The Best Social Media Advertising Platform + Strategy for 2024

The Best Social Media Advertising

The reasons why you’re here is probably because you want to advance your skill as one of the best social media advertising expert, earning up to ₦270,000 ($750) in less than 7 days, or maybe you want to perfect your organization’s social media advertising strategy using the best social media advertising tools and models, whichever way, this is the place for you.

[bctt tweet=”Social Media advertising experts take home an average of ₦675,000 ($1,871) monthly. This is the future of self employing jobs.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

As an unemployed graduate who is looking for how to make money online, you can quickly go from job seeking, to writing proposals for clients with this article on Best Social Media Advertising.

See results form those who took the earlier decision to learn.

Best Social Media Advertising

Source: Upwork

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Social Media is restyling how we reach our targeted audience – How to identify our audience, content type for the right audience and platform, choice of platform to advertise on etc. These strategies are getting more defined by the day due to recent tweaks, social media features and what people do with social media every day.

For instance, we could be able to reach a total number of 6.3 million people with just $15/day. See diagram below.


Best Social Media Advertising

However, your content type and target audience might appear to differ from that on the image above due to diversity in business area.

If for instance you run a small business and wish to reach such amount of persons within one week, you will need to run such ads on the perfect platform, and the right platform isn’t your most preferred, but the right one where your audience hangout.

It might be a bit challenging in defining your target audience – the factors that lead to the final decision of who your target audience is, the content type that resonate with their need, and the right timing, but do not worry, in our 90% practical and 10% theoretical training at Digital Marketing Skill Institute, we cover all you need to scale your business within a short period of time, using some of the best social media advertising models and tools.

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To get you started with our learning process, and the registration for our 90% practical and 10% theoretical class, click here.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

This is Mrs. Ayooluwa Osemi’s, watch as she explained in this video on how she scaled her online sales using the best social media advertising and marketing models from our training.

If you wish to learn how to become a social media advertising expert, learn how to drive traffic for your online businesses, or you’re a looking for a full time career in social media marketing, click this link to reserve a seat in our next class.

Let’s get started with the definition of Social Media Advertising.

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Social Media Advertising

Social Media Advertising is a term to define the processes and the forms of using social media to run advertisement and campaigns for the purpose of creating awareness or leads generation for a business or organization.

The reason for this online platform is simply because of the increasing number of users across social media networks, how they react to ads, how long they spend online and how easy it is to reach a high number of persons.

There are a lot of processes and reasons why agencies and online marketers choose this channel, this is simply because of the number of active users on each network in a very small defined period of time.

Best Social Media Advertising

Social Media statistics for 2019

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Benefits of Social Media Advertising

The benefits of social media advertising include precise audience targeting, cost-effectiveness, increased brand awareness, improved brand loyalty, higher conversion rates, and sophisticated tracking mechanisms.

Social media ads allow you to reach specific audiences based on their behaviors and interests, making your campaigns more effective.

Compared to other advertising methods, social media ads are often more affordable, allowing you to stretch your advertising budget further.

They also help boost brand awareness, engage audiences, drive conversions, and provide valuable insights through detailed tracking.

Types Of Social Media Advertising

Remember, it was earlier mentioned that the right platform is where your target audience is, after all, what is advertisement without where the right crowd is.

Also the right platform must be in line with your campaign objectives and goals to avoid wrong targeting.

[bctt tweet=”The right platform for your social media marketing is the platform populated by your target audience.” username=”dmsinstitute”]

There are some inbuilt social media features that can help you analyze your audience and make proper decision using the gotten data.

Features like Facebook page insights, Instagram Insights and Twitter audience insights are the few inbuilt social media features to help you gain insight of your audience on social media.

After reviewing your insight and drawing up a conclusion, now choose the right social media for your campaign.

READ: Social Media Marketing Guide | Definition & Choosing The Right Platform

Let’s get started with the best social media advertising available.

Facebook Advertising (The Best Of The Best Social Media Advertising For E-commerce)

Best Social Media Advertising

Facebook is the most populated social network of 2020, boasting an active member of about 2+ Billion monthly active users. As a stronghold in social media advertising, it is taking control of other social media platforms and integrating their functions together to create a formidable media for networking and marketing.

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Facebook is home to many social media advertisements because of its outstanding number of active users, belonging to different niches, with generic interest and consumer behavior.

This makes Facebook the most preferred social network by many advertisers. Many social media marketing experts agree that Facebook has been, and still remain the best social media advertising platform.

This is likely to be true due to the number of its active users, and the broad niche is controls.

