10+ Lucrative Home Based Business For Women

Home based business

Have you ever considered what kind of business idea that you can do from the comfort of your home? Or do you need a job that allows you to earn an income and at the same time gives you time to look after your little one?

Probably, you got laid off from work because of the little one you are carrying and you don’t want to sit back at home doing nothing.

Well, not to worry. We’ve got you covered as in this article we will be sharing home-based business ideas for you. We’d also be sharing how to grow this business with digital marketing.

If you ever want to own a regular business, you would have to consider getting a space/store/office for your business, commuting to and from the office, and also managing employees.

Obviously, you will possibly have less time to take care of yourself and your family/child as you would love to, but with the introduction of home-based business ideas, you can earn a living from the comfort of your home.

This introduction has made it possible for individuals who are interested in using remote work to start and grow a business of their choice and this is what led us into curating various types of home-based business ideas for you in this article.

With a technologically connected world like ours and the flexibility that comes with allowing us to work from home, we now have access to varieties of home-based business ideas.

Before we go on into the various types of home-based business for women, let’s check what it means to have a home-based business. This information will help form background knowledge that will aid the understanding of the home-based business ideas.

What is a home-based business?

A home-based business is a kind of business that you can do from the comfort of your home without the need for a physical office or a corporate environment. It allows you to earn an income without necessarily leaving your home.

A home-based business can also be said to be a business whose primary location is the owner’s home. Usually such kind of business has a small number of employees and in some cases, family members act as employees.

Some of this home-based business requires you to convert one of the rooms in your house to a store or a warehouse, while some others can be conveniently run online.

One of the advantages of running a home-based business is that there is a reduction in overhead costs like warehousing and some other cost that will be incurred in the process of running an office-based business.

You also have the option to sell your products locally and internationally as well, you also have a flexible work-life balance as you can dictate your time of operations to fully suit yourself and your business.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

A home-based business opportunity also gives you the opportunity to create a family business where your family members can chip in and help out.

As much as there are many advantages to the home-based business, there are also disadvantages and they cannot be totally eradicated.

One of these disadvantages is that you might be lonely, for home-based business opportunities that don’t require the services of an extra hand, you will find yourself sitting alone in your office space with nobody to chat with. This might be difficult for someone who enjoys having people around.

With these disadvantages and many others, you can clearly see that every decision and action has both advantages and disadvantages. For home-based business opportunities, there is no exception.

Moving on towards the various opportunities in home-based business for women.

10+ Lucrative Home Based Business Ideas For Women

1. Copywriting

A copywriting business is a kind of business where you get paid to write copies for email, blogs, magazines, advertisements, landing pages, brochures, and many more.

Copywriting is a skill that is in high demand because some business owners don’t know how to write copies that sell their services or products or could know but they are busy with other aspects of their business to specialize in copywriting.

With this, they are willing to outsource the activity to a freelancer, an in-house writer, or a company whose specialization is writing copies for other businesses.

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An example of a woman who works from home as a copywriter. Source: Fiverr


The flexibility of this job has made it fit to be a home-based business idea because you don’t necessarily have to work in a corporate environment. All you need is a writing skill, and you might decide on which of your home you want to turn into an office to aid productivity.

2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a streamlined form of business whereby the seller accepts a customer’s orders but does not keep goods sold in stock, according to Wikipedia.

To do a dropshipping business, you don’t need a warehouse as the goods you sell will be with the owner of the business. Your duty basically is to stand as a middleman between the original seller of the products and the buyer.

All you need to do is to maintain a sound online presence, run marketing campaigns while sellers register with you. You pay the sellers to ship and deliver a particular product to a buyer.

This is another home-based business for women to consider. You can do this for as many products as you want and your profit is the commission from the sellers.

Thinking of starting a dropshipping business as a home-based business, you should consider the following step-by-step procedure so you can get the best out of it.

1. Choose a niche.

As a drop shipper, you could actually follow your passion in this business. For instance, if you are a fashion inclined person, you can decide to dropship fashion wears and items.

To choose a niche, you have to pick hot selling products. as this will make it faster to make sales as there is a high demand for that product. And also follow a trend.

With Google keyword planner and google trend, you can make a list of most searched products and from there you get insight into what niche to go for.

2. Build your online presence.

The best place to find you and you cannot be found if you don’t exist on the internet. Establish yourself where you will be found.

Create your awareness online by leveraging search engine optimization, social media platforms, and your website as well. They do not only promote your business, but they also help you to exist where you can be found.

