8 Ultimate Lead Generation Tips To Increase Your ROI in 2024

Lead generation tips

How rewarding will it be to your business if you actually generated 17X the number of leads you generate now, and you can scale that number up to increase your monthly ROI using the most result-driven lead generation tips that have boosted our lead in the last 6 months?

This is one of the easiest things you can do in your business, but that might seem so hard because right now, your lead generation:

  • might be doing an embarrassing number
  • might be struggling to average an ROI that can sustain your business
  • worst of all, you generate poor leads that don’t ever convert to customers..

If you follow this guide, your business will have the best of its leads generated using result-driven ROI lead generation strategies.

What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is not a new form of gaining new business, but it now has a new approach.

In marketing, lead generation is the generation of consumer interest or inquiry into the products or services of a business.

Often I get these questions “how does lead generation work?

It is simple, you develop a landing page with a business goal to collect information then you drive traffic to the landing page and keep optimizing your site for conversion then watch the leads come in.

Pay attention to the keyword “optimizing”, later in this article, we will discuss how to optimize your lead generation strategies.

Lead generation is a win-win for both the buyer and seller.

A buyer can request information from several businesses that offer the product or service that they are looking for and the seller is allowed to pitch their product or service to someone who has permitted them.

Conversion rates on leads that you receive often have a higher conversion success rate than cold contacts because the prospect is pre-qualified before you ever receive the lead.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Lead generation has become popular with businesses in Nigeria because it enables a business to:

  • Determine pricing on a per lead basis
  • Choose the product or service they wish to offer to prospects
  • Select the geographical area that the business is interested in
  • Control the number of leads a business wishes to receive per month (this assists with budgeting)
  • Pay only for the leads that are received

The key to being successful in lead generation is to brush up on your sales and marketing skills so that the leads you receive convert at a high sales rate.

Do not try to approach this method of marketing without the ability to follow through and close the sale.

Now, to generate leads for your business, do you know where to start?

It All Starts with Content…

Why is Content creation important for your business?

Compelling content plays a huge role in generating leads. This includes the tools used to generate traffic, such as your blog, SEO, PPC, and social platforms.

Marketers reported that demand for content creation increased by 70.94% in 2013 and has continued doing so.

Creating compelling content is your key to establishing yourself as the go-to, educational leader in your industry.

What Are the ROI on Lead Generation Strategy

Here, you will learn the lead generation ROI, lead generation tips, and how to increase online leads for any business. This is one of the major take-home strategies you get to learn from our 90% practical digital marketing training. Click here to go to our course page.

The ROI lead generation strategies.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Do you know why most businesses have a million leads and still close up the business door because of low sales?

Identifying the right customers for your business can never be overemphasized. You tend to lose out more than 80% of the right customer for your business if you skip this number one rule.

The Most Ultimate Lead Generation Tips To Increase Your ROI - customer avarta

Source: Farelly Web design. Leads generation tips – Customer Avatar

The first step of lead generation is identifying your target audience.

A quick guide will be shared with you on how to design your customer avatar in the next few paragraphs, but first, pay attention to this..

You can’t successfully reach and sell to your ideal customer if you don’t know exactly who that is, so it’s important to research your audience and come up with a clear picture of who they are, where they live, what they like to do, how much money they make, what their lifestyle and personality are like, etc.

If you don’t already have one, you should also create a comprehensive marketing plan as part of this step.

Know Your Target Market And Your Business Will Grow

[bctt tweet=”The best landing page in the world won’t matter if you can’t get people to look at it. #leadgeneration” username=”DMSInstitute”]

2. Develop a Great Landing Page

Have you ever seen an ad and clicked on it for it to land you on a page?

Do you know why you’re being redirected to a landing page?

This is a lead generation ROI strategy, and I will tell you more about a landing page and why you need to develop one and optimize it.

Lead generation Tips - ROI lead generation

A landing page for generating leads – Lead generation tips

The “get offer” button leads to a landing page that has been optimized to convert leads.

Before you start actively marketing for customers, you need a good landing page.

That will be your “front line” in digital marketing, this page will contain concise details about the services or products you’re marketing.

It’s important to get the landing page right because it’s likely to be the first impression that people get about your brand.

If you don’t do a great job at marketing your product or service on the landing page, you’re likely to lose a lot of potential buyers right at the top of the sales funnel.

You can use a tool to design a landing page that will convert curious visitors into paying customers. Unbounce offers a service to help with that.

