10 Tips On How To Generate Leads On X (Twitter) To Drive More Sales

How To Generate Leads On Twitter To Drive More Sales

This lead generation guide will reveal how to generate leads on Twitter.

Twitter is not made for just getting followers, retweets, and replies only. It’s also an important marketing channel for generating qualified leads.

However, when you’re trying to generate leads on Twitter, your tweets have to be a little different than normal.

With a few tweaks, your tweets can be transformed into lead generation apparatus. All you need is to know what those little tweaks are.

If you are new to Twitter and don’t know how to generate qualified leads for your business, the following tips will give you a clue on how to go about it.

Let’s get started…

Why is Twitter a perfect platform for lead generation?

Twitter is a powerful platform for lead generation due to its vast user base of over 368 million active users, making it a great place to find potential customers.

Twitter’s real-time engagement capabilities allow businesses to connect quickly with broad, targeted audiences, and its advanced search and ad capabilities allow for targeted audience reach.

Additionally, Twitter is a social media giant that facilitates conversations and is suited for all types of brands, making it a versatile platform for lead generation

How To Generate Leads On Twitter

1. Allot time each day to your Twitter tasks


Visibility is expedient to expanding your network and having people follow you first.

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If you were to track the growth of your network, you’ll probably notice a correlation to follower increase on those days that you do tweet.

Always tweet regularly and constantly.

READ: 8 Step Social Media Marketing Strategy Plan That Will Double Your Sales

2. Tweet content of value to your network


Content is a major tool for every business. Your Content has to be very catchy and straight-forward.

For Instance;

This might even include when your training is coming up, that is if you are a Professional Trainer on Digital Marketing, Be creative but be relevant to your network. (Click here to see our digital marketing training course)

Another way is to create something valuable that you can direct your Twitter followers to.

This could be a special offer for your products or services, or it can be a useful content such as a video or report.

Of course, you already have your website, but in order to generate new traffic via social media using Twitter, you have to go farther and make sure you’re offering something attractive enough that people in your network will want to share it with their friends.

Let’s use YOU as a case study;

You may be reading this post because you were looking for information on how to generate leads on Twitter. Maybe you follow us or our tweet about this blog entry was retweeted by somebody you follow.


We even hashtagged #leadgeneration and you found it that way. Whatever the case, you’re here because we have something to say.

If we didn’t,  if we weren’t proactive about providing you with something useful that you wanted to read and share you might not have found us.

And hopefully, whether it’s this blog or one of our resources, we’ve created something helpful enough that you want to share it. That is basically how it works.

READ: Facebook page likes: How to increase Facebook page likes for free

3. Make a committed Twitter landing page


It’s very important to create a new page on your website exclusively targeted towards visitors from Twitter instead of just copy-pasting the link of your homepage.

The Twitter landing page you have created can be an array of things, like for example, it could be a preface to your company, an offer for a piece of lead-making content, or other applicable content.

Also, the most important thing you should keep in mind is that some characteristics of this Twitter landing page should prop up lead generation.

Using specific landing pages is much more effective than simply directing people to your general homepage after narrowing their focus to a specific offering.

A landing page is a page on your website that doesn’t have a navigational menu or anything that would distract the web visitor from reading the content on the page.

You can learn how to create landing pages for your business website by applying for our extensive digital marketing training course.

READ: Key steps in designing your landing page

4. Join in Twitter conversations


You can tap into communities and attract attention with your expertise by getting actively engaged in Twitter conversation.

Research the most relevant industry or event hashtags and join the discussions by providing valuable advice. Sooner or later your CTR will increase and leads will start following you.

It is OK to sneak in from time to time a marketing message but don’t spoil the conversation because sooner or later you will lose your followers’ trust.

Remember that successful social media marketing via Twitter (just like successful in-person networking) relies on how well you pay attention to the person you’re talking with.

Don’t simply generate a string of bulletins about what your business is up to; instead, engage your customers in conversation just as you would do in real life. Ask them questions about their business, and listen to their answers. Show an interest in them and in what they do.

When your customers/prospects feel that you’re interested in them and their business and that you have something valuable to offer, they’ll want to tell their friends about you.

READ: 50 killer Facebook post ideas for small business owners

5. Generate traffic to your website via educational content


One of the best ways to succeed in social media is by sharing valuable content and educating your community.

Create useful whitepapers, e-book or articles in your area of expertise, publish them on your website and then share those on Twitter and across other social channels.

Once you post a tweet that contains a link to educational material, you will generate serious traffic to your website.

You can go even further and create a special landing page where people need to sign up first in order to download the material.


You will build a database of potential clients who have opted in to receive further interesting content from you via e-mail.

Create a free report or informational video that focuses on why they have that problem and why they need to change something in their business to overcome the problem. You’ll tell them how to solve the problem after they hire you.

READ: 25 Fast Ways To Increase Website Traffic For Free

6. Build trust and convert your network


Videos might be better for building trust, but you can increasingly build rapport with people in your Twitter network. Rapport builds trust.

Keep retweeting and mentioning them. Have casual conversations on Twitter.

With some potential clients, you simply have to tell them what you do, after you’ve built rapport and trust.

What you also might want to do is have good landing pages to convert other leads into business.

You can’t build the same level of trust with everyone, but some people in your network may have no problem with being led to one of your landing pages (linked to from your other web pages whose links you’ve occasionally tweeted).