Facebook ads are charged based on the ads type – CPC, Cost per like and Cost per Install. In this area of Facebook you pay for the actual result of what you’ve set the viewer to do.

Facebook ads is more like an auction, it has been designed to vary because of some factors like:

Time: This covers the particular time of the year down to the hours which the campaign has been set to run. These times can be the times with maximum engagements and so, Facebook will bill you more from your budget.

Your Target audience: If your target audience is or advertiser’s target audience, this will place more value on the target audience which will result to a higher bid for the ads.

Your relevance score: This is another determining factor for your bids and will affect how your bids are calculated.

From the above picture, you now have an idea of how much audience you can reach using Facebook ads. If you run a small online business, employed or looking for job, with our 90% practical training, we will assist you in our support classes, and teach you how to reach such audience, using a commanding CTA, the right content, and a perfect landing page for your ads. Start your registration by clicking on this link now.


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Special Findings About Facebook Advertising:

Here’s a secret, when running messenger ads, audit your target audience in a more advanced way. NEVER YOU believe that those who use Facebook app automatically make use of Facebook messengers, because most of the times they don’t.

Secondly, as opposed to popular believe that fun facts are the most engaging visual contents for Facebook, DO NOT RUN any ads without bearing in mind the location and target audience. This, and many others, will determine the type of content you will target your audience with.

Fun facts as one of the most appreciated content pillar is a generic claim and can lead to a grate loss of money in advertising. People react differently to different contents, do not stick to a particular belief.

Location, the target audience’s stage at the sales funnel, and many others, will determine the type of content you will target your audience with.


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Instagram Advertising

Best Social Media Advertising

Instagram has up to 1 billion active users, a little bit less than its parent company’s monthly active users, and its number of registered active users is tripling, matching with and superseding that of Facebook.

There are few identified reasons for this awkward result, it is all about the content.

Instagram is a go-to place for media contents, and media contents are known for seizing the power and getting hold of one’s attention for some time.

With this being said, it is only evident that the kind of content that has instagram as its stronghold is media contents (pictures or videos).

For instance, Instagram is the perfect platform for fashion related ads, modelling and other relating ads that can be run with engaging media. This is because of the media contents used in advertising models and fashion.

The high demand for engaging media files on Instagram is making the platform one of the best social media advertising platforms.

Instagram’s categories for ads placement is broken down into CPC (Cost per Click), brand awareness and customer conversion.


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Just like Facebook, the market objective of Instagram is well outlined:

  • Brand awareness
  • Video views
  • Reach
  • App installs
  • Traffic
  • Conversions
  • Engagement

Twitter Advertising

Twitter advertising is basically about the right advertising hacks using the Twitter platform. These hacks are seen as being the reason why our tweets gain such high metrics.

For instance, it is strongly advised that you back your tweet up with a compelling CTA.

[bctt tweet=”How compelling is your call to action? Do you know how to craft a commanding Call to action?” username=”dmsinstitute”]

A compelling and clear Call to Action will trigger your ads viewer to take certain actions instructed by the CTA.

Also the right hashtag usage, the time of the day your ads run and many other hacks help in getting your tweet a good number of engagements.

[bctt tweet=”Hashtags are powerful tools for generating buzz, creating a community, and for easy discoverabilty. ” username=”dmsinstitute”]


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Reach your Target Audience: How do you identify your audience?

There are types of advertisements offered by Twitter, this has been tailored down to the possible objectives an ads manager will need.

These are:

  • Promoted Tweets
  • Promoted Accounts
  • Promoted Trends
  • Automated ads

Promoted tweets are basically for awareness creation, just like the promoted Trends, but they differ based on their contents.

A promoted tweet is just like a regular tweet but with a ‘promoted’ tag by the far end. This type of twitter ads will send your tweets to people in the circle of your ads targeted audience, those not already following you.

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Promoted Account is an ads to grow your twitter follower base. This type of ads is future bound because your account, when promoted to users who are not following you, they only make the decision to follow when your contents are found interesting. This further explains why you have to craft the perfect, most engaging content.

As an ads manager, the content of your tweets on the promoted page should be evergreen, to draw the interest of your potential followers and assist them in making a decision whether or not to follow your account.

For promoted trends, this is an easy way to promote a keyword or hashtag for awareness sake. When your keyword or trend has been picked up by twitter users, and a buzz has been created around your promoted trend, it will increase your organic reach and exposure.

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Before you run any twitter ads, it is essential that you make a clear definition of your campaign objectives and campaign types to suit your goal.

