The Digital Marketing Skills That Are Replacing Customer Service Jobs

Digital Marketing Skills That Are Replacing Customer Service

I don’t think I can wait any longer to tell you this simple truth about the Digital Marketing skills that are replacing customer service, and how you will lose your job if you don’t key into the trend.

A lot can be done in the customer service industry, with the new digital marketing skills.

This whole challenge got more disturbing since internet and automation became wildly used by businesses. Also, as humans grow with these internet innovations, demands and expectations change.

For instance, the way the customer service industry operated last 10 years changed drastically and become dependent on digital tools, and digital marketing strategies.

Most of the digital marketing skills that are replacing customer service are found on the everyday skills we acquire from digital marketing, and some are influenced by an existing problem.

READ: What is Digital Marketing? A Complete Step by Step Guide For Newbies

For instance, if you know how well the Whatsapp API for the Whatsapp business app is designed to assist customers without the help of human guidance, you will understand that in the next 10 years, we will have fewer employed customer service agents.

Some of the trending digital marketing skills required in the customer service industry are: Lead Generation courses, customer profiling courses, social media marketing skills, customer avatar, sales funnels (Not-so-known but very effective model), Identifying and reading simple metrics, and these courses are broken down in our practical classes, into tiny understandable bits, for students with different level of digital marketing knowledge.

The students who felt the need to add more digital marketing skills to back up their customer service knowledge were equipped with up-to-date knowledge that will increase their chances of understanding and converting customers.

They get new jobs, retained, and promoted because of how they can provide their organizations with more important digital marketing skills in a customer service work environment. Before proceeding to finish this article, quickly reserve a seat by clicking this link now.

Whether you’re within our training offices (Lagos and Abuja) or not, you can take our ONLINE classes which are more optimized for tech-savvy folks, from anywhere around the world. Click here to start your registration.

Now, this is a testimonial from one of our students regarding how much our courses have equipped him with the right knowledge.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Now let’s begin with understanding few facts.

Important Read: 10 Easy Steps To Start A Digital Marketing Agency (Company) In Nigeria

Do you know that human behavior and the expectations they place on organizations are changing by the day?

Technology and innovations are some of the factors that trigger expectations and dependency on organizations by their customers and clients.

With new technology innovations and trends, digital (not digital marketing now) is restyling what has been static for years now.

For instance, when was the last time you had an awful service from a brand? There is a likelihood that your loyalty to the said brand is challenged right? Okay.

If you ask me, I will tell you that most customer service agents are not looking at your disappointments, or at least taking note of your behavior and how it can help them perform their jobs better, even when some of these customer pain points can be discovered with some basic technology.

For instance, a click-through rate on a site’s page or a mail is one of the most common metrics that can analyze customer’s behavior toward your content.

Customers who are disappointed and unsatisfied might not voice out their pains but might lose interest in opening your emails. Are you surprised?

Read: Customer Retention Strategy: Tips that will help you retain your customers

Now, when you successfully identify that your mail contents are well optimized and strategic for a high click-through rate, but for some reason, it doesn’t convert, you might have to redesign your strategy and devise a means to get the word out from your customers to know the reasons for poor click through rate.

As a customer support team, you need to identify how your customers are reacting to your content

Do you also know that so many businesses leave the customer support system, customer buying path to the organization, and customer satisfaction, in the hands of the customer service agent?

This is the very simple reason why a customer agent should have a deep knowledge of how to read simple metrics, draft and implement some of the customer retention strategies we learn in our digital marketing training.

This is a career challenge for customer service agents who are so passionate about their jobs but are inexperienced in the skills they need to retain their jobs. There is nothing really to worry over, our classes will be the absolute guide for you to acquire skills to retain your job.

You have identified a challenge, we have a solution. Click here to learn what we have for you.

Read: Learn how to retain your customers through post-purchase engagement

Let us discuss what we mean by customer retention strategy and some of its areas you never knew.

What Is Customer Retention?

Digital Marketing Skills That Are Replacing Customer Service

According to Wikipedia,

Customer retention refers to the ability of a company or product to retain its customers over some specified period.

Its strategy refers to any measure taken to increase the ability of a customer to remain loyal to a particular brand/organization for quite a long time.

“It is 6-7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep a current one.” – White House Office Of Consumer Affairs.

Customer retention strategy and lead generation strategies are some of the known Digital Marketing Skills That Are Replacing Customer Service.

