8 Best Marketing Strategy To Grow Your Business (+ Examples)

marketing strategy

The success of small-scale businesses, medium scale, and large scale lie in how well marketing strategies are being practiced. the growth of a business as well also lies in this same marketing strategy and how effective these strategies are.

This is why this article was written for you. For someone with a business, you should be concerned about your ROI and of course do all you can to maximize your marketing campaigns to achieve this.

if you ever needed marketing strategies for your business, then this article is for you as we will be sharing all you need to follow to ensure you get high ROI.

If you have also been wondering how to market your business with the right strategy, we’ve got you covered.

Before we move forward with sharing the marketing strategies we have for you, watch this video and see what one of our past students has to say after registering for our 90% practical digital marketing course.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRHyi_6kMXA[/embedyt]

Moving on we’d like to shed light on marketing strategies and why you need them before we talk about the 15 best marketing strategies for you and your business.

What is a marketing strategy?

Marketing strategy is the overall game plan of a business to get prospective customers and clients to convert them into customers and users of their products and services.

It contains the business/company’s key brand messaging, target audience demographics, and every other thing necessary to market a business/brand.

A perfect marketing strategy has the four p’s of marketing, Price, Place, Product, and promotion.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

[bctt tweet=”Marketing itself is an aspect of business that refers to every activity that has to do with promoting a business and increasing sales.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

Marketing itself is an aspect of business that refers to every activity that has to do with promoting a business and increasing sales. They can come in the forms of ads, brochures, press releases, social media accounts as of recent times.

Marketing can be said to be the process of understanding your customers, and building and maintaining relationships with them, it is the key to the organization’s success, regardless of its size either on a small scale, medium scale, or large scale.

Marketing styles also vary according to the various kinds of businesses or brands. for instance, a fashion brand that wants to market on social media might have to go for a platform that gives access to their target audience like Instagram.

If this fashion brand resolves to use LinkedIn, such business might not thrive as much as it would if it was on Instagram. This basically means that your marketing style must fit your target audience.

It is in this marketing process that you can be sure that your brand is visible and exists where it can be found. Marketing also helps you to show and prove to your prospective clients and customers that you are interested ins loving their problems.

And to do this successfully is where marketing strategy comes into the picture. To get the best out of marketing, you need strategies and carefully laid out plans.

Best Marketing Strategies to grow your business

1. Identify your digital marketing goals

A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieving. A life without a goal is a life with no specific direction and destination.

Your digital marketing goals are what you intend to achieve with digital marketing for your business. What is your destination? What do you want to achieve?

Clearly defined digital marketing goals guide the decisions and also provides directions for steps to be taken. If you don’t have one, create. When you have a goal in mind, you know what to do and what not to do.

This is one marketing strategy that will aid and fast-track the growth of your business, when your goals are defined, what you do to achieve them determines your growth.

Your marketing goals could be to increase conversion rates for your business, so every of your digital marketing activity would be channeled towards achieving this goal. Activities like making sure your website or landing page has contents that clearly describe you and what you do so it can be optimized by search engines for internet users.


Marketing strategies

An example of a brand that is well optimized for a search engine to increase visibility for internet users. Source: Google




Digital Marketing strategy

An example of a landing page that clearly shows the products and services the brand offers. Source: The5k shop

Read more about optimizing your website here: Website Optimization for brands

2. Create profiles of your target audience

Another name for this is customer persona. A customer persona is a fictional description of your target audience. It represents the key traits of your target audience. It is based on the data you have gathered from user research and web analytic.

[bctt tweet=”A customer persona gives you insight into what your potential customers are thinking and doing and it helps you to know what services they will need, how to get them to buy from you as well.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

This also helps to prioritize which projects, campaigns, and initiatives to invest time, and resources. Without a customer persona, you might end up targeting the wrong audience, or even with the right audience, you might end up promoting what they don’t need and also what doesn’t solve their problems.

Your main goal for creating a business is to solve problems by creating solutions in form of products and services and you get paid for it.