The wrong campaign type, with the wrong content can decrease users’ understanding of what you wish to achieve with your ads.

For instance, the 2020 Met Gala awards online advertisers can trend the focus Keyword “Met Gala awards 2020”, this will give more awareness to the event. But promoting a tweet or the Met Gala official account will be a wasted resources because it doesn’t push the goal of your campaign to its peak.

One of our special findings regarding twitter campaign ads is the multiple purpose of promoting an account. Take note of the picture below.

Best Social Media Advertising

Source: Zenith Bank twitter account

When you promote a tweet, it automatically promotes your account, because your tweet can not appear on other’s timeline without a twitter account, that makes it easier for you to promote your tweet, alongside your profile.

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For twitter automated ads, this is a type of ads by twitter for campaign managers without the knowledge of how to define their ads for maximum reach. Or for large organizations without a specific goal in mind other than to maximize their twitter presence with their daily random tweets.

Twitter algorithm for ads has been designed for this purpose, to automatically pick the best daily budget for your ads for a monthly flat rate of $99 USD (₦35,689). The automation picks your first 10 tweets each day for promotion, with a potential reach of 30,000 additional people.

LinkedIn Advertising.

Running ads on LinkedIn is a one-way dimension, because its audience are cut down to 80% of individuals looking for contents on different areas of profession.

Nevertheless, an in-depth research can help your campaign target some of the audience of different profession, looking for common everyday contents.

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On a general note, LinkedIn campaigns are mostly career related contents, and this has placed LinkedIn at the number one spot for B2B campaign ads.

An average cost of linkedin ads goes from $2-7/click for the (CPC) type of ads.

The types of advertising on LinkedIn are:

  • Sponsored content
  • Sponsord InMail
  • Text ads

If you’re in the B2B market, or your target audience has age definition and career path as one of its top determinants for a successful ads campaign, you need to look closer to LinkedIn advertising as one of your best campaign ads for lead generation.

Some of the mistakes made by amateur ads managers is to circle all the available social networks as their chosen platform for ads. There are certainly ads that will never sell on LinkedIn no matter how much is spent on its budget.

Choosing the best social media advertising platform isn’t about your most preferred network, or based on your feelings, no, a thorough research on your target audience’s base should be one of the focal points.

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Advertising Using Social Media

Social Media has become one of the most effective means of reaching target audience within a short period of time, with low budget and hi potentiality rate.

One of the good reasons this is so is the simple fact that you do not need to wait for your focus keyword to be searched for, your ads can reach anybody whether the right audience or no, whether your focus keyword has been searched for or not.

For trends, as seen as one of the ways to advertise on twitter, is another great way for awareness strategy.

Social media will remain one of the most effective channel for ads because of the high number of users logged in daily on social networks, and the increasing number of daily sign ups.

Whatsapp is in plans to launch a feature for ads and this platform might take over as the number one in the best social media advertising platform because of its popularity among other social media, and the possibility to reach the millions its users.

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Social Media Advertising Strategy And Tips

Regardless of the ease-to-reach possibility of social media ads, a poor social media strategy for your brand will sap your resources and get you nowhere. This is because of the so much number of ads managers who are paying heavily to target the same audience like you.

As an ads manager, you are in constant competition with other campaign managers who are biding to show their ads to the same audience like yours. And this is not the context to show how shallow your research can be.

And there is a challenge in the advertising market. Users do not like ads, they are constantly blocking the ads you spend so much money designing. This has made social made developers to design algorithms that only permit the right, useful ads to be shown to social media users.

With little to poor strategy in designing your ads, your ads will be blocked before it sends its message.

Becoming an expert in social media ads management is very possible, and can be achieved within a month or a little bit more. There are a lot that can be gotten from the skill.

It can become a full time/part time career for you, get you employed, as organisations are constantly looking for the perfect ads manager for their brand, or you can generate leads and scale your business with this skill.

If you would love to take 2 months of your time to develop this skill and answer your career questions, click here to start your journey and join the next class.

Now let me share with you the few strategies and tips for designing ads.

  1. Do not stuff your ads with keywords. Ads are not article that beg for long attention as its strategies for ranking, you will turn your audience off if so happens.
  2. Let your contents match your brand position.
  3. Make use of visuals and short video clips for your ads.
  4. CTA is second to none. Your CTAs should be compelling enough to lead a viewer to take an action. There is a difference between “click here to register” and “register here”. The word “click” is a more actionable verb in this short sentence, and it is supporting the second verb “register”.

It is just like being pushed once to move, or being pushed twice in split seconds to move. Which of the scenarios do you think will get you out of the way?