How Does Great Content Support The Sales Funnel In Customer Retention?

Content is everything in digital marketing. It is the backbone of any lead that converts any customer.

Content on its own plays a very important role in retention strategy and retention strategy can be seen at these 3 stages of the sales funnel, the “awareness, Consideration, and retention stage”. Did you get the connection?

Now take a look at this sales funnel and the stages earlier mentioned, we will find out how they all scream content”.

Digital Marketing Skills That Are Replacing Customer Service

What is the essence of a sales funnel that lacks a customer retention strategy? It is quite wrong to assume there won’t be a need for such a strategy in the earlier outlined stages of the sales funnel.

Do you find it a bit strange to understand these terms and how they play a very vital role in understanding your customer? We want to train you on Customer Avatar, sales funnel, retention strategy, brand monitoring, and many more. Check our course syllables and how to start your registration here. 

Take a look at this.

The Awareness stage is the “attract” stage. It is the stage of your discoverability. It comprises all the strategies that make you easily seen, from your social media, email marketing, blog posts, your websites etc.

In these areas of the customer journey to awareness of your brand or organization, there is a unique component called “content” and this is what the customer gets in touch with before deciding to make it to the next level.

The consideration stage is the stage where the customer has agreed to give you a trial. In this stage, there is increased and more targeted content towards the customer, relating the contents to the type of products or services peculiar to him.

In the retention stage, the customer is being retained using a specific kind of content. The type that has gone from generic to specific, in the form of free trials, promos, flash sales, etc.

It is to be highly noted that in all these stages, there is a common component of the lead generation strategy, and that is the “content”.

A very important read: YouTube SEO for Beginners: How to Rank Your Videos on YouTube

As a customer retention agent, you need to also know about the following steps, to help you fully understand the customer.

  1. Identifying the customer’s buying path and customer buying pattern.

Listen, if you don’t know the customers’ path to finding you, you will never know where to set the designed content for your customers.

Imagine needing to get from point A to point B and no signpost leads to the right path, so in this context, the right enticing path is the content.

  1. Designing the strategy in placing key conversion leads in strategic positions in the buying path.

A lead generator is any touch point of your brand that converts the viewer to a full-time customer.

If you don’t know where a lead has failed to convert your potential customer, you will never understand their pain point, the reasons why they didn’t take your lead seriously.

  1. Calculating and analyzing retention rate and taking effective actions to maximize it. This is the most important part, even non-digital marketers know this, and you should too.

Now this is the analysis stage. After all these, do you know how to identify and analyze the simple metrics that come from all these?

These and many more are left on the table of customer service agents by their organizations, big or small. Regardless of the organization’s size, metrics must be analyzed and used to set strategies for growth.

So, simple tasks like analyzing click through rates and calculating metrics shouldn’t be found far in a customer service agent’s set skills.

I know you might be asking, why do I have to do these jobs? They are the jobs of a digital marketer.

Well, let me tell you the simple truth, you can only retain your job if you know enough.

READ: How to Make Money from Blogging (The Complete Beginner Guide 2020)

Some institutes leave you informed about digital marketing alone, they will never tell you how much the norm has changed, and how your role as a customer service agent is being hijacked by the digital space.

So, customer retention strategy using digital marketing models and tools is one advanced course we drill our trainees on. We will reveal to you the skills that will help you retain your current job as a customer service agent. We have a seat for you, click here to continue with registration.


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How to Increase Customer Retention Using Content Marketing

Welcome to content marketing for retaining customers, if you would love to retain your customer service job this year using this skill, sign up urgently using this link.

So, you already know how content runs through all the areas of lead generation, and how it is a high-ranking keyword in the space of digital marketing, now get to know how you can use it to design your customer journey.

It is conventional to talk about content being the customer acquisition component, but we forget the stages where content plays the role of customer retention.

It is still quality, specific, and engaging content that drives us to remain loyal to a brand. And this function of content should not be overlooked.

So here are some of our key customer retention strategies. There is practical teaching on this particular topic, how to retain customers using quality and engaging content.

In our practical classes, you’ll be taught and made to use our own handpicked tools for this function.

Read: Benefits of Digital Marketing (10 Advantages You Should Know)

Now here are the strategies.

Educate Your Customers

If for instance, your organization sells display units for homes and offices, you can send out contents that educate the customer using how-to guides; like how to install, and maximize the use of office equipment (the ones earlier bought from you) and the future return policies that will benefit your customer.