Knowing who you are creating for and how to create the products and services to satisfy them is a marketing strategy that shouldn’t be ignored.

Marketing strategies

An example of a buyer persona. Source: Xtensio

How to create a buyer persona?

  1. Give a name or title to your persona.
  2. Include a picture that will align with the other details in the persona. For example, your target audience might be a lady, you can’t use a man’s picture or your target audience is a black man, you can’t use a white man. Remember, it is meant to be a fictional representation of your target audience.
  3. Define the user’s demographics to show an insight into the background, behavioral practices, and lifestyle of the persona.
  4. Identify your persona’s key personality traits and highlight them as well.
  5. Include a short bio to describe the journey of the user.
  6. Write out your users’ favorite brands and motivations. A good way to do this is to imagine yourself in the shoes of your potential customer and you are good to go.
  7. Discover what channels through which you can reach your target audience. A good place to reach out to your target audience could be through traditional advertising but you are actually pushing digital advertising.

As you can see, a properly-outlined buyer persona helps you to identify marketing activities that would aid the growth of your business.

Our 90% practical digital marketing course is structured to guide you in creating a buyer persona as well as using digital marketing to grow your business.

Read more about buyers persona here Buyer’s persona: beginner’s guide

3. Examine your digital presence or create one if you don’t have one

A digital presence in form of a website, social media accounts, and every other digital platform. A good place to generate leads and convert them is through this means.

Your social media accounts/profiles as a lead generation and your websites/landing page as a conversion location. Avoid making your digital existence to be boring with no engagement.

Remember, you want to exist in their head and mind and one way to achieve this is to not only exist where you can be found but also interacting there as well.

Create and share knowledgeable contents, this way your audience know you are not only interested in their pocket but also them

Examine your presence, pick out what you are doing wrong that has made it impossible for your business to grow. It could be a blurry background image or no contents at all.

Like we said under creating a buyer persona, put yourself in the shoes of the people you expect to buy for you, identify what would excite you like them, and implement it.

Look at this example below.

4. Build an email list

Email marketing is another vital marketing strategy that should not be ignored. Email marketing is the use of emails to promote and advertise a business.

According to Return Path, email is consistently ranked as the “highest ROI marketing activity.” But despite that fact, if you ask most marketers and business owners about their email marketing efforts, their responses are typically less enthusiastic.

Some don’t understand the need for email marketing or, don’t even know that such exist, and those who know that they exist, believe that it is for large-scale businesses or big corporate organizations.

Just to remind you that those big and late scale businesses actually started from being small and got to where they are currently by practicing marketing strategies like email marketing.

To get started with email marketing, get emails from your customers and visitors. A good way to go about this is to design your landing page in such a way that allows visitors and customers to subscribe immediately after they access your page.

So, you see, you need a landing page for your business. everyone does regardless of the kind of business you are into, either products or services.

Look at this example from Digital Marketing Skill Institute, the moment you visit their landing page, and navigate through it, you get to a section where you can sign up to join their mailing list.


Marketing strategy

An example of how to build a mailing list for email marketing. Source: Digital Marketing Skill Institute

Read more on Email Marketing here: How To Start Email Marketing

In our 90% practical digital marketing course, we teach our students alongside other curriculums, how to create a mailing list, promote their business and generate leads with email marketing. You should register for it.

5. Share your knowledge

A good way to market your business is by sharing your knowledge. It could either be around your product or not, the choice is yours. You want your target audience to trust you enough with their money, trust them with your knowledge.

You might think “if I share this knowledge with them, they won’t see the need to patronize me“, you are right though, but not every time. for someone who does a laundry business, you can share what you know about preserving clothes and the best way to preserve them.

This doesn’t mean they won’t patronize you, you just gave them reasons to patronize you.

Because you are not just looking for how to get their money from them for the services you render but you are also interested in helping them manage their resources by preserving their clothes, they won’t have to spend extra because they don’t know how to manage their clothes.

You just fostered a relationship with them, and now they know they can trust you with their money and their clothes as well.