How to Build a Creative Social Media Advertising Strategy

Define your goals and target audience

Start by clearly defining your advertising goals (e.g., increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales) and identifying your target audience. This will help you create more focused and relevant campaigns.

Choose the right platforms

Evaluate which social media platforms your target audience is most active on, and focus your advertising efforts on those channels. Different platforms may require different ad formats and creative approaches.

Leverage audience insights

Use the targeting options and audience insights provided by social media platforms to create highly targeted ad campaigns. This can include targeting based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and even custom audiences.

Experiment with different ad formats

Social media platforms offer various ad formats, such as image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads. Test different formats to see which ones resonate best with your audience and meet your campaign objectives.

Create compelling visuals

Visual content is crucial for capturing attention on social media. Invest in high-quality images, graphics, or videos that are eye-catching, on-brand, and communicate your message effectively.

Craft compelling copy

While visuals are essential, the accompanying copy should also be attention-grabbing and persuasive. Use compelling headlines, clear value propositions, and strong calls-to-action (CTAs) to encourage engagement and conversions.

Test and optimize

Regularly analyze the performance of your social media ads using the available metrics (e.g., impressions, clicks, conversions). Use these insights to refine your targeting, ad creative, and ad copy for better results.

Best Social Networks For Your Industry

For all the social media that exists, there are common audience existing among them. This means that for an ads targeting other businesses (B2B), all social media can fit in for your target audience.

But it is not advised to make use of all the social networks for your social media advert. Rather, make use of social media tools to sort out where your target audience is.

Career In Social Media Advertising

The career path in social media advertising is benefiting because of the increased number of organizations that include social media into their marketing mix yearly, this become a path time job/full time job, or a full time business as social media advertising agency.

Social media has a long existing life span, all you need to stay relevant is an up to date skill and knowledge because of the constant changes in features and technological innovations.

Do you know that some social media adverting experts on Fiverr, the most popular site for freelancers, are raking in average of ₦270,000 ($750) in less than a week.

Best Social Media Advertising

I hope you saw how much the man is charging for a start? Now, how much will you charge after taking this professional course form our institute? Your journey starts with a “yes, I want this”. If so, click this link to fast start your registration for the next class.

Social media advertising and becoming the best social media advertising manger isn’t rocket science, nor a 4 years course in a college, all you need is a good institute that gives in-depth knowledge on how you can turn your social media network, your time and skills to a full time or part time job.

We have handled trainees, ranging from individuals with career goals in social media advertising, to individuals with intermediate knowledge with goals to learn our unique models and boost expertise with our 90% practical training.

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How Much Do Social Media Ads Cost?

The cost of social media ads can vary widely, typically ranging from a few cents to over $5.00 per click depending on the platform, targeting options, ad format, industry, and competition level. The average cost per click (CPC) for social media ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (now X), and Pinterest can range from around $0.97 to $1.50, with some platforms like LinkedIn having higher costs per engagement.

Final Thought

Social media advertising is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their target audience, drive sales, and optimize their marketing efforts. With precise audience targeting, cost-effectiveness, increased brand awareness, improved brand loyalty, higher conversion rates, and sophisticated tracking mechanisms, social media ads offer a range of benefits that can help businesses achieve their marketing goals. While the cost of social media ads can vary widely, they are often more affordable than other advertising methods and can provide valuable insights through detailed tracking.


What is the most effective social media ad format?

The most effective social media ad format can vary depending on the platform and the specific goals of the advertising campaign. However, video ads are often considered highly effective due to their engaging nature and ability to capture viewers’ attention. Video ads can be used on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to convey messages creatively and interactively, making them a popular choice for many advertisers looking to drive engagement and conversions.

Can brands survive without social media?

Social media has become a crucial tool for brands to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. While it is technically possible for brands to survive without social media, their growth potential and reach would be significantly limited. Social media provides a platform for brands to engage with customers, gather feedback, and stay relevant in a competitive market. Therefore, leveraging social media is essential for brands looking to thrive and expand their digital presence.

Difference between social media advertising and social media marketing?

The main difference between social media advertising and social media marketing lies in their approach and objectives. Social media advertising involves paying to reach a target audience through ads on various social media platforms. It is a form of digital advertising that allows businesses to promote their products or services to a specific demographic.

On the other hand, social media marketing encompasses a broader set of strategies aimed at building and engaging an audience organically through content creation, community management, and influencer partnerships. While social media advertising focuses on paid reach, social media marketing emphasizes organic engagement and relationship-building with the audience


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An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.