20 Latest and Lucrative Products to Sell Online Fast This Month


One of the easiest ways to fail in an ecommerce business is not knowing the trending, popular and lucrative products to sell online.

And this is a very hard hurdle to scale for online business owners.

But this struggle is not exclusive to new store owners.

Even the most established online store business owners work hard at updating their offers to help scale their business.

It is no surprise actually. I mean the stakes are so high!

The ecommerce industry is growing at a phenomenal rate (24% year-on-year), making it increasingly important to find those niche-winners and trending products that help you stay ahead of the competition and give your shoppers what they want.

eCommerce growth year on year

To succeed in ecommerce you need three things:

  1. Profitable, popular and in-demand products to sell online
  2. The skills to market them
  3. The drive to succeed.

If you’re in Nigeria and aspiring to build an online store for customers in Nigeria, then you know the question is even more confusing.

[bctt tweet=”With so many products already available in the market, finding one that sells the best has become an arduous task, especially when there is endless competition and every second ecommerce store is trying to follow the same strategy.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

That’s because the eCommerce marketplace or online shopping solutions are just opening up, and the mention of Jumia and Konga could make you throw away your plan and go look for something else than selling online.

But while Jumia and Konga appear big and have spent huge amount of money building websites to sell products online, and investing more on marketing, you should not bulk and run away.

While there are hundreds of potential niches and millions of products to sell online, the foundation of your success comes down the right products AND target market.

The good news is, an opportunity is always around and you can learn the right steps from our digital marketing training, where you would learn how to conduct product research using research tools and how to market them effectively.

Click here to learn more about the training. 

The truth is that you may have some advantage.

Let’s see.

The advantage is that you may focus on just one popular product that a lot of customers are willing to buy.

You then offer exceptional support and knowledge base that help them understand the product better.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

After that you can focus on reaching more customers that are similar to those that are already buying and repeat the process.

In the meantime, in this post, we have come to your rescue with the 20 most profitable and lucrative ecommerce products to sell online fast.

But first, here’s…

How to Find Lucrative Products To Sell Online

The general process I like to follow is:

  1. Research ideas in Google Trends
  2. Find market data to see if the industry sales is growing
  3. Narrow down to product categories using Google search volume
  4. Research blogs and influencers to find passion topics
  5. Get product sales data in JungleScout

This way, you would be able to scope out your competitors, suppliers and manufacturers before spending any money and also look at their prices and inventory levels from day to day to see if they are successful.

Cool, right?

Okay, let’s get into the meat of the post.

20 Lucrative Products to Sell Online Fast This Month

Products to Sell Online #1: Car Accessories

Auto accessories example.

As cars become increasingly digital, digital automotive accessories are becoming more popular among consumers.

Take a look at this car projector above that showcases your engine speed, water temperature, battery voltage and more.

This handy product helps prevent car accidents by allowing drivers to keep their eyes forward as it projects key information in front of you.

But that’s not all. Think of any car component or accessory. There is a high demand for them on ecommerce stores.

If you can sell any or all of these products, then be sure to rake in a lot of money and customers from both home and abroad.

Car Accessory Products

  1. Car mp3 player
  2. Car chargers
  3. Toolbox
  4. Foot mat
  5. Spare tyres
  6. Car key holders
  7. Car seat pillows
  8. Car tracker
  9. Car battery
  10. Baby seats

Click here to learn how to market your car accessory products online 

Products to Sell Online #2: Laptops and Gadgets

products to sell online

The need for computers and computer gadgets is on the rise on a daily basis and having an online store that focuses on this is a good idea.

[bctt tweet=”This business is very lucrative because as the world is becoming a global computerized community, almost everyone needs a laptop to stay connected.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

From children to adults, parents to grandparents, men to women, bosses to staff, etc.

Almost everybody needs a laptop.

Also, internet usage in Nigeria is steady climbing. Apart from via mobile phones and devices, most of these internet users are accessing the internet on their laptops and computers.

However, if you are like me; who got married to laptop some years ago. You will realize there is little or nothing you can do without a system.

So now that you realize that selling laptops online is a good business idea, what next?

Well, you need to decide on whether you want to sell fairy used or new laptops, your pricing, preferred models and target market.

Once that is settled, you also need to set up your ecommerce website.