Want to optimize your landing page for 90% conversion? See this list below.

  1. Make sure your landing page headlines and sub-headlines have “Proof, sense of urgency, and is short and direct to the point”
  2. Use a timer on your landing pages as a sense of urgency
  3. Point out important details in bullet points
  4. Use visual content. Visual contents convert better than texts.
  5. Use “action-driving” call-to-action texts.
  6. Use social proof
  7. Address doubts using FAQs etc.

3. Get People To Your Landing Page

The best landing page in the world won’t matter if you can’t get people to look at it. That’s why you need to actively market it.

You will end up marketing your marketing page. That’s how it works.

The Most Ultimate Lead Generation Tips To Increase Your ROI

A sales funnel for ROI lead generation strategy

So, for your business, how do you get people to visit your page?

There are several ways to do that. The best option depends on your business model and budget.

Here are a few alternatives you can think about:

  • PPC Ads – not the cheapest, but if you’re offering a great product or service with high margins, PPC ads are an excellent way to bring people to your landing page
  • Email marketing – a good option only if you have an already established email distribution list
  • Social media – you can promote your landing page on social media, but don’t make yourself to be too much about sales, or people will unfollow you right away.
  • Content marketing – post content on your blog that’s of interest to people in your target market and then promote your landing page within and around that content.

Bear in mind, that you might have a series of steps after your landing page.

For example, first, they hit your landing page, next they click a button to watch a video, and following that they are prompted for a free download. When they get the free download, you get their email address.

4. Pick Your Promotional Methods

Optimized landing page + Promotional strategies = High conversion.

But first, you must develop the winning promotional strategies that can guarantee such winning sales.

What if you could increase the return on your promo product investment and, at the same time, use promotional products to generate leads for your company?

Pay attention to this..

To generate leads, you need a promotional plan that will get your landing page in front of members of your target audience.

There are a number of ways you can promote your business, and again, you will want to use your marketing plan to identify the most effective methods for your business.

Promotional products have traditionally been considered branding tools; Increase the ROI of your next promotional products by strategizing about how you can use them to generate leads.

Here are the best ideas to get you started:

A. Take an outbound approach

What do I mean when I say an “outbound” approach? I mean reaching out directly to the companies and individuals with whom you would most like to do business and emailing them a nice promotional item with some meaning behind it.

These people may or may not have expressed interest in working with your company in the past, but the goal of this outbound approach to promos is to get people to engage with you.

B. Offer incentives for referrals

The one easy strategy for generating leads with promotional products is to offer branded merchandise to existing customers or partners as an incentive (or thank you) for a lead referral.

If you receive a true, viable referral from a customer, consider sending them a thank you gift in the form of a custom promotional product.

C. Digital rewards

Digital Rewards consist of a “gift card” and a website landing page for your business.

Prospects receive a gift card and redeem it on your company’s online landing page.

You receive their contact information, and the lead receives their reward—whether it’s movie tickets, restaurant vouchers, music downloads, or digital magazines.

5. Create a Conversion Funnel

Once you know who you are targeting and have determined how best to reach them, you need to have a plan for collecting contact information.

Earlier in this article, we referred to designing a sales funnel as one of the most effective lead generation tips, here, you’ll need to as well design a sales funnel for your business.

The first part of the process involves funnelling all prospects to a standard form on your landing page.

Here they exchange their contact information, generally in return for a free gift, a coupon, a sample, or some other value-added incentive.

We call these incentives “lead magnets”

At this point, it is vital to have a customer relationship management (CRM) database that will help you keep track of potential customers through the process.

What Exactly Is a Conversion Funnel?

A conversion funnel, or sales funnel, is the path that a prospect takes through your site that ultimately results in a conversion.

Because the amount of traffic (visitors) your website gets will likely be larger, with prospects dropping off at various points in that path, those that do convert will be a smaller percentage of the original group – thus the funnel shape.

Conversion Funnel

Traditional sales funnels vary based on AIDA (attraction, interest, desire, action) — whereas, a conversion funnels are not quite that simple and straightforward.

A conversion funnel is less exclusive and puts more emphasis on customer behaviors, which makes nurturing and retention at each step very important.

More questions are asked at each level of the conversion funnel:

  • How do we make the customer more aware of our brand?
  • How do we entice them with an irresistible offer?
  • Why would they not act and what can we do to fix it?
  • How can we recognize and anticipate their needs?