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An example showing a shared knowledge via Instagram. Source: Instagram

You can also share your knowledge through email marketing, the mailing list you developed can also be used to share knowledge alongside your social media operations.

Another way is through blogging. We talked about this earlier in this article and It’s still coming up, just to show you how important and strategic it is if you want to get the most out of marketing.

You can read more about how to get started with blogging here The key fundamentals of successful blogging

6. Evaluate your landing page

[bctt tweet=”A landing page is a standalone web page that is created for advertising and marketing campaigns. It is where visitors land when they click the link either in your mail, social media post, ads, and every other form of digital advertising.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

On evaluating your landing page, the first question to ask is “Does your business have a landing page?”

If you do, is it structured for comfortable and easy navigation?

Is it mobile-friendly?

Does it have what you do as a business well spelled out?

Can a visitor get to your landing page and get what they need?

Is it well optimized for conversion?

How about search engine optimization?

All these questions are what you should use to evaluate your landing page. Remember at the beginning we talked about creating your marketing goals. On that list of goals, your landing page should play a role in the achievement of the goals.

You can evaluate what you intend to achieve with what you are currently achieving. this way, you are efficiently carrying out the marketing strategies and also putting yourself/business up for growth.

7. Involve in societal engagements.

Another marketing strategy you should consider is to get your brand involved in societal engagements. Donate for a societal cause. Add a touch of humanity to your brand. Let the public know that you as much as you are interested in making a profit, as well as providing solutions to the problems o your target audience, also be involved in activities that would make society a better place.

If the society is in a better place, you will get more people to patronize you and that means more income for you and of course growth.

It would also drive compassion for your brand as members of the public who come across what you do for the society senses the human feel from your brand, gets motivated to patronize you.

Like what we do at Digital marketing skill institute.

Marketing strategy

An example of a societal engagement of Digital Marketing Skill Institute.

8. Prioritize SEO

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization is the process of engaging in activities that would improve the visibility of your site. Search engines do this by crawling through your website/landing page, which in turn increases your visibility in search results.

Prioritizing SEO means that you will put it at the forefront of your marketing activities, this is another marketing strategy that cannot be ignored. If your website is well optimized, you get more attention and also attract prospective customers.

Seo also helps to increase the number of web users actively searching for you and your products. See this example in the image below

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An example of a well-optimized business for search engines. Source: Google

Google is one of the search engines that exist, we also have, bing, yahoo, Lycos, and many others.

Frequently asked questions

What are the 5 marketing strategies?

The five marketing strategies that exist are price, place, product, promotion, and people. Whatever strategy you want to develop to achieve your brand goals has to fall between these five elements.

One cannot exist without the other, so they have to operate simultaneously. And you cannot focus on one at the expense of the other.

You can’t focus on your products and ignore promotion, how will your target audience get to see you? At the same time you can’t focus on products, promotions, and price, then ignore people. Who will buy from you or patronize you?

To get the best out of a marketing strategy, you have to focus on the proper and effective utilization of the strategy.

How do you attract customers?

You attract customers by;

  1. Identify your target audience. When you identify them, you know how best to position yourself so you can attract them.
  2. Locate them where they are. Your target audience may be on Linkedin, and you are promoting your business on Instagram, you can not attract them there as the people that should see you are not seeing you.
  3. Know your business and own it. This is your business, and even if you are managing another person’s business, take it up as if it’s your own. Devote your time and resources to making it better. Own it and promote it.
  4. Build partnerships with individuals and businesses alike. It helps to establish credibility and authenticity.
  5. Follow up. Don’t leave your customers and prospective customers hanging. Engage them, make sure that their satisfaction is your priority as it should be.



As you must have noticed in this article, every marketing strategy discussed is in digital marketing as the world is on a technological advancement so should you and your business.

The digital market is the best market where you can promote your business beyond your geographical location, and if you will stick to the marketing strategies discussed, you will be amazed at how well your business will grow.

IF you need practical ad hands-on knowledge of this strategy, register for our 90% digital marketing course. The coaches are prepared to walk through how to efficiently utilize digital marketing to grow, promote and increase sales for your business.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.