Laptops and Gadget Products

  1. Laptops
  2. Laptop case
  3. Hard drive/ USB drive
  4. Laptop charger
  5. Game console
  6. Laptop bag
  7. Laptop desk
  8. Screen guard
  9. Additional hardware (mouse, keyboard, speaker, headset, etc)
  10. And many more

Click here to learn how to market your laptop accessory products online

Products to Sell Online #3: Phones and Accessories

products to sell online

Just like laptops and other mobile devices, mobile phones are another very lucrative products to sell online.

In Nigeria, kids, teenagers, adults, old people, rich, poor, men, women and everyone likes the flashy lifestyle that comes with using a mobile phone, especially when it’s an expensive one.

In the picture above, you can see that the search for mobile phone sellers in Nigeria is very popular with over 40 million searches.

What this means for you is that when you set up your mobile phone selling business properly, you can be assured of making a lot of money.

Phone and Accessory Products

  1. Phones
  2. Screen guards
  3. Earphones
  4. Chargers
  5. Memory cards
  6. Power banks
  7. Phone case
  8. And many more.

Click here to learn how to market your phone and accessory products online

Products to Sell Online #4: Cosmetics

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After buying clothes, you start to think of your favorite perfume or lipstick?

Yes, it is no surprise that cosmetic and beauty business is a way too profitable business to skip.

It is estimated that 9 out of 10 girls, at least once in their life use cosmetics. Of course, Nigerian women are young and beautiful.

But it is always good to highlight that natural beauty.

Usually, women would not even walk out of the house without having any makeup on.

However, there are also some girls or women who prefer to keep the natural look.

In both cases, cosmetic is still necessary and a booming product to sell online.

Click here to learn how to market your cosmetic products online

Products to Sell Online #5: Hair Extensions

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A lot was said about cosmetics, but what about some cool things for hair?

Nigerian women love to experiment with their hair.

It can be short and straight, it can be long and curly or made up in cute Ghana braids.

But the latest trend in the hair industry is hair extensions.

[bctt tweet=”Most Nigerian women want to have it. Nigerian ladies are willing to spend a lot of money on them because they make them stand out of the crowd.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Hair extensions and synthetic hair vary and come in different styles.

So do not hesitate and give this business a try!

Click here to learn how to market your hair products online

Products to Sell Online #6: Clothes and Fashion

products to sell online

Still on fashion, clothes and shoes are very very hot commodities in Nigeria.

As you already know, Nigerians are very flashy people who love to dress nice whether for an occasion or even to impress friends and family.

When it comes to children, parents love to buy clothes regularly for their kids on festive occasions like Christmas and the likes, to parties, or to even make their kids look good.

The same goes for adults who also like to dress fashionably whenever they are inside or outside.

[bctt tweet=”This makes the cloth and fashion business a very lucrative one. The reason is not so far fetched. Clothing is one of the basic and essential needs for every human being.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

In fact, nobody can do without it, except circumstances cause otherwise.

There are different clothes for men, women and children. As the trend in fashion continues to evolve, clothes will continually be in high demand.

So what can you sell online when it comes to clothes?

Cloth and Fashion Products

  1. Ankara
  2. Men’s clothes
  3. Women’s clothes
  4. Dresses
  5. Kid’s clothes
  6. Denim (Jeans)
  7. Office wear
  8. Casual wears
  9. And many more.

Click here to learn how to market your clothing products online

Products to Sell Online #8: Shoes

products to sell online

Just like clothes, shoes are also very popular in Nigeria and many shoe sellers make tons of steady income by either producing or selling shoes.

Nigerians love shoes to match their adorning clothes.

And if you can either produce or supply these shoes in different sizes and for different sexes in your store or via delivery, then it would really help to increase your business acumen and income.

Click here to learn how to market your shoe products online

Products to Sell Online #9: Television Sets

products to sell online hair buidling

Among home electronics, televisions are perhaps the most common home electronic appliances in every Nigerian home.

The truth is that Nigerians like entertainment shows like sports, Nollywood movies (even foreign movies), news and music a lot, and would do anything to have a television at home.

This trend has made the purchase of television sets a very popular activity for Nigerian parents and even single people living alone.

Although some people may say that televisions are not as popular as before because people now have online TV and can watch the TV from their mobile phones and laptops, but the truth is that TVs are not only for domestic use.

