this).

Use messages and copy on your landing page that references your Instagram account and shares a similar look and feel as your brand on this channel.

From there, engage with your email subscribers by delivering them valuable and relevant information that will help move them down the funnel. Drive them to your blog posts and other social channels and keep them up to date with your product or service.

We have a host of these tactics in our digital marketing library, but you’ll have to register for our Facebook and Instagram Mastery course to unlock and have more in-depth knowledge about doubling sales.

When it comes to posting content on Instagram and Facebook… here are some important things to note;

13. Know when to post

Your visitors and followers prefer using social media sites during specific hours. So if you start sharing your content when your users are on these social sites, you’ll not only gain more shares, but you’ll also notice an increase in traffic inflow.


Sharing posts on Instagram and Facebook slightly varies across all niches, but still, doesn’t change the fact that a specific time works best.


The graphical illustration on shared by Coschedule.com shows the best the best time to post on Facebook and Instagram.




There is actually the perfect time that works for all brands, it varies and you have to discover what works best for your own business. Harness the best time to post on Instagram and Facebook, this can be good if you more of your followers to see your content and eventually drive more sales.

14. Directly embed videos on Facebook often

Considering YouTube is so huge, your first instinct may be to embed YouTube videos into your posts.

But that’s the wrong move, a study by Socialbakers analysed how Facebook videos achieved a 40% higher Engagement Rate (0,25%) than YouTube links (0,151%) in the studied period.


Facebook videos could be performing better than Youtube because they are not only limited to Facebook posts; they are also available in the Fan Page video gallery where users can interact with the videos whenever they want.

Always have this in mind if you truly want to move forward, you’d notice considerable changes in your engagement.

15. Pin your best post

Another valuable feature I love is the option to “pin” posts at the top of your Facebook timeline. Your timeline hosts plenty of posts you’ve shared previously; with this, your visitors might not find your best post. But with the introduction of the “pin post” feature, you can pin your best post at the top of your timeline for new and old visitors know the post that you’ve gotten the most engagements on your page.

You can use this tactic to pin a post with a link to your website, product page or landing page where they can end buying your product or collect their emails for further nurturing.

With the pin your post feature, Facebook users see your best content once they land on your Facebook page.

Click link to learn how to go about it.

16. Use Hashtags

[bctt tweet=”Posts with 11 or more hashtags received nearly 80% interaction. #digitalmarketing #InstagramMarketing” username=”DMSInstitute”]

A hashtag is an extraordinary method for increasing your exposure and engagement with your followers. In #8 point above, I explained why you should let go of #Hashtags on Facebook. Perhaps, the case is different when you talk about Instagram without hashtags.


In one study, posts with 11 or more hashtags received nearly 80% interaction, compared to just 22% when using ten and 41% when using two. (Source)

Does that mean we should include more hashtags in our Instagram post?

Creativity is required when it comes to including hashtags in you Instagram post, notwithstanding, it’s anything but difficult to end up distinctly a hashtag abuser – something that will have an inverse impact on your followers and engagement. To help ensure you never enter this enticing mistake, you can read Hootsuite’s “Do’s and Don’ts of how to use Hashtags“. Here are some important tips you should take note of:

  • Do be specific when inserting hashtags
  • Do cater hashtags to the social network you are using.
  • Do concoct important, unbranded hashtags
  • Try not to go too long or excessively clever
  • Try not to have more hashtags than words
  • Try not to hashtag everything

Also bear in mind that,  Instagram posts that include both a hashtag and a location tag see higher engagement. Posts with multiple hashtags also perform better than average. (Source)

Not doing it with hashtags is just one of the many common Instagram mistakes much Nigerian businesses trying to increase Instagram followers make. Always, Include relevant branded hashtags on your Instagram post, also remember not to hashtag everywhere, and adding too many of it can get your followers pissed.

Whether you use a generic hashtag such as #DigitalMarketing or a branded one such as #DigitalMarketingSkillInstitute, hashtags are an incredible method for sorting out your content and developing your Instagram community. If you learn how to use this tactic, you can grow your sales fast by properly grouping your content.

17. Lengthy articles pay off.

Long articles are equal to improved interaction. My facts are based on findings and I’m going to show you why.

It’s important to share links to articles between 1k and 3k words.

According to buzzsumo findings, long-form content performs best on Facebook

advanced facebook advertising techniques

In essence, posts between 1,000 and 3,000 words are ideal. Keep you contents moderately written between 1k to 3k words, anything below gets fewer interactions based on findings.

Incorporate this tactic when writing products copies and reviews on Facebook. It pays off writing more when looking to get the attention of your potential customers. If you register for our Facebook and Instagram mastery class, we will show you how to fully take advantage of posting long articles on Facebook.

18. Post Video

Videos are in the spotlight for social media networking in 2017, so if you need convey more attention regarding your brand and increase Instagram followers, using video is the real deal. As such a large amount of Instagram’s growth tactic lies in the ability to recount or tell stories through your posts, video permits you to do this consistently and more progressively.

When Instagram introduced videos, more than 5 million were shared in 24 hours, no denying that photos see more engagement than videos on Instagram, however, videos still have a big role to play in your course to increase Instagram followers.