Tell those landing page visitors, clearly, what you’re offering, why they need it, and why you’re the person/company to deliver.

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8. Reduce the list of people you follow


The first major perspective on Twitter use is the follow-back culture. These are the people who believe that relationships on Twitter should work a lot more like relationships on Facebook.


The culture of mutual follows was greatly abused on Twitter, and even to this day it still is, though to a lesser degree because of how ban-happy Twitter is.

Here are some reasons why you should reduce the list of people you follow on Twitter:

  1. You’ll end up on one of those unwanted lists.
  2. A lot of the people who follow you don’t maintain active profiles.
  3. Unfollowing in bulk is harder than following in bulk.
  4. Your ratios get messed up.
  5. Your organic feed becomes an unreadable mess.

With Twitter, you can see everything posted by everyone you follow.

There’s a small bit of curation if you have that kind of feed selected, but at the end of the day, it’s still an unfiltered feed.

If you follow 50 people, that’s a lot of content every day. If you follow 500 people, it’s far too much to keep up with. If you follow 50,000 people, it’s impossible to even read 10% of the content posted every day.

So what’s the way forward?

Use third-party Twitter tools, if necessary. You don’t have to follow everyone, especially spammers.

It’s more important to have a network of people who are really interested in what you’re tweeting than people who follow but don’t interact.

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8. Link your blog to Twitter


In today’s competitive business world, businesses who blog in fact have more Twitter followers than businesses that don’t, reveals Hubspot.

This is because blogging furnishes businesses with more appealing content to share on Twitter.

As every corporation must have lead generation calls-to-action on their blog, you are sure to drive more leads from Twitter by connecting your blog to your company’s Twitter account by using tools like Twitter feed.

READ: How to build a WordPress website or blog in Nigeria

9. Supplement your organic reach with paid tweets


Advertisements are a good way to reach out to more potential customers or leads online using Twitter.

Using Twitter Ads is an easy way to get your tweets in front of larger audiences than just those who follow you, which is particularly useful if you’re looking to generate more new leads for your database.

And you don’t necessarily have to spend a fortune on it, either — Twitter ads can be effective even on a relatively small budget.

If you are new to Twitter ads, then I think you should check out this article to learn how to set up a Twitter advertising campaign or click here to register for our digital marketing training, let’s show you how to set one up yourself.

READ: Free Email Marketing Training: Spend Less and Make More Money

10. Use relevant hashtags


When it comes to this social media platform, everything’s about hashtags. In fact, to generate leads, you have to connect with other people, primarily those who could use your products or services.

Of course, the easiest way to find those individuals is to use hashtags that are relevant to your brand and niche.

Not only will hashtags help you see other public tweets and follow other people, but it will also make your tweet visible to a larger group of individuals.

Remember, tweets with 1-2 hashtags get two times more engagement than those with 3 or more hashtags. It means that although hashtags are useful and practical, you should still keep it in moderation to avoid spamming.

READ: 50 killer Facebook post ideas for small business owners

How to generate leads on Twitter for free?

There are several ways to generate leads on Twitter without paying for advertising:

1. Optimize your Twitter profile with a clear bio, relevant keywords, and a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take a specific action, such as visiting your website or signing up for a newsletter.

2. Share valuable content consistently, such as blog posts, industry news, tips, or insights that resonate with your target audience. This helps establish your brand as a thought leader and builds trust.

3. Engage with your target audience by participating in relevant conversations, using relevant hashtags, and responding to mentions and comments. This helps you build relationships and increase visibility.

4. Run Twitter contests or giveaways that require participants to follow your account, retweet, or share their contact information (email, phone number) to enter. This can help you grow your email list or generate leads.

5. Leverage Twitter’s advanced search features to find people talking about topics related to your business, and engage with them by providing helpful information or solutions.

6. Collaborate with influencers or thought leaders in your industry by offering to guest post on their blog or be a guest on their podcast, and promote it on Twitter to reach a wider audience.

To sum it all up:

Social media is the digital equivalent of “word of mouth”.


Talk, tweet, and act like you would in real life (even though it is in only 140 characters, though there are updates that Twitter has increased to 280 character counts) when sharing information or talking with others about your business (and theirs).

Don’t “pitch,” converse. Do pay attention to what people are saying in your niche. Do measure analytics to gauge your business progress and track any milestones.

Twitter is surely a great place to get customers and increase sales fast. But you have to carefully implement all of these tactics listed right above.


I would like to share my step-by-step digital marketing secret with you from time to time – secrets I do not share on any blog. You can learn the proven and effective digital marketing techniques that work by registering for our digital marketing training course today!


What is Twitter lead generation?

Twitter lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential customers on Twitter. It involves using the platform to build brand awareness, engage with the target audience, and ultimately convert followers into leads. This can be achieved through various strategies such as creating compelling content, using lead generation cards, and engaging in conversations with potential customers.

How do you get organic leads on Twitter?

To get organic leads on Twitter, you can use the platform to share valuable content, engage in conversations, and participate in Twitter chats. Additionally, you can optimize your Twitter bio, use hashtags wisely, and offer customer service to attract and retain potential customers. By doing this. you will know how to generate leads on Twitter for your business.

How often should you post on Twitter to grow?

The frequency of posting on Twitter to facilitate growth can vary, but a general recommendation is to post at least once a day to maintain an active presence. However, the key is to focus on quality over quantity and ensure that your content is engaging and relevant to your target audience.



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