Even companies, corporate firms and many organizations have TVs.

[bctt tweet=”This means that if you can market your online business properly and attract huge paying customers that need TV supplies, then you would make it big in the market.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

So what are you waiting for?

Click here to learn how to market your Television products online

Products to Sell Online #10: Furniture

products to sell online

There is no home, office or room whatsoever without a piece of furniture.

From chairs, tables, beds, boards, doors to sofas, furniture come in different sizes and for different purposes for every home, office or room.

To start a furniture selling business online, you would need to either be a manufacturer, supplier or both and design strategies to target the specific people who are likely to buy your products.

Furniture Products

  1. Chairs (home or office)
  2. Tables
  3. Office desks
  4. Beds
  5. Doors (home or office)
  6. Kitchen furniture
  7. And many more.

Click here to learn how to market your furniture products online

Products to Sell Online #11: Jewelry

products to sell online

Are you thinking of starting a jewelry business and you are thinking if the business is still profitable in Nigeria?

Well, that’s a good decision because jewelry business in Nigeria has been around for ages.

It is one business in Nigeria that is highly lucrative and people are making so much money from it. It is a great business especially for those who are creative and love to work with their hands.

Come to think of it, everyone wears some sort of jewelry or the other.

Be it a wedding band, a necklace, a wristwatch, earrings, everyone at some point adorns themselves with pieces of jewelry.

Nigeria, of course, has even made it diverse and exciting by making so many different types of jewelry.

We have the Ankara made, wire works, beads, and so many types that no matter who you are, there must be a brand that you would love to wear.

So, if you are thinking about selling jewelry online in Nigeria, then be rest assured that you have made a good decision.

Click here to learn how to market your jewelry products online

Products to Sell Online #12: Microwave

products to sell online

As the Nigerian middle-income level is increasing, Nigerians are becoming increasingly able to purchase certain products.

One of them is microwave!

[bctt tweet=”Gone are the days when microwaves used to be a luxury kitchen product. These days, many families now have microwave ovens at home in their kitchens.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

And it’s not just about homes. Many Nigerian companies and organizations are also purchasing microwaves for use in the office.

What this means is that microwaves are very lucrative products to sell online in Nigeria.

Click here to learn how to market your microwave products online

Products to Sell Online #13: Baby Products

products to sell online

Who doesn’t want their babies to have amazing childhood experiences?


From clothes to toys, baby products are becoming increasingly popular in Nigeria because many parents and guardians pay serious attention to giving their young children the life of their dreams.

Baby products are also very profitable because they are relatively cheaper than adult products but usually come in more purchase quantities.

So, if you’re thinking of selling baby products online, here are some major products you should focus on.

Baby Products

  1. Baby clothes
  2. Toys
  3. Storybooks
  4. Games
  5. Shoes
  6. Baby food
  7. Diapers
  8. And many more.

Click here to learn how to market baby products

Products to Sell Online #14: Generators

products to sell online

Due to some problems with electricity supply in the country, generators are in high demand these days.

It is annoying when you are watching a TV show and suddenly the electricity goes off.

For this situation, people need to have their own source of power.

Generators become the only solution. In Nigeria today, there are hundreds of millions of generators at home, office, shops, markets, everywhere.

Generators are not only for rich families, but poor people also buy it and couple families can share it.

Until the situation gets better and the supply system improves, people would still buy this alternative source of energy.

[bctt tweet=”So, if you can position your online business well to sell generators, then you would be assured to make a lot of money form the industry.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Click here to learn how to market your generator products

Products to Sell Online #15: Building Materials

products to sell online

A house or factory cannot be built without any building material.

That is why building material is always needed for construction.

These days, more new buildings are built and more people want to build a house of their own. In big cities, such as Lagos, building materials are in high demand.

You can sell or deliver blocks, cement, iron rods, aluminum roofs, shovels, head pans etc, are currently hot commodities in the Nigeria market.

Building Products

  1. Cement
  2. Wood
  3. Aggregates
  4. Roofing materials
  5. Floor Tiles
  6. Plumbing materials
  7. Glass
  8. Electrical materials
  9. And many more

Click here to learn how to market your building materials

Products to Sell Online #16: Power Banks


Now let’s move on to more serious goods and take a look at a small-sized, but a very powerful product.