A conversion funnel is more open-ended and understands that the true art of converting doesn’t just end at checkout. Here is a conversion funnel chart:

lead generation - conversion funnel

Looking at the infographics above, we can both agree that, a conversion funnel is a continuous mission of getting, keeping and growing your ideal customer base, while using technology, social media, and other available tools to meet their needs more efficiently.

It’s lead nurturing, behavioral targeting, retention, and referrals, all rolled into one marketing strategy.

6. Collect Emails

Assuming your funnel is not built for a lead, but instead is a nurturing online lead generation funnel, the next thing you want to do is collect the email addresses of people who visit your landing page.



This step is easy.


Because if you’ve got a great landing page, then that’s most of the battle right there.

Just be sure to make it as easy as possible for people to submit their email addresses.

Your landing page form should be highly responsive – easy to use on a laptop, desktop, or mobile device.

Plus, have a killer lead magnet for your ROI lead generation.

Once you have the prospect’s email address, then it’s time to start the drip campaign.

There are many tricks to capturing emails, so make sure you do a little homework

7. Use an Email Newsletter to Build Relationships 

This is where lead nurturing happens.

Email marketing has amounted to more than 80% lead-to-paying-customer conversion.

And this is how we do it.

  1. A welcome email is scheduled for you once opt-in is triggered.
  2. Daily emails of valuable content

But this is not where it ends..

If you miss out on these parts, you’re certainly doing it wrong.

So what is it about email marketing that you might be missing out on right now?

  • You’re not using social proof
  • Nor are you making use of countdown timers as a sense of urgency.
  • Plus you’re ignoring using action-triggering headlines to boost open rates.
  • and you’re not optimizing your anchor text to boost your CTR.

..all these lead generation tips are what you might be missing out on.

While this type of nurturing happens only via email, in the next few ROI online lead generation tips, I will show you how social media plays a vital role in awareness and nurturing leads.

Now that you’re in contact with prospects, it’s time to cultivate those relationships so you can take them from the lead stage through a sale (and eventually a repeat sale!).

8. Use Social Media to Connect and Engage

Lastly, using social media to engage with your audience is the last lead generation tip in this article.

Social media provides several opportunities for small businesses to create conversations with prospective customers and generate new leads.

You can create a Facebook page, Twitter profile, LinkedIn company page, Pinterest account, or YouTube page to attract and engage your audience, then funnel them through your process to become leads.

Plus, once you have leads in the system, you can use social media to talk to them and find out more about what they need and want.

The more positive touchpoints a customer has with your business over time, the more likely he or she will be to trust your brand and eventually purchase from you.


Finally, ROI online lead generation should be thought of as a long-term and continuous process.

If you get an efficient system in place using the tips above, you can streamline the lead generation process and increase your opportunities for business growth.

If you are wondering how you can successfully achieve this, register for our practical digital marketing course, where you will learn how to generate leads and what to do with the leads generated.


What is the best lead generation strategy?

There is no one-size-fits-all “best” lead generation strategy, as the most effective approach depends on your business, target audience, and resources. A well-rounded lead generation strategy should include a combination of the following tactics:

  • Optimizing lead generation landing pages and forms to capture high-quality leads.
  • Creating valuable, relevant content (e.g., blog posts, ebooks, webinars) to attract and engage your target audience.
  • Leveraging lead magnets and gated content to incentivize prospects to share their information.
  • Utilizing live chat functionality to facilitate real-time interactions and lead capture.
  • Diversifying lead generation channels, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.
  • Integrating marketing and sales efforts to ensure a seamless lead handoff and nurturing process.
  • Continuously analyzing data and performance metrics to optimize your lead generation strategies.

What are the common pitfalls to avoid in lead generation?

  • Ignoring the needs of your target audience: Failing to understand your ideal customer’s pain points and preferences can result in ineffective lead generation strategies.
  • Not targeting the entire buyer journey: Neglecting to cater to leads at different stages of the buying process can lead to missed opportunities.
  • Not maximizing the potential of automation: Underutilizing automation tools and techniques can make your lead generation process less efficient.
  • Failing to make data-driven decisions: Overlooking data and analytics can prevent you from optimizing your lead generation strategies.
  • Neglecting lead nurturing: Focusing solely on lead generation without nurturing existing leads can result in missed conversion opportunities.
  • Lack of integration between marketing and sales: Poor alignment between these departments can cause valuable leads to fall through the cracks.



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An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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