Why Is Digital Marketing A Great Career Right Now

digital marketing career

sit in your house Have you ever asked yourself this question, Why is digital marketing a great career right now?

If you remember, when we were younger, being a digital marketer was never an occupation, not until a couple of years ago when technological advancement became the order of the day and since then it has gained ground and would gain more in years to come.

Technological advancement is an evolving season of human history, and it came with digital marketing. The businesses that are established from these new ideas will need digital marketers, which means that there will be a huge demand market for digital marketers.

I also want you to know that corporate organizations are no longer in need of people who only have degrees, they also need individuals who have digital talents alongside their degrees.

They need individuals who can use their digital talents to proffer solutions and get desired results.

One of the advantages that digital marketing has over traditional marketing is that it can measure, determine and identify how people move from being strangers to becoming paying customers.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Imagine, not having to walk down miles to market your product to your target audience who might eventually not buy from you, that’s wasted efforts.

What if you don’t have to walk down miles to get customers? You can sit in your house or whatever location of your choice, promote a business, get customers for the business, and also get paid. What do you think of it?

I’m sure you can’t wait to really understand what a digital marketing career is all about and how to get started.

Ready for it? Then, let’s get started!

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of communicating, creating awareness, and promoting products and services using digital channels. This is done to attract, engage and convert internet users to becoming paying customers.

Have you ever been on any social media platform and while you were scrolling through, you came across a gorgeous pair of shoes or a fancy dress like the one in the image below?

Digital marketing career

As you can see, it is a screenshot from Instagram that carries an image of the product and the description. I’m sure if this product catches your interest, you would pay for it.

The image is a random image that shows pairs of shoes, it might look like something regular but it’s not, the picture, the product description, that particular thing that caught your attention to buy the shoe, the platform/website where you saw the image are all part of what makes up digital marketing.

Basically, digital marketing has to do with creating awareness for a business or corporate organization and promoting whatever products and services they offer on mobile phones, laptops, and digital gadgets.

Unlike traditional marketing where a potential customer can not see that a business exists except when they see a street show marketing that product, in digital marketing an internet user can just be on any of their gadgets and come across a picture showing a product that catches their attention.

Another definition from Investopedia is that digital marketing is the use of the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach customers. It is also a new way of approaching customers and understanding their behaviors.

When you are able to identify the behaviors of your potential customers or existing customers, you will be able to tailor your products and services to meet their needs.

What is a digital marketing career?

A career is what an individual does for a living has gone through training. A digital marketing career is using digital marketing to grow businesses and corporate organizations and get paid for it.

A career in digital marketing comes in two dimensions, they include

  • As a freelancer
  • As s full-time employer

You can decide to work for multiple brands at the same time as a freelancer or work with one particular organization s a full-time staff. Digital marketing offers job flexibility, and it depends on what you want and what you want to go for.

There are a handful of freelance platforms out there that can suit your needs and will also give you the opportunity to meet your potential employers.

To start a digital marketing career, you need to have skills and substantial knowledge, you should also have results to show for the skills and knowledge you have.

In our 90% practical digital marketing course, you will learn the skill and acquire the knowledge you need to become a digital marketer.

You will also get an internationally recognized certificate upon completion that will give you an edge over other people. You will get lifetime access to support communities as well as support from our well-seasoned coaches.

Alongside our digital marketing course, it is important that you have problem-solving skills, and the willingness to keep learning because of the nature of the career in a technologically advanced world.

As promised at the beginning of this article, I will be sharing with you digital marketing career opportunities, you can decide which of the opportunities resounds best and you can work as.

Digital marketing careers 

1. Digital marketers

According to payscale, a digital marketing manager can earn as much as #1,410,000 or more in a year depending on the budget of the company you are working with or working for.

You can be sure of earning this much if you have the skill set required and you can get results with them.

You can also decide to work as a freelancer, determine the amount you want to receive as payment, decide the time you are willing to commit to the job, and enjoy working. Just like you can see in the image below.

digital marketing career

2. Content marketers

This is another career in digital marketing that is in huge demand and you can earn as much as #1,356,000 and #113,000 monthly for a start according to mysalaryscale, this can increase depending on the company’s policy and budget.

Of course, you can decide to work as a freelancer here too and earn based on the hours you are willing to commit and the results you can achieve.

Content marketing


3. SEO Specialist

SEO is an acronym of Search Engine Optimization, and it is a strategy used to get exposure, rank, and drive organic traffic to your brand online through search engines.

An SEO specialist is responsible for making this happen and gets paid either for doing this for multiple businesses or brands or for one business at a time.

Digital Marketing career

Like other careers in digital marketing, you can decide to work full time or work as a freelancer on different projects at the same time.

4. Social Media Manager

A social media manager is responsible for managing the face of the brand across social media platforms, you engage with the target audience of the brand and create more awareness for them.

The role is very flexible but some organizations prefer you working physically and some would mind working remotely. The salary range for this position is #148,000 depending on the budget and policy of the company. You can also work as a freelancer.

Social media manager

5. Affiliate marketer

As an affiliate marketer, you earn by promoting products or services offered by others. Your task is to seek out products that you believe will interest your target audience, promote them, and receive compensation for your promotional efforts.

The flexibility with this digital marketing career is that you can do it for many products at the same time, and you can still keep your 9-5 job. You are not required to create digital products, you promote products instead.

According to salaryexplorer, an affiliate marketer earns a minimum of #170,000 monthly, and a maximum of #571,000 depending on your level of experience and how many results you can get.

6. Web Developer

Web developers are responsible for developing websites and websites applications. You build a website and get paid for building it. Just like every other digital marketing career, you can decide to work as a freelancer or stick to a business/organization.

According to salaryscale, the average salary for web developers is #116,000 per month depending on the budget and decision of the organization. As a freelancer, you can decide how much you want to charge for each project you embark on.

Digital marketing career

How to Become a Digital Marketer

If you would like to start a career in digital marketing, register for our 90% practical digital marketing course. You have access to the learning process, support structures, and an internationally recognized certificate at the end of the course.

Frequently Asked Questions


Digital marketing is a profitable career that anyone can take up regardless of age, culture, geographical location, or even language. As long as you can communicate with your prospective employers, you can have a career in digital marketing.

If you are looking to start a digital marketing career, and you don’t know where to start from, you can register for our 90% practical digital marketing course.

Where you will learn everything you need to learn to start a career in digital marketing.

You’ll engage in real-life projects undergoing review from coaches and a community of supportive digital marketing enthusiasts and professionals.

The course also comes with an internationally recognized digital marketing certificate that you can present anywhere afterward. You can register here Digital Marketing Course

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Get 50% Discount To Master ALL Aspects Of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 A Month (Even If You Are A Complete Beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.