How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Digital Marketing (Action Steps)

How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Digital Marketing (Action Steps)

It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, you may have made at least one of these common digital marketing mistakes. This article will explore some digital marketing mistakes and provide suggested solutions to avert re-occurrences.

Below are the digital marketing mistakes and steps you should apply to avoid them.

Top Digital Marketing Mistakes & Action Plans

1. Creating insignificant content

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

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Content is always a key when it comes to digital marketing, and that is where most people make mistakes that could be costly. When you’re just getting started with digital marketing, it makes sense to experiment by creating just one type of content.

[bctt tweet=”Content is always a key when it comes to digital marketing, and that is where most people make mistakes that could be costly. When you’re just getting started with digital marketing, it makes sense to experiment by creating just one type of content.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

Moving forward, you are expected to create different types of content to connect with potential customers across different channels.

Action steps

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

  • Use video and images. Good videos that are less than five minutes long are content marketing gold.
  • Add more image-based and multimedia content too, a whole of people have bought many products because there is a video to show how it works. You can as well host a free webinar or produce a webinar series for your customers.
  • Blogging often provides your customers with great content which can also improve your organic search rankings. Readers will always be expecting a new content if they know that you consistently blog.
  • Develop in-depth content. You have to be much dedicated and focused on developing in-depth and rich content in addition to blogging. You go as far as developing white papers or ebooks that could be downloadable.

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2. Inadequate amplification of content

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

In this industry, you have to create an authority for yourself, and one of the ways of doing that is to create quality content and get it amplified.  To amplify in this context simply implies, distributing your contents across different channels.

Action steps

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing


  • Social media. There are various social media platforms; you need Learn which types of content work well on different social network and how content performs on a social network depends greatly on each network’s purpose. Take the time to figure out where your customers hang out, and focus your social sharing efforts on those platforms.
  • Search for influencers.  Follow influential people within your industry, share their content, interact on their blogs and in their social streams, and show them that your ideas are worth promoting. Get influential people to promote and share your content. Apparently, when highly influential people in the industry controlling millions of followers get to know your contents, it pays in the long run.
  • Let your content be evergreen. The creation of evergreen content is always useful anytime, anywhere. If you’ve created a magnificent blog post that people can use any day of the year, revisit it from time to time. Update it with any new statistics or information. Then, re-promote it on social media or marketing emails to get more mileage from a great post.

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3. Inactive presence on social media interaction platforms

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

The most successful social marketers know that the social-media sphere is a generous and interconnected place.  You don’t have to be indolent when it comes to social media platforms.

That’s one of the common digital marketing mistakes people made on social media.

Too many businesses forget the social component of social media. They post items to their networks, but they don’t interact with customers or industry thought leaders online.

Action steps

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

Become active. When you’re generous about promoting other people’s content, congratulating them on their successes, or share their scheduled events, others will do the same for your business. You should be on your social networks and by visiting great blogs, looking for content to share.

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4. Not using analytics tools

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

Analytics tools give you the data you need to understand on how your content connects with customers. Too many businesses create social media posts or blog posts without tracking their performance. They post content without knowing what gets the most shares and the most views.

Action steps

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

  • Track your social media posts. For instance, If you’re a Twitter advertiser, visit your analytics dashboard to track your Twitter performance.
  • For your Facebook page, look at the analytics in your admin panel. If you post to your social networks using a tool like HootSuite, you get at-a-glance information about how your posts are performing. If you’re not using a social media management tool, look at the metrics provided by each social network.
  • Track your content’s reach. Check statistics related to your email marketing campaigns, if you are using MailChimp to send out your campaigns. You can always check and track the statistics of your campaign. If you blog using, find your Site Stats and review them and find out which types of campaigns are getting the most clicks.

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5. Improper understanding of the customers

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

This is a subtle digital marketing common mistake; customers are very indispensable when it comes to business. Therefore, understanding them will give you an added advantage.

All your customers will not fit into a particular category. Some are new while others have been with your business for a long time. Your customers are looking for different products and services from your company.

Digital marketing gives you an unprecedented toolkit for getting to know your customers.

They allow you to fine-tune your digital marketing efforts by catering your messaging and your content to each unique customer relationship. Building better customer relationships are the ultimate objective of all your digital marketing efforts.

Action steps

How to Avoid common mistakes in digital marketing

Understand your customer. Analyze your current customers to create a buyer persona of the person or business that works with you. Start segmenting, include both genders, ethnicity, income levels, hobbies and why they use your products or the feelings associated with using your products.

[bctt tweet=”Understand your customer. Analyze your current customers to create a buyer persona of the person or business that works for you. Start segmenting, include both genders, ethnicity, income levels, hobbies and why they use your products or the feelings associated with using your products.” username=”@DMSInstitute”]

You might have clients from multiple industries. Ask yourself how these differences might affect how you market to different customers.

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Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

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Get 50% Discount to Master ALL Aspects of Digital Marketing That Can Earn You $2,500 - $5,000 a month (Even if you are a complete beginner!)

Our students that intentionally implement what they learn from our digital marketing course make back the entire course fee within a single month or more after completing our course because our course gives them many income generating options with unlimited earning potential with no age or location barrier. The best part is no technical skills are required.

An opportunity to change your lifestyle and make money working from anywhere in the world. The results our students get from our digital marketing course prove this could be applied to any market or country and that it is designed for any skill level and work background.

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