3. Pick your suppliers.

After choosing a niche, you should go ahead to pick your suppliers. After picking a supplier, you can pick a product from that supplier that you want to focus on.

This stage is the primary determinant of the success of your dropshipping business, as a wrong supplier can affect the credibility of your business.


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This is an example of a good place to start a dropshipping business. Source: Aliexpress


home based business

An example of a good place to start your dropshipping business. Amazon

You can read more about dropshipping here, Dropshipping Business: 6 Effective Step-by-step Guide In Starting A Dropshipping Business

3. Virtual assistant

As the name implies, is a business that allows you to offer a wide range of corporate services as a personal assistant through your computer. Services like scheduling, emailing, recording, customer support.

As a virtual assistant, you help the business to improve their productivity by taking up a time-consuming task in regards to the administration of the business, putting new processes in place as well as capturing and organizing data.

If you have experience working as an administrator then this is a good home-based business idea for you.

The virtual in the name has made it possible for you to do this from the comfort of your home, and it affords you enough time to attend to your family and every other thing that has made you opt-in for a home-based business as a woman.


Home based business

An example showing a woman who works as a virtual assistant from home. Source: Fiverr


4. Graphics Design

Graphics design is the process of using visual compositions to solve problems and communicate ideas through typography, imagery, color, and form.

As a graphic designer, your duties and responsibilities are major to solve problems and communicate ideas by designing flyers, informational pamphlets, banners, product catalogs, and everything that has to do with the visual representation of a business.

You also have to consult with printers and publishers to identify the best choice of paper, cover stocks, and the printing process of a task.

home based business(graphics designer)

An example of a woman who works from home as a graphics designer. Source: Fiverr

There are different types of graphics design namely, with their own area of specialization.

1. Visual identity

This aspect deals with representing the brand’s identity through pictures, shapes, and colors. Graphics designer in this area of specialization collaborates with brand stakeholders to create assets like logos, color palettes, typography, and image libraries that represent a brand’s identity.

They also create guidelines for a design for the brand to ensure brand consistency for future applications.

Home based business

An example of a visual identity graphics design. Source: Looka

2. Marketing and advertising

This aspect deals with graphics designs that advertise and market a brand. These designers work with company owners, directors, managers, and marketing professionals to create designs for marketing purposes.

They create vehicle wraps, billboards, flyers, magazine ads, brochures, email marketing templates, images for websites and blogs.

Home based business - graphics design

An example of a branded truck from an advertising graphics designer for a brand. Source: Dreamstime

You can read more about the types of graphics design here: The 8 types of graphic design

5. Digital Marketing

As a digital marketer, you are responsible for using digital channels to generate leads and build brand awareness. You have to maintain social media presence across digital channels and as well measure the performance of the digital marketing campaigns of the brands you work for.

You are responsible for all the website content as well as creating and implementing the content strategy to ensure that the online objectives of the brand(s) are met.

You also have to ensure that the website is easily found by the target audience. And you can do this by optimizing the website structure and content for search engines and also making use of paid advertising.

While maintaining the social media presence of the brands you work for, you’d also have to engage your audience on this platform to ensure that the brands exist in the minds of the target audience.

Our 90% digital marketing course has been prepared to give you step-by-step knowledge and guidance on how to become a digital marketer.

Home based business(digital marketing

An example of a woman who works from home as a digital marketer.

6. SEO Specialist

SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization, it is the process of getting traffic from free, organic, editorial, or natural search results from search engines like Google Bing, and every other search engine that exists.

SEO is also the strategy that can be used to get exposure, rank, and drive organic traffic to a website through search engines. These search engines do this by crawling through website pages, indexing, and ranking the web pages on search results.

The reason why this has to occur is to promote visibility for your brand that could be converted into sales and in turn grows your business/ company.

You can read more about SEO here: Basic SEO Tips

As an SEO specialist, your responsibility is to ensure that the website contents are created in a way to ensure that they can be crawled successfully by search engines and will be ranked as well.

You optimize landing pages and copy for search engine optimization, you also have to perform keyword research as well as researching and implementing content recommendations for the success of search engine optimization.

This one business opportunity for women who want to work from home as the total bulk of work you will do as an SEO specialist will be done on the internet and this can still be done without being in a physical work environment.

If this is what you will love to do, and you don’t have any idea on how to start, register for our 90% practical digital marketing course. The curriculum was created to give you the needed knowledge to start a home-based business.