This is a very effective customer retention strategy that has proven to convert one-time purchasers to a longtime customer, with utmost loyalty.

One good thing about a retained customer is that your strategies convert him into a brand evangelist. These kinds of customers do not keep a closed lip regarding how satisfied they are, rather they spread their awesome experience using word of mouth.

So it is advised that as an organization, you educate your clients to stay relevant to them.

You can do this in the form of a blog post, email marketing, social media posts or the likes.

Stay Consistent In Publishing Relevant Happenings In Your Industry.

As a tech personnel who recently purchased a device, software, or hardware from a tech store, do you get relevant tech news from the tech store through social media, direct mail or any other form? Now that is a good strategy by the store to keep you.

This short news must be relevant to you, catchy and informative.

Take for instance, you buy a laptop from a computer store, when a new operating system, a device or any item/news relating to laptop released, they get it forwarded to you.

You can grow fond of and become interested in any of the news which can lead you back to the store to make another purchase.

This a strategy by many businesses, which means that it is very effective in customer retention plan.

How To Use Digital Marketing Tools For Customer Insight And Customer Retention

Social Media

Digital Marketing Skills That Are Replacing Customer Service

Source: Access Bank Twitter Page

Social Media has become a multipurpose tool, from being a go-to place for networking to becoming a digital marketing tool, to eventually adding customer service purpose to its relevance.

With social media, providing support and rendering relevant services to customers becomes easy.

Do you know that organizations are leveraging the Whatsapp business app APIs for stronger communication?

The Whatsapp business app was purposefully developed for customer service functions in small defined businesses. With well-defined features, popularity and ease of use, it is taking over sharing the market with some other applications for customer service roles.

Some businesses now encourage their customers to find them on social media for swift customer assistance, and this has been effective.


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Any customer agent with little to no experience on how social media is being used for customer quick assistance is phasing out from the industry.

Social Media marketing, audience profiling, and knowing the right content for your social media customers are some of the courses we teach our students at our training. You can learn this within a month, join the next class by clicking on the link.

Regardless of how urgent or casual a need might be, customers will still want to reach you at any given time. This is because of the deep sense of entitlement customers place on organizations they patronize.

This leads customers to demand 24/7 customer service from organizations they patronize.

We know that some organizations can’t provide such service round the clock, but the use of social media makes it easier.

Customer service agents can take advantage of mobile internet devices to render services and proffer solutions on the go with social media.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free effective tool in gaining insight into the customer behavior on your site. How they react to your pages, which pages they visit more, how long or short they stay on a page, and other links they click on your site.

This greatly empowers you with the right knowledge of your customer’s preferences, dislikes and likes.

From this angle, you can draw up a plan on what kind of content you need to focus on, where to place vital information on your site’s page and how to lead customers to a landing page.

Google analytics can also give you information on where your customers are searching your page from, and how they were led to your page.

Brand Monitoring Tools


There are digital marketing tools that can also be used by customer service agents to monitor brand mentions on social media, or other listing sites.

Tools like Brand 24 and brand mentions can notify you when your brand name or brand hashtag is mentioned on any social media.

This is a very important tool for anyone in the customer service space. Imagine the damage it will be to your brand or organization when some customers with bad experiences decide to engage and create a thread of disappointment.

With such tools, you as a customer service agent can easily see your brand name mentioned, join the thread, and attend to whatever the case is. After all, you’re a customer service agent.


It is only informative to know that you will lose your customer service job soon if you don’t have a level of digital marketing skills. But the right action to take is to fill up the gap between your job requirements and what you don’t know.

The great news is that digital marketing prides itself on being in the right space where innovations on digital platforms are first tested by digital marketers, and how to integrate new innovations in marketing, as well, your job role.

At our 90% practical and 10% theoretical courses, we will enrich you with the innovations and skills that change the conventional practices in every job space, for instance, in the customer service space.

Registration is ongoing, click on this link to join the next class.

Additional Reads:

12 Ways Digital Marketing Can Help Boost Your Business

10 Tips About Digital Marketing In Nigeria You Need To Know

6 Steps To Building An Online Marketing Strategy In Nigeria

Measuring Your Link Building ROI with Google Analytics

Latest Online Jobs For Freelancers In Nigeria To Earn Money (2020)


Get 50% Discount To Master ALL Aspects Of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 A Month (Even If You Are A Complete Beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

*By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service.