Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

There is a need to programme your business for integrated digital marketing so as to maximize business potential. In view of this, it is sacrosanct for Nigerian businesses to review their current capabilities, make a realistic comparison and create a road-map for digital transformation.

Unfortunately, the web has been in existence for more than two decades now, but a host of Nigerian businesses are still struggling to make the best use of digital marketing to stay competitive.

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Nonetheless, I believe that a proactive approach for managing digital marketing strategies and trends is essential to keep your brand relevant and competitive. It is therefore, inevitable to plan and review your business’ standards using emerging digital strategies and trends.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

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Let me also inform you that digital marketing is a spontaneous, changeable, and unpredictable industry, especially in Nigeria where the industry is emerging. Keeping up with a changeable industry seems like a fool’s errand.

Obviously, if you can stand by the current trends which am about to unleash. Moving forward, settle on an actionable strategy, and take the measurable movement forward, you’re bound to succeed in Nigeria as far as online business is concerned.

Relying on other search engines, not just Google

Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

Google no doubt is a very powerful and the most prominent search engine in the world. But you do not have to rely too much on Google. I’m not saying that Google is not on its way out. There are other search engines too. For more than a decade now Google has been dominating

Nigerian marketers should take the bull by the horn. Google cannot just be the only basket where you lay all your eggs. Search engine optimization (SEO) is important, but a searcher can accomplish her goal through more means than just Google. I will advise all digital marketers in Nigeria to rely less on Google, and engage more direct forms of interacting with their target market.

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Mobile Marketing

Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

Basically, mobile marketing  as an aspect of digital marketing which we all know . Consumers have found their smartphones a great companion spending more time using several applications.

The importance of mobile search, mobile optimization, mobile conversions, and mobile ubiquity cannot be overstated. Mobile devices and our collective addiction to them are fixtures of the modern marketing era.

This is an opportunity for you to further showcase your brand and reach out to customers wherever they are. That is why I have considered the smartphone to be a huge innovation as far digital marketing is concerned. Instead, my intent is to remind you that mobile is should be a priority of the Nigerian marketers.

Social media networking

Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

A huge percentage of Nigerians are usually active on the social media which on the long run has speed up social networking and conversation. A lot of things have happened on social media platforms, many Nigerian marketers are utilizing them but that is not the issue.

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The issue is that Not quite enough as been said about the importance of social conversions. For ecommerce and lead generation sites, social media provides a growing opportunity to improve conversion rates and gain new conversion channels.

Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

Let me say, it is inevitable for your digital marketing trends to thrive without paid adverts. Whether you like it or not, you’re going to need to pay for advertising spots. Pay Per Click (PPC) or Cost Per Click is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to your websites.

In this type of advert, advertisers pay the publisher or the owner of the website when the ad is clicked. It is defined simply as “the amount spent to get an advertisement clicked. Even if it’s not PPC form of advert, there are other forms of advertisement too. Rising methods of paid advertising are entering into the marketing methods of some brands, and that is a growing trend.

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Developing Content

Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

Content development has always been of the crème de la crème one of the digital marketing strategies and trends. A lot of skills are required as far as developing content is concerned. Ever since the inception of the web, the writing profession has had a heyday.

For a content to be perfectly and properly developed, you are required to follow  a content strategy guide.It is believed that content is everywhere but there are only few quality contents. In the digital marketing space, we referred content to as a king and is so essential to digital marketing that it can’t be dismissed as a trend.

[bctt tweet=”For a content to be perfectly and properly developed, you are required to follow a content strategy guide.It is believed that content is everywhere but there are only few quality contents.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

Nigerian business owners should go lookout for great content creators, like skilled writers, developers, video producers, podcasters, if they must embrace the digital marketing trends and best practice. The need for good content will fuss the importance of professional writers.

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Based on my years of experience and research, prolific writers are always difficult to find but it’s no longer enough simply to find a great writer. There are other skills required. For you as a Nigerian business owner you need to find a writer that will understand your niche.

Globally, greatest writing skills may not really count for much, because what is needed is for a writer to possess ideally experiential knowledge, of the needed subject matter.

Adapt to search engine algorithm

Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

The truth is that algorithm will continue changing and it is important you follow suit. Search engines like Google are apparently driving the mobile revolution. Google is the world’s largest mobile platform provider (Android). Google is the world’s largest mobile search provider.

[bctt tweet=”The truth is that algorithm will continue changing and it is important you follow suit. Search engines like Google are apparently driving the mobile revolution. Google is the world’s largest mobile platform provider (Android). Google is the world’s largest mobile search provider.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

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But things are getting even bigger. Google isn’t satisfied with the biggest piece of the pie for devices, search, and apps. They might eventually own the airwaves, too (maybe). The purpose of this article is to tell you what’s going down with Google’s mobile stance, and what you need to do in response.

For instance, recently Google indicated interest in revamp its search algorithm to favour mobile friendly websites and will also roll out the most significant mobile algorithm change to date. These are some of the changes and the fact remains that these search algorithms will continue to change.

Some of the changes could make your blood boil,you might even get confused on how to adapt to these changes, you can also get disappointed. What you just need to do is to continually  get updated on the latest algorithms. However, it is also advisable to consider Bing’s algorithm, even the Mashup of Twitter or Facebook’s algorithm.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Digital marketing strategies and trends for Nigerian businesses

Conversion Rate Optimization is an important trend that must not be left out of your digital marketing trend. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of maximizing the number of site visitors who convert or make a purchase.

[bctt tweet=”Conversion Rate Optimization is an important trend that must not be left out of your digital marketing trend. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of maximizing the number of site visitors who convert or make a purchase.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

Your Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) should be properly planned and budgeted for. It is absolutely important you take a look at the possibility of embedding it into your budget. There are a lot of things needed to increase your Conversation Rate Optimization.

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By thoroughly understanding users and split testing changes on a website, Nigerian marketers can determine what elements of a website or landing page will produce the highest number of conversions.

What you need is to drive traffic and convert visitors. The process pays off but instead of lavishing money on advertisement, Nigerian marketers can instead channel more of their existing traffic into sales. Advertisement is good but is not advisable if you cannot foot the bills.


This list of online trends might sound intimidating. In spite of your fears, go boldly forward. Wrapped up in success is always the risk of failure.

I would never advise closing your eyes and jumping headfirst into a trend. The digital marketing space is too fickle for that. I would, however, recommend giving these trends a respectful nod and cautious experimentation. You’ll never know the upside until you give it a try.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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