7. Web designer

As a web designer, you are responsible for creating design layouts, implementing them, designing the visual appearance and the usability of a website. You need both creative graphic skills and technical skills.

You have to visualize how a site will look which is the graphical design of a website and its functionality which is the conversion of a design into a working website that internet users can access.

A website serves as a visual representation of a company or business, and you can design this from the comfort of your home which makes it a viable home-based business idea for you.

You can read more about web design here Who is a web designer?

8. Social media manager

Social media marketing is the use of social media channels to promote and grow a business. This can be done by creating content and engaging the target audience.

After knowing what social media marketing is, the next question will be Who is a social media manager?

A social media manager basically manages the social media accounts of a brand or business. You are responsible for curating a brand’s social media channels. You monitor, moderate, and respond to audience comments.

[bctt tweet=”A social media manager basically manages the social media accounts of a brand or business.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

As well as manage social media partnerships with other brands. You also have to create and share shareable content in form of stories, videos, and images.

To be a social media manager, you should have the following

  1. Excellent communication skills
  2. Proficient creative ability
  3. Ability to manage projects
  4. Willingness to learn
  5. Marketing skills
  6. Willingness to be flexible as the job has a lot to do with flexibility.


home based business(social media)

An example of a woman working from home as a social media manager. Source: Upwork

To learn more about how to become a social media manager, register for our 90% digital marketing course, where you will learn and practice your knowledge as a potential social media manager.

9. Email Marketing

Email marketing is the use of emails to promote businesses and corporate organizations as you will see in the image below

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An example of email marketing from Digital Marketing Skills Institute

As you can see, the contents in the mail displayed are contents that market the products and services of a company or business. This is a good home-based business idea for women.

All you need is writing skills and marketing knowledge, with this, you can create email contents that would drive sales and grow a company or business.

Companies are adopting this email marketing strategy and so there is a demand for individuals with this skillset. And the good thing about being an email marketer is that you can work from your home and of course you have time for yourself and your family.

You can read more about email marketing here Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals

10. Ad specialist

As an ad specialist, you’re responsible for the managing and advertising of clients or corporate organization marketing projects.

You have to develop, monitor, and implement the advertisement project that a client has and in the case of corporate organizations with a large pool of specialists like content writers, graphics designers, and every other department that are essential for the execution of advertising projects.

An ad specialist also determines a proper advertising medium including direct mails, newspaper ads, online ads, and email marketing as well. You work with the sales and advertising team to develop product promotions.

You also get to review and approve sales and advertising contracts where necessary as well as create and manage ad copy for Google and other online ads platforms.

Another aspect of being an ad specialist is that you can work as a freelancer for businesses that need a one-off service of someone who specializes in running online ads.


Home based business(ad specialist)

An example of a woman working as an ad specialist from home. Source: Upwork

You get paid for running paid ads for as many businesses as you are willing to take up. This is another home-based business that gives you enough time to take care of yourself and your family.

Meanwhile, in our 90% practical digital marketing course, we will teach you how to run ads online successfully. All you have to do is register for our course.

11. Podcasting

A podcast is an episodic series of spoken words in a digital audio file that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. Streaming applications and podcasting provide a convenient and integrated way to manage a personal consumption queue across many podcast sources and playback devices.

This act of recording spoken words is called podcasting. Companies and businesses are beginning to leverage audios to promote their business and products and this is a good home-based business idea that you can try out.

You get paid to give a spoken word about a project, which can be accessed by thousands of target audiences from different parts of the world. This is another means through which leads can be generated.

Home based business(podcasting)

An example of podcasting as a home-based business for women.


Frequently Asked Questions



With the 10+ home-based business ideas that we have shared with you, they all have two things in common, they are internet-based business ideas, and also they can exist from the comfort of your home.

This means that you don’t have to leave your home or have to sacrifice your wellbeing and that of your family to earn a living and at the same time, you do not have to sacrifice your career to take care of yourself and your family.

In our 90% practical digital marketing skill course, we give you substantial knowledge and you also get to practice all you will be taught under the close supervision of the coaches.

We assure you that you will get value for your money when you register for our 90% digital marketing course.

More articles on how to start and grow a home-based business

Effective Social Media Campaign Strategies For Small Businesses

Email Marketing Strategies – 13 Crazy Email Marketing Tips For High ROI [With Examples]

Website Content Writer – 5 Effective Steps to Becoming a Website Content Writer

9 Lucrative Business Ideas in Nigeria with Small Start-up Capital

40 Best Content Marketing Tools To Jump-start Your Digital Content


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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.