Lately, power banks have been in high demand everywhere in the world.

If your phone is out of battery and your battery literally dies, you would need this little helper for emergency situations. It charges your phone’s battery and extends battery life for 7-8 hours.

It is perfect for use at work, in school, on the road and in general anywhere, if your battery is dead.

They come in different capacities and very often have portable, convenient size.

Products to Sell Online #17: Information


You are reading this post because you need information.

Knowledge is power, right? This blog exists because I know millions of young Nigerians need information to get out of poverty and become successful.

I don’t sell this information but I still make money because I’m able to satisfy people’s appetite for information.

[bctt tweet=”The most expensive, high-in-demand commodity on the planet is information. Because without this post, you would not know the lucrative products to sell online.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

So what information do you possess that people need? Here are some products you can sell.

Information Products

  1. Ebooks
  2. Courses and training
  3. Membership site
  4. Webinars
  5. Sample documents
  6. Templates
  7. Services
  8. Public speaking

Click here to learn how to market your information products

Products to Sell Online #18: Food and Groceries


Who does not like to enjoy a delicious and nourishing meal? Of course, food is important for every person in any country.

Selling food and making food is a very profitable business. The food you want to sell could be raw, cooked or processed.

You can open your own little café or be a chef in the street food business.

Food business may vary from fried corn and fried meat sold on the streets to the luxurious and marvelous cuisine of Nigeria served in restaurants.

If you decide not to cook, but to sell food, then you can distribute it or have a wholesale business.

If you want to distribute food products, a local small store with plenty of snacks and goods will be a good solution.

Also, you can do delivery of food to people’s home.

But when it comes to food, many Nigerians are sensitive to hygiene and quality so you have to be able to market your food and grocery business properly to get these customers.

[bctt tweet=”But when it comes to food, many Nigerians are sensitive to hygiene and quality so you have to be able to market your food and grocery business properly to get these customers.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Click here to learn how to market your food and grocery products

Products to Sell Online #19: Office Supplies


A lot of companies set aside big budgets for purchase of office supplies, stationery, furniture and even to maintain or update existing ones.

Some of the office supplies you can sell include:

  1. Computer
  2. Cabinet
  3. Stationery
  4. Furniture
  5. Electricals
  6. And many more.

Click here to learn how to market your office supplies

Products to Sell Online #20: Perfumes


Who doesn’t like to smell nice?


Opening a perfume business can set you on the road to financial independence, but you should only venture out on your own after you have completed your research and created a business plan.

Decide what popular-selling perfume lines you will carry in your business and locate a wholesale distributor.

You will then need to determine how much you will charge customers for your perfume.

This will be based on markup from the wholesale price.

Take advantage of the quickly growing number of Internet shoppers and sell your perfume online.

Click here to learn how to market your perfume products


So there you go.

These are top 20 of the most highly demanded products that you can sell online in Nigeria.

Pick one or a couple of products, which you like and start to plan your business today.

One more suggestion is to research the local situation on the market and find out which product has the highest price now. This way, you can lower the price a bit and attract more customers.

But is that all?

Not so fast.

It doesn’t end there buddy…

…there are many products to sell online in Nigeria and more are springing up day after day. I will continuously update this post to reveal some more lucrative products to sell and make money online.

But before you leave, I think it’s important that you read my article on how to build a profitable online business in Nigeria in order to know how to grow and manage your internet business.

I’ve also written articles on digital business ideas in Nigeria and more money making opportunities in Nigeria, why not check them out?


What are the most sold online products?

The most sold online products vary, but some trending items include home decor, power tool accessories, dog toys, shot glasses, costume shoes, books, Bluetooth speakers, wireless chargers, and nail polish. These products are popular across different online marketplaces and can be lucrative options for online sellers.

What is the easiest thing to sell online?

The easiest things to sell online often include low-cost, high-demand items such as bath bombs, soap, natural cosmetics, candles, jewelry, personalized gifts, t-shirts, magnets, and pins. These products have good profit margins and can be made or sourced relatively easily, making them attractive options for online sellers.

What products are in high demand right now?

Products in high demand right now include home decor items, power tool accessories, dog toys, wireless chargers, and nail polish. These items are trending and have been identified as popular products to sell online in 2023 and 2024.

Additional Read:


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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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