Before the end of last year (2016), Volvo Trucks released a video ad of the legendary Jean Claude Van Damme to execute his signature split which is currently viewed as the most epic of splits of the 21st century. To date, the viral video has accumulated more than 55 million views and still counting. A video can get all eyes are on your brand. In the case of Volvo, millions of eyes have seen and have become aware of their product and their brand. Variety.com noticed that this promotion, in a span of 9 days, achieved 40 million views.

increase Instagram followers

What am I trying to emphasise with the Volvo ad is; Video marketing encourages people to visit, buy and support your brand. It’s a pretty clear indication that it’s time to either start or pay more attention to, the video capabilities of the Instagram platform to increase Instagram followers. Create clear, fun, and engaging videos that people are going to want to tag their friends in. Some tips for creating social video include:

  • Design it to be shareable from the get-go
  • Use the power of storytelling
  • Make the customer the hero, and engage them
  • Tap into your audience’s emotions (which leads to sharing)

Along with some photo apps, Hootsuite rounded up a few mobile video editing apps (I recommend VivaVideo Pro on mobile) that can help you take your Instagram videos to the next level. To put these to good use, Social Media Examiner offers the following suggestions for ways to use Instagram video in your content marketing strategy:

  1. Shoot a product demo and answer FAQs
  2. Create a visual portfolio of your work
  3. Highlight special offers and events
  4. Invite fan and follower submissions via hashtags
  5. Humanise your brand
  6. Increase engagement on Facebook

Videos are another way to exercise your creativity, engage your audience, and build a community to help you increase Instagram followers.

19. Post quality photos and use the right filters

Have you ever come across a Facebook fanpage or an Instagram community and decided it wasn’t worth your time just by looking at the cover photo or post photos? A cover photo that is blurry, pixelated, poorly crafted or poorly placed can have a profoundly negative impact on your fans.

It might even cost you to lose potential customers.

increase Instagram followers

Both Facebook and Instagram social media platform needs high-quality picture and not blurry ones. If you intend to post photo content frequently, then you should consider uploading high-quality images just like the one above this paragraph.

Each one of those filters Instagram offers you to use aren’t just fun—picking the correct ones can really prompt more views and engagement. Analysts from Georgia Tech and Yahoo Labs examined a huge number of photos and corresponding data on how frequently they were viewed and commented upon to determine that filtered photos are 21% more prone to be seen and 45% more likely to be commented on than unfiltered ones.

What type of filter works best for modifying photos on Instagram? Now, after analysing five different types, researchers found that the top filters to increase chances of views and comments are those that create:

  • higher exposure
  • warm temperatures
  • higher contrast

Using a high exposure filter gets more views, and warmth had the biggest correlation with comments.  Two types of filters had negative correlations: Saturation correlated to slightly lower views, and age effects led to lower comments.

You can visit Pixabay to download free high-quality picture or even ShutterStock photos.

20. Follow the fact not faith

How can I increase my sales?

This is perhaps the most common question entrepreneurs and business owners ask. I typically respond by asking about their sales metrics. For example, their average revenue per sale.

Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs and business owners are unable to answer my simple questions.

The truth is Facebook and Instagram strategies won’t double your sales in 24 hours if you’re not keeping track of statistics and numbers.

What do I mean?

Here are the four most important social media metrics you should track and improve on an ongoing basis:

  • Consumption metrics: How many people viewed, downloaded, or listened to this piece of content?
  • Sharing metrics: How resonant is this content, and how often is it shared with others?
  • Lead-gen metrics: How often does content consumption result in a lead?
  • Sales metrics: Did we actually make any money from this content?

With this four-part metrics formula, I’ve to the idea that valuable metrics support overall business objectives. If you know where you’re headed, you’ll know what to track.

If you want to get a shot at growth, you need to at least know where you are to know where you’re going. There are tools I personally use to keep track of my social media activities but I’m going to share the most important one of them with you.

And that’s … Google Analytics Tool

Google Analytics tools allow you to keep track of lots of your social media activities. You will understand how to follow the four-part metrics I mentioned above.

The analytics guide is expensive, so I won’t be sharing it here. If you click to join the next Facebook and Instagram mastery training, you will sure get everything I’ve documented on this great social media tracking tools.

That should be all.

Facebook and Instagram are two great tools smart digital marketers have used to grow and double their sales along the years. If you follow and implement everything you’ve read, you will be surprise how quick the results will show.

About our Facebook and Instagram Mastery Course

You’ll have a step-by-step plan for planning, running, tracking, measuring and optimising a profitable Facebook and Instagram Marketing Campaign.

Learn practical steps on how to:

? Drive High Quality and Targeted Traffic from Facebook and Instagram.

? Convert Facebook and Instagram likes, followers and traffic to paying customers.

? Engage on Facebook and Instagram to drive new, returning and referral customers.

? Build a Facebook and Instagram fan base that will buy from you.

? Turn your Facebook and Instagram fan base into brand advocates.

You can always use this link to register and book your space, we only admit 10 students… so, act FAST!!!


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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.